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The rats had been driven back from Palmclan's camp, and that was a good thing. However, the bothersome creatures had remained around the territory, and although everyone was doing a valiant effort of fighting against them, they couldn't afford another attack. Rhinestonestar knew this, and that was why the tom found himself pacing back and forth in his den, his jaw set and the gears in his head rapidly turning. He needed to keep the group safe, and make sure no more rats came, but they had no idea of where the rats had come from. It was difficult to remember the morning of the attack, considering everything had happened so suddenly, but he could've sworn that all of the rats were moving in a common direction. Obviously, once they had gone piling down into the camp, they had all split up and run amongst each other. But before that? He could've sworn he had all seen them come spilling over from a common source... the direction of the boardwalk. The revelation caused him to stop in his tracks, pale eyes growing wide before he turned and rushed out, knowing what needed to be done. It would just be a matter of seeing who was willing to do it.

With his heart beating quickly, the rusty red male leaped up atop the meeting rock, turning and calling out loudly, "Members of Palmclan! Gather for an emergency meeting!" Many seemed startled by the sudden call of his voice through the air, and he couldn't say he blamed them. After all, it had only been a few days since their last meeting. Once a decent amount of different faces had gathered around, Rhine leaned back on his paws, stating firmly, "As I'm sure all of you know, Palmclan was recently attacked by a massive group of rats. While we have mostly managed to fight the rats back to the edges of the territory, they still linger, and I think we need to make sure that we're not going to be caught off guard again." He flicked his tail in the direction of the boardwalk, gaze narrowing, before he continued, "Judging by the direction that the group came from, it seems that they most likely came from the boardwalk. Because of this, it looks like a small group of us will have to venture into the boardwalk, and make sure there won't be anymore surprises. However, this will be a dangerous task, considering very few warriors had entered the baordwalk in a very long time. We have no idea of what could be there now." It was a dangerous proposition, but leaving things unknown only guaranteed there was more room for surprises.

Pale blue gaze cutting over those that had gathered, Rhine stated simply, "Some of us will need to go, and some of us will need to stay and defend camp. Obviously, kits won't be allowed on this venture, considering it will be very dangerous. I will be leading the party that goes into the boardwalk, but I need to know who will be going with me, and who will be remaining here." He doubted that the leaving group would be massive, but that was alright. If it ultimately ended up evolving into a stealth mission to get out, having fewer bodies with them would be an advantage.
[sup]template made by tikki[/sup]

Re: I'M DREAMING OF ☆ o, EMERGENCY MEETING - Grimm - 09-07-2020

Here you are and you’re all you wished to be
[size=9px]( silver tabby ; one month ; palmclan kitten )

You’re alive and you're not alone[/SIZE]
A bird behind steel bars, caged even as frantic wing beats sought freedom. Coaxed into familiar hollow, reinforced in first days the burrow within which temporary mother tended him as though he were more than a lost child, exhaustion heavy about her. Brief his compliance, her warmth comforting if tepid in its offering, the slow close of weighed lids bidding he escape her hold.

Back and forth. Worn a groove into the covering of sand, more sure each placement if only here were more solid ground was present, looming threat a disjointed, broken hum grating along unravelling thought, too simple to parse the true danger behind rodent invasion. Sudden the call, voice caught and expelled in rough cough, ignored the commotion as sleep was disturbed set only upon getting out.

Others, few their number yet enough jostled was the kitten as he crept among shuffling paws, presence unheeded for commanding the rust hued feline perched before the masses. As close as he could did Foamkit stumble, strained ears that could not understand, words a mere jumble of sounds, some anchored though not enough. Small the paws that arose, braced his meagre weight against haunches as he waved, voicing a few short cries. He would not be allowed, the youngest among them and liability if allowed anywhere near the field of battle, yet still did he attempt to catch the attention of the leader, the distress present in cloying atmosphere enough to guide him in this futile pursuit.
code by Reggan

Re: I'M DREAMING OF ☆ o, EMERGENCY MEETING - MysteriouslyMaple - 09-09-2020

[glow=white,1,400]NO MORE SORROW !。+゚.[/glow]
It was certainly hard to miss the news of the leader getting attacked by rats, let alone whenever they swarmed into camp. Hauntingdreams expecting Rhinestonestar to have a meeting over this soon, so whenever the tom yowled for PalmClan to gather, Hauntingdreams was there quickly.

So the boardwalk is where Rhinestone was going to take a patrol, huh? It made sense, but given how hardly anyone had been there in a while... was it wise? We have no other choice. Hauntingdreams told himself, looking up at Rhinestonestar as the leader spoke. It took a moment for Hauntingdreams to decide what he wanted to do, but ultimately, the warrior raised his chin and called out, "I'll stay here in camp."[glow=COLOR,1,400]✧*:・゚[/glow]

Re: I'M DREAMING OF ☆ o, EMERGENCY MEETING - trojan g. - 09-10-2020

Sugar should have known that there would be a meeting taking place after the events of the other night. She had been lucky to get out of the camp with those she had gotten without needing to seek too much medical attention, but she still lived in the fear of the rats coming back and attacking once more in a final stand of trying to run the cats out.

Sugar would be lying if she had said she'd not been relived when she had heard the sound of Rhine's call, and heard his words. They were going to go see what was up with the boardwalk, and see why the rats had been scattering from there. It was a good plan, and Sugar couldn't help but let out a small sigh of relief. Maybe they'd stay away if the PalmClanners got rid of whatever was scaring them out of the boardwalk.

"I'll stay as well." She would finally speak out, tail lashing out behind her once as she thought. There would need to be more than one member staying behind with the kits in case the rats came back, and she was scared of what would be discovered at the boardwalk.  "speech"


Foamkit being one of the first to arrive to the emergency meeting was enough to make Rhine wince, a soft sigh leaving him as he focused his attention on the boy. It was bad enough that Foam had been in the camp when the rats had attacked – although at least he seemed unharmed – but now, to have the clan splitting up? Rhinestone could only hope that the boy wouldn't feel too betrayed by them leaving, since the intention wasn't to be gone very long. However, Foam had only ended up as a member of the clan because he had already been abandoned, and the thought of the child getting hurt in the same way again... it made Rhine's chest ache. He couldn't let Foam fight too hard to try and come with them, since there was no way that Rhinestonestar would risk the life of Foamkit by letting him accompany them. It was too risky, and even if they didn't plan on being in the boardwalk long, unforseen things could happen. So, giving Foamkit his full attention, the leader stated simply, "Foamkit... I'm sorry, but you can't accompany us. You're not big enough yet, and we can't risk you getting hurt. But you'll remain here with everyone else, keeping them safe. You can do that, right?" As with every time he spoke to the youngling, Rhine was unsure of how much Foam would really understand, but he hoped that his words got something across.

Turning his attention then to both Hauntingdreams and Sugarspice, Rhine dipped his head in a polite nod. As much as the entire expedition filled him with anxiety and apprehension, he would respect their decisions. After all, some needed to remain behind, to make sure that the camp remained safe. With that in mind, he purred lowly from his spot atop the meeting rock, "Very well. Your duties while you remain here will be to watch over camp, particularly the kits and elders. And if the rats return, go towards the forest as quickly as possible. Sugarspice... you and Featherear are in charge in my absence." Featherear hadn't been around as much as of late, so it seemed only logical to put both the senior warrior and medicine cat in charge. Hopefully they would make sure that things remained running smoothly while he was gone, just until they could figure out what was going on.