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I WANNA KILL ME A GIANT MAN ; joiner? - Printable Version

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I WANNA KILL ME A GIANT MAN ; joiner? - T. ROUX - 08-21-2020

you think you know about me
He had told Natyli beforehand of his idea and hadn't told anyone else of his intentions, he didn't trust anyone aside from his own sister though he did his best not to think too much on recent events. If Michael wanted him to scram and possibly die trying to go to the place where he wished to be, so be it. The draconic boy was too emotionally tired to care at the time so, he had flown most of the way out here only to stumble around as he landed onto the desert sand beneath him. This is where he would usually meet up with Aine and instead of doing their usual visits where they ran off with one another, Ry decided that maybe... He could find a place here where nobody would push him away or leave him in the dust. Sure, he'd be dragged into some chess games but... At least then, he felt like he was wanted somewhere. Aine had already seen him broken once and this would be the second time that she would see him in such a state but it wasn't because of a fight between himself and a family member... Rather being left by the only person he had ever considered a father and not even without a word to him. Just a shitty letter. That's what Trygve Roux was worth... A shitty letter... Not even a genuine farewell.

He was too hurt to be angry, he had spent several hours crying and he felt stupid for all those wasted tears. He was a fatherless bastard and the thought of anyone trying to step in to take him under their wing made him sick to his stomach. He'd never let another snake like Michael Townley slip into his life again. This he swore to himself. He was much too tired to even fight back or speak with his usual tone of sarcasm, his wings slouched against his sides as he stood there only to sit down slowly with his shoulders slumping. Elduin had been right, he wasn't much of a Roux and that was fine with him. He was sure that he'd pick up a different surname once he married one day but for now, the Roux name clung to him like a tick that refused to be removed. He opened his maw to speak "T... Trygve R...Roux... Here ta'join,"

Re: I WANNA KILL ME A GIANT MAN ; joiner? - j a c k . - 08-21-2020

jack could not claim the same pain; through strife and separation, he felt his sibings call with the call of the wind. the seasons changed and jack felt alone without them yes but- but they were still there, scattered and apart, but jack would do anything for his family, it was just with the pitt, his family started to include aine, gael, silent...

family was something more than blood, the silver flash of metallic liquid from his veins or the ice that shuddered in his bones. it was easy to realize that he had fallen for this little pitt of bloodlust and spite: maybe not fallen. it was not love that jack felt for the place but it was infatuation with the war, it was fondness he regarded his clanmates, and a pitch of sorrow when he regarded his fallen comrade. The pitt was just another place: a place far more liberating and free in comparison to the rest of the clans.

watching the draconic hybrid from the pit's of the jungle: he looked solemn. his mere presence there screamed a defiance that put the marauder at ill-ease. But after a few moments of seeing no one else break from the true territory jack went to approach the border with only the clack of the skull bead against a great many deal of teeth.

"interesting name," the kodkod commented; his small standing along the other edge, pale blue eyes looking up towards the downed dragon-thing at their border. a light hum escaped his maw, "the name roux sounds familiar." jack stated, a low drawl as he allowed silence to ring for but a moment before the flash of caged teeth: "not that it really matters, a name is a name."

"i can bring you to the ardent." newcomers are always brought to the attention of the ardent, one way or another: and jack wouldn't have a roux under their noses without silent's approval, like the exile from before the name implied a family that already had targeted them. and if try was earnest in his want to join- well, this battle the pitt were raging just got a lot more interesting. "Call me Jack, everyone here already does"

Re: I WANNA KILL ME A GIANT MAN ; joiner? - trojan g. - 08-22-2020

When the site of the draconic feline had reached Sweeney's eyes, she came quickly to the border. She knew of Tygrave, them having met throughout Sweeney's life, but what he was doing was the last thing she thought he'd ever do. She knew that with how often he visited in the past, she had figured it'd just be easier to live here, but she hadn't thought he'd ever actually do it. "What'll your mommy think with you all the way out here trying to join our group Trygve?" The kitsune would speak towards the other, head tilting to the side as she did so.

Head would then turn towards Jack, thinking for a moment as she listened to his words. "I'm sure he'll be able to join, he's well known to some of us after all, ardent included." She'd look towards Ry, eyes rolling for a moment before speaking once more, "After all if he's been stubborn enough to come here to the border to try and join after the last time he was here just to visit, I'd think he should be able to join, a test run maybe? See if he'll stay." She didn't fully trust him, he was a Roux, but their banter when they were younger surely made it so she respected him a little bit, despite the surname. 

Re: I WANNA KILL ME A GIANT MAN ; joiner? - aine. - 08-22-2020

[div style="width: 360px; font-family: palatino; color: #2e8b57; text-align: left; padding-top: 15px; padding-left: 10px"]I'LL C[color=#36829c]OME BACK WHEN YOU CALL ME
"Ry?" Aine spoke softly, confusion flickering in hazel hues.  It seemed, for all intents and purposes, she didn't notice a single other soul at first, trotting up quickly in concern.  She knew her best friend well enough to know he was not okay.

He did not look wounded.  Not physically.  But emotions could cut deep.  She knew.  Her ears flicked backwards, other voices steadily registering.  Joining?  Actually joining?  Her mind buzzed, chest squeezing uncomfortably.  Did he really mean that?  She didn't understand.

"Wha- ... What happened?  Do you... Do you really want to join?"

He had a family.  Same as her.  Is this where he really wanted to be?  Away from them?  The petite deer-fox shuffled her wings, stepping up to Trygve's side.  Close enough to brush her fur against his.  Only just.  If he sought the comfort out.  Softly, she spoke up, a shy but stubborn glint in her eyes, "I can... I can vouch for him, Jack."

She trusted him.  She'd always trust him.

Re: I WANNA KILL ME A GIANT MAN ; joiner? - Luciferr - 08-22-2020

”he can join”

The voice of the ardent rumbled from behind the slowly forming group, somehow the behemoth having snuck up to the three and their newfound recruit,

The sightless eyes ‘glanced’ over the feline, wondering just what had turned the cub here of all things given his last leaving words - but his reasons were his own.

The creature inclined his head - at least this would not divide Aine’s loyalties if her friend was here, or at least the one she seemed most inclined to be attached to that was until recently not of their lands.

”it goes without saying if you betray us, you die” a pause ”you’ll take the trials like every other joiner” and with that he turned to move off back into the territory - satisfied the others would see to the recruit, trygve.

Family names he did not care for, it was merely another tag - anyone could be anything even with such trappings and chains if what they be, were.

He did stop to incline his head to Sweeney, Jack and Aine, quiet greeting as was his way - and a silent approval of the quick response.

It went without saying he’d be keeping an eye on this one though.

He made to move back towards the distant shadows of the temples in the distance.

Re: I WANNA KILL ME A GIANT MAN ; joiner? - gael - 08-22-2020

Trygve Roux -- easily the most familiar 'outsider' to approach their borders, though the vulpine had to blink as the boy's reason to visit came apparent.  No simple approach to see Aine but a formal request to join the Pitt.  The faerie furrowed his brow as he approached, head inclining to Silent as the Ardent announced his decision.

Gael knew Trygve enough to recognize something had gone wrong -- the jaguar had not spoken with the same vigor or fire he often possessed.  He may not bore the physical wounds he carried last time he came to their borders, but a pain haunted his eyes all the same.  The faerie released a heavy sigh and nod.

He considered the youth for a moment longer in silence, eyes narrowed in careful thought.  The time for questions would come later.  This public setting was not the place to discuss heartfelt matters.

"There is still a place for you here, Trygve," he offered at last.  It may be true, the treehouse had felt emptier without their guest, though the vulpine failed to admit to it aloud.  He simply spoke to voice his own approval.
"I AM A STONE" —-- gael ó broin / faerie / imperator / lamby

Re: I WANNA KILL ME A GIANT MAN ; joiner? - T. ROUX - 08-22-2020

you think you know about me
When the kodkod approached the boy, he would glance down with a nonexistent eyebrow raised though he remained silent only to listen to the other speak did the draconic Roux snort lightly "What can I say? We get 'round," Not him specifically but his relatives definitely had quite a few kids to call their own, he let out a low hum of agreement. A name was a name. It meant nothing to him at the time, he was numbed by his current emotions. Everything was silent and all he heard was static though he watched Jack's lips move... Something about the Ardent. Ry could recall himself calling the other an uglyass but other than that, the draconic boy hadn't done anything remotely bad to the Pitt. He wouldn't ever knowing that Aine and Gael were here, they were the reason he would never turn against the Pitt... Even if it was demanded of him. Shameful really... That's probably why he was a disappointment of a Roux. He rose slowly to his paws ready to follow Jack until someone else approached the scene.

Ah, the fiery vixen... Didn't her sisters want to kill him at the beginning? He couldn't recall entirely at the moment though ana amused snort left him upon hearing what she said to him "I can hold my own. Don't forget that," With a flick of his tail, he motioned to all of the burn scars that he had obtained when he had gone against Caesar. The memory of ripping off the other's tail and breaking his leg was a good memory... Probably not for the feline but definitely for Trygve. He was a bit taken back when Sweeney decided to vouch for him and put in a good word or at least, recommended that they should at least let him stay. It was true that he was known by the older members of the Pitt, a faint smirk presenting itself on his mottled face when he saw Sweeney roll her eyes at him. "Damn, didn't know you'd put in a good word for me, Weenie." He would joke with a roll of his shoulders though his attention was taken away by the sight of yet another vixen, his gaze immediately softening. That prick in his heart being discarded and a flutter rose in his chest.


"Aine," He uttered quietly as he took a step towards her with both tufted ears perked forward, a soft smile on his maw though it faltered when she began to ask him what had happened. She knew him too well, he was a book and she had already flipped through most of his pages. Perhaps even the unwritten ones too. He opened his jaws only to close them, a nervous shuffle of his paws, only to say looking into her eyes with his own "I really do wanna join, Aine..." Perhaps, he would tell her later of what had happened. Natyli already knew and Aine was her best friend so surely, she had the right to know as well. Family. It was faint and almost foreign to him, he only clung onto a few individuals that he considered close to him. They were his family. The others were not. Feeling Aine press against his side, Trygve could feel his eyes sting slightly but he pushed it down only to return the gesture until their coats mingled with one another.

Eventually, the dubbed uglyass himself had arrived at the scene. He stared right at the behemoth before him with an unmoving form, Trygve was not afraid of what was standing in front of him nor what the other said to him. Death. Trygve had come to the Pitt knowing that would've been one of the possibilities when he had arrived there, he was an enemy and they were keen not to trust him yet here he was joining their ranks. What was he? A traitor to his family? Or simply selfish for wanting more than what the Typhoon offered him? He had left the ones back home for his own desires, a huff left him as he would finally answer "Duly noted." If he made a mistake with the Pitt, it would be his last and that was fine with him.

Finally, the last to arrive was Gael and Trygve was expecting to see the vulpine. Wherever Aine was, her father was not far behind. He wondered what it was like to have a father like Gael but the thought didn't stick around for long. The draconic jaguar was about ready to speak and throw in a half cocky comment to the vulpine but Gael's next words left the boy mute.

"There is still a place for you here, Trygve."

He wasn't the little boy from back then when Gael had let him stay within their treehouse mostly due to his injuries and Aine had enjoyed his company. Now, he was grown and had been trying to think of where he would live only to be offered a place to stay once more, Trygve bit down on his bottom lip feeling that stinging return to his eyes. He wanted to say something, he wanted to let Gael know how grateful he was despite how he didn't show it often. There was people gathered but the words had sliced into his chest like a blade, lodging itself in the cavity that Michael had left. He hadn't been expecting it but a few tears slipped down his cheeks but he lifted a paw immediately wiping them away, no, he couldn't cry in front of all these people... But he'd definitely breakdown sobbing once he had reached the safety of the treehouse. Their treehouse. Home... This was home, wasn't it? Not entirely. Natyli wasn't here. He cleared his throat letting out a weak chuckle "Thank you, Gael..." He nudged Aine a little with his body being gentle about it "For everything." A new spark rising in the boy's chest. He was silent but without much of another word, he would attempt to bring both Gael and Aine into his arms for a hug. Trygve Amadeus Roux wasn't touchy feely... But he'd make an exception.

This once.

Re: I WANNA KILL ME A GIANT MAN ; joiner? - Luciferr - 08-23-2020

P H O B O S  .|.  S U S U R R U S  I N F E R I  .|.  D E I M O S

Susurrus arrived to the gathering right as the ardent passed him and Phobos by, the ink dipped feline turning to watch him go before his attention returned to the joining happening before him - clearly someone many of the ‘old guard’ here knew but most of the newer ones perhaps had only glimpsed it seemed.

Susurrus was not one against second chances - he rather liked the idea (he was the redeemer after all, even if that title meant death to those beneath his claws, it did not always have to be so based upon what judgement would say or wrath would preach) - to age a clean slate so to speak.

Still, he and Phobos drew nearer as the three embraced and the tiger halted, Phobos following suit to keep a polite distance - they’d introduce themselves if the teen felt the need to ask but well, they didn’t want to interrupt.

Family was important after all - whether from blood or bonds - unconsciously he leans towards Phobos’ space a tad more than usual, though it was too minimal for those that don’t know them to notice, Phobos’ quick and gone again smile was answer enough.


Re: I WANNA KILL ME A GIANT MAN ; joiner? - j a c k . - 08-23-2020

The marader’s concern was a hard to detect thing: but it was there all the same as other’s joined their little group. Jack could not claim ignorance to who the roux was, the name meant nothing, but it implied a history and a loyalty to the typhoon. He was worried, beyond the faux innocence Jack showed, his unharried attitude was a misdirection. It was part of his job to scope out enemies: and someone with known aligance to the typhoon should be something the ardent had a say on. If for nothing else the implications that the typhoon had pushed one of their own out. How stable was the leader’s hold there?

No, his main concern was the Pitt itself: the people inside it. Sweeny, Aine, and Gael all had history towards him: it made this seem all the more interesting. They all vouched for him: all wanted him here in the pitt, and beyond the fact that jack could see the sadness tampered in the stranger’s voice Jack noted allowed them to cheer him up: presenting an opportunity. It was with a put upon sign Jack would’ve spoken up. A glimmer of an earnest, reproachful smile towards the gathered group before the arden’ts shadow dropped over the marauder’s frame.

It was made obvious that Trygve wasn’t an outside, in any form of the word. His expression crumbled upon gael’s response: the youth attempting to grapple the Vicar into a hug, Jack felt his own smile lighten. Made him yearn just a little bit more for the family that was scattered.

Jack’s loyalty were always to the people: growing up a nomad made him uncaring of the place he found his paws. It was the company that he traveled with- settled with. He let out a low hum.

you have roots here already it seems” jack’s voice fit through the emotional upheaval, hoping to cut into the other’s attention- and if not: Jack would be satisfied leaving him with the rest of his found family. “If you need any help, feel free to seek me out.