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SMOKED A PACK OR TWO // joining - Printable Version

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SMOKED A PACK OR TWO // joining - CAESAR CIPHER. - 08-23-2020

[glow=black,1,400]WATCH YOUR TONGUE, OR HAVE IT CUT FROM YOUR HEAD !。+゚.[/glow]
It shouldn't be a surprise that Caesar had heard of this group so quickly - the rumors intrigued him, especially the ones about Stryker and how the lion was planning on taking over all of the current groups. It'd be the perfect revenge; taking over the very groups that denied him access to them.

So Caesar made his way towards the border where this group was now supposedly living; it wasn't hard to miss the new marked areas, and as much of an ass he was, disrespecting Stryker wasn't his thing... Yet. Besides, they had briefly worked together to bring down Snowbound, so to hear that Stryker was around again was exciting news. "I know the drill." The savannah called out, knowing someone out here would hear him eventually. "Name's Caesar Cipher, looking to join." Unlike the other groups, the Coalition had no reason to deny him, did they?[glow=COLOR,1,400]✧*:・゚[/glow]

Re: SMOKED A PACK OR TWO // joining - Stryker - 08-24-2020

Approaching the shore, neon green eyes searched the horizon. His slitted gaze momentarily paused on a figure. Their golden hue was familiar and unforgettable, causing a smirk to rise on his lips. Now this was a surprise. With their violent disdain for Snowbound, Stryker and Caesar successfully tookover Snowbound and proceeded to burn it to the ground. While the lion enjoyed the feline’s fiery attitude, he wondered if their loyalty would remain to the Coalition of the Condemned. After all, they both betrayed their home. What would prevent Caesar doing the same? Perhaps going after Aphra or Vingenere? Stryker did have the pleasure to meet them before. With that in mind, perhaps they could strike a deal for their head... Caesar always had an ulterior motive.

The horned lion grew close, stopping where the grass met the sand. His head craned to the side. "Why, it's been awhile," he reminisced. "I suppose you could join us, Spots." Stryker wondered if he could be used as an espionage, but the Kingpin didn't know Caesar had been practically exiled from every other group. That would come to no surprise to Stryker in the future.

His gaze narrowed. Something didn't feel right though. His people had been told to stay low and out of sight. Even so, there were always ways of finding the Condemned by exploring the seas or finding the miscreants of the groups. After all, Stryker had to find them somehow. They were a safe haven, far from the mainland. Animals would kill to be here. Nonetheless, he couldn't shove his curiosity away and figured he had to ask. "But I must know, how did you hear of us?" the Kingpin mentioned. "We're not exactly the easiest to find, you know."
I'm back like a vertebrae and I come with a hat full of tricks, Everybody's waitin for the show to begin

Re: SMOKED A PACK OR TWO // joining - COSMIIX - 08-24-2020

Solveig had been thinking to herself wondering which group she could start spying within though her father had spoken about how they should keep a low profile at the moment so not to bring attention to themselves quite yet. They had to be smart and tactful, her ears twitched at the sound of an unfamiliar voice and that of her father, she turned slowly in that direction wondering who her father was speaking to. A tomcat. Inwardly gagging, the lioness shuffled her paws for a moment before walking over and brushing up against Stryker's side with her fiery gaze locked onto Caesar. She lifted a nonexistent eyebrow at the feline with her tail lashing behind her only to hear what her father had inquired of how Caesar had found out about them, Solveig found her voice and spoke with a low growl following her own rather demanding inquiry "Yes. How did you find out?" Her snout wrinkling. Had one of their clanmates run off somewhere? Her brothers? They were a lot more... Clumsier than her. So perhaps.

Caesar Cipher. A name to remember though she was sure that she'd get bored of this Cipher one day and he would be thrown out to the side like rubbish. Her whiskers twitched at the thought but Solveig remained rigid and ready to strike if need be even if her body was simply tense. The woman supposed that she should introduce herself to this joiner, with a sigh slipping from her lips did the Espionage speak once more "I am Solveig Ignis-Harbinger." Though, she mainly went by Solveig Ignis... For her own reasons and it made spying a lot easier than directly spitting out the surname Harbinger. It was her mother's name. The memory of her mother saddening her a bit though she did not utter another word. 

Re: SMOKED A PACK OR TWO // joining - ARGUS - 08-24-2020

To say Argus found this new group was quite literally what happened. The large snap of her bone white wings as argus entered the mist around the typhoon- and on the other side she found a wrecked island with inhabitants still recovering. The Coalition was a place for the outcasts; those that could not find refuge in the rest of the merger clans, either because they were too big or because they felt unfit. The Tanglewood had memories of helplessness, and the typhoon had barred her for ever returning. There were little places Argus could turn to- the desert of the pitt? The place that had held the start to her ruined reputation. She didn’t like the idea of open conflict, and the peace here, the quiet populace and the seldom atmistphere, argus found her place here. She found a peace that she doesn’t remember having in a while.

The shore found a familiar face: cesar Cipher, as far as the dragon knew- the head of the family and one of the enemies of a few clans himself. She let out a low huff at his demeanor, red ruby eyes looking down at the group she found herself stalking towards.

“[glow=#480000,2,300]Cesar, what a surprise.[/glow]” The dragon hummed, painted feet stopping short of the group. “[glow=#480000,2,300]doubt you stumbled here like I did, hmm?[/glow]” It may not have been well known thing.

Re: SMOKED A PACK OR TWO // joining - CAESAR CIPHER. - 08-24-2020

[glow=black,1,400]WATCH YOUR TONGUE, OR HAVE IT CUT FROM YOUR HEAD !。+゚.[/glow]
Ah, and it seemed Stryker himself was the first one to approach - good, so he was here, then. If Caesar could read the leader's thoughts, perhaps he would have chuckled and mused that Stryker had nothing to worry about (for now, anyway). Indeed, the savannah did have an ulterior motive, but nobody else needed to know of that just yet.

"Don't call me that." Caesar huffed at Stryker's nickname, the fur on his shoulders twitching to show his irritation. Again, if the demon could hear Stryker's thoughts, he would have laughed - no use in using an exile for spying. That being said, he could perhaps relay some secrets that he knew of... If he knew any, is. "Damn right you're not easy to fucking find. God damn." He snorted. "Vague rumors y'know? People murmuring of a group living somewhere - no specifics. Hell, most of the time it felt like I was being send on a wild goose chase." So fortunately for Stryker, nobody really seemed to know that they were here. Nobody important, anyway.

A lioness was next to approach, demanding to know the same question Stryker asked - Caesar choose to ignore her, given that he had answered by the time she asked. He blinked at her once to show he acknowledged her, but said nothing to her personally, instead choosing to focus on the next person to greet him. Argus. The ten-eyed dragoness was one of the demon's enemies (or at least, he considered her to be one), so to say he wasn't happy to see her was an understatement.

Caesar wasn't entirely an idiot, though. He wouldn't attack Argus without reason and especially not right now when this group seemed to be full of people who were against the clans (other than Solveig; Caesar had never met her before). "No, I didn't. As I said, it took me forever to find out where this damn place was."[glow=COLOR,1,400]✧*:・゚[/glow]

Re: SMOKED A PACK OR TWO // joining - Stryker - 08-25-2020

Stryker just smirked in response. Oh please. 'Spots' was nowhere near as bad as his other nicknames. Caesar, despite almost being away from him for two years, should know that the albino lion was prone to using nicknames. Hell, Goldenluxury was 'Goldie Locks' to him. No wonder the broad hated him.

Despite his firsthand response being dismissive, the domestic feline went on to praise their hidden agenda. Finding an island in the mist was hard... Definitely. "Good to know," he boasted. "We pride ourselves on staying under the radar. As a group of outcasts-" Such as Caesar and Stryker, as they would never be allowed into any other group. "-it's vital to our survival." The day either of these dimwits were granted access into another clan would be the end of a suspicious era. To the Kingpin, that day would never come. It was better to start fresh and create something new. Hence, the Coalition of the Condemned.

Past that though, his eyes drifted to the rest. Argus apparently knew Caesar and Solveig had already introduced herself, making sure to note her last name. He merely nodded in greeting. Turning back, he continued. "So tell me, what have you been up to for these what... two years?" Boy. What a ride for Stryker.

I'm back like a vertebrae and I come with a hat full of tricks, Everybody's waitin for the show to begin

Re: SMOKED A PACK OR TWO // joining - CAESAR CIPHER. - 08-25-2020

[glow=black,1,400]WATCH YOUR TONGUE, OR HAVE IT CUT FROM YOUR HEAD !。+゚.[/glow]
Ah, so his suspicions were true - Stryker was basically gathering a bunch of lowlives and outcasts from the group. Caesar nodded at the Kingpin's words, agreeing with the notion of them needing to be hidden for right now. At Stryker's question about what he's been doing, the savannah shrugged. "Oh, you know. Causing trouble." He responded. "Getting exiled. The usual."[glow=COLOR,1,400]✧*:・゚[/glow]

Re: SMOKED A PACK OR TWO // joining - Luciferr - 08-27-2020

”you sound like quite the character” another voice rumbles, the white-Black and green tainted form of the revenant picking out his way towards the little gathering, stopping to sit by his sisters side and watch as their father conversed with an old ally? Hm.

Andru’s muzzle twitched and the British looking lion shrugged ”Andru” was his less than wordy introduction - he didn’t feel it necessary to stand on ceremony and besides they were rather busy ‘catching up’ as it were - and rather felt pretty out of the loop, he tried catching his sisters eye as if to also ask ‘guess dads found an old friend’.


Re: SMOKED A PACK OR TWO // joining - Stryker - 08-28-2020

Stryker merely snorted. "You don't change, do you, Caesar?" he cooed. The Kingpin was in no way surprised by his exile. He was a two-faced savage. "Don't do it here though." A smirk met his lips. Hopefully the feline wouldn't make the same mistake a Cipher made previously. Aphra was not a pleasant person.

His gaze drifted to Andru, giving him a nod in greeting. Stryker's children were doing wonderfully and greeting everyone accordingly.
I'm back like a vertebrae and I come with a hat full of tricks, Everybody's waitin for the show to begin

Re: SMOKED A PACK OR TWO // joining - CAESAR CIPHER. - 08-28-2020

[glow=black,1,400]WATCH YOUR TONGUE, OR HAVE IT CUT FROM YOUR HEAD !。+゚.[/glow]
"No promises." Caesar winked at Stryker, and although he was trying to joke around with the lion, he did mean his words; as of right now, though, this place had some use to him - and as such, getting exiled wasn't apart of his plan at the moment. The savannah simply gave Andru a nod to show he acknowledged the other.

"What're you planning exactly, hm?" Caesar asked Stryker, his tail tip twitching in thought. "You mentioned wanting to keep on the down-low at the moment, any particular reason for that?" Perhaps talking about it out here in the open wasn't a wise idea, but Caesar didn't seem to get that at the moment.[glow=COLOR,1,400]✧*:・゚[/glow]