Beasts of Beyond
start it again // intro - Printable Version

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start it again // intro - ninazu - 08-27-2020

When she wakes from her regular noon nap, alone and angry, Ninazu stays curled in the blanket for a long moment. She stares at her paw, clenching and unclenching her claws. It is a game she plays with herself, a rhythm she taps out. Can she remember all the faces she’s tortured? Can she remember all the faces of those that hurt her?

The lioness stirs only once the rage tears itself out of cold apathy. Flames lick down her face, taking substance where a male lion’s mane would be. If she were born male, perhaps she wouldn’t have suffered as much as she had. Her tail flicks the floor, the tip igniting and sparking.

Rage is an illusion, Ninazu knows all too well. All forms of anger are energy in its purest form, with no easy outlet.

She breathes, noticing the bubbling frustration. Rising. As it so often does, these days. Everything the lioness suffered flashes through her mind’s eye; she is used to the mental pain. But the dreams don’t stop. She sees them, over and over, stuffed in the hours where her body relaxes enough to close her eyes.

She rises to her paws. The blankets and skins fall off her shoulders, Stryker’s smell with them. He loves her. She doesn’t know why. Ninazu’s silent mind contemplates, but she doesn’t understand why many of these things others care about… matter. How jaded she is! How much brutality can one person inhale before growing bored of it all? She hit that number long ago.

The lioness pauses before leaving their makeshift home, glancing at the serval body in the corner. Her birth body. A thing. Why has she bothered with it, for this long? Keeping it around. Her claws poke out, she imagines killing and eating the damned thing, get rid of every trace of it. Turn the skin into a soft blanket.

She turns away and leaves it alone, flame-tipped tail flicking, flicking, flicking.

She saunters onto the beach. Her earth manipulation powers activate with each step, collecting the sand underneath her to keep her paws from sinking in. When her paws rise from the sand, not a single grain sticks to her pawpads or fur. This looks strange, on the beach, when she leaves a trail of impossibly perfect pawprints behind her.

But she will not stay on the beach for long. Like clockwork, Ninazu rises from her noon nap and walks into the surviving forestry of the island. She will pick a tree, appearing at random, to sit under. There she will remain, for hours until sunset begins, meditating. Occasionally, she will forage for a psychedelic mushroom before selecting the evening's tree.

Today, she considers… not meditating. Yet she will meditate, anyway; the days when she shouldn’t are the days when she needs it the most. If someone doesn’t interrupt her, that is.

Re: start it again // intro - CAESAR CIPHER. - 08-29-2020

[glow=black,1,400]WATCH YOUR TONGUE, OR HAVE IT CUT FROM YOUR HEAD !。+゚.[/glow]
"So, how many times are you just gonna walk around before settling down somewhere?"

Caesar approached the flaming lioness, his tail tip flicking as he did so; he obviously didn't care that he was interrupting something. The savannah's question wasn't genuine and it was likely that his tone revealed that, he truly didn't care what Ninazu was doing. Rather, Caesar found it to be idiotic. Shouldn't she be doing something more productive, considering this was Stryker's significant other? A hypocritical thought, sure, considering Caesar didn't do anything himself around here - but of course he would consider himself above such. He hadn't been following Ninazu the entire time, of course; just happened to notice her walking around, seemingly with no goal.

"What the hell are you doing, anyway?" Caesar asked now, getting closer to Ninazu and sitting beside her, wrapping his tail around his paws as he did so. Now this question was actually genuine; he was curious what the point of all of this was.[glow=COLOR,1,400]✧*:・゚[/glow]

Re: start it again // intro - Stryker - 08-30-2020

Clockwork. That was an unheard of concept for Stryker. Ever since the tsunami ravaged their land, the Kingpin was met with demise on all sides and had to attend to each problem personally, whether day or night. It was unknown when he would crawl into bed or pass out on the beach. Depends on the day. To him, he just hoped Ninazu wasn't waiting for his company at the bedside. Otherwise, she would usually be disappointed. Nevertheless, he tried his best to get free time in with his children and Ninazu, but it was never as much as he desired. So much turmoil, not enough time.

Today, though, seemed to be serene. As the night ravaged him with issues, the day brought peace. The lion wandered through the destroyed forest, eyes peeled and nose pointed to the sky. He was on the hunt. Not for food, but for her. As he paraded through the underbrush, he found an intermingling scent. 'Caesar?' the lion questioned internally. Despite their long-time bond, he doubted the domestic feline had any decent intentions. Stryker just hoped he wasn't being an annoyance.

Rounding the corner to hear Caesar's high-pitched scree, the white lion let out a huff. "Step back, Spots," he warned softly. "Leave her be. She's meditating." Stryker thought an obvious sign to not wanting to be bothered was having their eyes closed and in a quiet place, but apparently not.
I'm back like a vertebrae and I come with a hat full of tricks, Everybody's waitin for the show to begin

Re: start it again // intro - CAESAR CIPHER. - 08-31-2020

[glow=black,1,400]WATCH YOUR TONGUE, OR HAVE IT CUT FROM YOUR HEAD !。+゚.[/glow]
Stryker's haunch would be somewhat correct; Caesar certainly wasn't here to help Ninazu in her meditating and was likely going to prove himself to be a nuisance. The savannah fought himself from rolling his eyes whenever Stryker spoke of his nickname, once again the fur on his shoulders twitching in anger and discomfort at being called 'Spots'. "Thought I said not to call me that." Caesar grunted, briefly looking over at the Kingpin as he spoke. "What's there to be meditating for? It's not like that'll help us do jack shit." Did he mean him and Stryker personally, or Coalition of the Condemned as a whole? Who knows.[glow=COLOR,1,400]✧*:・゚[/glow]

Re: start it again // intro - ninazu - 08-31-2020

“I am doing nothing,” Ninazu says, eyes closed. She hates dealing with Caesar. The fire on her tail burns brighter, and she attempts to slap him across the shoulders with it. Her aim is poor; her eyes are still closed, but she smells Caesar’s stink well enough to strike.

Her rage bubbles and boils again, clouding the tranquility of nothingness from her mind. She is a powderkeg ready to explode, more weapon than person. The lioness’s golden eyes open, brows already narrowed, the heat rolling off her mane in waves. The gold in her irises glint.

“Long-term results are difficult to quantify, aren’t they?” she growls, eyes scanning for Caesar. She doesn’t find him, until she remembers how short he is, and she looks down. “But I suppose you wouldn’t know anything about that. You’re more of an ass-on-fire improvisor than a strategist, aren’t you?”

The lioness exhales. As satisfying as chewing out Caesar is, releasing the anger only feeds the underlying frustration. She cannot lash out at anyone responsible for their group’s current plight. Ninazu prefers punching her way out of bad situations; this served her well in the Pitt, but nowhere else. She grits her jaw against further violence, verbal or physical, against Caesar.

She grins at Stryker, a lopsided smirk with too much fangs. But the heat fades from her fire. “Thanks for defending me,” she says, almost sarcastically.

Ninazu stands, flexing her shoulders and sinking her claws into the burned husk of a tree. After a quick stretch, spine popping all the way down, she steps off the burned bark and turns back to them. “Well, my meditation’s been interrupted. I suppose I should do something other than nothing.” She paws at her satchel and levels a nasty grin at Caesar, “If you have any wounds, perhaps I should throw moonshine on them?”

Re: start it again // intro - ARGUS - 08-31-2020

"[glow=grey,2,300]what an interesting healing method,[/glow]" The dragon's coo would normally awash in it's own sarcasm, but call the beast nostalgic, she remembered meditating herself when she had the time to spare. it were more common before she joined the coalition, but now any spare time was taken and used towards the reconstruction if she had the energy, and rest otherwise. The entire group were still building up their reserves; their power. Building slowly into the powerhouse they would soon attain. Argus was still waiting on the scouting mission she was told to help aid in- the arrangements for that were still pending.

"[glow=grey,2,300] a waste, if you ask me[/glow]", she didn't comment on the fact it would be either a waste of a soldier or a resource. Both where in limited stock as of late for the group, and while she would find the amusement in it, she doubted that the results would prove anything but a drain in the end: still there were some credit for the anger that boiled under the lioness' gaze, dark and dangerous: Argus took note of it.

"[glow=grey,2,300]Try next time within one of the tree's if you truly need a peace for quiet: it is rare that anyone were to look up these days.[/glow]" She remembers a time far long ago, clawing up a palm tree to a hammock perched higher than most could reach- stealing it from who had built it but, ah. such times when she had a smaller form to hide.

Re: start it again // intro - CAESAR CIPHER. - 08-31-2020

[glow=black,1,400]WATCH YOUR TONGUE, OR HAVE IT CUT FROM YOUR HEAD !。+゚.[/glow]
Caesar wasn't expecting Ninazu to hit him so whenever she lashed her tail to hit, he stumbled back a bit, shaking his head in surprise. He felt the burn from the flames on her tail and grit his teeth, but was able to shrug it off. Ninazu's words - that is, mentioning that he was more of an "ass-on-fire improviser" - was certainly more true than perhaps she was originally intending, which cause Caesar to snort in amusement.

"Please do." The savannah mused whenever Ninazu mentioned putting moonshine on his wounds. "Bet I'll enjoy it." Hey, he liked the way pain felt. Oddly satisfying, y'know? Caesar was aware of Argus coming over and despite their differences, this was one thing they seemed to agree on - meditation was completely idiotic.[glow=COLOR,1,400]✧*:・゚[/glow]

Re: start it again // intro - ninazu - 09-02-2020

Ninazu snorts, upper lip curling. “You may be right, Argus.”

The lioness’s paw drops off her satchel. She drags her claws over the dirt, scratching overlapping circles subconsciously. Those gold eyes of hers drift from Argus to Caesar, narrowing. It is not satisfying enough to gift a little burn. Her tongue slides across her fangs.

As usual, once she feeds the need, it grows. Her lip twitches higher, until she grimaces and flicks her wrist dismissively. “It’s no fun if you want it. If you get off on pain, I’d rather watch your wounds fester, your sense of touch rotting away with the flesh. Exquisitely slow, too.”

Her scowl becomes a smirk. “Is that the ultimate way to deny a masochist? Rob them of their ability to feel anything. There’s nothing so pathetic as a creature begging for any touch at all. But a fucked up shit like you might enjoy humiliation.” Tail lashing behind her, the need crawls up her throat and sits in her mouth, saliva dripping down her fangs at the daydream.

Sighing, Ninazu rubs the back of a paw down her muzzle. If only the violence produced anything useful, she’d be the most productive animal in the group. “Thanks for the suggestion,” she adds, glancing back at the dragon. Ninazu thinks of the serval, her birth body, and thinks of all the nooks she could hide in with that small form.

Re: start it again // intro - CAESAR CIPHER. - 09-03-2020

[glow=black,1,400]CLEVER GOT ME THIS FAR, THEN TRICKY GOT ME IN !。+゚.[/glow]
"You underestimate my ability to not give a damn what happens to this body." Caesar mused, clearly enjoying the threats Ninazu made; he already didn't take care of this body, what harm would infections do? Sure, they would fester and hurt and burn, and eventually the body would succumb to the injuries if not given proper treatment, but at that point it would be better to let the body die and possess a new one.

Caesar wasn't the type to enjoy humiliation, but he did enjoy losing his senses, for whatever that was worth. He didn't like being berated and others watching him suffer (ironically enough) - so in a way, was Ninazu really wrong?[glow=COLOR,1,400]✧*:・゚[/glow]

Re: start it again // intro - Stryker - 09-04-2020

A smirk met his lips. Stryker knew Ninazu could handle herself, but he still chose to defend her properly. It was only courtesy. As a leader and the father to her children, it was his duty. "You're welcome," he reciprocated back, echoing her sarcastic tone with a smirk. Their dark and sardonic humor tended to bounce between them easily. No wonder the two got along.

At Argus' arrival, the lion merely stared. While he personally didn't understand the concept of meditation, he appreciated the benefits it provided for Ninazu's mentality. Nevertheless, everyone had to be a critic. Between Caesar and Argus, they thought meditation was useless. Stryker merely kept quiet. Thankfully, though he was disgruntled, Argus happened to suggest a nice area for the female to get some silence. Slitted eyes moved back towards Ninazu, offering her a light shrug.

Per usual though, the bickering continued. Caesar, as well, was always the subject. "I say we just kill 'em," he nonchalantly added. Stryker snorted. The lion's tone was joking, but he really didn't mind getting rid of the feline. He was disposable and unloyal. "I'd rather just shut up him more than anything." Neon eyes rolled. "Even momentarily." Alternatively, Stryker could stuff him like a chicken or humiliate his dignity within public before his death. He'd rather not spoil what the future held though, so he kept his mouth shut.
I'm back like a vertebrae and I come with a hat full of tricks, Everybody's waitin for the show to begin