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i believe the world is burning to the ground | finally breaking - Printable Version

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i believe the world is burning to the ground | finally breaking - Seakit Roux. - 08-18-2020

tiguar . young . he/him
demigod of the deep
Seapaw Roux had always tried to be the kind one, the one who looked out for others. He was one to shove his emotions away to assist the ones he loved. So, when his world began to fall apart and he began to loose those he loved, he simply smashed his own feelings into a box and threw them out. Or so he thought. In reality, he had simply pushed them to the back of his mind, leaving them to grow until the pressure caused him to explode. Rage had replaced kindness and love, filling the boy with what felt like lava. Thats what brought him to where he was now, staring off the edge of the cliff as a bag of rocks, all with carefully glued on googly eyes, sat beside him.

With a snarl, he hurled the bag off of the cliff, watching as those STUPID rocks went hurtling into the ocean. He watched as they disappeared into the water's grasp and wished he could disappear with them. He'd once spent so long looking for them, wasting time, unaware by how fleeting life could be. He'd been a fool and now? He'd never get to talk to Sam again. He'd wasted all that time looking for some stupid fucking rocks and his mother was GONE. Two months of time LOST, and for what? Pieces of junk that meant nothing. Once again the waves called to him, their murky depths offering comfort and peace. He knew how easily he could return to their grasp, let them erase the turmoil in his heart. But he couldn't, not when he risked even more time with his family dissapearing.

Tears traced down his cheeks as he stood, thinking back on the pain he had felt. One thought kept going through his mind, betrayal like a knife in his back. Aphra. As his thoughts raced, he had slowly made his climb back down to the beach, a secluded place far from the huts that lined the more populated areas. As far as he knew, nobody would be around, nobody would hear him break.

Anger once again surged in his heart as he thought of the wretched white she-cat he had once looked up to, before he could see how much of a bastard she truly was. His abilities began to flare as his rage grew, tugging at the waves as the demigod felt his heart shatter. Screams rip from his throat as the waves rise and crash around him, all of them surging around him as anger grew strong in heart. Fuck Aphra, truly. It had taken him too long to realize that her heart had long been replaced with toxic sludge that had clogged her arteries until it poured out and choked anyone who tried to care for her.

Broken, he collapsed, sides heaving as he mourned the lost, and the sea mourned with him. The waves slapped against his fur, tugging and pulling as he screamed and sobbed, soaked paws clawing at the sand as if it hid the loved ones that fate had so cruelly ripped away from him. Freya, before they could ever meet. Elduin, disappearing so shortly after returning. And now, Sam, gone swiftly into the night. They all left gaping holes in his chest that he felt would tear him into pieces as they continued to expand.

Re: i believe the world is burning to the ground | finally breaking - Lawlocked - 08-18-2020

[color=transparent] [w]isker
it was a blessing, to ave a family as big as the roux. to have sprawling and spanning family for these times: when one of them fell. the roux's looked and found each other and knew: knew there were other's mourning with them. it made law's own burden of sorrow feel a touch easier, knowing there were others, but..

but it made it so much worse too. so many of his family, so many people he cared for; he wanted- [sub]needed[/sub] to stay safe. law simply felt unsafe, unstable- teetering on the edge of his mother's death and moma's silence. it made him hurt, it cut his voice out and gored his tongue before he even could try to speak.

in the wake of mothers death, law had been nothing but silent.

family, life was fleeting. the rapid heartbeats of his loved ones was a constant hum under his own fluttering beat. law didn't- couldn't slept. now he patrolled the rooms, watched his siblings his family rest and made sure that the scent of sleep on each of them were true that he heard their breath and the beat of their heart before he moved to the next set of rooms

he didn't go to moma's room

he found himself more and more often at the soothsayer's temple. plucking books in exchange for the coloring books, the informational books on animals for ones about biology and witchcraft, of herbs forgotten by most; sneaking in his mother's den to steal older, ancient books passed. read of tribal things, of ancient magics. with each night between his vigil, his mind struggled more and more with the sense of physical and spirit

but there was this: the clatter of rocks and law looked up from a especially large tome, it's text tiny and his eyes strained. wings pinned to his sides, ears pinned back and a throb just below his fluttering heart... the roar of seapaw, the distress in the other's scent made him

he rose, words on the tip of his tongue but then he saw. saw something pass reconciliation; saw the one thing law had never faced that he feared in his moma's room reflected back in his big brother's eyes.


law, small little thing he was: is known for being quiet. but he was never known for being afraid, he could stand in the front of his mamma's meetings, his mamma's scream for... for mother. but in the face of such anger

law was afraid
[color=transparent] [w]isker
[glow=#5E5E5E,2,300]The dark doesn't frighten me[/glow]

[glow=#5E5E5E,2,300]I chose to close my eyes; it is mine[/glow]

Re: i believe the world is burning to the ground | finally breaking - lovekit. - 08-19-2020

lovekit — the typhoon — tags
Truthfully, Lovekit still didn't understand what was happening. It was difficult for one so young, to figure out why one of his mothers was gone, or why so many seemed to be grieving and bitter. Sam had just looked asleep, hadn't she? She was cold, yes, but sometimes he got cold, and he'd pull more blankets over himself. So where had she gone? Why was mama so broken apart? It was so insanely hard for the child to grasp, that someone he had known for all of his short life was now just... gone. Vanished from the face of the Earth, never to be seen again. At least not the way that they were before. It seemed utterly impossible to Lo, who felt as though he could see the way that everyone's spirits intermingled. People were a sum of all of their parts, including their unique quirks, and all of their connections. It was so intricate that the mere thought of it all just collapsing in on itself seemed irrational, as if the world simply had some fatal flaw in it that he, nor anyone else, could fix.

In a time of constant questions and struggling, Lovekit had leaned on his family more heavily than ever before, feeding into his siblings' anxious natures. He made sure to shift a little when Lawkit went on his seemingly constant patrols around their home, and he allowed Seapaw to keep him as close as he wanted, just to make sure he was there. While the boy didn't entirely know what was going on, he knew that something had gone wrong, and that his siblings needed his support. So, he tried to do that by just... being there. Being with them, and providing them with the love that he had been named for three months ago. One part of that love had been shattered the day that Sam died, even if it was assured that Goldenluxury would never stop loving her. However, the other part of that love – Goldie's love for her children, and in turn their love for each other – would never fade. Which meant that his spirit would never fade, as long as he clung to it as tightly as possible. Or at least, that was how it worked, in his juvenile and frightened mind.

Truthfully, Lovekit wasn't sure what had drawn him first towards the shore. It might've been Seapaw's pained and outraged screaming, or it might've been the scent of a very terrified Lawkit. Either way, Lo felt himself drawn forward, large paws sinking into the sand as he grew closer to Seapaw, and the chaos that he was raising around him. The water raged viciously around Sea, responding violently to the older boy's emotions, yet Lovekit remained unafraid. Instead, his heart ached with sympathy for his older sibling, and he continued growing closer. His paws slipped further into wet sand, and he could feel the waves shoving and tugging at his form, threatening to sweep him up and pull him under. Still, he remained resolute, and stubborn, something he had inherited from both of his mothers. Once he had grown closer enough, Lo clenched his jaws a bit, paws reaching out to try and wrap around Seapaw, and pull his older brother into his chest. There was a definite size difference, considering the age difference between the two litters, but Lovekit didn't care. All he cared about was that he provided comfort for Seapaw, even if the other's rage threatened to swallow him up and never let him go.

Re: i believe the world is burning to the ground | finally breaking - Grimm - 08-19-2020

Hybrid — three months — minnow
information — written by rhett
The water of the covenant is thicker than the water of the womb.

Beneath the ceaseless onward march time conducted in the assemblance of fabricated seconds warped the soft crown reverence laced words had once bore about fleeting edges. A broken cry it now, befallen still lips grown cold beneath the caress of death, twisted until core was a fragmented mass, glass aching for careless curiosity.

Those who shed blood with you are more family than that who carry the same in their veins.

Yet what of the child unsullied by blood, who carried only the protective flicker innocent naivety bestowed, tempered glass slowly gathering fine cracks with each days passing. They knew of blood, their own a delicate rain when misjudgement had brought consequences of minor note, had tasted hers in the air, felt it beneath the uneven part where cooling skin had succumbed to too harsh a touch.

Family are those to whom you have chosen to make a gift of your heart. So why must they be fragile, porcelain beauty awaiting merely the hollow chime, the death knoll signifying their time had reached an end.

Few and with an ever expanding distance present between the nights when caught were even a small snippet of slumber, sand slipping through grasping fingers had it become. What little they held with tentative hope was a warped, twisted landscape, a place riddled with nothing but horror, the death that had cast a dark mask across still face of mother burned where mind may not find it. Under the bed had they taken to, within minimal space assembled the makeshift boundaries of a clumsy nest.

Never enough, cold the comfort they may claim with plush, worn and battered, given to repair as teeth pulled at seams, wanted the one awaiting burial. Dragged out in haste for departure some lodged beneath, behind left it all, familiar the actions staged. Latch lifted, the cool wind gentle in its fleeting caress along dark features grown sodden beneath tracks they knew not had come to spill, claws scraping against wood. Short the drop, enough even the small wings adorned in soft down may claim some lift, outward spread until sand cradled collapsed body.

Aching. Faint the burning protest, how the flames of budding agony licked along taunt muscle when beneath was gathered legs. Never enough rest, always pushing — stop for once child, let the world fade away. Of such they were incapable, slow their trek along shores familiar beneath golden illumination, alien now. Downward the turn umber made, shuddering each breath until —

"One, two, three…" Broken whisper adorned lips of obsidian, counted each step, useless such trivial aspect but grounding. To it mind was drawn, all else a hum lacing chained edges beating as though admittance may be given, exhaustion steadily stealing from child last ounces of strength. Had it been so easy on may they have continued, naive to all that ached with the gathered heat anger scoured taped together heart with, but the bubble is a fragile thing, innocence falling in sparkling fragments.

It was the rage written in echoing sound, forgein here where the soft hush the tide whispered against the sand prevailed, subdued beneath it, that drew them forth as though they were but a moth to a flame. Turn away, it is not your fight. Mechanical the actions, how legs grew straight, pace odd for manner they held themself was unfamiliar. Dark the scene upon which they intruded, brothers all, broken and lost on ways uniquely theirs. To Seapaw did gaze skip, perceived but could not understand how his rage and sorrow twisted together, a damning vortex tearing asunder his heart. Tended he, the approach Lovekit made one Harlow would not impede, other of more worrying note.

"Law," murmur upon tongue, all that escaped the tight cage teeth made as it faded into the deafening cry the ocean voiced alongside distraught brother. Closer did they move, dared to reach, made attempt akin to Lovekit to comfort in way of drawing Lawkit closer so atop head may they place chin, offering a stuttering, broken hum as their eyes squeezed shut.
code by Reggan