Beasts of Beyond
LIKE I'M MARTY MCFLY ☆ o, venturing into the boardwalk - Printable Version

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LIKE I'M MARTY MCFLY ☆ o, venturing into the boardwalk - RHINESTONE. - 09-08-2020

The emergency meeting had been sudden, but needed nonetheless. After all, the rat attack had been a big event, and many had been injured or frightened by it. Having to bring up going to find the source of the group was... disheartening, to say the least. After all, most didn't want to leave the safety of the camp, just to head out into the unknown that was the boardwalk. In addition to that, if the boardwalk was where the rats had come from, why would they ever want to go there? His members all had very valid concerns, but he had offered them the choice to stay or go, and he had a fairly decent party, including the raw power that Palejaw offered. The new dinosaur was still sort of fresh-faced, but Rhinestone didn't have an issue with bringing him along. He seemed confident and good at adapting to change, which was exactly what the group would need on such an expedition. So, after gathering Palejaw and several NPCs that had wished to go, and getting a mass bundle of traveling herbs from Featherear, the group was ready to proceed. Was Rhine nervous as hell about the entire prospect? Definitely, but that wouldn't stop him from going forward through the fear.

Leading his small group towards the edge of the sandy camp, Rhinestone hesitated before turning, calling out softly, "If anyone would like to come and see us off before we head into the boardwalk, you're free to do so." He hoped that the entire adventure would be mercifully quick, and they would go into the sprawling wooden landscape for just long enough to identify the source of the vermin. Then, it would be simple as eliminating that source, and then returning home. It was dangerous, but at least it would hopefully be quick. However, he could already see the nervousness in the eyes of some family members, mates bidding their lovers adieu as they joined the group heading into the boardwalk. It was only fair to allow them to come and see them off, if only for their sake.

With the rest in tow, Rhinestone took a deep breath before leading everyone else out of camp, and towards the boardwalk. The rusty colored tom could already feel his nerves buzzing in his chest, but he ignored them, his jaw set and his pale gaze bright. Everything would be fine, after all. It wasn't long before they reached where the boardwalk met the beach, and the leader leaped up upon the wooden edge, pulling himself up and glancing around. Mercifully, he couldn't see anyone approaching, or any signs of life, at least at first glance. Turning to those that were following him – as well as those that had come to see them off – the leader spoke encouragingly, "Be careful coming up onto the boardwalk. We don't want anyone getting injured this early, and the wood can be slippery." His gaze then moved to Palejaw in particular, giving a jerky head motion to the reptile to direct him to where the wooden side slumped slightly, making it easier for the other to get up.

( both those who are staying or leaving can feel free to reply to this thread ! ; in addition to this, this thread marks when boardwalk characters are able to be played, and when the group is split into two. so, those of you who have characters who are leaving, feel free to make boardwalk exploration threads with discoveries / interactions / etc. and those of you with boardwalk characters, have fun posting ! )