Beasts of Beyond
EVERYBODY GETS HIGH // Pittian..? - Printable Version

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EVERYBODY GETS HIGH // Pittian..? - DANTE NORTHWEST. - 08-30-2020

[glow=white,1,400]SO JUST GET BUZZED AND STAY FUCKED UP !。+゚.[/glow]
The Pitt's desert was fucking hot; Dante hated how it irritated his gills and made him a lot more lethargic than he already was personality-wise. Not to mention, it gave the hybrid a strange urge of wanting to go swimming in what could potentially be his home: the ocean. Dante recalled visiting a place called The Typhoon whenever Yes Man was around, and he remembered that they lived by an ocean (as if the name wasn't a hint). Were they enemies with The Pitt? Sure, and Dante was aware of this. Did he care? Not particularly, no.

Besides, it wasn't as if the hybrid was doing any harm here. At least, that's how he saw it, anyway. It was a longass fucking trek from The Pitt's camp to the beginning of The Typhoon's territory, so to say he was excited to hear ocean waves crashing on the shore is an understatement; Dante quickened up his pace and ran into the water, and once he reached the part to where he could no longer walk, the hybrid briefly dove underwater. He was nowhere near The Typhoon's camp, of course, but perhaps it would be alarming for any Pittian to be in Typhoon's territory at all. Regardless, the hybrid seemed to be enjoying himself, the ocean water feeling refreshing on his fur and giving him a new sense of life. It felt nice. Rejuvenating, yes.[glow=COLOR,1,400]✧*:・゚[/glow]

Re: EVERYBODY GETS HIGH // Pittian..? - michael t. - 08-30-2020

A Pittian was trespassing on their territory. Regardless of what he was doing, Dante was still a trespasser, and one from an enemy group, no less. That wasn't even mentioning the fact that The Pitt had not been subtle in their hostilities as of late. Michael still hadn't forgotten the body that had been found, nor did he forget the fact that Tanglewood's leader had been taken hostage. Maybe it was just the warring hormones in his body talking, but the coyote honestly had very little interest in letting any Pittian anywhere near Typhoon territory, regardless of changes that had gone on unbeknownst to him. The reaver also doubted that Goldie would be pleased about it, considering the captain's longstanding hatred of The Pitt, and everything that it stood for. Needless to say, Dante wasn't in for a good time, regardless of what reasoning the male had for being there.

Michael kept his distance for the moment, considering he was pregnant, and he was far from willing to sacrifice the safety of his pups just to go charging after Dante. Instead, the dark furred male lingered on the shore, his mismatched gaze narrowed and his lips pulled back in a snarl. He growled loudly, raising his voice so that he knew Dante would be able to hear him above the waves, "You! Hey, fucker! You smell of the Pitt, and we're not exactly big fans of your kind around here!" He then lowered his head a little, his voice a condescending grumble as his blunt claws curled against the sand, "I know your territory is a shithole, but that doesn't mean you can just come and invade ours, asshole." The thief didn't want to have to use his elementals, considering they often made him bleed and he didn't know what damage they did to his body. If it came to a fight, however, he'd be willing to pull out all the stops to defend himself and others.
[sup]template made by tikki[/sup]

Re: EVERYBODY GETS HIGH // Pittian..? - GEORGIA. - 08-30-2020

Georgia hadn't been outside in days. Her fur was unkempt, her eyes were hollow; she seemed dangerously thin. Her appearance stopped bothering her a week ago; she stopped giving a shit about her baby fur and the state of her coat - stopped looking after her sleep routine and exercise. She wanted to waste away until there was nothing left. It would only be right - only be fair.

Georgia had vowed, somewhere in the back of her skull, that she would never use her water abilities again. Would never risk drowning someone again. She didn't want to look at the water, much less bend it to her will. She revoked her right to the sea. It deserved someone of higher caliber than her pathetic ass.

Still, the one time she managed to drag her ass to the beach; the one time the urge of the ocean was so strong it physically ached, Georgia had to stumble across people. Previously, she would have sought them out - to ground herself. Now, all that awaited her was a jumble of questions and follow-ups. Seapaw already followed her around like the wind would steal her if he didn't check in every single moment of the day. In fact, she very nearly turned around.

However, upon hearing Michael's threat, Georgia found the fur along her scrawny spine raise. She had little interaction with the foreign alliances and enemies of The Typhoon, but The Pitt was well disgusted and despised by many. Gia dragged tired eyes over the situation, over Michael hanging back - likely due to his extra load - and the Pittian going for a swim. Since Michael was the only person about, Georgia was not about to let him go unprotected. Sand shifted as a protective wind curled around the somali as she awaited Dante's response.

Re: EVERYBODY GETS HIGH // Pittian..? - Keona. - 08-31-2020

If I fall, get knocked down, pick myself up off the ground
"What's goin' on?" The petite dealer didn't like the sound of it, pale hues narrowed in the direction she felt the water flow.  The ocean lulling her.  A Pittian.  Unusual activity, but a Pittian regardless.  Her tail lashed and without a second thought she took a step into the shallows, letting the waves wash over her legs.  Letting her connection to the water wash over.  The ocean was free.  And the Pitt didn't deserve it after all that time taking freedom away from others... Not after taking hers and Goldie's... No.  They didn't deserve it.

"Unless you want to make the water your permanent home, I'd leave." The tiny fae had never drowned anyone before, but she meant her words.  She wasn't afraid to try.

[ Mobile ]
✯ — keona sibéal ní faoláin. female. dealer of the typhoon. blind. rusty spotted cat.  ref. bio.

Re: EVERYBODY GETS HIGH // Pittian..? - DANTE NORTHWEST. - 08-31-2020

[glow=white,1,400]SO JUST GET BUZZED AND STAY FUCKED UP !。+゚.[/glow]
Dante wasn't entirely surprised, per say, that he was causing attention to the Typhooners here, but the hybrid did find their presence annoying. Hearing Michael's voice yelling over the waves, Dante looked over at him and rolled his eyes, before diving under the water and swimming closer - mostly so he could understand what the fuck Michael was going on about.

Dante resurfaced to hear Michael accusing him of invading and the shark-cat snorted. "Hardly an invasion if I'm the only dude here, don'cha think?" He replied, his green gaze briefly flickering over to Georgia whenever she came over, but didn't linger on her for long. Keona had his attention next, especially with her threatening to 'drown' him. "Can't drown something that can breathe underwater, dumbass." Dante mused, tilting his head at the small feline. Damn, he could probably crush her bones with one swipe of his paw - fortunately for her, Dante had no plans of doing so.[glow=COLOR,1,400]✧*:・゚[/glow]

Re: EVERYBODY GETS HIGH // Pittian..? - AMUNET - 08-31-2020

The squabble of creatures that surrounded him was common, it was an expected thing. Ament had learned to live with the blanket noise and allow it to drown out the moments of silence that stood out to the beast. That static that dribbled from a healing wound. It itches- aches at unbearable times when the noise of his own body[glow=#D43D1A,2,300] s c r e a m s[/glow] out. He would then turns towards the sound of a clan to drown it. It was not wise to fiddle with the bandages that clung to him; It only meant to reopen the wound: and the healing process would need to begin again. To cleanse an infection, one must reopen it, and burn the infection.

It was a great relief when Ament had found a den within the temple while he had healed. Salt of the sea mingling in with incomplete healings left the injuries Ament had left alone to rot and [shadow=#D43D1A,left]fester[/shadow]. When Roan had found him: [sup]whom Mother had told him to stay with[/sup]. He allowed the silence, allowed the typhoon- maybe not to forget his existence, but believe for once that Ament was not the predator. He had faded from the image of day to day life for most: and Ament had given them that. A peace of ignorance, for but a moment: he let himself believe it too.

When the squabble had turned towards a sound of distress, when Ament could scent the place of war and death and s t a t i c. It was instinct, what would happen next. It was a reaction born of a beast whose injuries were healed by the clan he swore to defend, the same clan in defense against a single thing that such a beast as he- was still healing from.

It was a dragon, who defended its hoard.

To say Ament forgot the Pitt's scent was a lie; the arid desert; when the dusk had set and the sweet smell of rot of that place it permeated the air; and the tranquil place of salt, sea freedom was tainted with the stench of death; of a member that would've looked at Ament shackled and laughed.

With his injuries, his infections: healing meant little movement. But it had been some time since the infection had taken hold of his form, and now- freshly treated and free the smell was a reminder where the healed injuries faded- the memory would never leave him. And that rage, long ago pushed aside for silence, woke back up into existence with a r o a r. Not many knew of the raptor here, he had taken residence in the temple where his sisters would make their nests atop the branches of a strong tree don't think of it, don't recollect the abandonment- the separation that still lingered. It was easy to forget the monster- the beast: when it was no longer monstrous ?

Yet, Ament hadn't forgotten: and he would never let the Pitt forget him. (even if his captor was no longer of the place if she were only an isle away, it was the land that carried the sins) What most would note, was Ament was quiet, silent most days, but suddenly he left the temple, that rage returned, that anger- everything that made him feared by what he protected was brought to the surface.

Breaking from the foilage, Ament let out a shriek, and without hesitation, launched towards Dante. Even in the edge of the beach where ament had launched from, his two feet aimed to push the other down into the water while his head aimed to connect with the other's scruff. If he managed to grasp it: start shaking the pittian like dog toy. Plunging himself under the water to grasp his prey held little fear in comparison to the rage. That Ament had never been allowed to forget: give the beast the chance and retribution sang inside his veins like a righteous holy thing. Something devine in nature taken and twisted by it’s savage counterpart: such law was a law of beasts. An eye for an eye: an injury for an injury.

Fear for fear

//ament came out and is currently attacking dante

Re: EVERYBODY GETS HIGH // Pittian..? - ROXANNE R. - 09-01-2020

me dejaste, me dejaste en un tango
Ah, a Pittian.

Roxanne did not like the time she had been dragged to the Pitt and came back home rather injured causing more work for her son. A soft growl emitting from her maw as she strides forward with the fur along her spine prickling, it seemed that Ament had already went to lunge towards the Pittian but Roxanne wouldn't  take any chances as she shifted into her tigress form only to let out a loud snarl. The Officer wouldn't tolerate anyone coming onto their lands without permission, trespassers would be dealt with accordingly.

"You best be smart and go now, before you're completely mauled." Her lips peeled back into a snarl as she brushed past Michael and drew near the ocean. Feeling a slight ping of fear having recalling when she had nearly died but... If she were ever to become captain, she couldn't... Wouldn't  be afraid of the ocean. She took a few steps into the water with striped tail lashing behind her, she was ready to lunge if Dante escaped Ament.


Re: EVERYBODY GETS HIGH // Pittian..? - michael t. - 09-02-2020

Ah, shit, the situation had escalated rather quickly. Michael supposed it was no surprise, considering how much The Pitt had fucked them over, both past and present. Not to mention the hostility that he had thrown at Dante without a second thought – not that he regretted a single word of what he had said. The coyote had been pulling his lips back in a snarl when the shriek of Ament reached him, causing the reaver to jump slightly. He backed out of the way so that the raptor would be free to do as he wished, wide mismatched eyes watching with both interest and horror as the reptile moved forward. He found himself wondering what Roan would think of all this, and inwardly prayed that no one within The Typhoon would get too hurt. It would only cause more trouble for the soothsayer, and the other had already spent so much time patching Ament up in the past. Not that Michael truly expected the raptor to listen too much to the advice of the medic, considering the coyote wasn't even sure of how much Ament could even truly understand any of Roan's soft commands.

When Roxie moved forward and took a few steps into the water, Michael felt a faint worried frown come to his face, his blue gaze focused on her. He didn't want his sister getting hurt, even if he doubted Dante would be able to do anything with both Ament and Roxie coming down upon him. Sighing, the pregnant canine stepped back a little, muttering softly, "Hope you guys won't mind if I... sit this one out..." It was fairly obvious as to why he was, considering the swell of his belly and the weight that it added to him. He doubted he would be of any help even if he did try to fight, and there was no way that he was risking the lives of his puppies. Despite this, the reaver let his fluffy tail come up to rest against Georgia's side, ready to protect the younger crewmate at a moment's notice. It was sort of ironic, considering that Gia was trying to protect him as well.
[sup]template made by tikki[/sup]

Re: EVERYBODY GETS HIGH // Pittian..? - DANTE NORTHWEST. - 09-04-2020

[glow=white,1,400]THEY WANNA SEE BLOOD, THEY WANNA SEE HATE !。+゚.[/glow]
Perhaps if the sight of a literal fucking dinosaur didn't catch Dante's eye, he would've paid more attention to what Roxanne and Michael had said - but unfortunately, the hybrid's attention was now on the reptile that was making its way towards him. Dante retreated deeper into the water, gritting his teeth as he felt Ament's razor-sharp talons dig into his tail - Fuck! He hadn't gotten away in time, obviously, and he was sure once the dinosaur caught whiff of his blood, it would go berserk.

As if it isn't already fucking insane. Dante thought to himself, maneuvering his body to break the surface slightly and, in the process, he used his front paws to push water forward in an attempt to temporarily blind [member=1827]AMENT .[/member] - at least so he could get away from the damned thing. "Get your fuckin' manic under control!" Dante yelled at the Typhooners who where talked to him before, glaring at them. "I ain't here to cause a fuckin' fight, god damn."

//[insert 'get your fuckin' dog bitch' vine here][glow=COLOR,1,400]✧*:・゚[/glow]