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modernist sensibility - [COTC VISIT] - Printable Version

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modernist sensibility - [COTC VISIT] - Stryker - 09-04-2020

After Hani and Alani's leave to Elysium, Stryker grew impatient. Their work was notable, but hearing from his espionages was a rarity and he hated that. Even so, the Kingpin would be surprised by their most admiral achievement today. Perhaps, out of surprise, he would grow two heads also. Until then, his expectations were low and he'd be disgruntled.

Coming up to the order, green eyes peered around. No one appeared to be home, but the Elysite's would come out of their hiding spots soon, wouldn't they? Nevertheless, the large lion let out a call. "Greetings, Elysium," he yelled out. "I would like to speak Hani and Alani if I could get the chance, please." For now, he would wait. Stryker had nothing better to do anyways besides attend to his children and Ninazu's needs, along with the rest of his group's. The time off was nice.
I'm back like a vertebrae and I come with a hat full of tricks, Everybody's waitin for the show to begin

Re: modernist sensibility - [COTC VISIT] - trojan g. - 09-04-2020

Though Rosemary knew not of very many other groups, she knew the smell of another place when it resided on the fur of other individuals. She couldn't put a marker on the lion's fur, and that made Rose curious. If she had known Stryker's name, or had known his past history she likely wouldn't have trot over to the border so willingly at the call, and she probably would have told him to leave.

But that wasn't the case, and curiosity was flickering in the mutated feline's mind. "Why do you need to speak to the astral seraphs?" She would ask, head tilting to the side slightly as soon as she had done so. "How do you know them mister?" She was curious to say the least. 
Make it feel like like a movie you saw in your youth
Make it feel like that song that just unopened you

Re: modernist sensibility - [COTC VISIT] - HISOKA - 09-04-2020

[Image: cb731d1edc47e1e25ec80593f33f446b.jpg]
the soft uncurling of sunlight, cotton candy smiles bleeding red, dripping blood. all grainy images that you never want to reveal to yourself:  reflection. Sakasu is the catastrophe hidden in the stillness, the mourning of a single-note song and the death of all the purity. Battle lust wrapped in a guise of sweet
The name Sakasu was a joke, it was a laughable one: that often fell flat without the context- as most jokes. You needed some sort of... stage. A start to the joke, or the punchline would always fall flat. It wasn't his birth name, but it was one he earned none-the-less. It was a calling card, in consideration to the tongue twister he was known at well. the sakasu he was born from. Caged bars and looming scents of lingering blood, loud uproars laughter of cruel things who lauded their control over Sakasu: controlled Sakasu. Both the place and the being- the entity that now lay free. To claim the name that burned him, and he thusly burned to the ground.

But it had been generations since a tale as old had been told. A namesake such as these- an origin so softly sung in comparison to the orchestra that boomed across the din of the Elysium . Even in such a small clan as this: it was rare, and hard to find reason to talk about it- not that Sakasu would ever speak about it. Not here- not ever. it was, simply put a history. It's effects faded from center focus and the foundation- though crumbling: was thrown to the center-stage with a name like his. A reminder. A scar that never lingered but he elected to keep all the same.

That wasn't to say there wasn't still something that lingered, it were predatory: all focused distance. All the looks sent towards the kitsune so small, single tailed alone and afraid now directed outwards. It leered under his grin, a glowering promise as he spied one of their newer- or rather newer introduced members discussion the terms of a border with someone much more vivid towards the Kitsune's own story.


A card, with a hear shaped center was curled around the wind. picked up from the small pack where Saksu kept them. It drifted for a moment before him- flickering the face- [glow=#FFB5C5,2,300]the eight of swords[/glow] shined with a glimmer of gold before it flew past the beast and landed directly at Stryker's feet. Cutting into the earth until only half of it remained to see to the pair- trio now, as it were.

"Ura Ura, what have we here?" The kitsune cooed out, half a challenge and half a welcome. He departed from the cover of his surroundings. The large hoarse-sized beast striking an intimidating figure, paint fresh along his fur staining vibrant reds along his form and flickers of gold- and teal along his face- eyes. "And where did you crawl from?" Hisoka's voice was a purr, as the ex-pittian stared down the ex-ardent of said pitt. A rictus grin fit across his features.

Sakasu couldn't help the chuckle that escaped him, first Snowbound- now the Pitt. It was a gift, so gloriously wrapped along at the edges of his border. He couldn't wait to cut into it- sink his teeth deeper still into his old allies. "Or should i ask- what pit?" he huffed out, amused. Already feeling his heat pick up it's rate into a steady- exhilarating pace. He felt on the edge of war, on the cusp of blooding his prey. He cocked his head, and wondered if it would be a declaration of war if he fought them at their border. They were- affiliated with the Pitt. But then again- so were both of them.

Re: modernist sensibility - [COTC VISIT] - kinglykingstone - 09-05-2020

When the voice reached the brothers, they hadn't believed it. They had turned their heads to meet each others eyes before their body had lifted from where they lay, following the sound in disbelief. Perhaps Stryker had sent someone similar in voice to check on them, despite them sending reports often. They hadn't had a chance to send one since their takeover but surely he wouldn't- no. No, that's him, standing there foolishly on the border, inviting trouble.

The duo marched up to the Kingpin, snarl on their twin faces, brushing past their members. They grew close to the lion, quiet hisses leaving the felines as they weaved their way over. "No disrespect, Stryker, but what are you doing here?" the silver head would ask, their tail lashing erratically. Was he trying to get them killed, exiled? Attempting to ruin their hard work. In a quieter voice, for only the kingpin to hear, Alani hissed "What happened to laying low? We've made a lot of progress here but, you being here may royally fuck that up." The Astral Seraph took two steps back, eyes narrowed he watched the kingpin, Hani with frustration, Alani with fear.

Re: modernist sensibility - [COTC VISIT] - Stryker - 09-05-2020

Neon orbs shifted to the hybrid. Momentarily, ignoring her questions, he looked Rosemary up and down in interest. Her mutations were interesting. Nevertheless, the Kingpin wasn't here to explore the world's finest creatures. There was business instead. Stryker's gaze returned promptly. "Just some old friends I would like to catch up with," the lion reminisced. "Hopefully that isn't an issue, yes?" A metaphorical brow rose, questioning the girl's intent. Any hostility wouldn't be appreciated.

It appeared as if trouble would come though. The wild whipping of the air caused his head to bolt forward. A thin card rushed in his direction, Stryker momentarily catching a glimpse of the wavering card in the gust before it fell before him. Looking towards the source, he noticed an old friend. More like acquaintance, really. It had been years since they had interacted and the last time they met, they were sparring for the hell of it. Needless to say, it wasn't the best send off. Even so, the Kingpin kept cool.

A smirk curled up on his maw. "Sakasu," he cooed. "It's been quite awhile, hasn't it?" With the former Pittian's tone though, it seemed they were past small talk. No proper 'hello' or 'how are you.' Just straight to business. With a disappointed sigh, the lion continued on with his endless spiel. "Same one you crawled out of, my friend," Stryker pointed out with a cackle. They were no different. Despite their origins, Sakasu and Stryker both wanted a new beginning. Holding onto these old grudges and attaching themselves to the past would be pitiful, wouldn't it? Oh, the irony.

Finally. The chosen two had arrived. He moved his attention over to the two-headed feline, but before he could comment, they grew close. Their devious whispers signaled something had changed. Annoyance? Pity? Oh please. They could handle their leader showing up on the border. With the Coalition of the Condemned thriving, they were bound to make their appearance sooner or later. Though, even if they were supposed to stay hidden, Hani and Alani didn't need to point that out. Talk about not acting casual...

A huff left him. Stryker's head craned to the side, challenging their authority with a narrowed gaze. They didn't need to worry. "Checking up on you two," the lion remarked. "I don't need you going two-faced on me, right?" A toothy grin appeared. His split tongue flickered outwards, taunting them.

Redirecting his attention to everyone, including the two Astral Seraphs, he got to business. "How has Elysium been fairing?" The lion's gaze shifted to Hani and Alani. "Anything new?"
I'm back like a vertebrae and I come with a hat full of tricks, Everybody's waitin for the show to begin

Re: modernist sensibility - [COTC VISIT] - Tena M. - 09-05-2020

[div style="width: 75px; height: 75px; background-image: url(; background-size: 290%; background-position: 75% 25%; border-radius: 100%; padding: 5px; float: left; margin: 0px; margin-right: 1px;"]
Tena Moonspinner
'What Pit' The implications are plain.  As if the Demdji never heard of the name Stryker before.  The former magna felt her eyes narrow, ears flattening against her skull as she halted besides the others.  Friends?

There is a barely hidden disgust.  Lost respect.  Her tail lashes behind her.  Maybe she shouldn't have been so quick to give Hani and Alani a chance.  "This slaver's your friend?"  Harsh.  Fury.  Betrayal.  Tena did not stand for Depurs.  While she hoped the Astral Seraphs had an argument for otherwise, she wasn't so sure, seeing how comfortable the lion was asking questions.

"As if we'd tell you," Tena growled.  "What makes you think Elysium wants anything to do with someone like you?" A slaver.  They have left them alone for the most part, but they were still enemies.  For Snowbound and Sunhaven too.  For good reason.

And Stryker may not carry that scent anymore... But he had still ran it all.  Tena did not trust him.  Would not.  Elysium was a place of justice, she mused with barely constrained fury, the ground threatening to crack beneath her paws, he should be held accountable.

[ Mobile ]
[align=right]I tell you this story, save your life, set you free

Re: modernist sensibility - [COTC VISIT] - kinglykingstone - 09-05-2020

The Astral Seraphs took several steps back from the lion, eyes dashing to each other and then those gathered. Alani took a deep breath, gaining a panicked look from Hani. "Alani what are you doing?" hissed the normally level headed silver tabby. The duo took another step back, placing themselves firmly beside Tena. The orange tabby lifted his head high, a wicked smile on his maw. It faltered for a moment and he brushed his muzzle against his counterparts, whispering something in his brothers ear. A nod was given in response and the orange tabby lifted his head, looking the snow pelted lion in the eyes.

There was a moment where he simply stared into the toxic green eyes, words forming in his mind. "When we were young and cast out for being a beast, we were welcomed into the Coalition. We will forever be grateful for the kindness that was given too us. But, when we took our position, we did so to explore the world." He paused, eyes flickering to his brothers fearful eyes, to Tena's angry glare, and then back to Stryker. He knew what could come from this but, he had to prove a point. "We have explored and we have seen many things. We have grown wiser and, upon discovering Elysium to be leaderless, we have stepped up, we have taken over."

He turned to look at Rosemary, to Sakasu, and then to Tena. He turned his head, looking once more to his brother and then back to Stryker. He took a deep breath, squeezing his eyes shut. He released his breath and opened his eyes, meeting the lions eyes with a steely gaze, cold and calculating. "We are grateful for the protection you have given us but, as leaders of The Elysium, it is no longer necessary. We simply cannot have allegiances in two groups while maintaining leadership here. As such, it seems you make some of our members feel uncomfortable so we must ask you to leave. I do hope you understand."


Re: modernist sensibility - [COTC VISIT] - HISOKA - 09-05-2020

[Image: cb731d1edc47e1e25ec80593f33f446b.jpg]
the soft uncurling of sunlight, cotton candy smiles bleeding red, dripping blood. all grainy images that you never want to reveal to yourself:  reflection. Sakasu is the catastrophe hidden in the stillness, the mourning of a single-note song and the death of all the purity. Battle lust wrapped in a guise of sweet allure
The thrill of an ancient chase forgotten. Stryker fell into his grasp- attainable. A bounty for the kitsune to attain. It was glorious- for stark moment: Sakasu felt the promise of a battle shiver up his spine- and the rushed inwards. The grin on his maw cutting into something dangerous- unhinged desperate-

Then it was smashed, shattered really. With the approach of the leader. Hani and Alani both spoke up- and the conversation flowed, the Astral- whatever spoke in tandem and caught away his prey's attention. And Sakasu allowed the wallow of... not disappointment, but the feelings that tightened inside his chest to loosen. (It was a close thing, disappointment), but no; he crushed the feeling, crushed any hope for such a feeling to hold reign over him and he looked on- instead. Catching the words that went unsaid. The words that hushed- and while words were not exchanged, The leader's more mellow head did not hide the action of the whisper.

A leader with two faces; with a double agenda, or a double intent in taking over these lands. How... interesting.
Tenya, it seemed at least, was the main reason behind this show- spurring Alani and Hani to both spur their old... leader? The kitsune cocked his head. Tails growing still behind him as he let out a chitter towwrds the Condemned leader - his tone teasing.

Alani's words cutting into the silence that rung afterwards: Sakasu was quick to deign in. "best to leave, before the next card I pull for you might be death, dear Stryker" Unlike the rest of the clan. Sakasu was careless enough to challenge the other- openly, and by the grin along his maw, he didn't hide the fact.

Hani and Alani might've tried to protest Sakasu's challenge but be that as it were- He simply didn't care. Really. They'll learn soon enough.

Re: modernist sensibility - [COTC VISIT] - Stryker - 09-09-2020

A subtle smirk grew on his Tena realized Hani and Alani's true alliance. The three were much more than 'friends.' More like partners in crime. Long time members and espionages of the Coalition of the Condemned. Stryker wanted to engage more on the subject, but not now. He wanted Elysium's help. Their alliance was now crucial, especially with two of his members leading the damn place. "I'm a family man here with good intentions," he shot towards the former leader. "I mean no harm to you or your people, shortie." Who was this tiny threat anyways? They've never met. Their judgement was biased and too quick, but he couldn't help but acknowledge their observant qualities. The small one was all bark, no bite.

What a surprise. A takeover? Stryker's crooked smirk turned into a joyous smile. "Congratulations, you two," the lion cooed. "And I am proud that you have found your place, Hani and Alani, but if you ever wish to return to the Coalition of the Condemned, you may do so." In truth, he felt betrayed. Nevertheless, the Kingpin trusted their judgement, even when being asked to leave. Though, he did want to inquire about one more thing before taking his leave.

Neon orbs moved to Sakasu. Their threat was empty and unnecessary. Moving past their words, he blatantly ignored them and shifted his attention back to the leaders. "If you would be interested an alliance..." Slitted eyes looked back and forth between the two. "I would be honored to assist Elysium in their endeavors and vice versa."
I'm back like a vertebrae and I come with a hat full of tricks, Everybody's waitin for the show to begin

Re: modernist sensibility - [COTC VISIT] - trojan g. - 09-12-2020

Rosemary watched as the much bigger lion eyed her up and down, taking a step back when it had been done. She wasn't a fan of the way her looked upon her with the interest clear in his eyes. She didn't like how her groupmates came behind her and demanded he leave. The mutated feline didn't like the tension that filled the air, and she would move closer to Tena after a moment, trying to stay clear of the two - three? - leaders that were now speaking. She still didn't understand Hani and Alani and whether or not they counted as one or two individuals, though they did seem to have their own thoughts and emotions.

"I don't... I don't think that would be wise right now." Rosemary would finally find her voice to speak when Stryker spoke of an alliance, "And I think you see that too, Mr. Stryker... Why offer an alliance with a group that clearly has members uncomfortable with your leadership, and past actions?" A slaver. That's what Tena had called him, and it made Rosemary's stomach uncomfortable. Though if they were allies would they be free from becoming slaves? She didn't know, and wasn't sure if she wanted to find out. 
Make it feel like like a movie you saw in your youth
Make it feel like that song that just unopened you