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FROSTY FOREST // Stryker - Printable Version

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FROSTY FOREST // Stryker - CAESAR CIPHER. - 09-03-2020

[glow=black,1,400]CLEVER GOT ME THIS FAR, THEN TRICKY GOT ME IN !。+゚.[/glow]
Although the meteor crashing was no surprise to anyone, Caesar was curious about the damage it had caused. He had been in the Loner Lands whenever it had crashed and only felt the tremors it caused, but if Stryker's words were anything to go by, the meteor had directly hit this island. So, the savannah allowed Ellie, his pet snake, to slither up onto his neck and curl around it before he headed off towards what was known as Leviathan's Trench.

[member=1738]Stryker[/member] [glow=COLOR,1,400]✧*:・゚[/glow]

Re: FROSTY FOREST // Stryker - Stryker - 09-04-2020

With many wanderers coming into the Coalition of the Condemned's realm, Stryker couldn't help but wonder what caused their word to get out. Nevertheless, the Kingpin was honored. The more they could take from the mainland, the better. It improved their cause and allowed them to achieve their goals righteously. Even so, he was worried. With Caesar's arrival, the lion questioned his ability to stay hidden while they continued to build up. The boy was wild. Hell, unpredictable. After all, getting exiled from every group was a big hint. Nevertheless, he hoped the domestic feline would come around and serve Stryker rightfully. All he needed was a little convincing.

Sauntering towards the Leviathan's Trench, the male spotted the spotted cat in the distance. Slitted eyes narrowed momentarily. He debated whether he should talk with Caesar now or later, but ultimately decided on this casual area rather than a formal setting.

The lion approached from behind, a cocky smirk lining his lips as he grew closer. "You look bored," came his casual drawl. "Mind if I join you? I think we should talk." Stryker was smart enough not to push his buttons currently. His taunting nicknames would only makes things worse.
I'm back like a vertebrae and I come with a hat full of tricks, Everybody's waitin for the show to begin

Re: FROSTY FOREST // Stryker - CAESAR CIPHER. - 09-05-2020

[glow=black,1,400]CLEVER GOT ME THIS FAR, THEN TRICKY GOT ME IN !。+゚.[/glow]
Sure, Caesar was unpredictable - but when the savannah had his own plans, he was going to stick with them. Stryker had assumed correctly whenever he thought Caesar was here solely for his own gain; as for what that is, however, Caesar had yet to entirely figure out himself. Fame? Fear? For sure, but Caesar also wanted to lead this place and make sure he would be remembered on this land.

As for what happens if he reaches that point? Well, this he wasn't sure on.

Caesar heard someone following behind him based on how their pawsteps hit the rocks, but he wasn't expecting Stryker of all people to be the one who stop by. Blinking in surprise, the savannah shrugged before he sat down. "Kinda sucks being stuck here." He mused, though technically speaking it was his fault - considering his dumb ass got exiled from every group. "Whaddya wanna talk abt?" A promotion? Oh, that would be great.[glow=COLOR,1,400]✧*:・゚[/glow]

Re: FROSTY FOREST // Stryker - Stryker - 09-05-2020

A huff left the lion. Pessimistic as always. They weren't stuck here. Those that came here had done so by choice, minus the few slaves they had. Even so, Caesar and Stryker could of easily slipped back into a group or the neutral grounds. Animals could tell them to leave all they'd like. Rather than stand their ground, they came to the Coalition of the Condemned to avoid the trouble. That was their choice. Unlike Stryker though, the Cipher saw it as a damning fate, rather than an opportunity to make a new name for themselves. Pitiful.

The Kingpin tried to get on his level though. After all, he understood that they were far from prosperity. Their chances of seeing their former homes were few to none. “We’re both stuck here, but life is what you make of it, Spots,” he commented. Neon eyes looked over and he offered a light shrug. "With time, things will work out." How long until that day though? Or would karma take control and leave them in the dust? "I think if we both work together towards what we want-" Stryker's gaze narrowed and his brow furrowed. "-we'll prosper." That depended on if he could trust Caesar or not though. Undoubtedly, he was suspicious.

"Caesar," he reminisced. "I want to believe you came here in good faith." His head craned, horns jutting outwards in an almost threatening manner. "But we both know that isn't true... unless this is truly your last option." If that was confirmed, then the savannah cat would need to work for Stryker's trust. Hence, why they were talking. This was Stryker's last place to go, truly, but he did not want to admit it. The Pitt would never take him in, Elysium and Tanglewood would have exiled him on the spot, and The Typhoon's leader would slice him open. There was only so much he could do. Letting the Coalition of the Condemned die off wasn't one of them. If he was going to takeover new land, he was going to need all the miscreants from the mainland... and that included Caesar. [color=#00b400]"Are you willing to work towards what we both want, Caesar?"
[b]I'm back like a vertebrae and I come with a hat full of tricks, Everybody's waitin for the show to begin

Re: FROSTY FOREST // Stryker - CAESAR CIPHER. - 09-06-2020

[glow=black,1,400]CLEVER GOT ME THIS FAR, THEN TRICKY GOT ME IN !。+゚.[/glow]
Of course Caesar would see staying here was a damning fate; he would, quite literally, be killed on sight if he went to any of the other groups. Elysium, The Pitt, The Typhoon; he was exiled from those three, and although he wasn't technically exiled from Tanglewood, Vigenere was there and his brother would absolutely slit his throat open if given the chance.

"If you could stop calling me that, that'd be great." Although there was clear disdain in his voice, Caesar was smart enough not to attack someone he allied himself with. The demon's eyes narrowed whenever Stryker lowered his head and jutted his horns at him, tail flicking in an unamused way. "I came here because I heard tales of a group living here - one that I haven't, obviously, been exiled from." He replied. "You being here is certainly a bonus though, but I'm not as much as a dumbass you think I am." He huffed. "So, if you think I'm going to end up betraying you, I will say that I don't plan to at the moment, but you've got one hell of a time trying to impress me." He only betrayed those who were weak, those who didn't abide by his personal beliefs - and as far as he was aware, he and Stryker had pretty similar goals in mind. So suffice to say, the lion would be safe... For now, until Caesar got bored.

"But what's in it for me, hm?" Caesar asked next, looking Stryker in the eye now.[glow=COLOR,1,400]✧*:・゚[/glow]

Re: FROSTY FOREST // Stryker - Stryker - 09-09-2020

A snort left Stryker. Caesar knew damn well the more he got annoyed, the more Stryker would call him that dumbass nickname. Was it appropriate? No. Did he care? No. Quite simply, take a fucking joke. Nevertheless, they continued on with their business, the savannah implying they haven't been exiled here. Yet. The Kingpin hoped he would not ruin that opportunity, especially as a fellow outcast. After all, the feline was a strong adversary. Untrustworthy, but strong and willing to do what was needed. "Well, that's quite a bonus," the lion reminisced. "Let's keep it that way then, shall we?" In a quick movement, he attempted to clap the savannah's back endearingly. He doubted this thing they had going on would last long though.

Stryker's head tilted away, staring out into the horizon now. "Power, mostly," he answered. "I can throw in some more incentives though, of course." Bitches, currency, slaves, a position, or whatever else the dastardly man desired. Whatever kept him silent was vital. "Get me that bitchy Atbash and you've get brownie points too." The big cat was joking... somewhat.
I'm back like a vertebrae and I come with a hat full of tricks, Everybody's waitin for the show to begin

Re: FROSTY FOREST // Stryker - CAESAR CIPHER. - 09-09-2020

[glow=black,1,400]CLEVER GOT ME THIS FAR, THEN TRICKY GOT ME IN !。+゚.[/glow]
The slap on the back was unexpected and Caesar nearly jumped out of the body he possessed whenever Stryker hit him - a friendly gesture, obviously, but given their size difference, it did knock the wind out of Caesar for a few seconds. He glared at Stryker for doing that, but said nothing about it.

Caesar raised an invisible eyebrow at Stryker's bribe, his tail flicking in thought. On one hand, he still rather liked Atbash and wanted her to be on his side like she had been all those years ago. On the other, he didn't need his family, and the getting power is what mattered most to Caesar right now. Power and fame - and technically speaking, he already had one of those (although infamy would be the more appropriate term). "Alright, you've convinced me." Power? That was all Stryker needed to say, although having bitches and slaves definitely weren't something the savannah opposed. "I should be able to get Atbash pretty easily. Gullible bitch." He snickered. "What are your plans with her?"[glow=COLOR,1,400]✧*:・゚[/glow]

Re: FROSTY FOREST // Stryker - Stryker - 10-06-2020

His remark was met with sincerity. How surprising. Stryker had never imagined laying a paw Atbash again, but yet here he was, ready to go on the hunt with an old friend. The Kingpin chuckled darkly. "So she's still alive?" he restated. A satisfied grunt left him. "Now that is surprising. What an old cunt." They hadn't succumbed just yet either. He supposed he shouldn't be too surprised, but he was inclined to assume the feline had perished ages ago, especially with her passiveness. Disgraceful. The thought of ripping her open again though was much more thrilling.

The lion merely smirked. "Capture, torture, use her for our plans depending on what she can manage." It had been awhile since he had seen her. Who knows what powers she may have acquired. "Perhaps kill her..." His gaze shifted his gaze back to Caesar. Flecks of hair fell into his face as his head craned to the side. "Unless you're too soft to do that to your loving sister." In reality, his decisions varied from moment to moment. He held no impulse to kill her currently. Stryker would work Atbash to the bone first.


Re: FROSTY FOREST // Stryker - CAESAR CIPHER. - 10-11-2020

Caesar huffed in response to Stryker calling Atbash 'an old cunt', since (in a way) wasn't that implying that he was an old cunt too? Eh, oh well, not much to really say on that matter since Stryker wasn't technically wrong; after all, their spirits were over a trillion years old, even if most mortals didn't believe in that fact.

"Eh, I suppose I don't know for sure if she's around." Caesar admitted with a shrug. "But it's not like she'd be hard to find. Telepathy should be able to reach to her." Maybe. "But she can't die, as unfortunate as it is." It would certainly be some stress off of his back at the very least. Maybe if Atbash were dead, he wouldn't be so remorseful for his actions, reminded of what he's done to her and their family. Sure, Vigenere was a reminder too, but Vigenere was also one of the sources of his anger and jealousy, Atbash, on the other hand, at least tried to understand Caesar and let him vent to her.

"Demons aren't exactly hard to kill." Caesar added with a wink, as if this were surprising or new knowledge. "You might be able to kill her physical form, but unless you've got a way to destroy her mind and soul, she's gonna come back eventually." [glow=COLOR,1,400]✧*:・゚[/glow]