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EVERYONE ASK ANYWAY // introduction - Printable Version

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EVERYONE ASK ANYWAY // introduction - VAYNE CIPHER-VANTAS. - 08-30-2020

[glow=white,1,400]LIKE WE FORGET WHO WE CAN TRUST !。+゚.[/glow]
Chin up.

Vayne sat by the oceans edge, peering down at her reflection in the waves that came slowly washing over; Aphra did warn her not to get too far to the edge of camp, because the waters could wash her away - but that still didn't stop the little kitten from wanting to be near the ocean. She had to respect Mother's wishes, but at the same time she wanted to practice being as confident as Aphra was. Her mother's voice echoed in her mind as she repeated the mantra that Aphra seemed to have taught her.

"Chin up, shoulders straight, tail high." Vayne wasn't aware she was talking out loud, believing that she was still echoing Aphra's voice in her mind. The flame-point puffed out her chest and fur, before inwardly cringing at how she looked. At this rate, she would only disappoint Aphra.[glow=COLOR,1,400]✧*:・゚[/glow]

Re: EVERYONE ASK ANYWAY // introduction - michael t. - 08-30-2020

When Aphra had given birth to her children, Michael had been both extremely excited, and extremely worried. He was glad to have new Typhooners, and he honestly loved having kids around, but he also knew Aphra would probably mess them up. After all, she hadn't been a good mother to the kids she had thus far, so why would she be a good mother to them? So, the fugitive had been keeping an eye on the new kits from afar, whenever he happened to spot them while walking around. For the most part they seemed untainted thus far, but he knew that wouldn't last long. Not unless the rest of The Typhoon interfered. Which was why, when the coyote took notice of Vayne sitting by the water's edge, he had decided to go over and introduce himself. Taking a few long strides over, the pregnant canine's ears flicked when he heard the child's muttering, wincing near immediately. It sounded exactly like the kind of routine Aphra would teach, and he found himself shaking his head before speaking, "Hey, kid. You're on of Aphra's little ones, right? I'm Michael, I'm a reaver around here." He then tilted his head to one side, indulging his suspicions, "...Did your mom teach you what you were muttering?" He knew that Roxie shouldn't have shot down his idea to sneak in and just snatch the kids for adoption.
[sup]template made by tikki[/sup]

Re: EVERYONE ASK ANYWAY // introduction - GEORGIA. - 08-30-2020

When Aphra had announced her pregnancy, Georgia had frowned. She frowned then, and she frowned now. Aphra was not the motherly type; Georgia didn't care what her history was or what she looked like on the inside - that lady would abandon her kids given the right circumstances. She wished she was joking when she said she was going to steal the children. Georgia was no mother herself, but she would not hesitate to liberate those kids if Aphra gave her even the slightest reason.

Thinking about it was one thing; showing up to meet the kids was different. Gia had never been solid with children - she both understood and couldn't comprehend the illogical way they thought. Part of her was the same: young, volatile, impressionable. But her experiences gave her a different set of rules. She grew up without a mother figure in her life; as far as she was concerned, they were unnecessary. This made telling kids "screw what your mom says" a lot easier than it should have been.

Very nearly limping to the scene, Georgia proceeded to stretch her thinning muscles. She hadn't used them for nearly a week straight; cramps were going to keep her up all night. Which, honestly wasn't an issue - she avoided sleep anyways. "You don't gotta stay rigid all the time, kiddo." Georgia huffed, words a little mumbled. "You'll give yourself a back ache." Geo stretched out, laying on her stomach. "I'm Georgia."

Re: EVERYONE ASK ANYWAY // introduction - VAYNE CIPHER-VANTAS. - 08-31-2020

[glow=white,1,400]LIKE WE FORGET WHO WE CAN TRUST !。+゚.[/glow]
Vayne didn't realize that she was getting attention, so to hear Michael's voice close to her startled her a bit. The long-haired kitten let out a squeak of surprise, blinking up at the pregnant coyote. "O-oh, yeah..! My name is Vayne." She replied, giving Michael a stiff nod. "Aphra is my momm-mother." The she-cat was going to say Momma at first, but inwardly remembered that Aphra preferred being called Mother, if not just called by her name in the first place.

Georgia came over next and Vayne bit her lip slightly at the other girl's words. "Why not?" She asked. "Mother says I need to practice looking like a princess." An innocent question and explanation perhaps, but certainly not as much considering how Aphra was. "I'm Vayne, if you, um.. didn't hear that."[glow=COLOR,1,400]✧*:・゚[/glow]

Re: EVERYONE ASK ANYWAY // introduction - ROXANNE R. - 09-01-2020

me dejaste, me dejaste en un tango
/ retro to Jaime's passing

Walking over with both ears perked forward, the Officer noticed the other kitten that seemed to belong to Aphra. A small frown on her maw for a moment hearing what Vayne had said, it reminded her of when she had been little. Judith having always said that to her sisters back on the streets. It made her blood boil a bit though she forced on a smile, she brushed up against Michael and would tilt her head to the side as she would mew in a gentle tone "You needn't do that. Don't listen to your mother or you'll get a horrible ache... Besides, you're already a princess in my eyes." She would sit down curling her tail neatly over her paws with a slow nod of her head "Princess Vayne," She continues with a slight dip of her head introducing herself with a toothy grin "I am Roxanne Roux and it's a pleasure t'meetcha."

If Aphra decided to show and shut her down for validating Vayne then Roxanne wouldn't hesitate in throwing the bitch into the volcano where she belonged.

Re: EVERYONE ASK ANYWAY // introduction - APHRA CIPHER . - 09-01-2020

[glow=grey,1,400]OH YES, I'VE HEARD THE STORY OVER AND OVER AGAIN !。+゚.[/glow]
"I thought I told you to stay away from my children." Aphra's voice came in a sharp hiss, running over whenever she spotted her daughter with Michael, Roxanne, and Georgia. Although she didn't really have an issue with Georgia being around her kittens (yet), the two Rouxes were what had Aphra all up in arms at the moment. Her fur was fluffed out and she weaved her way to pull Vayne closer to her.

"She doesn't need acceptance from you." Aphra hissed once more, glaring at Roxanne with her icy-blue eyes. Her kinked tail curled protectively over Vayne, almost as if she were trying to shield the young girl from Roxanne and Michael. "She must work on improving herself, and she's doing just fine at it." For now, at least.[glow=COLOR,1,400]✧*:・゚[/glow]

Re: EVERYONE ASK ANYWAY // introduction - SÉAMUS - 09-01-2020

Séamus Ó Faoláin
"Nothin' wrong with being accepted by your crew," the Irishman pointed out plainly.  Séamus wasn't entirely familiar with Aphra's issues with the Rouxes, but he hardly felt it was his business -- he just didn't understand the root of the present issue.  A crew looked out for each other.  "Otherwise, what's the poin' of stickin' around?"

The small feline's questions were sincere, a challenge of loyalty resting in his sea-green eyes.  Around his shoulders, Niamh curled up, tasting the tense air with a curious tongue.  The young black mamba still fit there -- for now -- just as intrigued about the unwarranted hostility as himself.

"But hey, kid; name's Séamus, and you should know that we're pirates.  Be who you wanna be -- princess or otherwise.  It's a free life."

The faerie grew up an actual prince, but that meant little to him now -- pirates didn't have any cause for all that proper nonsense.  To him, it was all very restricting and unnecessary.  He would rather be himself.
Word of mouth there's a snake in the garden

Re: EVERYONE ASK ANYWAY // introduction - GEORGIA. - 09-02-2020

Georgia's eyes flickered lazily over the gathering group of people, her want to be there beginning to fade. It wasn't Aphra's doing - just the simple numbers growing in Vayne's audience. Gia felt no need to be a part of a large group; in fact, she'd love to avoid it, if at all possible. People clearly held no specific interest in her, but the state of disarray her appearance was in just begged for a bit of snark. Maybe it was this that had the girl bow her head to try and flatten the tufts on her chest.

"Chill out, tiger mom. Nobody's teaching her witchcraft." Georgia sighed at Aphra, tail thumping in irritation. Always the best at spoiling the mood, wasn't she? "Why don't you teach your kid that there's more than just a straight back and following the rules to look like royalty?" She offered, flopping on her side. It was a little rich, coming from her; divinity and ichor ran silver and gold in Georgia's veins, but she showed no outward signs of it. If she knew any manners at all, it wasn't apparent.

Re: EVERYONE ASK ANYWAY // introduction - michael t. - 09-02-2020

He really should've known that Aphra would eventually show up to ruin things, as she had a rather disturbing habit of doing. Michael tried his best not to stick his nose in other people's business, but the reaver couldn't deny that being in The Typhoon had softened him, and made him more protective over the children within the group. Needless to say, despite the other being the kid's mother, the coyote saw Aphra as nothing more than a nuisance in Vayne's life. A bad influence, and a plague that should've been purged from it the moment she was born, rather than trying to raise her. He wasn't sure why, but the other's presence alone was enough to raise his blood pressure, and soon enough blue eyes were narrowed in the felines direction. He snapped, teeth bared, "She doesn't need your fucking approval either, Aphra, mother or not. That's like getting the approval of a bag of shit." In the back of his mind, he found himself wondering if he'd get yelled at for taking a chunk out of Aphra's side. Maybe he could just blame it on the pregnancy hormones, and Goldie would let him off the hook?

Trying to calm himself down, the canine pressed lightly into Roxie's side, a little huff leaving him before he refocused his attention on Vayne. Pointedly ignoring Aphra's presence, the thief found himself barking, "Rox is right, you know. Life isn't all about a straight back and making yourself look proper. If you believe in that, you'll just be all achy and cranky, and you'll end up just as bitter as Aphra. You shouldn't listen to her, kid." He felt no remorse in warning Vayne of the risks of listening to her mother. Aphra had been nothing but a thorn in the side of the Typhoon for ages now, and they really didn't need another carbon copy of her wandering around, growing just as bitter and bitchy. Instead, he'd like to see Vayne flourish, brought up by the group as a whole, and learning actual morals, and how to think for herself.
[sup]template made by tikki[/sup]

Re: EVERYONE ASK ANYWAY // introduction - APHRA CIPHER . - 09-04-2020

[glow=grey,1,400]OH YES, I'VE HEARD THE STORY OVER AND OVER AGAIN !。+゚.[/glow]
"Piss off, the both of you." Aphra snarled. Honestly, she had half the mind to pick up Vayne and leave the scene right here and now, but that would likely cause some issues, wouldn't it? Sure, Aphra wasn't opposed to drama most of the time, but she was tired taking care of three kids. "Neither of you are her mother, and how I raise her is none of your business."[glow=COLOR,1,400]✧*:・゚[/glow]