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this ain't a disney movie ; joining - Printable Version

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this ain't a disney movie ; joining - Bareilles - 08-30-2020

It's a swirling, simmering blackness that greets his vision, and a twisting feeling in his gut that increases as his ears begin to ring, the sound as if someone was continuously dragging a metal fork against a metal triangle, and he feels himself sway on his feet. He feels as if he's spinning, and he half expects bile to rise from the depths of his stomach with the intensity of the motion of his body and the earth beneath him. It's somewhat reminiscent of a ship in treacherous water, but nevertheless he attempts to block out what's happening around him. Instead, the sound gets louder and the world spins faster, his eyes grow heavy and his chest begins to ache, as if he were about to pass out.

It all stops before that happens, anyway.

He's left gasping for breath on the shores of an island the thick black smog receding from his sight, the rocking eventually slows to a stop, although it takes its time in doing so; he doesn't know where he is or how he got there, this hadn't been the home of the ghost-loving group he'd been with before, who'd worshipped a tree god of all silly things.

Thinking back on it, he can't remember what that tree god's name was. He can't remember the names of anyone he'd known, either, or even the names of any of the places he might have once called home. Their faces, in his memory; are covered by the same swirling black mist that had shrouded his sight only moments before. He sucks in a breath, the cold air sharp against the back of his throat, dry from hyperventilating.

He hunches over, his face pressing against the ground beneath him, the sand scratching against scars that have long since stopped being sensitive. His mouth twists into a wiry, twisted version of what might be considered a frown, the corners pulling down and out as he pants harshly, the rising and falling of his chest coming to a gradual stop.

It enables him to stand straight, finally. His limbs are wobbly and if he were going to describe the feeling of the word 'green' it would be what he's feeling at that moment, but words are lost to him for now. His shoulders shake as he leans slightly to the right, single emeral optic slowly dragging across the scenery around him, as if by looking he could find out where he is.

But it's nowhere that he recognises, and after nearly six years of live, the idea that he's never been here before is like a slap to the face.

He wants to call out to anyone who might be out there, but wherever he'd come from, he'd watched plenty of horror movies; no way was he going to be the one to get himself killed by being stupid, and so he tucked himself tiredly against the ground, lowering his face so his chin rested against the sand, and waited. For what, he didn't know. Yet.

Re: this ain't a disney movie ; joining - CAESAR CIPHER. - 08-31-2020

[glow=black,1,400]WATCH YOUR TONGUE, OR HAVE IT CUT FROM YOUR HEAD !。+゚.[/glow]
"You better have a good reason to be here, stranger." Caesar decided to reveal himself now - although whether or not Bareilles saw him before due to his unnaturally bright fur, he didn't care much for. The savannah's dark-colored eyes were narrowed as he approached the newcomer, his claws sliding out to show he meant business.

Was it wise to give name to where they were at the moment? Likely not. Considering Stryker wanted to "lay low" right now, Caesar held his tongue. "You've got three seconds to state your name and business."[glow=COLOR,1,400]✧*:・゚[/glow]

Re: this ain't a disney movie ; joining - ninazu - 09-02-2020

The lioness steps through the charred undergrowth soon after Caesar, the fire flicking around her neck and rolling over her shoulders. Her golden eyes glance from the stranger to Caesar. As much as she hates the yellow eyesore, she dislikes intruders more. Though this one looks in a sorry state, indeed.

“This one may need more than three seconds. Looks woozy to me.” Ninazu’s tone is neutral, neither kind nor unkind. Despite the herbal-scented satchel tapping her side, she doesn’t look at the stranger with a healer’s compassion. It has been years since she’s upheld a healer’s ethics—if she even did at all.

Re: this ain't a disney movie ; joining - kinglykingstone - 09-02-2020

Enticed by the cloud of smog, the foliage backed feline approached, eyes taking in the scene. His face twisted into a momentary snarl at the sight of the neon-colored savannah before shifting into something softer at the appearance of Ninazu.

The guru, actual medic of the group, pushed past the pair to the one of the beach, gently nudging their shoulder. "Hey, Darlin, you need some help?" the guru would ask, concern clear in their thick accent. He waited to make any actions until he had the other's consent. His morals may be on the darker side but, consent was one thing he he understood and upheld. Most of the time.

Re: this ain't a disney movie ; joining - Bareilles - 09-02-2020

He hears them coming. There are three, of what he can tell--each of them coming from a different direction as if to surround him, though one is distinctly closer than the other tree, noted as he steps through the undergrowth toward him. He's yellow and if he'd never met anyone with some random colouring he might have been surprised, but as it were he'd had a giant spider knit him a blanket to shelter from the cold once, not much surprised him anymore.

Their threatening tone isn't a surprise, either. It's understandable that you'd feel some kind of hostility towards any intruders in your territory, granted Barei didn't even know where he was, and with his somewhat dizzy state he barely had time to ready himself for what could possibly be a fight. He snorted still, stumbling into a somewhat hunched stance, eyes flicking up to the other to peer through his lashes with vaguely irritated intrigue and, leaning slightly to the right; spoke up at last as the other two appeared. "Scary." he scoffed, picking himself up figuratively, his vision clearing up quickly now.

The second one spoke, she smelt like various herbs that left a tingle in his nose that reminded him of Irina. He ignored the comment about his physical state, he knew even when he hadn't just been transported through Satan's asshole that he didn't look presentable. The other, though, walked straight toward him and offered him assistance; there was a kindness there he hadn't expected and, though grateful, it was mostly unneeded. "All I need-" a heavy breath and a swallow as he shook his head, standing upright for the first time in about five minutes. "-is for one of you to tell me where I am, and I'll be out of your hair... In no time."

Re: this ain't a disney movie ; joining - CAESAR CIPHER. - 09-03-2020

[glow=black,1,400]CLEVER GOT ME THIS FAR, THEN TRICKY GOT ME IN !。+゚.[/glow]
Caesar's ears simply flicked to show he heard Ninazu and Chaz approaching and offering their words, but his gaze was locked onto the stranger. His long tail swished to-and-fro, clearly not amused by the intruder's words. He shook his head and chuckled, "You're idiotic if you think we're going to do that." Flames briefly flashed from his maw, almost acting as a warning sign to Bareilles.

Completely ignoring the fact that Chaz was trying to help this intruder, Caesar tried to shoot a fireball at [member=305]BAREI.[/member] . Regardless if this succeeded or not, it left his mouth burnt, but he seemed to pay no mind to it; not yet, anyway.[glow=COLOR,1,400]✧*:・゚[/glow]

Re: this ain't a disney movie ; joining - ninazu - 09-03-2020

“Nonsense. You’re injured,” Ninazu said. Amongst the flickering flames, her ears flicked. She hung back with Caesar. Ninazu hated being an official medic; she gladly hung back and let the guru handle the matter. She didn’t want to touch anyone, let alone strangers.

Caesar’s erratic tail caught her eye. Of course it did; the lioness knew the damned bastard.

The moment the fireball left his mouth, she raised a flaming paw and absorbed it. The stench of burning fur filled the area. Before it hit her nose, she’d already lunged at the yellow savannah. Moving the earth beneath him, she attempted to have him sink up to his elbows in muck. Then, she’d attempt to thwack him upside the head.

“No, you’re idiotic,” she said. Her voice came out as a sigh. The lioness was so damned tired of dealing with this shit. How she looked forward to her noon nap and evening meditation right now. “Believe me, Caesar, you don’t want me to babysit you. I’m not above muzzling you, putting you in a straightjacket, and burying you in the sand. Perhaps then you’ll be so bored out of your mind, you’ll actually calm the fuck down.”

Re: this ain't a disney movie ; joining - CAESAR CIPHER. - 09-04-2020

[glow=black,1,400]CLEVER GOT ME THIS FAR, THEN TRICKY GOT ME IN !。+゚.[/glow]
To see his fireball fizzle out before it hit his opponent, Caesar opened his mouth to yell at Ninazu, only to be met with her lunging towards him, shifting the earth below him. "Why should we help him?" The savannah hissed, flattening his ears as he tried to move - to no avail, of course. "Why the fuck am I the bad guy here?" He went on to growl. "I thought y'all didn't want to be known yet. What if the bitch leaves? Then he'll spread word that we live here."[glow=COLOR,1,400]✧*:・゚[/glow]

Re: this ain't a disney movie ; joining - Bareilles - 09-04-2020

Barei isn't entirely surprised that he's attacked before another word can come out of anyone's mouth. His immediate reaction is to duck down and slide out of the way, to movement slower than he'd have liked though no less graceful than what you'd expect from a battle-weary soldier. The attack has his fur standing on end and his muscles tensed as if ready to take off at any moment, even as he watches the fireball fizzle out and the yellow cat be partly engulfed by the earth around him. The other one, the one that he'd first noticed had smelt like herbs, is at his defense, though he still won't let his guard down.

His single piercing emerald eye fixates on the yellow male, Caesar, his pupil dilating into a round circle that almost entirely engulfs his iris. He can feel the twitch at his hips egging him on to lunge and sink his claws into him, though he withholds for now. Instead, his lips curl back, blackened lips stretching into a vile sneer. "Calm down, you edgy psycho. I got it, no leaving." he hisses, hackles raising further, torn and tattered ears flattened against his skull. His adams apple bobs in his throat, a low, resonating growl carrying from within his chest. "I'd still like to know where the fuck I am though, if I have that privilege."

Re: this ain't a disney movie ; joining - Stryker - 09-04-2020

The commotion grabbed the Kingpin's attention, notably the loud 'thwack' that echoed across Caesar's head. Stryker rerouted his path from his daily patrol and arrived within seconds. Green eyes narrowed at the group. Everyone had their reason. Caesar, contrary to popular belief, was following a leader's orders. Even so, he was being unnecessarily violent and would throw the stranger off. In the meantime, Ninazu was scolding Caesar. Rightfully so in his opinion, but was it necessary? Finally, the stranger was calling an edgy psycho, causing the Kingpin to snicker lowly. For now, they seemed to be neutral. Ultimately, Stryker deemed them to be peaceful.

The lion looked down. He considered kicking dirt in the male's face. "While you have a point, Spots, we need more populace too," the lion shot towards the earthly feline. "Don't scare a willing contender off, dumbfuck." Ninazu's idea of putting the feline in the ground made a place in his head, noting it for future reference. Caesar always damned himself. Impulsive cunt. In the meantime, he offered the female a wink. "Thank you, Ninny." A smirk met his lips momentarily.

Turning towards the stranger, he let out a huff. "At least you understand the rules here, though," he commented. "No that comes in goes out." His gaze looked the stranger up and down, assessing their psychical advantages and disadvantages. Stryker was internally questioning their use within the Coalition of the Condemned. Slave? Wanderer? That all depended on their answer though. "You're within the Coalition of the Condemned, tough guy." Green orbs moved back up to look at Barei. "Why are you here?" Stryker hoped his answer was truthful. Otherwise, they would have an issue and he'd gladly let Caesar out of the ground.

I'm back like a vertebrae and I come with a hat full of tricks, Everybody's waitin for the show to begin