Beasts of Beyond

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NEW MEETING PLACE DISCOVERY? - Brutus - 08-19-2020

In the middle of the neutral grounds, one would find a crater. Previously this crater was unused. The large dip provided no home to any creatures, nor any flora, but not any longer. On this destined day, the ground began to rumble. Vibrations rolled throughout the fields of the neutral grounds, alerting those that wandered their peaceful lands. Thunderous booms followed. Cracks began to scatter across the crater and a golden glow rose through the gaps. The light rose into the sky. It's bright aura could be seen for miles.

As the reverberation roared through the land, a hole caved in the middle of the crater. An enormous trunk ascended from the depths instantly. Pronounced cedar branches extended out towards the heavens, allowing their leaves to grow with ease. Following their arrival, roots slithered up out of the ground and filled the crevices, successfully cutting off the yellow light momentarily.

With the ground's final quakes, four cobblestone entryways were summoned evenly around the crater. Each stonehenge structure held a significant gem for each group: a deep crimson for The Pitt, prominent violet for Elysium, a soft blue to coordinate with The Typhoon's seas, and an earthy green to compliment Tanglewood's swamps. As the yellow light faded, these four new colors rose into the sky. Their luminescence would continue to glow until a member of each group attended. The area's discovery was going to be monumental, allowing a new area for groups to meet whenever they pleased.

[ This is now the new monthly meeting place for the official groups of Beasts of Beyond! To indicate these IC meetings, the gems within the stone arches will emit a light into the sky to alert the groups beforehand. Upon the first member arriving through the entryway, their light will fade. As of right now, this is NOT an official monthly meeting and instead remains as a reveal/discovery of the new area. Feel free to have your characters discover the area and report back to their clans. ]


"The Gods have forsaken us."
Tanglewood was a peaceful group compared to many, they had done their best to stay out of fights- until the Pitt's raid, Delilah had tried her very best to keep her group safe and healthy. Being a medic meant that she communicated with everyone, had to keep tabs on her clanmates, heal them.

She didn't realize that would also mean that she would receive signs of change. In her culture, the Earth Mother sent signs to those who were blessed with the power of healing. It was a way to keep her followers faith, and yet.. Delilah couldn't help but feel like the Earth Mother had forsaken her. The gods have, certainly.

Blurry vision caught the earthy green shine, almost like a signal. Following it led to Delilah coming upon the massive tree, bandaged wing curled at her side- large body turned to examine the crater, before it clicked.

"This.. Isn't a sign, is it?"

tags - penned by [member=1260]ryuu-tan[/member]
template by orion

Re: NEW MEETING PLACE DISCOVERY? - aine. - 08-19-2020

[div style="width: 360px; font-family: palatino; color: #2e8b57; text-align: left; padding-top: 15px; padding-left: 10px"]I'LL C[color=#36829c]OME BACK WHEN YOU CALL ME
Since the tremors left her with a broken hind leg, the petite deer-fox didn't wander as far.  It wasn't as safe.  Or easy.  She'd only gone out to gather some plants from the desert when she thought she... Felt something.  In the ground.  Brief, the panicked memory of the vibrations before... Until she saw a fuzzy light in the distance, hazel hues squinting in futile attempts to make the image clearer.

Even a broken leg couldn't get in the way of the druid's boundless curiosity.  Just.  Slow her down a little. 

The Fleshweaver trotted towards the beacon, wobbling often in her steps, ears sharply perked in uncertainty.  The wings resting on her sides shuffled uncomfortably. 

Maybe she should've grabbed a clanmate.  Her father.  A bit late now.  In.... Seven.  Hold.  Four... Out... Eight. Okay.  Her chest squeezed but she was breathing.  And the sight was... Amazing

She'd never seen a tree so large!  Much less pillars with glowing rocks.  She furrowed her brow.  So immersed in the oddity she jumped at the sound of another's voice.  Quick to inhale and recognize the smell of the swamp.  No.  No.

She shouldn't have gone out alone.  Ears flattened, the fae pressed close to the pillar with the red stone, trembling against the memories of flames and ash and smoke.

[ Mobile ]

Re: NEW MEETING PLACE DISCOVERY? - Luciferr - 08-19-2020

P H O B O S  .|.  S U S U R R U S  I N F E R I  .|.  D E I M O S

Perhaps fate smiled in the fae one’s favour - or perhaps another entity if the appearance of one of its envoys meant anything.

Susurrus padded up silently to the beacon, eying it with something passing curiosity before he neared ever closer to those slowly gathering here - to the point that he soon spotted the pink dragon from the raid and had to repress an annoyed grimace.

Of course then he spotted Aine and immediately his current trajectory changed, turning as he moved to stand beside her in quiet support - having recognised the signs of a no doubt incoming panic attack, as once he had for his cohort, he would provide a silent company to help, his back to the red stone.

He could have brought his other halves, but well, the territory did need as many protectors as it could - and Susurrus was far from being defenceless on his own - so he merely stared across at the pink dragon, daring her to try anything with the small fleshweaver.



"The Gods have forsaken us."
Maybe Delilah would have panicked as well when she detected Pittian scent, but at first, she was too drawn to the mossy green color, stepping forward to press her claws against the stone- admiring the material, a soft breath left the fae.

The peace only lasted so long before she finally caught wind of not one, but two Pittian scents. Her blurry vision turned to the two forms, expression neutral before turning it back to the tree. Not now. Yes, the Pitt held her leader captive, but Delilah had plans to rescue him. Until then, Vigenere could fight.. She knew he could. She'd rescue him soon.

"I'm not interested in starting a fight. You're fae, are you not, little one?"

Delilah spoke softly to Aine, flowers sprouting and curling along her smooth spine until they blossomed, the scent of cherry blossoms thick in the air. She had always told herself that she wouldn't hurt another fae kind, even if they weren't from her own tribe. The elder dragon was merely interested in the meaning of this place.

"I'm merely interested in what this.. Sign.. Means. So long as you keep your claws to yourself, I'll remain peaceful."

tags - penned by [member=1260]ryuu-tan[/member]
template by orion

Re: NEW MEETING PLACE DISCOVERY? - j a c k . - 08-19-2020

like a cold wind blown, Jack was fond if traveling; it brought him closer to the memories of his siblings. A soft hush of wind and the fresh scent of autumn, if life's slow decay only made Jack nostalgic. Beyond the cold aching bones that fluttered like static in his joints hushed in the quiet: a scene. The scent of anxiety and the familiar scent of the pitt. Aine was there his little sister and Delilah, there was a hush of undergrowth, a cold wind as Jack slotted himself in front of the dragon he faced not long ago in a raid.

"long time no see, pinkette" Jack's coy tone was absolutely frigid. The rucksack along his him cold, did Jack freeze it on accident? It didn't matter- he kept his eye towards the tanglewood. The small Tom's tail aiming to curl along one of aines legs: a protective geasture.

"I think it would be wise we remain... Neutral for now, lest you want to loose."

/Mobile chbshx
Protection square is fORMING

[Image: dciuesh-4df47b16-7f5c-409e-b368-3ab12739...Zt1O0xOz_k]

Re: NEW MEETING PLACE DISCOVERY? - Kian. - 08-19-2020

Kian Ó Faoláin
A beacon of light more than caught the Irishman's attention -- an unusual sight, even by his standards.  By the hum of an old sailor's chanty, the pirate decided to head in the direction, calling a quick farewell and explanation to a nearby npc; even Kian was not so reckless to leave without letting someone know where he was headed.  Tensions had been growing once again and he didn't want anyone to assume the worst so soon after his return.

He had little time to examine the great tree, or the pillars, distracted by the sound of other voices.  While some pirates may curl their lips at the first sign of the Pitt, the faerie called two of those desert-dwellers his cousins.  In fact, the youngest seemed present and alarmed.

Out of respect for her clanmates, the pirate kept his distance as he bounded over -- offering the youth a soft smile instead.  Gently, he would raise a paw up, in front of Delilah, brows furrowed sadly as he simply shook his head.  He suspected Aine still associated Tanglewood with the destruction of the jungle she called home; Crow had lit the fire after all.

"Dia dhuit." His typical jovial greeting to family, though he realized she may not recognize him as the polar bear dog he now stood as -- he could hope she found his voice familiar if anything.  She herself looked semi-different and injured too, much to his concern.  When had that happened?

"Tá sé ceart go leor."

The Irishman let his sea-green gaze flicker up and around the different pillars and their respective gems for a moment.  "This is a neutral place," he pointed out.  "Perhaps the land is simply recognizing that."

A rather dramatic method, but it certainly gathered attention.
All your dead end fury is not enough


"The Gods have forsaken us."
The icy feeling of that damn woodpecker (she didn't care what type of thing that creature was, he fucked up her eyesight.) seemed to cause Delilah to exhale smoke from her nostrils. Her tail cradled her stomach protectively, before soft gaelic left the womans lips.

"B’urrainn dhomh a bhith beò gun d’ fhaicinn airson ceud bliadhna a bharrachd."

Blurry vision caught wind of a paw in front of her face, the dragoness lowering her head to greet the Typhoon member with a low rumble of 'hello'. Understanding his methods enough, the scottish fae backed away from the group, returning back to the glowing green object, examining it with a soft hum.

"So a place of neutral gathering? The Earth Mother really does have an odd way of making her word known.."

tags - penned by [member=1260]ryuu-tan[/member]
template by orion

Re: NEW MEETING PLACE DISCOVERY? - salem - 08-22-2020

[align=center][div style="width: 500px; text-align: justify; font-family: georgia; font-size: 9pt; line-height: 1.4;"]SALEM | Softly, paws like shadows tread over unfamiliar grass.  A silhouette to the lone pirate assembled at the tree.  Dark eyes observed in silence, falling on first a familiar, frightened, face -- luring him into the light, only to pause at the sight of one of those who stood defensively before her.

He knew the pristine white fur as well as he knew his own soft black.  "Jack?"  Startled, Salem nearly stumbled over one of the great cedar's roots.  A soft grunt escaped his maw, sheepish as he scrambled to the side of his crewmate, Kian.  His eyes rested on Jack alone, thoughtful.

All four seasons had passed since he'd last seen any of his siblings.  Misfortune had passed too -- if the lack of pumpkin adorning his head revealed anything.  The vines curled neatly around his legs tightened briefly, as he allowed his head to fall to an inquisitive angle.

The talk of neutrality and signs lingered in the air, his own thoughts floating in the wind, tongue resting on the roof of his mouth.  Salem knew only of the Pitt, though he had called the Typhoon his home for more than a year now -- having never participated in the skirmishes, nor been a victim of capture.  In truth, it all seemed distant to the small feline.

Now, strangely, it seemed too close -- his brother carried that scent and stood among the others.  An icy sentinel, though that rang familiar.  Jack had always been protective of those he called his own.

With Kian, Jack, and Aine all present in one place, Salem felt inclined to enjoy the 'neutrality' of this place -- relieved even, for he sought no bloodshed among his family, both new and old.

"Didn't --" his voice is quiet, uncertain among a crowd; he had never practiced the art of public speech well.  His head ducked as he spoke, fur warm.  "Didn't the groups used to gather somewhere?  Peacefully I mean?"

Re: NEW MEETING PLACE DISCOVERY? - j a c k . - 08-22-2020

Jack were known for having a showman’s attitude, a trickster’s attitude towards those he would consider friendly. It was very rare that the kodkod would allow himself to be angry, as ever- maybe not fully controlling his emotions- but well enough so to hide them, cover his initial reactions most and that to which they always entailed. He felt protective towards his clan: the place that had taken him in, he was a part of the pitt as the pitt was his. his home, and his people, to guard, defend, protect. It was a selfish endeavor, but who said selfish had to be so wrong? Had to be looked upon with such negativity? It was the benefit of the both of them: the marauder had always been selfish, and as the seasons passed and the cycle of them trailed the earth did Jack learn how to hide it cleverly, hide it well and hide it deep.

Spotting Aine and the small form she made; in comparison towards the large wyvern that jack had faced in battle; in raid without provocation: that burned a great terrible fire that filled most of his clan with fear made the season want to snarl: to invoke the great terrible tundra under his skin that rattled his bones and scream- that they were unwelcome here, disturbing his people and his investments: it was a revelation on both parts that the kodkod had given the creature- Delilah, not only a reason but a target to point that fury towards, Jack stood resolute against the sensation, the feeling that threatened to take him to his knees.

in fear ? fury ?

Most were ignored in the sight the revelation Delilah made. Delilah’s figure cut an intimidating shape and Jack’s own was so small in comparison. Jack enjoyed the thrill of the idea: bringing her down: it was the reason he had faced her in the raid, but now it was stark in his mind as he stared her down: tenubris thoughts tunneling until the clear call of his own name cut through the tension.

Jack’s form was a pillar, in such a facing: without fear a lie through omission; mayhaps against anything and anyone who stood to take from him what he saw as his greedy and cunning enough to keep it, or so he liked to boast when he were younger. If he were born with anything other than the fragile form of a kodkod a mask in more ways than one: Jack had to admire the irony it would’ve been a fox for merely that.

The pillar of his form stood: resolute, even at the crumbling of realizations, and at the visage of his brother Jack felt is foundations crumble. The frigid chill of his spine rattled and hissed at the invitation of his weakness, control slipping on the bottle tight tense of his emotional failures and powers alike. He released it with a breath: tail moving from where he had stood In front of Aine before Delilah and now retreated towards the Stonehenge of glimmering ruby: the pitt’s presence there had dimmed the stone- the light that everyone saw: and as Salem spoke of neutrality, Jack felt his own grin return to him.

I couldn’t agree more, l- Salem