Beasts of Beyond
MAKE A MAN OUTTA YOU ☆ o, "graffiti" - Printable Version

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MAKE A MAN OUTTA YOU ☆ o, "graffiti" - lovekit. - 09-08-2020

lovekit — the typhoon — tags
So far, in his brief time as a temporary "member" of Palmclan, Lovekit had learned several things about their culture. While the kit had initially expected them to be practically exactly like The Typhoon, considering they lived in a very similar place to his home, he had never been so wrong. They were highly competitive, and they didn't back down from a fight – or at least, that's what the warriors had told him – but they also didn't have the same pirate nature as The Typhoon. They lived peaceful lives that intermingled with the sea, and their reclusive nature had led to them getting creative in entertaining themselves. Lo was enchanted by practically every little difference he stumbled across, including in how those around here had a tendency to decorate their homes. While everyone in The Typhoon had their own dedicated home, or family home, there were mass dens here, and they were often decorated to the nines with objects from the sea. Sometimes, the intricate patterns and decorations even signified what the den was for, such as the medicine den, or the elder's den.

There was one den in particular that had caught the boy's eye, however, and that was the leader's den. The stone tunnel had elaborate patterning on the outside of it, painted onto the face of the stone with paints made from berries and sand. Lo had been immediately enchanted by the expressions present in the artwork, and he had found himself wanting to do something similar. Since the camp was fairly quiet these days, with about half of their warriors out investigating the boardwalk, Lovekit had decided that now was his perfect chance to experiment with the paints. With Rhine out searching, it had been relatively easy to infiltrate the leader's den, with the young hybrid eventually stumbling upon the small bottles harboring the paints used for decoration, or war. His green eyes lit up at the sight of them, and he grabbed several different colors before heading out, humming cheerfully to himself.

By the time anyone had spotted the kit with his colorful supplies, the majority of the "damage" had already been done. He had gone wild on any surface nearby that was available, painting sand and stone alike in bright and eye-catching colors. Occasionally he made an effort to actually have the colors make something – such as painting a rather sloppy leaf next to the medicine den – but most of it was just random splashes of color. Lovekit couldn't help the crooked grin upon his face as he looked around at the newly decorated camp, paint clinging to his paws and various parts of his pelt. A few warriors were already staring at him, barely able to hold back laughter at the new child's antics. Some were just looking at the "graffiti" that was now present all over their camp, eyes wide and startled. Lo couldn't deny that he was extremely pleased with himself, practically vibrating with excitement at the prospect of showing off his new painting skills to his mom.

( takes place in the camp )

Re: MAKE A MAN OUTTA YOU ☆ o, "graffiti" - Grimm - 09-08-2020

Here you are and you’re all you wished to be
[size=9px]( silver tabby ; one month ; palmclan kitten )

You’re alive and you're not alone[/SIZE]
A stranger bearing tales of the land beyond secluded shores, forgein invader looked upon with forthright anger where at least one of their populace was concerned. Poor the first meeting conducted between them, overcome beneath the swelling pressure instinct and slowly taught lessons grating against base thought had begun, enacted unearned ire in manner he was capable. Yet, though offering no true harm, the consequences lingered and he cared not for a repeat even as his mind grappled with the unfamiliar words.

Lonesome had grown Foamkit in the short frame of time between departure and now, few those left lingering, fear another disaster may arise necessitating the divide. He had tried to pursue tasks that may quell his growing boredom but none had been capable of doing so for more than a mere moment, worsened his plight as time continued. Within the mouth of the nursery he may sprawled, a smudge of ivory and silver against golden grains, slowly succumbing to sleep before he was roused to full consciousness once more by a muffled comotion.

The enemy.

Wrong the title he laid at the feet of the other but one he stuck to with conviction, nose and brow scrunching as he found it was indeed Lovekit that acted the central point of outrage and amusement. Clambering to tiny paws he marched forth with a squeaking, pitiful little growl that died as he focused upon the artistic project the cub had taken up, wonder softening his visage. Quieter the squeak Foam voiced, creeping closer until he may dab at one of the not quite dry portions of paint, tongue poking between teeth as he registered the tacky sensation.

A grin slowly worked its way across his lips and upwards did he reach, teetering with poor balance, making a move to wipe the paint off onto Lovekit. A peace offering of sorts possibly, his laughter sudden and bright, cheeks expanding with trapped air as tongue once more poked through teeth but it was simply to make an amusing face rather than to express disgust this time.
code by Reggan

Re: MAKE A MAN OUTTA YOU ☆ o, "graffiti" - lovekit. - 09-10-2020

lovekit — the typhoon — tags
When Lovekit had first met Foamkit, he had been startled by the other's boldness. Even for a child so young – even younger than himself – Foam seemed to show no fear in defending his clan, which was a trait that Lo admired. He liked to think he would do the same for The Typhoon, as well, even if he wasn't present within their borders for the time being. Still, even if he wasn't defending them directly, he was doing a grand job of information gathering, and he had made an amazing discovery in Palmclan. Therefore, he was still working for the good of his birth home, even if some would argue he was just goofing off. Needless to say, however, even though Foamkit had been quite determined in headbutting against the foreign kit's leg, Love hadn't exactly been intimidated by it. It was hard to be, when the other sort of just bounced harmlessly off of his leg, only to get a lecture from the leader right after. Lovekit couldn't say too much, though, since he could imagine himself doing something similar, only to earn a lecture from Goldie.

When the other kit had initially approached him during his little painting venture, Lo had felt himself tense up a little involuntarily. He wasn't scared of Foam, but that didn't mean he wanted constant fights with the other happening. That just wouldn't be fun, and would probably lead to him being thrown from Palmclan's territory before his research was done. Instead of hassling Lo, however, Foamkit only swiped his paw through some of the paint on the ground, bringing a messy paw down upon Love's fur. A soft gasp left the older boy as Foam did so, recoiling slightly from the feeling of wet paint against his fur and flesh. His arching away was accompanied by a mischievous grin, signifying that he wasn't actually upset by the other's actions. Instead, Lo saw it as an opportunity to get even. Swiping his own paw through some of the left over blue paint, Lovekit moved to try and swipe the paint over Foamkit's flank. If he were successful, he would bounce back a bit, saying cheerfully, "I got you! I bet you'll get more messy than me for sure... cause I'm bigger, you know!" He spoke with undeserved confidence, unaware of the chuckles and grimaces from nearby watching warriors. Many of them just didn't want to be responsible for the cleanup of the impending paint fight.

Re: MAKE A MAN OUTTA YOU ☆ o, "graffiti" - Grimm - 09-11-2020

Here you are and you’re all you wished to be
[size=9px]( silver tabby ; one month ; palmclan kitten )

You’re alive and you're not alone[/SIZE]
Had been their situation not fettered by imperceivable boundaries possibility lay before them, numerous the paths upon which they may tread. Yet such is the issue of existence, encased in restrictions and law they were expected to adhere to no matter their own opinions where the matter was concerned, stolen sweetness this brief time of a turbulent, childish little friendship staged between shore dwellers.

Response unexpected, though not one brushed aside with ease, crestfallen for brief moment the once radiant joy. Worse the sensation when upon larger surface, in relative terms for still small the kitten, clinging some though thick the droplets that fell as about did he twist. There was no hope he may remove the junk yet still paw wiped at it in frantic attempt, halted only as words punctured the movement of other.

Truth was present within his statement, such may not be denied, useless that Lovekit tried to impart, however. Many had picked up on his minimal skill where talking, and understanding the words of others, were concerned, few the sounds he recognised. That little was enough, once more paws reached, slathered in the horrid mixture once more before he made to leap at the other. The act was clumsy, reach only extending so far and the inability to brace himself using all paws impeded his progress further, belly striking the sand even as paws reached to grab at Lovekit's leg.
code by Reggan

Re: MAKE A MAN OUTTA YOU ☆ o, "graffiti" - lovekit. - 09-12-2020

lovekit — the typhoon — tags
A brief moment of panic flitted across Lovekit's face as he watched Foam, the older of the two children terrified that he had made a mistake. He watched as his fellow kit dragged his paw loosely through the mixture that now plastered his flank, and saw the partial crestfallen expression. Lo hadn't meant to cause any genuine distress for the other, after all – he had just wanted to play around, just as Foam had done when coming over in the first place. The hybrid opened his mouth, ready to rapidly apologize to both Foam and any adults that approached to see what was going on, but he was interrupted when Foamkit began to move once again. Initially, he was confused by the felines motion, thinking that the other was about to run off. Then, however, Foam threw himself forward, belly colliding with sand and paws curling about one of Lovekit's forelimbs, splattering him even more in the makeshift paint.

The Typhoon kit stood frozen for what felt like a brief eternity, staring down at Foamkit and the paint that now decorated his chest and leg in bright shades. After a moment of processing, Lo decided that he was going to indulge the other, especially with how clumsy Foam's "attacking crouch" had been. Letting out a vaguely offended gasp, Lovekit pretended to collapse onto his belly, stretching out his painted front leg so that Foam could keep his hold on it. Upon putting his chin against the sandy ground, Lo spoke dramatically, his other paw draping over his eyes, "Oh, how have I been defeated! This is impossible, I say! Foamkit could not have bested me!" On some level, Lo knew that Foamkit wouldn't be able to entirely understand what he was saying. However, he was fairly confident that his gestures and the tone of his voice would be enough to illustrate his "defeat."