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[Image: 8g6nZa7.png]
Roxanne Roux has been well recognized for her rather unfortunate love life and was about to call it quits, hang the towel, and step out of the field of love. Until someone stumbled into her life bringing back one of her flailing cubs from her last litter, Diya Folie-Mikaelson was her name and her cub had left a rather nasty scratch on this stranger's face. Roxanne wanting to apologize eventually invited Diya into her home and offered her tea, what Roxanne didn't realize was this would be more than the two of them sharing tea. Diya having been too tired to make the trip back to the Elysium and having nowhere to stay, Roxanne had provided her very own home as a resting spot for the Elysite who seemed to agree in staying. In that moment, they were mere acquaintances slowly making their way into becoming friends with one another. Yet a flutter would stir their chests.

Although, it seemed that Roxie was dense to what was in front of her and continued with her streak of failed romances. The usual of catching feelings for someone only to be let down once more though she hadn't gotten much of a chance to feel sorry for herself when the meteor shower had struck the Typhoon separating the islands until it was simply an archipelago. Roxanne busied herself with rounding up most of her clanmates and Diya having been occupied with her own problems, the stark feline having projected her feelings onto someone else by accident, mainly due to seeing her host with someone else. After months of being apart from one another and having time to think, Roxanne found herself realizing that maybe she saw her former house guest more than just a friend.

Diya eventually returned and announced her official stay at the Typhoon, Roxanne and her locking eyes in that brief moment that mere flutter from before turning into their hearts pounding within their chest and echoing throughout their ears. Roxanne invited Diya for tea once more much like old times only to start talking about how she eventually wanted to move out of her old home seeing it had taken quite a bit of damage from the meteor shower, Diya offering to have Roxanne stay as her house guest. The Officer being a bit hesitant before agreeing to becoming roommates with Diya though the only issue was that there was only a single bedroom and Roxanne was too stubborn to let her host sleep on the couch, the two agreeing to share the bed. It only made both of them realize how they enjoyed one another's company and the intimacy in that moment, but both bit their tongues remaining silent for the first few nights until one of them professed their feelings to the other. The shaky start of their relationship.

Now, the two of them are absolutely smitten with one another and even if they have not been dating for all that long. Roxanne knows that she feels comfort in Diya being her partner, Diya feeling the same. A month goes by and the two decide to start a family of their own. Marriage on the tip of their tongue but for now, they await their unborn kittens. Discussing baby names with one another and enjoying each other's presence.
Diya is a longhaired feline with a pair of blue eyes. Diya is of both Vamperic and wereblood, which would most likely pass onto the children. Due to this, there's a large chance of said traits passing on in the form of elongated fangs and/or a form they could shift into, akin to Diya's polarbear form.

Roxanne is a Siamese/Munchkin mix with heterochromatic eyes (pink and purple), she has both horns and wings due to her draconic bloodline. Wing and horns are optional for the kittens. Kittens may also develop a draconid form when they're much older and usually concentrate on a single elemental though it is possible for them to have more than one (fire, earth, wind, or electricity).

Realistic genetics of both mothers would be, though this is optional as long as the kittens resemble either of their mothers in some way
- Choc point x white masking black
- Choc point x white masking black carrying choc
- Choc point x white masking choc

— These kittens will be loved dearly by both parents. Regular/"loner" names are preferred over warrior names but feel free to use any type of name.

— School/college/work often gets in the way, which is totally understandable, but please make at least a few posts within the month, the bare minimum being 10 posts. Lack of activity will result in rehoming the kitten to someone else who may be interested in roleplaying a kitten.

— The kittens will all start at the age of 3 months old, seeing as Roxie has a bit of a draconic mutation, they can have horns and wings or they could be born with one of the two. They could also either have/carry Diya's vampirism and wereblood giving them their own form of polar bear. The last name that the kittens will carry is Folie-Mikaelson Roux.

— Having trouble with coming up with an appearance for your kitten? Say no more! Out of excitement for the litter itself for the two mothers, me and Percy have went ahead and made a few kittens from the genetics themselves! Shown right above in the image, those are three of the possible designs you can use for your application. You will obtain brownie points if you use the design but it is not required.

— Applications will be picked by me and Percy, if you have any questions feel free to send us a dm on Discord or PM here on site.

— There is currently no choosing date for the kittens but they will presumably be born around October or so.

— Be aware that this litter isn't first come first serve! We (me and Percy) will be going through most of the applications for the litter and pick from there!



tracking with mama

Re: NO MATTER WHERE YOU ARE — LOVE LITTER - natyli r. - 08-26-2020

[align=center][div style="width: 527px; height: auto; line-height: 1.4; text-align: justify; font-family: palatino; font-size: 8pt;"]Track with big sister <3

Re: NO MATTER WHERE YOU ARE — LOVE LITTER - Simon F.M. - 08-26-2020

tracking with other momma!

Re: NO MATTER WHERE YOU ARE — LOVE LITTER - kinglykingstone - 08-26-2020

tracking on main!!

Re: NO MATTER WHERE YOU ARE — LOVE LITTER - Grimm - 08-26-2020

[align=center][div style="font-family: arial; font-size: 11px; width: 310px; text-align: justify; line-height:120%"]Tracking for tiny bab

Re: NO MATTER WHERE YOU ARE — LOVE LITTER - Orion - 08-26-2020

tracking <3

Re: NO MATTER WHERE YOU ARE — LOVE LITTER - michael t. - 08-26-2020

track with terrible uncle

Re: NO MATTER WHERE YOU ARE — LOVE LITTER - Luciferr - 08-26-2020

track on main for big bro jaime (who will be absent for this :c )

Re: NO MATTER WHERE YOU ARE — LOVE LITTER - sykes - 09-02-2020

NAME.Ylva (later Raoul)
NAME ORIGIN. Ylva (She-wolf, female Wolf) is an old Swedish female given name. ... The oldest written proof of the name's occurrence in Sweden was Ingrid Ylva, the mother of Birger Magnusson von Bjälbo from about 1200.
— boki
SEX. transgender male
ORIENTATION. undecided sexual / romantic orientation
DESCRIPTION. Ylva (later Raoul) was born as a rather small brown and white feline, with short stubby legs and small, rounded ears to go along with it. At birth, the presence of few markings is noticeable; notably he has two small, stubby orange horns that poke out from the base of his ears, nestled comfortably in his thick fur. He appears close in appearance to that of a siamese, mostly white with chocolate coloured fur about his nose, paws and ears. His nose is pink, and he has rather large, front-sitting fangs due to a dormant vampirism gene. That said, he did take on the were blood gene and, as it would later become apparent, can transform into a rather average looking red-orange caracal with elongated fangs and claws.
detailed description:
— manipulative, sly, cunning, mischievous, playful, skittish
BEHAVIORS. twitching
— when nervous and/or lying, she quite often twitches, most often in her ears or tail tip.
— it's an odd habit, however she has gotten into the pattern of knocking three times instead of introducing herself or speaking up to signal her presence. she may also knock absentmindedly when daydreaming or reminiscing.
n/a notes for right now
code by spacexual