Beasts of Beyond
( when I am gone / open ) - Printable Version

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( when I am gone / open ) - Grimm - 08-26-2020

Here you are and you’re all you wished to be
[size=9px]( silver tabby ; one month ; palmclan kitten
information ; written by rhett )

You’re alive and you're not alone[/SIZE]
Unknown that which perched atop the steady column of singular leg, mused the ivory plumage, fine that about inward drawn neck until it seemed no visible joint connected skull and body, half shuttered beady depths of obsidian. Lengthy the time observation had been conducted - at the least within mind of observer such rang with truth - others coming and going at irregular intervals. And yet solitary rest had been prolonged, if broken at times with departure or arrival, brief fluster smoothed by the sweep beam made along pinions.


Word lacking placement among the limited confinements vocabulary permitted, clumsy and uncoordinated the tongue that peeked between teeth, held there as brow furrowed. Short his own time among those who dwelt along quiet shores within wake of ravaging storm, enough, however, what may pass for annoyance had gathered beneath his skin. Along grains stilted the slide paw made, another behind soon after, the twitching flick of tail all that may convey the tattered threads unravelling in inclined head.

It saw him.

Progression halted beneath scrutiny, beak parting in a semblance of yawn, as though his presence upon the shore other occupied with surety of its security was dismissible with ease, attention turning with slight performed. Indignant the squeaky growl arising as lips peeled away from teeth in a look bearing no true sense of threat, heavy the manner paws struck sand, floundering steps but allowed accomplishment of forward momentum. Startled by the sudden charge the haste within which the gull took a few steps allowed only for a poor take-off, within fanned tail feathers tiny claws catching.

Raucous the cry that arose within brine tinted air, quick if rather useless the first corrective flaps, among its brethren the gull slipping. The departure was not observed, however, it was the prize held in trembling paws the kitten looked to instead. Quill broken in the rough manner it was ripped from hold it was a mess, the state of it may only diminish his glee a minor hit as it were, wide the grin etched across silver toned visage.
code by Reggan

Re: ( when I am gone / open ) - RHINESTONE. - 08-27-2020

Although Foamkit had only been within Palmclan for a short amount of time so far, it was clear that the child was no different than those who had been born within the sandy hollow of a camp. Like most kits of Palmclan, Foamkit was interested in the hunting and fighting that the warriors were all too eager to brag about, even at his exceedingly young age. It really should have been of no surprise to anyone that Foam eventually tried to practice the hunting that he had heard so much about in his time within camp. It also should've been of no surprise to anyone that the kit hadn't exactly... succeeded on his first attempt to brutalize a gull. Still, it seemed as though Foamkit had accomplished some kind of success, given the fact that he hadn't heard a shout of distress, aside from the shriek that the gull had let out. Interest piqued by the cacophony of sounds that had erupted from the edges of camp, Rhinestone found himself getting to his paws, tossing aside the bones of the meal he had just finished. After all, he needed to make sure that all of the kits within Palmclan were safe, including the newest little one.

Thankfully, Foamkit's scent wasn't difficult to track, considering the kit still carried the scent of the sea and the sand on his pelt, and wasn't entirely drenched in that of Palmclan yet. It wasn't long before Rhinestonestar found his way over, eying the rather triumphant kit and the feather that he had managed to grab for himself. First Weepingkit had gone out to prove himself, and now Foam as well? It was natural for the children to want to prove themselves, especially before they properly became apprentices, but Rhine couldn't help the anxiety that filled his chest at their actions. Despite this, he moved over close, his fluffy tail gently flicking out to skim across Foamkit's back in an affectionate congratulatory gesture. He purred, glancing at the feather and the slight rips that were on the quill from the sudden movement of it all, "Very good, Foamkit. You might not have gotten the full bird, but the feather is quite impressive. Perhaps when you get your apprenticehood shell necklace, you could add the feather to it. To show off your first catch." He wasn't sure how much the child could truly understand what he was saying, but he figured the praise would be appreciated. Beyond the queen that had taken Foamkit in, the kit didn't really have proper parents, so Rhinestone wanted to make sure that the little tom got plenty of validation and encouragement.
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