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MY SANITY TAKEN // pregnancy - Printable Version

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MY SANITY TAKEN // pregnancy - APHRA CIPHER . - 08-23-2020

[glow=grey,1,400]FOR ONCE, WHY CAN'T YOU JUST COME AND CHASE ME ?。+゚.[/glow]
As strange as it may seem, Aphra found herself waking up in her bengal body - something she hadn't really used since she had been pregnant with Pincher's kids. She didn't like the association she had with this body, and the fact that she actually felt sick didn't help matters, either. Unfortunately for her, Aphra was close to giving birth and as such, her body had shifted into the bengal body to prepare for it.

Groaning, Aphra decided to get out of bed, only to be hit with a wave of nausea as she got up. Oh, fuck... She cursed mentally, suddenly recalling that she had used this body outside of carrying Pincher's kids - she had visited The Pitt a while back and met a smooth-talking ragdoll, and hit it up with him. Or, well... She admitted to him that she wanted to cause some tension between her clanmates, knowing that The Pitt was an enemy to The Typhoon - but of course, The Typhoon didn't have to know that. Playing dumb is just as fine. Although truth be told, she didn't quite remember the guy other than how he looked and his surname - so it would be easy.

Aphra hadn't been in her bengal body, mostly because she thought their attempt had failed - but lo and behold, here she was, and pretty close to giving birth to these kittens. Today wasn't going to be that day, though, fortunately. Aphra shook her head, trying to overcome the nausea, and made her way onto the beach to relax. This body still held the defining traits of Aphra's scars and her now-kinked tail, so it likely wouldn't be hard to recognize her. Hell, Goldenluxury may even remember this specific body, considering she had been around when her half-siblings were born.[glow=COLOR,1,400]✧*:・゚[/glow]

Re: MY SANITY TAKEN // pregnancy - salem - 08-23-2020

[align=center][div style="width: 500px; text-align: justify; font-family: georgia; font-size: 9pt; line-height: 1.4;"]SALEM | To the surprise of none, the small feline possessed no experience with pregnancy.  He had never been close with any who had been so either, further limiting his basis of knowledge.  In contrast, Salem knew more of Aphra -- particularly of her infamous reputation.

When his dark eyes found a bengal, he failed to recognize her at first.  Believing himself to be approaching a stranger, the youth blinked when he noticed the more telling traits.  Ah.  Salem felt less inclined to speak to anyone so well known for an attitude, however he knew something was off -- more than simply a change of body.

It simply became a matter of naivety.  Rather than stand awkwardly near the relaxing feline, he spoke up, dark eyes simply curious.  After all, Salem preferred to be polite than not -- regardless of reputations.  "Hey Aphra."

"You.. look different.Wow -- perceptive.

Re: MY SANITY TAKEN // pregnancy - ROXANNE R. - 08-24-2020

me dejaste, me dejaste en un tango
Roxanne had been keeping herself busy for the most part and she didn't realize much changes though upon seeing Salem did she stop then her eyes fixated themselves onto a familiar bengal cat. She had to hold a groan but she wasn't surprised that Aphra had decided to sleep around, the tigress would snort lightly with a lash of her striped tail standing near the kodkod who was already present there. "Well, I can speak for most when I say this but this isn't very surprising coming from someone like yourself." Roxanne wouldn't say anything else, she knew that Aphra would be a shitty mother so the Officer already began to make plans within her own mind. She'd take the kids from Aphra, it seemed simple enough. Aphra was never there for Pincher's and her own children, they hated her. Who was to say that her new batch of kids would feel the same in the long run?

"Congrats, I suppose." The Officer continued with a narrowed gaze and her tongue remaining sharp "Hope these kids will actually have someone to call mother unlike Silas and his siblings." A snort left her, she was sure that if the kids didn't turn out that horrible like their mother... Roxanne would definitely take the kids for herself and raise them, she was a good mother or that's what she thought anyways.


Re: MY SANITY TAKEN // pregnancy - Simon F.M. - 08-24-2020

i'd do anything for you
but would you do that for me, too?
[Image: unknown.png]
[Image: unknown.png]
[Image: unknown.png]
[Image: unknown.png]
3 & 1/2 YEARS
These days, if you saw Roxanne, Diya wouldn't be too terribly far behind. It wasn't a constant thing, she wasn't always acting as the other's shadows, but she's try and visit with the other at least once during the day. She'd been working more on getting to know her crew mates. Sliding up next to the Officer and brushing her tail across the other's back, she would sit, giving Aphra a wicked smile. Her actions on the day of Roxanne's moving flickered through her mind and she couldn't help the rumble of pride.

She didn't have much to say, outside of tossing a "Congrats, don't mess 'em up" towards the other feline.

Re: MY SANITY TAKEN // pregnancy - APHRA CIPHER . - 08-24-2020

[glow=grey,1,400]FOR ONCE, WHY CAN'T YOU JUST COME AND CHASE ME ?。+゚.[/glow]
//TW: brief mention of abuse in third paragraph; Aphra basically thinks about how she wants to manipulate them, and how she doesn't think its ""technically"" abuse

Aphra knew she had a reputation here in The Typhoon, and wasn't quite fond of the fact that she was well-known as a dramamonger - but whatever, if they thought she liked to cause drama, then fine. She'd cause drama. Aphra rolled her eyes at Salem's comment, a snort escaping her as she shot back, "No shit, Sherlock." She barely even knew this dude and this was his first impression (that she remembered, anyway).

Roxanne and Diya were the next to approach, and Aphra tensed up in anger upon seeing the both of them so close to one another. Her icy gaze narrowed when they came closer to her, and she let out a growl in response to Roxanne's comments, "Haha, very funny." Although it was true she rather regretted not getting close to her last litter, it had been mostly for show in her attempt to be more pacifist. Being all nice and sweet wasn't the succubus's game, and she was more comfortable in being a bitch to everyone - even if she didn't particularly like the reputation that followed her with that.

"No promises." Aphra simply grunted in return to Diya's comment, likely alright confirming what Diya and Roxanne (and others) were assuming how Aphra was going to treat these kids. No, Aphra wasn't going to be physically abusive towards them by any means - but she certainly planned on trying to at least get her kids to trust her. And hopefully, eventually, manipulate them into hating everyone else just as much as she did. Unfortunately for her, Aphra didn't see this as 'abusive' - and even if she did, she likely would just shrug it off. After all, she's not physically hurting them, right?[glow=COLOR,1,400]✧*:・゚[/glow]

Re: MY SANITY TAKEN // pregnancy - GEORGIA. - 08-24-2020

Georgia had disappeared for the last few days - or more so she'd lost track of the last several hours and was fading in and out of a loop, getting so caught up in her own mind that she was very nearly fading in and out of consciousness. It wasn't entirely new; it wasn't entirely scary. She'd feel herself walking, see the sand under her paws, but the information wasn't properly stored in a way she could use it. This went on for hours - dissociating in and out while the sounds of the storm echoed in her ears. She was a little too numb to the outer world; untethered, floating deep in memory she couldn't get out of her head. She saw her father's dying body in her sleep, behind her eyelids, in Sam's lifeless body.

Communicating was hard without zoning out. Finding Aphra, Roxie, Salem, and Diya almost had her turn around if it weren't for the fact that their voices grounded her, somewhat. She wasn't close to any of them. None held significant ground in her mind. Together, engaging in conversation, was overwhelming - loud, like a foghorn. It shook her.

She dragged her eyes over the scene, struggling to comprehend what was going on. From the outside, she looked rather blank in expression; she was slow to figure out that it was Aphra in the body, and that she was pregnant. From there, it wasn't difficult to slide on a smirk and let out a soft snort through her nose. "God, if only I could remember what you said to Michael...a few days ago? A week?" Georgia's brow furrowed. Time was beginning to slip for her. "Lucky for you that I have a shit memory." And that I'm a ticking time bomb and I don't care what you say. Georgia was aware she was a hairpin trigger; and it wasn't her temper. Push her over the edge once; one panic attack, one bit of over stimulation. She'd snap and wreck everyone's shit.

"Anyways, how long until we can smuggle the kids away from her and give them to someone who's willing to actually parent them?" She asked, sliding her legs out until she was laying down.

Re: MY SANITY TAKEN // pregnancy - Lawlocked - 08-24-2020

[color=transparent] [w]isker
The commotion was enough to draw Lawkit out of his stupor. Grey eyes cutting towards the group, from a distance he could heard the words: harsh and cruel cutting. Salem’s voice was neutral, but Roxanne’s, diya’s, Georgia’s voice were scathing. Lawkit wondered why it was the preset: he remembered Aphra’s voice echoing outside moma’s den and felt a flash of fury, What right did Aphra have, what kind of relationship spoke of such a toxic abuse warranted that kind fo disrespect? Law felt his own lip curl dangerously, but he didn’t speak, the creature roux instead moving closer towards roxane- the only one there that felt safe ( he knew most, of the faces here, but Aphra was mean, and salem was entirely new).

He wanted to say something, but frustrated, or flustered- law’s mouth remained shut, instead watching the group bicker towards Aphra and Aphra bicker back. He wondered if he could figure out the reason why there was such an open dislike: if it was because of Aphra or- or momma?

No, all he could hear: gleam was that the crew were in the same thought of stealing Aphra’s kids. At least there were no fire back from Georgia ‘s comment. It… it was shocking to note, stealing was wrong. It wasn’t right. stealing the right to allow Aphra to try. Dark thoughts broke him from his revery- from his silence

“[glow=grey,2,300]n-No, that’s not right.[/glow]” Law’s voice, while shaky was firm when he looked towards Georgia. Family was important: and if Aphra was trying to create one, no one had a right to take from her that. None.
[color=transparent] [w]isker
[glow=#5E5E5E,2,300]The dark doesn't frighten me[/glow]

[glow=#5E5E5E,2,300]I chose to close my eyes; it is mine[/glow]

Re: MY SANITY TAKEN // pregnancy - APHRA CIPHER . - 08-24-2020

[glow=grey,1,400]FOR ONCE, WHY CAN'T YOU JUST COME AND CHASE ME ?。+゚.[/glow]
It was rather ironic, wasn't it? Aphra had taunted Michael earlier about having 'unwanted' kids and lo and behold, here she was, a week later, about to have her own. Although unlike Michael, Aphra's kids were unwanted in a way - sure, she had knowingly planned to get with that Pittian with the intention of getting pregnant, but she had thought that it just... hadn't worked. Obviously, she was wrong and was now starting to regret her decision.

"You will not touch them." Aphra hissed, glaring at Georgia for her words. These were her kids, and she was going to raise them however the hell she wanted - and the Rouxes weren't going to be allowed to touch them. She didn't want their blood tainting her own. Aphra took notice of Lawkit here, of course, but said nothing to him and simply kept her sights on Georgia.[glow=COLOR,1,400]✧*:・゚[/glow]