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UP ALL NIGHT TO GET LUCKY // pet snake - Printable Version

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UP ALL NIGHT TO GET LUCKY // pet snake - CAESAR CIPHER. - 08-30-2020

[glow=black,1,400]WATCH YOUR TONGUE, OR HAVE IT CUT FROM YOUR HEAD !。+゚.[/glow]
Being in a new territory sucked ass, and although Caesar was used to being on an island -- The Typhoon, obviously -- the savannah had never been to this island in particular. So, the demon took it upon himself to explore around; not much happened in his exploration, much to his dismay. This place is so fucking boring. Perhaps it was his fault for getting exiled from everywhere, and hence not able to go out and spy, but whatever - Stryker should know to make this place a little bit more interesting.

Unless he wants to kill our prisoners from boredom. Caesar snorted to himself as he made his way back to camp, only to be 'attacked' by a small, yellow snake. The savannah let out a hiss and scrambled backwards, as if that would help him with whatever decided to cling onto his neck. Lo and behold, a small female banana python had curled on his neck, seemingly making herself at home - unfortunately for Caesar, he didn't seem too fond on his new companion. "Get the hell off of me!" He snarled, though the snake in response simply flicked her tongue at him.[glow=COLOR,1,400]✧*:・゚[/glow]

Re: UP ALL NIGHT TO GET LUCKY // pet snake - kinglykingstone - 09-02-2020

Most of the guru's waking hours were spent working and scavenging, hoping to rebuild their stores. They had gained a crick in their back from the nearly permanent satchel across their back, pressing down on the ferns which grew upon their back.

He was headed out on one of his missions when the highlighter's yells caught the guru's attention. Trotting over, the feline chuckled. "Well howdy, Sunshine! Looks like someone got 'emselves a new partn'r!" he would crow in a too-chipper tone, smirking as he watched Ceaser struggle.

Re: UP ALL NIGHT TO GET LUCKY // pet snake - CAESAR CIPHER. - 09-03-2020

[glow=black,1,400]CLEVER GOT ME THIS FAR, THEN TRICKY GOT ME IN !。+゚.[/glow]
Oh, great. Just what he needed; attention. Caesar's head snapped to Chaz as the other feline approached and flattened his ears at the medic of their group. "Don't call me that." He snarled before focusing on trying to get his snake 'friend' off of his neck. The snake moved under his paws, flicking her tongue on his cheek as if to give him a 'kiss'. Caesar's response to this, of course, was to hiss and tried to use his back paws to try and pry the snake off of his neck.[glow=COLOR,1,400]✧*:・゚[/glow]

Re: UP ALL NIGHT TO GET LUCKY // pet snake - Stryker - 09-04-2020

From afar, the cackling of Stryker rang throughout the forest. He couldn't stifle his laughter. "Sunshine," he snorted.  Hoo boy. That's the completely opposite of Caesar's personality. What a decrepit bastard. There was no glimpse of 'sunshine' within the feline's attitude, despite their vibrant appearance. Chaz, as always, was a light within the darkness. Within this situation, it was the hilarity they needed.

Coming up to the Guru's side, he let out another laugh. "Why, aren't you pleasant, sunny?" he cooed sarcastically. His gaze shifted to Chaz momentarily, offering him a light smile. "Having a bit of trouble with your new best friend, aren't ya?" Caesar with a snake. How ironic.
I'm back like a vertebrae and I come with a hat full of tricks, Everybody's waitin for the show to begin

Re: UP ALL NIGHT TO GET LUCKY // pet snake - CAESAR CIPHER. - 09-05-2020

[glow=black,1,400]CLEVER GOT ME THIS FAR, THEN TRICKY GOT ME IN !。+゚.[/glow]
Holy fucking shit, was his entire time here going to be full of nicknames? Caesar glared at Stryker as the Kingpin approached, attributing the whole nicknaming trend to the leader. People follow the leader, after all. The savannah had given up trying to get rid of the snake that curled around his neck by the time Stryker asked about it.

"No, I'm going to keep her." Caesar replied, raising his head in a haughty way, as if to shrug the fact that he was trying to get rid of the damned thing. "Clearly she doesn't want to leave, so I'll keep her as a pet." He obviously didn't realize the irony of this whole situation, unlike Stryker.[glow=COLOR,1,400]✧*:・゚[/glow]

Re: UP ALL NIGHT TO GET LUCKY // pet snake - Stryker - 09-09-2020

A snort left the leader. Now that was ironic. A leader with snake attributes and a snake-like savannah cat with a pet snake. What a strange, yet accurate, pattern. Stryker rolled his eyes, not believing that Caesar managed to have some empathy for a damn snake. Guess his shriveled, dead, and cold was alive somewhat.  "Well," he said with a snort, "What's her name then? Strykiana?"

I'm back like a vertebrae and I come with a hat full of tricks, Everybody's waitin for the show to begin

Re: UP ALL NIGHT TO GET LUCKY // pet snake - CAESAR CIPHER. - 09-09-2020

[glow=black,1,400]CLEVER GOT ME THIS FAR, THEN TRICKY GOT ME IN !。+゚.[/glow]
Empathy was one way to put it, but Caesar saw it as him just getting tired of trying to convince the damn creature to get off his neck. "You flatter yourself too much." The demon snorted in response to Stryker's proposed name. "Nah, Elwzlvh."

//For those on mobile, her name is pronouced "el-wiz-luv", it's coded in caesar cipher [3 letters back]. Her name is Bitwise, though Caesar will likely come up with an unrelated nickname to fuck with people[glow=COLOR,1,400]✧*:・゚[/glow]

Re: UP ALL NIGHT TO GET LUCKY // pet snake - ninazu - 09-11-2020

The serval grimaced at Caesar, sparing a glance full of pity at the yellow snake. “Poor creature. She’s much too pretty for you, Lemon Boy,” Ninazu’s ears flicked back, and she huffed. She doubted the banana snake’s intelligence—especially given Ninazu’s lack of interaction with a sapient snake—especially after it latched onto Caesar. “What did you do, roll around in dead mice?”

She sighed once again, weaving around one of Stryker’s forelegs. He acted as a reasonable scratching post for her black horns, and she headbutted his knee. “It-was-love?” Ninazu parroted back, unintentionally butchering the name’s pronunciation. “Don’t tell me. You’re getting sappy in your exile.”

Re: UP ALL NIGHT TO GET LUCKY // pet snake - Stryker - 09-12-2020

The lion's eyes shifted towards the snake's own gaze. He couldn't help but be judgmental. After all, the Kingpin had snake-like qualities and would feel somewhat connected to the creature. Nevertheless, he tried not to get attached. After all, it was Caesar's 'pet.' Might as well call it fucking a slave at that point, especially with the savannah cat. Looking back up towards him, he shrugged. "Personally, I don't think I flatter myself enough," the lion remarked with a sneer.

His slitted gaze shifted towards the approaching female. "I think he's growing soft, Ninny." Once the destroyer of Snowbound, now a snake-lover. How fucking ironic.


Re: UP ALL NIGHT TO GET LUCKY // pet snake - CAESAR CIPHER. - 09-14-2020

[glow=black,1,400]CLEVER GOT ME THIS FAR, THEN TRICKY GOT ME IN !。+゚.[/glow]
Could he kill this snake if he wanted to? Sure, but truthfully, Caesar kind of wanted a pet around - at least it seemed to like him, unlike the majority of everyone else. "El-wiz-luv, pronounce it right and maybe you'd see I'm not going soft." It wasn't like he was writing the snake's name out - he just fucking said her name right then and there.

"Snakes are feisty creatures." Well, some of them. Ball pythons specifically? ... Perhaps not. Caesar's voice was in a matter-of-fact tone as he spoke, "I would probably train her to fight if I wanted to."[glow=COLOR,1,400]✧*:・゚[/glow]