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DONKEY KONG YEAH ☆ o, food sorting - Printable Version

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DONKEY KONG YEAH ☆ o, food sorting - RHINESTONE. - 08-27-2020

Recently, Palmclan had been having some issues with their food supply, mainly because of seagulls trying to snatch things from them. Thankfully, Sugarspice had decided to make some baskets for them to store their food in, and while that had been a difficult process, they finally had some... alright looking baskets. Which meant that now they needed to sort through the pile of food that they still had, considering they had two baskets – one for new food, and for old food that really needed to be eaten. Unfortunately, that meant a lot of sorting, since the clan had made a massive effort to restock their entire inventory of prey in the cleanup after the hurricane. Rhinestone knew that he would need some assistance with the sorting, since if he tried to do it on his own, it would take him hours, if not days, with how much he tended to get distracted by leader duties. So, he decided to start small, and then he would get other people involved.

The first step was to gather up all the food, so Rhine waited until after lunchtime to begin, just to make sure that everyone was done eating. Then, he gathered all of the food from the prey pile up, beginning to sift through the various squirrels, birds, rabbits, and fish. The enormous group of different smells was sort of overpowering, but he could shove that to the side for the moment, pulling over the new food basket. He began to dump the newer pieces of prey into it, making sure that the sand was cleared off of the prey before they were deposited inside. However, as the leader began to reach towards the bottom of the tremendous pile, he found his skin crawling at the sudden unpleasant smell that attacked his senses. Ugh, crowfood. Shaking his head from side to side, the tom let out a couple of disgusted coughs before he called out "Would anybody be willing to help me sort out the food, so that we can put them in the baskets? We've got a bunch of crowfood near the bottom, not even good enough for the old basket. We'll have to figure out something to do with it..." Part of him considered just burning the crowfood for a bonfire, but that would only make the smell even worse. They couldn't put it in the ocean, nor did they want to risk a trip to the boardwalk... the forest, perhaps? Burying it?
[sup]template made by tikki[/sup]

Re: DONKEY KONG YEAH ☆ o, food sorting - trojan g. - 08-27-2020

When Sugarspice had thought of the idea for the baskets, she hadn't expected Rhinestonestar to come over and help her, and hadn't expected to be told by multiple people that it was a good idea. She was still used to the friendly quips she and her brother had shared every time there was an idea either one of them had, calling them dumb but continuing to work on them anyway, seeing if they worked or not. It had always been fun going with the plan either way, but she was glad that good ideas were told to be good here, and bad ones? Well they got worked on until they became good. It made her glad she had washed up on the shore of PalmClan and not another group.

When she heard the call coming from the leader, Sugarspice had walked over, ears pricked as she looked upon the piles of food and the baskets that had been made. "I can help put food away." She would begin, listening to the rest of the words the male spoke as she began to walk closer to the food, "We could always use it as fertilizer for the herbs for Featherear, if she's okay with that." She didn't want to mess up any gardens their medicine cat had worked on if it didn't need fertilizer.  "speech"

Re: DONKEY KONG YEAH ☆ o, food sorting - RHINESTONE. - 08-30-2020

Although Rhine couldn't have known what was going through Sugar's head in the moment as she had washed up on the shore of Palmclan, she seemed to be adjusting well. That, he was glad for, considering Sugarspice was an incredibly valuable warrior thus far, and she definitely had some new ideas that Rhinestone was glad for. He would be sad to see her go, if the time ever came that she figured out how to get back to her old home. Still, he'd never attempt to keep her in Palmclan, not unless the shecat made that decision herself. For now, the group would just enjoy her company, and take her ideas into account, such as the baskets that he was now eying.

With his paws resting near the piles of food as he eyed the crowfood dubiously, Rhinestonestar found himself raising his head when Sugar approached, a smile curling on his muzzle. He purred, his tail flicking from side to side behind him, "Thank you, Sugarspice. I could've done it all on my own, but it'd take me practically all day, and I'm prone to distractions..." He glanced down sheepishly for a brief moment, before shaking his head. At the other's suggestion to turn the food into fertilizer, Rhine's gaze seemed to light up, and he nodded, speaking cheerfully, "Fertilizer! That's a great idea... I think that Featherear would be fine with that. After all, it's better for us to have a nicely fertilized herb garden nearby. That way she won't have to go as far, and risk putting herself in danger..." He certainly didn't wanna risk that, considering the variety of dangerous creatures that lingered along the edges of their territory.
[sup]template made by tikki[/sup]

Re: DONKEY KONG YEAH ☆ o, food sorting - MysteriouslyMaple - 08-31-2020

[glow=white,1,400]BLIND CONFIDENCE !。+゚.[/glow]
Hailkit mostly avoided going near the freshkill pile due to the seagulls that dove often to steal food. His guardian had warned him about seagulls stealing kits and how he needed to avoid them, and if he were to disobey them, they would tell Rhinestonestar to delay his apprenticeship - of course, Hailkit didn't want that. But seeing Rhinestone over by the pile and sorting through old food, along with Sugarspice, the long-haired kitten believed it would be safe enough to come over.

"Can I help?" Hailkit asked, looking up at Rhinestonestar with wide, hopeful eyes.[glow=COLOR,1,400]✧*:・゚[/glow]

Re: DONKEY KONG YEAH ☆ o, food sorting - RHINESTONE. - 09-01-2020

Really, Rhinestone couldn't blame Hailkit's guardian for not wanting the little one to get too close to the freshkill pile. After all, Rhine had been assaulted by the seagulls when he had been trying to eat, and he was a fully grown warrior. While he doubted the gulls' abilities to truly lift Hailkit up and take him, he didn't want to take any risks. His worries weren't with Hail's apprenticeship getting delayed, but rather, he was worried about Hail sustaining any injuries. Still, it was normal for a kit to be more concerned with their next stage of life over everything else, so Rhine wasn't really surprised.

Looking down at the kit, Rhinestone chuckled a bit, his tail resting against Hailkit's spine before he purred, "You want to help? Of course you can, Hailkit. You just need to help with the sorting... if you get hungry, though, please be sure to check with someone first before eating. We don't want you eating crowfood, of course." He wouldn't be surprised if Hailkit grew hungry while sorting, considering how good some of the food smelled. Rhine himself was feeling fairly famished, and he had noticed it was getting harder and harder to put things such as the squirrels aside.
[sup]template made by tikki[/sup]

Re: DONKEY KONG YEAH ☆ o, food sorting - Grimm - 09-06-2020

Here you are and you’re all you wished to be
[size=9px]( silver tabby ; one month ; palmclan kitten )

You’re alive and you're not alone[/SIZE]
There is a great many things he does not understand, things that simply do not click with the meagre experience he has garnered over the short frame of time. Yet, among the misunderstandings and budding curiosity, held a singular truth.

Rhinestonestar was safe, promised a harbour upon which he may rest without worry.

Of no surprise the manner kitten trailed after with unsure, stumbling steps, though short legs and paws a tad too large only led to him often falling well behind, at least until boredom necessitated a shift within focus. Preoccupied with other pursuits it was a voice, familiar for close their proximity within shared den though beyond such he bore no knowledge of the other, that drew his attention.

"Hai." Warmth seeped through the squeaky call, his prior activity left in his wake as attention settled upon the task the trio had taken upon themselves to handle. Across the amassed baskets and unsorted perishables did he look, attention diverting, briefly settling upon Rhine and Sugar in turn as he awaited some answer to unspoken query, confusion apparent across scrunched up features.
code by Reggan

Re: DONKEY KONG YEAH ☆ o, food sorting - RHINESTONE. - 09-06-2020

Of the several who had gathered around to assist Rhine in food sorting, Foamkit was one of the few he was very sure wouldn't be of much help at all. Hailkit might've been young as well, but he was a growing tom, and it wouldn't be long before the other eventually came to be known as Hailpaw instead. Meanwhile, Foamkit was new and ever so young, still childish and innocent to the worries of the world all around him. He wasn't ready for complex tasks such as this, and Rhinestone was sure of that. Despite this, the leader had never had the heart to tell off such a hopeful face, and Foam's soft and eager greeting was enough to make his heart melt.

The rusty colored feline lowered his head slightly to speak to Foamkit, his voice warm and honeylike, "Hello there, Foamkit. It's nice to see you out and about." Although caring for Foamkit was a communal task amongst most of the group, Rhine couldn't help the fact that he tended to take a fatherly role around the other. With no kits of his own to take care of yet, it wasn't as if he had anyone else to worry about – well, besides the clan as a whole. With his tail flicking from side to side behind him, the leader continued with a hum, "Sugarspice, Hailkit, and I are sorting out the food piles. It's a very important job, considering it makes sure that nobody will get sick. We wouldn't want anyone to get sick, right Foam?" Some questioned why he spoke so casually to the child, considering it was doubtful that Foamkit understood most of what he was saying. However, Rhine simply did it because he preferred to. It was better than treating Foam as if he were deaf and blind.
[sup]template made by tikki[/sup]

Re: DONKEY KONG YEAH ☆ o, food sorting - Grimm - 09-22-2020

The assumption his assistance may have a rather meagre impact upon the task was rather easily proven a positive, such did little within way of quelling the budding excitement.

Downward tipped visage burned into the few memories that lingered, impactful each upon the short time his existence had been present, even fewer that among those who had come to deem the shore home. With ease of access presented forth did he lurch with a quiet grumble, contact between pale noses slight. "Rhi." The rather unconsciously given nickname fell from tongue with ease as his own given title passed the lips of other, familiar grown sounds once forgein, his where no other had been before.

Further words, explanation that indeed went largely over tiny head that tipped, lopsided vision driving forth a quiet bout of laughter paws hastily arose to stifle. His name once more, shifting his hold until paws were reaching out, upon each cheek resting before a squeaky affirmation arose. Or, at the least, may be taken as such, chin moving closer to gently rest against the leaders muzzle.
code by Reggan

Re: DONKEY KONG YEAH ☆ o, food sorting - RHINESTONE. - 09-23-2020

Rhi. Rhinestone couldn't help the soft bout of laughter that left him as he heard the child's title for him, tail flicking behind him. Rhinestonestar had a great deal of nicknames, in no small part due to the complexity of his full name, but he couldn't help liking Foamkit's best. It was so innocent, and honestly felt like a rather cute nickname for one who was supposed to be leading everyone else. The tom was broken from these thoughts when Foam grew closer, and suddenly Rhine could feel the child's chubby paws pressed up against his cheeks. He blinked down at the other briefly before he chuckled, purring, "I actually have an idea of how you could help us, Foam. You know anyone who's hungry?" It was a bit difficult to move at the moment, especially with Foamkit resting his chin against the leader's muzzle, but Rhinestone did manage to vaguely gesture a paw in the direction of the new prey basket. Once he did so, he suggested, "I was having a bit of difficulty closing the new prey basket... you think you could deliver one of the pieces of prey to someone, to make it easier?" The rusty red feline hadn't actually been having issues, but he did want Foamkit to feel as though he had helped out somehow. And having the child deliver some food was hardly the worst way to go about that.