Beasts of Beyond
I DON'T CARE, I'M STILL FREE ☆ missing - Printable Version

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I DON'T CARE, I'M STILL FREE ☆ missing - lovekit. - 09-06-2020

lovekit — the typhoon — tags
The sudden realization that Sam was really, truly gone had weighed heavily on Lovekit's mind. The young hybrid had fled his mama's funeral, unable to stand the agony of seeing her face, so peaceful as if she were just sleeping. He wanted to grab her shoulders and shake as hard as he possibly could, just to try and get her to come back to them. Unfortunately, it had finally clicked in his mind that... that wasn't going to happen. Sam was gone, and young Lo had very little idea of how to handle that. Every time he thought about it, it only caused his eyes to burn with tears and the air in his lungs to be ripped away, replaced with buzzing and painful static. It made him want to collapse and curl in on himself, and he knew that wasn't an option. He was supposed to be a brave warrior. He was supposed to be the captain's son, and he was supposed to make her proud. To make sure that she was happy. As it stood right now, he had failed at his life's task, and that was easy to see. It was easy to spot in the way his mother's gaze seemed glossed over, and the pained edge to each and every one of her words.

In the end, the boy decided that he needed to get away. He needed to get away from The Typhoon, and from the revelation he had made regarding Sam. Instead of focusing on any of that, the kit needed to go and do something grand. Something impressive and startling, and something that would make his mom proud of him. If he worked hard enough, surely he could bring a smile to her face once again. He needed to. So, wasting little time, Lovekit had gone to his room within his family's home, growing form slinking around to grab anything that he deemed important. He didn't have too much to his name yet, considering he was still young, but there were a few things he made sure to grab, such as some shells from Harlow, and some feathers from Seapaw. They were to be his good luck charms, after all. Not only that, but he also grabbed one of the maps that Kian had helped him find. Perhaps it would help him make the grand discovery that he was so desperately searching for. Even if he didn't discover some new group or incredible land of gold, he could at least go on a proper treasure hunt.

Once he had gathered everything he believed he would need, Lo had waited until it was the early hours of the morning, well before anyone got up – even his mom. Sure that everyone was still asleep, the boy slipped down from his bed, grabbing his bag and carefully slipping out the front door. Once he was properly outside, he quickly made his way towards the railroad tracks, knowing that they were the main route on or off the archipelago resided on. As soon as the border was in sight, Lo took off, his paws kicking up dust in his trail as he disappeared through the trees, leaving only his scent and tracks to remember him by. Both went straight into the uncharted territories, off to find the adventure that he so desperately sought.

Re: I DON'T CARE, I'M STILL FREE ☆ missing - bubblegum - 09-08-2020

DEAR FRIEND as you know,  your flowers are withering
your mother's gone insane, your leaves have drifted away.
but the clouds are clearing up
and i've come reveling, burning incandescently,
like a bastard on the burning sea.

It was not very often Goldenluxury found proper rest - there were many reasons attached to it, most notably being a silent distrust she'd held towards it since she was a child. It resulted in death, pain when she slept. Resulted in time wasted, things lost, unsurety. When she did manage to, it would be next to her children, would be on the couch, or a particularly comfortable part of the beach. A thought of leaving the death was arising, and soon she would discuss it, she plans. Though there was hesitation, a guilt in leaving this hut behind. But it held too much. She didn't want to be a part of it. Still, with the event that'd taken place just days ago now, air stripped of her lungs, she's found herself with less energy in general. It was harder to breathe, more painful to do tasks. And as she awakes upon the couch in the morning, she would follow her usual routine of silently opening the door to her childrens' room, simply to check on them, see if any had awoken. And it became apparent, as one was missing, that at least one was awake.

She quietly takes note of this, deciding it would be best if she figured out where the young boy had gone before doing anything else. Her first thought is the other rooms in their hut, though she does all that she can to skip what was her bedroom. Instead, she settles for pressing an ear against it, sniffing at it. When nothing but the normal scent and sound of death reached her senses, she quickly leaves the hut, moving now to figure out where her son was. Perhaps he'd gone to the shore. It would not be abnormal. She settles on using her senses to navigate her, head held low as she follows his scent. It eventually leads her to one of the two exits and entrances to their archipelago. And he still wasn't there. A realization reaches her features.

"Has anyone seen Lovekit?" she would call loudly at first, voice faltering. His scent was a few hours old by now, and it reached outside of the gate. The captain was clearly tense, already certain what the answer would end up being. No's, he must have slipped out, perhaps a snarky, hypocritical comment from Aphra. The tigress didn't give a shit about any of that really, though. She knew the answer would be he slipped away, and that it was her fault, and they needed to find him immediately. The world was too dangerous right now, he could be taken in an instant, and she couldn't bare to lose another family member, much less have any more stains of children on her paws. She couldn't fail them like this.

Her face contorts in a mixture of anxiety and anger, tail lashing out behind her. She's already taking steps away from the island, her head held low as she tries to differentiate the smell of her son and the scents of the ocean and island surrounding them. They needed to find him. There was no time to waste. Her paws shook as she took a few steps forward, ears perked.
[div style="font-size: 11px; color: #008ab5; font-family: georgia; text-align: center; line-height: 100%; word-spacing: 10px; padding: 3%;"]ϟ    ϟ    ϟ
[i][b]whose side are you on? [color=#008ab5]what side is this anyway?

put  down  your  sword  and  crown,
come  lay  with  me  on  the  ground.
you come beating like moth's wings, spastic and violently,
whipping me into a storm shaking me down to the core.

Re: I DON'T CARE, I'M STILL FREE ☆ missing - Grimm - 09-08-2020

Watch the ceiling fan turn it's shape again
[size=9px]( hybrid ; four months ; typhoon minnow )

My threads are coming loose[/SIZE]
She was only asleep.

Innocent the connotation present within poorly structured comfort, too young any of them to grasp and properly understand the idea of death. The mind warped beneath such instances is no trivial mechanism, the complexities behind working thought tying causation behind understandable action. He was deemed too young to understand death as a concept upon itself and thus the blanks must be filled, mind grasping at straws.

She was asleep.

Broken his own poor sleep, stolen the comfort of closely pressed mothers until a cacoon had become their warmth about him, chased from fitful rest nightmares that plagued. Yet each attempt to seek such was deemed a failure before beginning, barred the room that hung with a veil only the silences proceeding death may give. To his bed did he go, not with intent to sleep but more simply to drown out his thoughts with mindless pursuits, finally lulled as the early hours of morning arose. Had he been awake possibly halted the idiocy of brother, elder only by moments but clung to as though he were more than those separating seconds, dragged him into his own bed where he may forfeit the idea.

Sleep only brings sorrow.

It was not his passage that awoke Harlow, however, but the quiet manner mother opened his door, the only one permitted entry. She did not cross the threshold, rather she lingered for only a moment before other pursuits drew her away. Dry the words that stuck in his throat, a call for her to return he must enact or let her slip away. Clumsy the actions that drew him to where she once stood, shaky upon aching legs, watching with a growing confusion as she departed the hut. Behind did he follow, at a pace she was lost all too soon had not it been for her call, terror a thrown laced bloom winding about his heart.

Sleep had taken Sam and now it wished to take Lovekit.

Useless would he be in such pursuits but about the archepligo did the cub stumble, rasping, dry voice raising at irregular intervals, a hope faux but clung to driving him to such futile actions. "Lo! Lovekit!"
code by Reggan

Re: I DON'T CARE, I'M STILL FREE ☆ missing - Seakit Roux. - 09-10-2020

tiguar . young . he/him
demigod of the deep
Seapaw had woke early that morning, nightmares tearing at his mind every moment he attempted slumber. That is what landed him on the beach early this morning, sluggish and tired. He wasn't sure how long he'd been walking for, only acutely aware of the sun sitting much higher in the sky than it had when he'd awoken. It had been dark then.

Dark it had been then, perhaps foreshadowing for the darkness the day would carry. His mother's voice dragged him forward, to the gate that sat at the edge of the island. "What do you mean 'Has anyone seen Lovekit'?" he echoed softly, more for himself than his mother. His eyes cut swiftly to Harlow, breath hitching in his throat. A thought similar to the younger's cut across the Beta, pain that the younger had yet to face before today. The loss of sibling. Seapaw had lost too many, he couldn't loose another. Shaking, the demigod of the deep felt something shatter within him. He lifted his head to look at his mother, begging and pleading. "I- I'll... I'll go, I'll go after him. I can find him. I can bring him home." A step closer, torn between comforting his sibling and assisting his mother. "We won't lose him too..."

Re: I DON'T CARE, I'M STILL FREE ☆ missing - ROXANNE R. - 09-10-2020

me dejaste, me dejaste en un tango
It seemed that her great nephew was missing, the draconic feline slowly approaching the scene to see Goldie, Harlow, and Seapaw. A frown on her maw only to lash her tail to the sides in a brief moment to register everything that had been said. Lovekit was nowhere to be seen and his scent was faint but it was leaving the Typhoon, it seemed that the loss of his other mother had effected the small cub. It made the draconid mother frown lightly as her ears pressed flat against her skull, she finally took some steps forward and spoke "I can help look for him," Roxie doubted that the cub could've gotten too far but another part of her was uncertain of that, especially when Trygve and the rest of her cubs had made the journey to Tanglewood.

"I can go see if Tanglewood and the Elysium have seen him," She would add with a curt nod, the Officer would do her best in helping her family as much as she could. It was only a matter of time before she wouldn't be able to take to the skies due to her weight yet she was determined. The world was cruel and it would greedily snatch away at the cub if given the chance. The thought making her fur prickle slightly yet her eyes were fixated onto Goldenluxury. She could help.
