Beasts of Beyond
ON MY GARBAGE TRUCK ☆ MEETING 08/30 - Printable Version

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It had been three weeks, and the time had come for yet another Palmclan meeting. It would certainly be an exciting one, considering how eventful the last three weeks had been. There had been ups and downs, yes, but Rhinestone couldn't help the excitement that was running through his body as he leaped atop the meeting rock. It was clear he wasn't the only one, considering quite a few faces had already begun to gather around before he even cleared his throat. Chuckling softly down at them, the leader got comfortable before calling out loudly, "All those old enough to brave the waves, gather around for a meeting!" The call was largely performance at this point, since Rhine knew full well that the kits would be poking their heads out to listen as well. Taking a moment, the rust colored tom waited for a few more warriors to gather around before he continued, "It's good to see you all gathered. It has been an eventful week, and there's plenty of news, so I'd recommend you get comfortable." He noticed a soft chuckle reverberate through the crowd, and he chuckled a bit himself before continuing, "I feel as though I should start with the bad news first, so that the rest of the meeting may lift us up. So, first things first... we have lost several good warriors. Vixenvenom has gone missing, and although many patrols have been sent out to find her, we have come back with nothing. In addition to this, it is believed that Penumbrarunner may have died at sea. We haven't found a body yet, but she went fishing, and has not returned. Haystripe's body was recently recovered as well, so we'll be sitting vigil for them tonight." He took no pleasure in announcing such things, but it was necessary. The clan needed to know what was going on, and the fallen deserved their recognition.

With the most dire of the news out of the way, Rhine moved on, offering the crowd before him a reassuring smile, "However, although we have lost some, we have also gained many warriors in these past few weeks, as well. As a result of this, I'd like everyone to give a very warm welcome to [member=15946]sugarspice[/member] [member=16080]FOAMKIT.[/member], [member=16085]ottermouth[/member]  and our new carnotaurus companion ( @palejaw ). In addition to this, welcome back [member=16114]HAUNTINGDREAMS.[/member] I'm also very glad to see [member=16083]WEEPINGSHADE[/member] back around." They were so many names to list off, and Rhine couldn't help the smile that fact brought to his face. They truly were thriving, and he was glad for that. Trying not to grow jittery from excitement, the leader tapped his paw idly against the meeting rock before continuing, "In terms of activity, I would like to give a shoutout to Featherear for doing good work. I'd also like to ask Sugarspice to step up as one of our senior warriors. Although you've only been here a few weeks, you've brought excellent ideas and activity, and I believe you deserve it." He flashed a brief grin to both Featherear and Sugarspice, hoping that they would be glad to have their names recognized. He also added on, his voice a warm purr, "I'd also like to say that everyone is doing a great job with activity. I've seen so many friendly faces around, and everything is constantly bustling, and I'm more than glad for that!"

As Rhinestone noticed a few faces absent within the crowd, he spoke simply, "I have even more news for you all, so please stick around." Normally this was when he would do his usual "meeting dismissed" speech, but this time, that could wait.
[sup]template made by tikki[/sup]

Re: ON MY GARBAGE TRUCK ☆ MEETING 08/30 - MysteriouslyMaple - 08-31-2020

[glow=white,1,400]NO MORE SORROW !。+゚.[/glow]
When Hauntingdreams had returned, the tom hadn't bothered to ask who was leading - or even if the previous leader was still around. Perhaps it was mouse-brained of him, but the thought hadn't popped in his mind at the time; so whenever he heard Rhinestonestar calling a meeting, Hauntingdreams was rather surprised. That meant both the leader and deputy had perished during the hurricane. Damn. PalmClan had lost a lot of members, hadn't they?

Shaking his fur out as he got out of his nest, Hauntingdreams made his way over to the meeting area and took a seat far from his clanmates. He listened to Rhinestonestar's announcements, his ears flicking as his own name was mentioned, thus causing his clanmates to look over and smile at him. Rhinestonestar had more to say, obviously, and so the tom stayed where he was.[glow=COLOR,1,400]✧*:・゚[/glow]

Re: ON MY GARBAGE TRUCK ☆ MEETING 08/30 - spacexual - 08-31-2020

[div style="width: 30%; height: 130px; background-image: url(; background-size: cover; background-position: center; border: 5px solid #3C2D22; margin-left: 2%; margin-top: 6px;"]
While Weepingkit was still not formerly acquainted with a majority of the clan yet, being mostly with the other kits or his brother, he thought it make sense that he'd show up for their meetings. He was old enough to at least kind of understand what was discussed, being just two months away from apprenticeship, and he liked to hear what his older brother had to say. Being there made him feel like he was a part of something important. And he kind of was - it was important, after all, to know what was going on even if he didn't completely understand it. And so he approaches the crowd quietly, ears perked as he listens to his brother's words. He plops himself down by himself, tail curled around his paws.

He shuffles silently as his own name is called among the many that were, blinking as his brother pauses, seeming to have even more to discuss. At least there seemed to be a lot going on. Maybe he could help out with whatever was happening!

Re: ON MY GARBAGE TRUCK ☆ MEETING 08/30 - trojan g. - 09-01-2020

[[ sorry for the crappy post lmao ]]

Sugarspice hadn't expected anything to come from her being in the group for as little as she had, but when Rhinestonestar had said that she would be a senior warrior, her ears turned warm with excitement. "Thank you Rhinestonestar, I won't let you down." She would speak, and she would try to stay true to her word.  "speech"


Rhinestone watched as several more familiar faces gathered around, including those that had been welcomed and shouted out, as well as Sugarspice. He found himself smiling faintly when she thanked him, dipping his head respectfully to her before he continued, "Now, I should probably mention some things going on within the group right now. First of all, we've got food sorting going on, for all those that are interested in helping. Just so that we no longer have to deal with the seagulls trying to grab our prey. In addition to this, we've also got a disaster awareness course going on, so that we can be more prepared in a future emergency." Rhine felt a faint smile quirk at the edge of his muzzle as he moved on, his pale gaze seeking out Foamkit among the crowd before he continued, "Our very own Foamkit has decided to host a meeting of his own, so I'm sure that he has plenty of important info for all of you as well." He knew it was a bit silly, giving the kit's babbling meeting a shout out, but he had found it adorable, and he saw no reason not to let the child have some fun. It wasn't as if he was blurting out clan secrets – after all, he could barely talk.

Shifting a little atop the stone platform, Rhine's expression changed from one of calm amusement, to faint anxiety. He hadn't wanted to bring it up, but the pests had been becoming more and more common as of late, and the clan deserved a warning. As a result of this, he stated firmly, "I know a few weeks ago, when I held our last meeting, I asked everyone to pair up for patrols, so that they would be safe in case of an emergency, such as another fox attack. Everyone has been doing well, and I would've liked to say that we could go back to varying patrol sizes, but I'm afraid we have a new problem on our hands. More and more rats have been spotted around the territory, and whole they're usually just pests, I don't want anyone getting overwhelmed. So please, continue to take a partner if you must leave camp." With that out of the way, it was time to end the meeting with something more positive. Something that would, hopefully, bring everyone together. Clearing his throat, he searched the crowd for the carnotaurus before speaking, "Nameless carnotaurus... please step forward. You are the second nameless one who has come to us in recent memory, and once again, it doesn't seem proper for a warrior of Palmclan not to have a name. So, with the blessing of Starclan, I present you with your name. From this day forth, you shall be known as Palejaw." He could only hope that Palejaw would appreciate his new name, considering Rhine had spent hours milling over what would serve the dinosaur best.

With his tail twitching anxiously behind him – and feeling surprisingly tired from all he had just shared – the leader finally dipped his head, "That should be all, for now. Unless anyone has any questions, thank you all, meeting dismissed." He then let himself relax, a soft sigh leaving him as he sat back. He'd stay on the rock for now, just to make sure there weren't any questions.

[sup]template made by tikki[/sup]

Re: ON MY GARBAGE TRUCK ☆ MEETING 08/30 - Grimm - 09-06-2020

Here you are and you’re all you wished to be
[size=9px]( silver tabby ; one month ; palmclan kitten )

You’re alive and you're not alone[/SIZE]
Better to be late than never arrive.

Far such notion from the whirling thoughts that populated silver hued head, singular the figure upon which his attention was focused. Clumsy each hasty step performed, the loose, shifting terrain the sand offered grown easier to traverse with the assistance of experience, yet it was shelved beneath mere want. Distance too great, incline once conquered though now it was but a distant star he may reach for without hope of catching.

Heavy the annoyance about grumbled sound, one may not deem it a word though further practiced had he grown, a mimic as of yet. His name. Upward tilted ivory hued chin, mouth opening as eyes widened as much they were capable, strangled the little squeak he voiced at the mention of his escapades. Luminous the grin settling into place, an indent worn into the sand as his tail flicked back and forth.
code by Reggan