Beasts of Beyond
I'M THINKING EVIL THOUGHTS ☆ leaving - Printable Version

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I'M THINKING EVIL THOUGHTS ☆ leaving - michael t. - 08-21-2020

Deep down inside, Michael had always known that he wasn't suited towards the group life. Yes, he loved his sister and her family, and he had come to care about most who lived within the group, but it had never felt like he truly belonged. He wasn't the good person that some around here believed him to be, and he wasn't sure he ever would be. So, while he had initially planned to stay and raise his pups within The Typhoon, he had ended up changing his mind. He was going to go and raise his pups with their father, back at his old home. Back where all those who had helped him escape from a hellish home resided. He missed most of them, if he was being honest. And he wanted to raise his pups with Trevor, and since he doubted that the coyote would truly ever decide to stay within the Typhoon, it meant that he needed to leave. It was a hard decision, but he had made it, and he hadn't told anybody else about it. After all, if he told Roxie or any of her family, they would try and convince him to stay, and he couldn't deal with that.

He had packed up his house of all of his major possessions, and had even made sure that all of his rats and Trevor's moths were in a breathable container. It wasn't long before his hut was completely devoid of any sign of the melanistic coyote's existence. After spending a few minutes writing up a trio of letters, Michael gathered up his belongings, heading first to Roxie's house with Diya. He left two letters on their doorstep – one to Roxie, and one to the Typhoon as a whole. He then headed for the docks where the ships that usually headed to Haven Island departed from. He handed the letter for Trygve over to one of the NPCs that took people back and forth, telling them to deliver it to his little hidden away home. After all of that was done, the pregnant coyote had headed away, carrying everything he had towards the border and going off in the direction of his old home. His heart ached as soon as he was out of the Typhoon's territory, but he kept on going, knowing this was for the best. For him, The Typhoon, and his family.

To the Members of the Typhoon,
I'm sorry to leave you all so suddenly, but I think this is for the best. Even after all this time, I know that the group life isn't really for me. With my babies on the way and my husband so far away... I need to go. I'm gonna go back to my old home, and raise my puppies there, with their father. I love you all, and I know you'll go on alright without me.
Stay safe,
Michael Townley.

To Roxie,
You are... one of the greatest things in my entire life, you know. You're an incredible sister, and you made my life so much better by coming into it. I wish I could stay with you and raise my family all together, but I know that I can't. Which means I have to leave. I know that it's a bit cowardly to tell you I'm leaving like this, but I know that if I told you in person, you'd just try to convince me to stay. Please keep being your wonderful self, and let Diya know I said hi, okay? You guys are cute together.
Love you,

To Trygve,
I'm leaving. I know that's a bit blunt, but I also know you've never appreciated people beating around the bush, so I figured I would be upfront with you. I'm sorry to leave you like this, especially when I was mentoring you, but... I also know your heart isn't truly here either, is it? Maybe I'll be back someday, but hopefully by then, you'll be where you really want to be. So take your chances, kid. Do what you really want. Please.
Bye kid, love you,
[sup]template made by tikki[/sup]

Re: I'M THINKING EVIL THOUGHTS ☆ leaving - T. ROUX - 08-21-2020

you think you know about me
What Trygve wasn't expecting was a letter from Michael, a NPC knocking at his door and began to shake when the door was answered by an angry looking jaguar. Regardless, he looked confused at first only to dismiss the said NPC with a flick of his tail before opening the letter wondering if it had to do anything with his training or whatnot. Trygve having refused to train for the most part since he didn't have intentions of hurting the little ones growing inside of Michael. He began to read the letter only to feel that familiar burn in his chest, his ears flattening themselves against his skull. So, that was it then? Michael was leaving him and instead of coming to see him, he sent a shitty letter? He bit his bottom lip only to shake his head, a small weak laugh leaving his slightly parted jaws. "Why did I think you'd be any different, Townley?" His voice weak, heavy with emotion, and another shake of his head.

"Fucking... MIERDA!" He yelled with claws digging into the letter, his entire body shaking but instead of flames lapping at his lips, his eyes began to sting and plump tears formed themselves before rolling down his cheeks. He felt alone once more. The only father figure that Trygve Roux had was gone. Left him in the dust. Just like his own father. With his entire body shaking, the draconic boy sat on his porch unable to stop sobbing. Maybe something was wrong with him? He knew he had flaws and he recognized them... He tried being a better person, he really did... But with each person that left him. His heart ached horribly. Sniffling a bit, the beta would wipe away the tears from his eyes only to rip the letter into several pieces. That's how he felt at the moment. Torn to pieces. Part of him regretting that he had ripped it up but the other half felt satisfied or slightly anyways.

He went inside of his home seeing a little basket that he and Natyli had put together for Michael, Trygve had wanted to give something for his future cousins and thought his uncle would've appreciated it. It had been his idea. Now, he could only feel rage when he looked at it and he decided that he didn't want it in his home anywhere, wrapping his jaws around the handle did the boy make his way to the edge of Haven Island staring at the ocean. With body shaking slightly and teeth gritted in frustration, Ry would chuck the basket and its contents into the ocean only to shoot a fireball at it to burn anything that dared to float. Blood began to drip from his lips as he muttered under his breath with body still shaking lightly "F-fuck you... Fuck you... Fuck y-you..." A few more tears dripped from his eyes, he stared at his reflection within the ocean. They'd all leave him... He knew this.

Every. Single. One. Of. Them.

Elduin had left him. Michael had left him. Eulia had left him. Jaime had left him. Only Natyli had stayed but, what if she left him too? Decided that he wasn't enough? He stared off into the distance knowing of another place, where he only knew two people but they were enough for him. He sat there uncertain and sobbing. Pathetic. Pathetic. Pathetic.

Just a small boy crying over nothing.

Re: I'M THINKING EVIL THOUGHTS ☆ leaving - Simon F.M. - 08-21-2020

Take what you need while there's time
The city will be earth in a short while
If I'm not mistaken it's been in flames
You and I will escape to the seaside
Diya crawled out of the bed she shared with her friend, a long yawn escaping as she slipped quietly out of the bedroom. She wouldn't bother in waking Roxanne, knowing well and true that the officer wasn't a quite morning person and liked her sleep. She would move quietly through the home, going through her morning routine of opening windows and allowing light to filter into the home.

As she used a large conch shell she had been gifted to prop open the door, she saw the letters placed neatly on their porch. She would push open the first one, seeing To the Members of the Typhoon scrolled across the top. Brows furrowing in confusion, she read quickly. A soft gasp would leave the white feline as she recoiled.

She had never been close with Michael, had hardly known him, in fact. But she had known he had been close with Roxanne and that he had been kind. She felt sad to see him go but, she understood the why.

Her eyes drifted to the other letter, wondering what it said. She would carefully open it, beginning to read. As her eyes saw who it was addressed to, she quickly closed it. This wasn't for her. Gathering the letter for Roxanne in her paws, she moved inside. She would leave the one for the group as a whole on the porch, for others to find.

She would move back to their bedroom, gently placing the letter on the bed before climbing up. Pressing her muzzle against the tigress' side, she would gently nudge her. "Pop Roxs... I think it best you wake up now, dear."

Re: I'M THINKING EVIL THOUGHTS ☆ leaving - natyli r. - 08-21-2020

[div style="width: 360px; font-family: palatino; color: #76b8cc; text-align: left; padding-top: 15px; padding-left: 10px"]COME AND FLY AW[color=#6897be]AY WI[color=#628ab9]TH ME
Her exploration of Haven Island came to a short halt when she felt the rage burning in her chest, unfurling out of nothing.  So abrupt, the chimera knew it came from Trygve.  But why?  Who had hurt him? 

Hadn't he gone through enough already?  Gritting her teeth in bitterness, Natyli took off to find her brother.


Natyli never saw the letter.  She didn't have to.  When she saw her brother throw their basket into the ocean, fire roaring, she knew.  She understood.  Uncle Mike was gone.

The beta felt her eyes burn, tears attempting to fight through her resolve.  Uncle Mike had been there.  She thought maybe Uncle Mike would always be there.  That someone... Just one... Wasn't going away.  To make them the ones left behind.  Again.

And not even a real goodbye.

Resolve broke.  A tear streaked down her cheek as she pressed her fur against her brother's.  Didn't he deserve a real farewell?  Something as simple as that?


"... I'm sorry."  Her voice cracked softly.  "I don't know how to fix this."  She wanted everyone to smile again.  She'd always... Tried.  But after every loss... She didn't know if she could keep on smiling.

Re: I'M THINKING EVIL THOUGHTS ☆ leaving - APHRA CIPHER . - 08-23-2020

[glow=grey,1,400]FOR ONCE, WHY CAN'T YOU JUST COME AND CHASE ME ?。+゚.[/glow]
Unlike others, who would perhaps be alerted to Michael leaving through the note he left at Roxanne's door, Aphra saw the coyote leave herself. If she hadn't, she probably wouldn't have ever known until news got around - but fortunately (for her), Aphra was out of her home whenever Michael was preparing to leave. She said nothing to him as he prepared, only watched as he got his belongings and prepared to leave.

Aphra didn't hold a strong opinion of Michael, though after the whole ordeal with Roxanne attacking her - and Diya moving in with her - Aphra started to feel a disdain for the pregnant coyote. Good. The she-cat huffed to herself. At least this means there won't be any mini-Michaels running around.[glow=COLOR,1,400]✧*:・゚[/glow]