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TEXTBOOK KILLERS | pregnancy. - Printable Version

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TEXTBOOK KILLERS | pregnancy. - DELILAH. - 08-19-2020

"The Gods have forsaken us."
ooc;; post ren rejoining tangle. his thread will be posted soon. also post vigenere getting rescued.

Renegadeanthems had returned. Normally, Delilah would have reacted out of joy- happy that her soulmate had returned, but something had snapped inside of her. Anger, hurt, betrayal. It hurt to be left alone, hurt to be stuck with memories of an adoptive child that had disappeared. She was careless, she could have done better. She could have protected her precious Flint. If Renegade were there, he could have helped her.

Eventually she had settled down, anger boiling down to a simmering- a fight had broken out between the two lovers, yet Renegade still held patience for her, as always. He had came to talk to her, they had spoken in the peace of what was once their shared home; his scent lured her, enraptured her.

Delilah was a fool to her desires.

So when she had woken up the next morning, she had evacuated to her treehouse without a word before Renegade could wake up.

She expected things to be done and over with. That was the only and last time she would see Renegadeanthems. They were over, even if the mental bond remained intact. Fate liked to make fun of her, it seemed.

She wasn't expecting to be interrupted in her work of grinding herbs by a sharp need to vomit, but it sure did. The woman leaned over a log, heaving until she emptied everything in her stomach- it felt disgusting, and she felt drained. She wasn't dumb. Delilah had dealt with pregnancies before with other people, but in all of her life, Delilah had thought that she was infertile- she didn't deserve children due to her impure blood. However, it seemed the Gods had blessed her with something sort of children.

"This is the worst time possible for this to happen.."

tags - penned by [member=1260]ryuu-tan[/member]
template by orion

Re: TEXTBOOK KILLERS | pregnancy. - trojan g. - 08-21-2020

As far as he knew, Nicabar hadn't ever met someone that was pregnant before. Of course, there was always the possibility of him just not knowing, but he liked to think that if he had met someone that was, he would know somehow.

Hearing the soft utterance of words coming from Delilah as he was passing by her residence, Nicabar stopped for a moment, ears pricking as he back tracked from where he had been and gently knocked on the door of the pink dragon before opening up the door, nose wrinkling at the vomit smell that wafted towards him. Shaking his head for a moment, he would look towards the other before finally speaking, "Delilah, are you okay? I heard you say something..." Clueless is what Nicabar was in actuality. There were many there who could likely connect the dots, but it seemed as though they'd have to be connected for him in this case. "speech"

Re: TEXTBOOK KILLERS | pregnancy. - VIGENERE CIPHER. - 08-22-2020

[glow=white,1,400]LOOK INTO MY EYES, WE ARE NOT THE SAME !。+゚.[/glow]
Despite Vigenere being a father, pregnancy wasn't exactly something he knew a lot about. He didn't know the signs, especially early on in a pregnancy, so of course he wouldn't recognize anything at first. Perhaps the Luminary shouldn't be out-and-about with him just returning from The Pitt, but the nagging sensation that he felt kept him from being able to settle in camp. It was so much more than his usual I just can't sit still and he couldn't quite understand why. Sure, that was partially the reason, but on the other hand... Vigenere felt like there was a looming danger - particularly of the Cipher family variety.

It wasn't out of the ordinary for Delilah to be outside, especially given her medic field. What Vigenere wasn't expecting, however, was to hear Nicabar asking the dragoness if she was okay. Confused, the savannah decided to come closer and investigate. He recoiled, curling his lips in disgust at the scent of vomit. "Do you need help getting back to camp?" He asked, though his tone was soft and concerned, unlike the way his face looked at the moment.[glow=COLOR,1,400]✧*:・゚[/glow]

Re: TEXTBOOK KILLERS | pregnancy. - DELILAH. - 08-23-2020

"The Gods have forsaken us."
"Ooh, darling girl.. You've fucked up. Royally. Honestly, who'd have thought one little tryst would-"

Delilah shook her head when the voice made herself present in the back of her mind, that damned succubus so pleased with what she's caused- damn it if she weren't more careful with herself, this wouldn't have happened. If Renegade weren't so..

A voice interrupted her thoughts as she lifted her head once more, large body turning to smile down at the smaller male ever so softly. Her stomach was lurching.. She'd have to clean this up later, but for now, she needed to do something about this.

"I'm sorry, little one. I'm merely a little sick."

Despite Nicabar obviously not being a child, it was merely a habit for Delilah to call him 'little one' out of affection for the male. He was strong, and brave, that one. He'd be a fine warrior when the time comes.

However, when Vigenere came over, Delilah felt herself flinch at the sound of his voice- concern. She'd gotten used to the concern by now, but really.. It was hard for her to talk about it out loud. So, she used telepathy instead, head lowering a bit.

"I think I'm pregnant with Renegadeanthem's child."

A second bout came no sooner, Delilah quickly turning to the bucket she had on the floor emptying the contents of her stomach out once again. A low whine left her lips, claws dragging rigid lines into the floor. Painful twists in her guts.

"It seems I'm going.. To be a mother soon. Nobody tell Renegade. I swear on everything holy, if you do.. hngh!"

tags - penned by [member=1260]ryuu-tan[/member]
template by orion

Re: TEXTBOOK KILLERS | pregnancy. - VIGENERE CIPHER. - 08-23-2020

[glow=white,1,400]LOOK INTO MY EYES, WE ARE NOT THE SAME !。+゚.[/glow]
Telepathy was no stranger to Vigenere, though when Delilah reached out to him mentally, he was a bit surprised. He allowed her message to pass through, blinking at her in surprise. He didn't say anything, telepathically nor physically at the moment, not sure if Delilah was okay with it being public knowledge. By the time Vigenere finished that thought, however, Delilah turned around and threw up again - spilling out that she was pregnant in the process.

Vigenere turned his head as Delilah threw up again, flattening his ears in attempt to block the sound out. It didn't work, obviously, but still brought comfort to him nonetheless. After Delilah finished, he looked back at her and tried to give her a reassuring smile. "I don't think anyone will tell him." Was it a bad thing that she was pregnant with his kid? Whatever, that wasn't Vigenere's business anyway. "We'll help you take care of them if you want, too. You won't be alone in this."[glow=COLOR,1,400]✧*:・゚[/glow]