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BLACK SHEEP, COME HOME ☆ o, typhoon kit - Printable Version

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BLACK SHEEP, COME HOME ☆ o, typhoon kit - lovekit. - 09-01-2020

lovekit — the typhoon — tags
As of late, Lovekit's life had been... odd. One moment, all had been well in the land of The Typhoon, with his mothers happy and the group bustling with activity and excitement. The next moment, Goldenluxury, one of his mothers, had seemed devastated. He could still remember walking into his moms' bedroom, confused as to why Sam was sleeping so soundly, even through all of the commotion. He had pressed urgently into Samantha's fur, trying to get her to wake up and speak to him. In the end, he still didn't truly know what was going on. All the other crewmembers in The Typhoon spoke about he and his siblings in hushed tones when they passed through town, and he had noticed the worried looks sent in the direction of Goldie. Despite not understanding the entirety of the situation, Lovekit intended on making it so that his mama wouldn't be so sad anymore. Surely she would be forced to smile and laugh again if he made some big, grand discovery while he was out of Typhoon territory! His little treasure hunting adventure hadn't gone so well, but that was just because he had been thinking too small. He had just been thinking of a necklace or some gold coins, but if he really found somewhere that nobody else had ever heard of? He'd be a hero.

It had been a pain, making his way out of the Typhoon town proper. After all, a lot of his family had been on edge ever since things changed, and most kept an eye on him like a crowd of hawks. However, he had been able to slip out in the dark of the night, squirming his way out of bed before he headed out into the night. It took some time before he was finally out of the territory of the home he knew so well, but he couldn't help the excitement that surged through him when he realized he could no longer smell Typhoon scent on the air. Part of him was scared, yes, but the majority of him was just excited. The hybrid felt the excitement morph into adrenaline, and it wasn't long until he was bolting through the trees, his heart beating quickly and the wind blowing through his fur.

When he eventually found his way onto Palmclan territory, it had been about a day and a half since he left his safe and secure home. He was sure that his mom would already be proud of him, considering he had been successful in hunting for himself, but when the scent of a new group came to him, he found his interest piqued. This was exactly what he had been looking for when he left. Pushing his way through the trees that made up one of Palmclan's borders, the hybrid let out a squeak as he fell forward, into the sand. Pushing himself up to his paws, Lo glanced around, his eyes widening at the locale before him. Not only was there a beautiful sea like that of The Typhoon, but there was also the towering cliffs, and the faintly glittering sight of the boardwalk in the distance. Feeling breathless, Lovekit took a few steps forward before he called out, "Hello? Is anyone here? I'd like to say hello!" The boy was lucky that Palmclan was only a reclusive, but not unfriendly place. If they had been more hostile, Lo probably would've been attacked on sight, or shunned for his hybrid nature.

Re: BLACK SHEEP, COME HOME ☆ o, typhoon kit - trojan g. - 09-03-2020

Patrols were meant to be something that happened in groups of two, at the very least. Rhinestonestar's request had simply been that - a request - but Sugar felt bad every time she left the camp alone, worried that she would be worried over, especially if she suddenly went missing due to the rats that were now running around PalmClan's territory. Though today's patrol had started with hunting, it seemed as though it was going to end with a kitten at the border, and Sugar could help but prick her ears when the hybrid child spoke out to whoever would listen.

Bolder than a lot of children she had seen, that was for sure. The tell-tale scent of a group lingered over the kitten's fur, one that smelled similar to PalmClan's with the salty tang of the ocean water, and her head would tilt to the side slightly. She hadn't known of any other groups of animals like PalmClan was currently, so it was strange to see Lovekit here like this.

It took her about a second to process the information and to get close to the child, and Sugarspice would soon offer a smile to the other before finally speaking her own words. "Hello little one," She would begin, crouching down slightly so that she could be at eye level with Lovekit. "My name's Sugarspice, I'm a senior warrior here in PalmClan. Where do you come from?" In this case she didn't care if she was being blunt or not, there were so many questions going on in the female's head. "speech"

Re: BLACK SHEEP, COME HOME ☆ o, typhoon kit - lovekit. - 09-04-2020

lovekit — the typhoon — tags
The warrior who came to greet him was so... tiny. She was bigger than Keona, but Sugar was much smaller than the majority of the warriors within The Typhoon, and Lovekit found himself blinking in surprise. It was even more confusing when she called him a little one. Being the largest of his litter, Lo wasn't used to being considered small by domestic felines, even though he was smaller than her. With his short tail flicking eagerly from side to side, the hybrid couldn't help the excitement that rushed through his veins at her arrival. He had been right about there being a group here, and that alone was enough to give him a sense of wonderful satisfaction. He really was an adventurer, and he had discovered an entirely new group! Or, at least, he couldn't remember hearing about such a group from anyone within The Typhoon. Palmclan? It sounded pleasant, but not familiar in any way.

With a crooked grin upon his muzzle, Lovekit said enthusiastically, "Sugarspice? That's kinda like my mom's name! And my name! I'm Lovekit, but you can call me Lo if you want." The child was babbling, yes, but he couldn't help it. Much like Sugar herself, Lovekit had an entire book's worth of questions running through him. Despite this, Goldie had always taught him that not answering someone's question was rather rude, so he shoved his questions aside for now. Pointing a paw back towards where he had come from – although only quite vaguely – Lovekit said simply, "I come from a place called The Typhoon. I wanted to try exploring, and I wanted to find something new! So that my mom would be happy again... I guess I did it, cause I've never heard of a place called Palmclan." It seemed ridiculous to Lo that anyone wouldn't have known about The Typhoon, but he supposed that went both ways. After all, he was sure Sugar would be confused about him not knowing about Palmclan.

Re: BLACK SHEEP, COME HOME ☆ o, typhoon kit - Grimm - 09-06-2020

Here you are and you’re all you wished to be
[size=9px]( silver tabby ; one month ; palmclan kitten )

You’re alive and you're not alone[/SIZE]
Intrusive the unwavering attention, suffocating in manner unintended, safety within times turbulent and strange all that they had sought within enacting certain behaviours. They cared and wished only to keep him, a found treasure tended with clumsy hands.

Stay in camp, it is too dangerous and I don't want to lose you. Words ring through downwardly inclined head, a quiet plea unfit for the smile she forced within place. She knew well unheeded her words may go, mere routine during a time she may wish them answered, yet understanding was a tentative bloom he cared little for and thus over his head had it all gone. Short the interval in which he did as she wished, though the basis hinged upon probable entertainment, time had seen such dwindle all too quickly, however.

Unimpeded his exit, though had he the mind to pay attention known that those about the beach doing their best to retain some semblance of normality watched his progression, keeping one such as he caged was simply beyond their resources. It was as such he walked along the shore with nose barely above the sand, kicked up the grains with each breath until —

A sneeze. Poor his judgement and into his nostrils had a few grains gone, grumbled annoyance muffled by a paw that rubbed at his muzzle, growing the collection of sand stuck in thin strands. Onward did he continue, though lessened his enthusiasm, for at least a moment as it were for the slowly closing distance allowed him to catch a small snippet of conversation. Squeaky the call he voiced as his pace quickened, a clumsy and heavy affair that nearly sent him falling face first before he found his balance.

Stranger. To no one would the pitiful little hiss he offered forth when the realisation struck arouse any sense of terror, though it alone was not his response. Down was head once more shifted and wildly did Foamkit charge, seeking to make contact with Lovekit's leg in what was likely to be an unsuccessful headbutt.
code by Reggan

Re: BLACK SHEEP, COME HOME ☆ o, typhoon kit - RHINESTONE. - 09-06-2020

Soft were Rhine's pawsteps as he made his way over to the small gathered group, his attention caught by an unfamiliar scent lingering on the air. It seemed almost like home, considering it carried with it the smell of salty waves and hot to the touch sand, but... it was different in a way, too. It didn't include the smell of wet wooden planks that made up the boardwalk along one of Palmclan's borders, and it also didn't include the smell of the damp stone that made up the sharp cliffs striking up into the sky. The subtle but very much there contrast between the two groups struck Rhinestone as both puzzling and worrying. He had known that, surely, there had to be more groups out there than just them, but he had never really thought about what they might be like. Perhaps the arrival of this new soul could be a boon, opening them up to the outside world – not that everyone in the group would be glad for that. However, it could just as easily be a burden, leading to troubles and chaos in the future if the other groups got the wrong impression of them. That only bolstered Rhine to move faster, not wanting anything regrettable to happen in his absence.

Unfortunately, the leader didn't arrive in time to stop Foamkit from charging forth at the newcomer, who looked to be barely a bit older than the other kit. Thankfully, Foamkit was still too young to do too much damage, especially to a larger hybrid like Lovekit. However, Rhinestone didn't want to set a precedent where Foam thought it was a good idea to just headbutt any new and confused "trespasser" on their territory. So, the tom's voice was gentle, but also firm, as he came to stand beside Sugarspice, "Foamkit, no. You shouldn't just go around attacking people, especially anyone who isn't threatening Palmclan." He doubted that the much younger tom would actually understand most of what he was saying, but hopefully his tone of voice would get his point across. Once that was seemingly taken care of, Rhine turned his gaze towards Lo, taking in the small hybrid's odd form and enthusiastic nature. After a long moment, he questioned, "Sorry about Foamkit... you say you're from a place called The Typhoon? They won't be upset with you being here, will they? Cause we can keep you safe, but we don't want any of us to be in danger..." It sounded as if the child had acted alone in this particular little venture, and that didn't fill him with a great deal of confidence. Especially since no one within the clan would know where the hell this "Typhoon" place was.
[sup]template made by tikki[/sup]

Re: BLACK SHEEP, COME HOME ☆ o, typhoon kit - lovekit. - 09-06-2020

lovekit — the typhoon — tags
Two new faces arrived on the scene to greet Lovekit, and their greatly differing reactions was enough to give the young hybrid whiplash. One moment, Lo had been standing there, talking politely with Sugarspice and telling her where he was from. The next moment, another kit arrived, looking both much younger and much smaller than him. The size difference was unsurprising, however, considering Foamkit was just a domestic feline, while Love was a combination of two considerably larger creatures. Upon Foam's initial arrival, Lovekit found himself turning with a grin, the young boy eager to make a new friend his age – or at least, around his age – in another group. Unfortunately, he wasn't exactly given a chance to say anything before Foam was letting out the closest thing to a war cry that the younger child could manage. When Foamkit's head collided with his leg, Lovekit was barely moved, having the advantage of size and strength on his side. However, he still found himself yanking his front leg back, questioning in confusion, "Hello...? Why'd you do that! I'm not trying to invade, or anything!" He would've added on more, but another adult had already arrived to scold the other kit himself.

When Rhinestone's attention was refocused on him, Lovekit was suddenly startled by how very small he felt. Although Rhine carried himself fairly casually, it was obvious that the other had power within Palmclan, and it sort of reminded Lo of his mom – albeit on a much softer level. Needless to say, he was eager to offer up any information that was needed, stubby tail quickly wagging back and forth as he answered, "Ah, don't worry! Nobody here will be in danger. I didn't really tell anyone before I left, but like I said, I came here to adventure! I'm sure that my mom is at home right now wondering when I'm gonna come back and tell her about all the things I had seen. But I can't just go back now... I need to make sure I know some stuff about you guys! Nobody will believe me if I just come back and say I found a place called Palmclan, but I don't know anything about them... could I please stay for a while? Please?" He looked hopefully between Rhine and Sugar, his heart soaring with hope. Not only was what he said true – at least in his eyes – but... he didn't really know the way home yet, either.