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HAUNTER'S CURSE // Rosemary Trance - Printable Version

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HAUNTER'S CURSE // Rosemary Trance - APHRA CIPHER . - 09-08-2020

[glow=grey,1,400]OH YES, I'VE HEARD THE STORY OVER AND OVER AGAIN !。+゚.[/glow]
//TW: vomiting

"A pint of ice cream a day keeps the pounds away. Alcohol twice an hour brings great power. Meat is sour and lacks flavor."

Although Aphra had not initially showed any signs of hearing Rosemary's message, she would soon feel the effects of it. Cravings weren't something foreign to the she-cat so she thought nothing about her wanting ice cream and alcohol - especially the latter, given the stress she put on herself. Aphra was in the tavern whenever the effects started to hit her hard, ordering what her trance seemed to require her.

It wasn't long before Aphra felt nauseous, though considering that alcohol and ice cream definitely wasn't a good mix, this shouldn't be a surprise. The succubus started to make her way home whenever she started to feel sick, tumbling out of the tavern in a drunken daze. NPCs cast glances at her, whispering something, only for Aphra to glare at them - causing them to momentarily shut up until she was farther away from them.

Before Aphra reached her home though, the overwhelming nausea became far too much to bare and fight off and she half-stumbled, half-crashed onto the sand and vomited up what she just gorged.[glow=COLOR,1,400]✧*:・゚[/glow]

Re: HAUNTER'S CURSE // Rosemary Trance - michael t. - 09-09-2020

Michael had honestly expected that, the moment he ceased being pregnant, he would drink himself into a senseless stupor. After all, the effects of withdrawal after going cold turkey had been hellish, and he could still remember nights spent curled up with a pounding headache, silently cursing his husband. However, once his pups had finally been brought into the world, he hadn't felt a massive amount of pressure to go back to copious drinking. In fact, the thought of it actually made his stomach turn slightly, although not because he had suddenly developed a distaste for the drinks. Rather, he just didn't like the idea of getting shitfaced when he had his children around. Even back in his bobcat body, he wanted to be lucid and able to take care of them at the drop of the hat. That meant no stumbling around drunkenly, or doing stupid shit. He'd still indulge occasionally, especially if it was in celebration of something, but he didn't feel the same itch as before.

Of course, it seemed as though Aphra had no such qualms. Michael wasn't even sure why he had bothered sparing the feline a glance as she had gone stumbling on by, but the moment he had seen her, he had winced. She looked absolutely awful, and it was easy to see why she was leaving a trail of whispering gossips in her wake. After a moment of hesitation, the reaver followed after her, if only to make sure she wouldn't go stumbling into the ocean and drown. Unfortunately, all his following meant was that he bore witness to her emptying her guts, causing him to recoil and gag. With a paw coming up to his nose, the feline grumbled at her, shaking his head, "Setting an excellent example for your kids as always, Aphra. Christ..." He glanced around, considering going to get Roan, but... there was no real reason to. The soothsayer couldn't do much for her, considering Aphra had made a stupid decision to gorge herself, and was now facing the fallout of that.

Re: HAUNTER'S CURSE // Rosemary Trance - Grimm - 09-09-2020

Set a good example for the kids.

A concept with good intentions present at the baseline of misguided core, failure set up from the moment of conception. Balancing act teetering upon razor thin edge, fall seemingly imminent. Capable had proven the man to which child had been tethered, in a sense at the least for shadow had become the monochromic chimera as hours had grown tiresome to fill alone, looked to with narrowed eyes. Witnessed the drunken stumble conducted by inebriated feline, her name escaping and thus unknown the poor reputation she had sown for herself, sneer worn along dark lips.

Short the life of cruel amusement, however, thoughts quickly occupied with shift in trajectory. Behind Michael did he tread, choice in the matter lacking for apparent the cause was the minimal ground he may cover with each step compared to father, a place at least offering shield from unsightly view. Around legs did Butch peer, disgust arising along dual toned visage, words caged behind his own rising nausea at the sight he tried once more to block out.
code by Reggan

Re: HAUNTER'S CURSE // Rosemary Trance - ROSEMARY - 09-10-2020

[div style="width: px; font-family: GEORGIA; color: #422426; text-align: left; padding-top: 15px; padding-left: 10px"][align=center]ARE YOU GOOD WITH CHAOS ?!
Rosemary hardly considered sneaking glances at Aphra tailing the cat. The ocelot’s home burned down! She lost her private sanctuary, so her frequenting the Capricorn Tavern fit. Despite the lively scene, however, Rosemary kept to water and healthy snacks. Only rarely did one or two of her eyes drift to her target—otherwise, her nose stayed buried in a book.

The ocelot left the tavern a few minutes after Aphra, observing Aphra’s state after two others noticed the poor cat’s plight. Rosemary’s usual impassive and emotionally muted expression gave nothing away. That was useful. Michael’s outspoken observation stirred all those morally questionable do-goody feelings like pride in her craft.

Satisfaction warmed her belly, and thoughts on further instructions began rolling. As much as she wanted to, however, she restrained herself. Too much mental manipulation of a fellow pirate, even a disliked one, would draw unnecessary attention. Besides, there was a small chance, even if it was slim, that Aphra would indirectly learn the proper lesson here.

Rosemary, obviously, didn’t understand that deepening an abuser’s trauma never ended well. But her heart was in the right place, and that’s what mattered. Right?

“Aphra, do you need help going home?” Rosemary asked, voice soft. Compassion stirred in the witch’s heart—not for Aphra, but the two children under the cat’s care. She would rather see the white she-cat safely passed out on the floor rather than stumbling home drunk.


Re: HAUNTER'S CURSE // Rosemary Trance - APHRA CIPHER . - 09-15-2020

[glow=grey,1,400]OH YES, I'VE HEARD THE STORY OVER AND OVER AGAIN !。+゚.[/glow]
Oh, great, just what she needed. Aphra's ears flattened upon hearing Michael's voice. She knew that her just... vomiting in the middle of camp would gain some sort of attention (unwanted attention, for once), but she didn't want Michael, of all fuckers, to be one to come over.

"F-fuck o-off..." Aphra tried to growl towards the melanistic bobcat, only to be interrupted by another wave of nausea that ended up with her throwing up on the sand once more. Was it a bad idea to gorge herself like she did? Probably, but she (nor her crewmates, it seemed) wasn't aware that her sudden cravings were caused by Rosemary herself. Aphra paid no attention to Butch, mostly because the kid didn't say anything, and instead glared over at Rosemary whenever the ocelot decided to come over and speak to her as well.

"N-no. I'm... fine." At least she didn't vomit for a third time, right?[glow=COLOR,1,400]✧*:・゚[/glow]

Re: HAUNTER'S CURSE // Rosemary Trance - ROSEMARY - 09-16-2020


Rosemary’s bottom right eye slowly squinted shut. Then opened. She second guessed herself; she hadn’t intended for the thought virus to produce such a reaction. However, Rosemary didn’t feel guilty. And the not feeling guilty thing almost bothered her. Almost.

Aphra’s treatment of Vanye disquieted Rosemary’s mind. And the last person Rosemary had felt needed to sling a mental command to had been insane. Same as the second to last. Rosemary wanted to trust her gut judgement. But trusting herself was difficult.

“You do not look fine,” Rosemary said, factual-like. As though reading a line from a grimore.

She sighed. Her forked tail flicked the air. Simultaneously, she wanted to sling another thought virus and forget she’d thrown the first one. “Drink plenty of water when you get home. And sleep on your side.” She did not want to give this advice, but she felt obligated to. The cat was probably too drunk to remember, anyway.

Re: HAUNTER'S CURSE // Rosemary Trance - APHRA CIPHER . - 09-17-2020

[glow=grey,1,400]OH YES, I'VE HEARD THE STORY OVER AND OVER AGAIN !。+゚.[/glow]
"I'll do whatever th-the hell I want." Aphra shot back, still glaring at Rosemary - although inwardly, she knew she would be listening to Rosemary's advice. It was probably better than just wallowing in self-pity, no?[glow=COLOR,1,400]✧*:・゚[/glow]