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I MISS MY LOVER MAN • intro - Printable Version

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I MISS MY LOVER MAN • intro - MIRIO! - 08-15-2020

Keigo had joined a bit ago, before all the.. turmoil happened. But he was always one to enjoy solitude. It was comforting to be alone, to tune into the world around you and forget everything. So of course, he had kept himself hidden and away from the group.

It wasn't until he had heard of the death of Goldie's wife that Keigo had decided to come out. It was a sorrowful time for everyone- considering a lot of the Typhoon members were related. It was a harsh thing, losing family. Keigo couldn't relate- he had been sold off by his own family as a child and made into what was seemingly a killing machine. A weapon.

Turns out all of the therapy merely made him want to be happier to make up for everyone else's sad moods. He wanted to try and cheer people up, so he figured.. Hell, why not introduce himself properly?

So when he had made it to the area where many people were seemingly gathered and working or laying about, Keigo began to introduce himself, bright red wings fluttering open to wave.

"The name's Keigo Takami! You can call me Hawks, if you'd like. Feel free to ask me anything. I promise I don't bite."

Re: I MISS MY LOVER MAN • intro - ROXANNE R. - 08-15-2020

[glow=white,1,400]I LOVE YOU, CANNIBAL QUEEN !。+゚.[/glow]
The sound of an unfamiliar voice made the Officer slow her steps, her powerful jaws clamped down on a fishing net with several fish still flopping around with mouths gasping for air. Her tufted ears perking forward, she was hesitant in approaching at the moment since she was busy but really, it would be wrong of her not to go out of her way to meet someone that she had never met before. Right? With a bit of blood trickling down her chin, the Officee would shift the weight of her paws only to approach still holding the net in her grasp though she let it fall limp for it would be rude to speak with a muffled voice or maybe that's what she believed anyways. Her jaws would part so her tongue swiped across her lips for a moment before speaking up with a slow nod of her cranium "Hello there... Hawks," She did not know how that name fitted with the others that he spoke though he decided to share with the crowd around him, it was odd to her. Yet Roxanne would introduce herself to the stranger with her head tilting to the side "M'names Roxanne Roux but feel free to call me Roxie." [glow=COLOR,1,400]✧*:・゚[/glow]

Re: I MISS MY LOVER MAN • intro - Simon F.M. - 08-18-2020

i'd do anything for you
but would you do that for me, too?
[Image: unknown.png]
[Image: unknown.png]
[Image: unknown.png]
[Image: unknown.png]
3 & 1/2 YEARS
Diya had been planning to surprise Roxanne with some fishing help, having not much else to do, when she found the spot empty. Surprised, the white feline followed the scent of her friend, searching for where she may have gone. Finding Roxanne near a winged wolf, she was slide up beside the officer, brushing her snowy tail against the others brown fur in greeting. Her eyes were on the wolf though. "Pleasure to meetcha, I'm Doya Folie-Mikaelson!"

Re: I MISS MY LOVER MAN • intro - salem - 08-19-2020

[align=center][div style="width: 500px; text-align: justify; font-family: georgia; font-size: 9pt; line-height: 1.4;"]SALEM | Treading soft like the shadows his fur blended to, the kodkod halted in his tracks at the winged wolf's call.  An unfamiliar voice, calling for attention -- a bright and social beacon.  Salem lingered to the side, a gentle shadow as others answered the call first.

Quietly, he offered his own voice next, "call me Salem." Less confident, the small feline dropped his head to an angle, dark eyes curious.  "Can I ask where 'Hawks' comes from?"

Re: I MISS MY LOVER MAN • intro - MIRIO! - 08-19-2020

Keigo laughed softly when the slightly familiar Officer came over to greet him, paw scratching at his head with a grin. He'd seen plenty of women before, but this girl had a beautiful appearance- breathtaking, really. However, Keigo was merely a respectful flirt. He knew how to keep his distance and merely compliment the ladies he finds pretty.

"Why hello there, Lady Roxanne. Quite the beauty, really. An honor to meet'cha."

With the dip of his head in respects to the femme, he lifted it when another came over.

"Doya, huh? I'll have to remember your name as well. My, my. Is it a custom for the women here in the Typhoon to be so jaw-drop gorgeous?"

The playful flirt smiled a toothy smile, wings fluttering at his sides- and then yet another form came. A smaller feline, quite adorable. However, Hawks kept his head up and level, out of respect- nobody liked it when people lowered their head to someone shorter; he hated it when Dabi did that to him back then. However, the fact that he said the woman's name wrong seemed to pass over his head- he didn't have mean intentions behind it, however.

"Pleasure to meet'cha, Salem. That's a good question!"

Keigo hummed softly, paw tapping against his scruffy chin before he tilted his head a bit. His wings extended, obviously far too large for his body- usually barely touching the ground with how big they were. However, outstretched, he moved his wings forward, fanning them out in display.

"Well, in my previous life, I had a handler. Someone who trained me, y'know? I was kind of like.. an assassin, in a way? But for the people I worked for, I was supposed to be a hero in the eye of the public- anyways! So, I was named Hawks because my speed in flight was unmatched."

Keigo was a talkative one, but he didn't want to expose too much about himself. Besides, he had heard rumors that some of the people from his old world had been reincarnated here in this world as well. That wasn't good news, considering Dabi could be one of those people.

Re: I MISS MY LOVER MAN • intro - ROXANNE R. - 08-19-2020

me dejaste, me dejaste en un tango
Lady Roxanne?

What was she? Some dame from the medieval ages? The thought made a snort leave her though at his next comment, it made her body tense up and her pupils narrow down into dangerous slits "If you wish for formalities, call me Officer Roxanne. I suppose it's nice to meet you too," Her tufted ears would flick back until it brushed against the back of her cranium, her striped tail lashing the sides only to let out a soft huff "And refrain from flirting with me, not everyone appreciates it. Hawks." After several failed attempts at romance and getting several jabs to the heart, Roxanne didn't necessarily appreciate those type of comments from strangers even if said stranger was within the same group as her. It made her uneasy and well, snappy if anything given the current things that the Typhoon was going through. And Roxanne hadn't been interested in men as of late since the few that she had liked only proved to be disappointments, so, with this random man starting to drop flirty comments at her only succeeded in making Roxanne rather angry.

Her once tense body would ease down once Diya walked over brushing her tail against her brown coat, Roxanne offered her a light smile as the other would introduce herself to Keigo though her smile faltered at what the man said next feeling her fur prickle and her eyes glare daggers at him. She shouldn't have been getting so defensive... It wasn't like her and Diya were dating or anything but it still bothered her. A faint growl emitting from her throat, her body growing rigid once more only to say with a sharp tone "Was it custom that men like you would go around disregarding other's comfort due to the slip of your tongue back where you lived?" With a click of her tongue, the Officer would roll her shoulders a bit and sat down curling her tail around Diya with her eyes still set onto Keigo "And her name is Diya not Doya," Unless, Diya had changed her name though Roxanne was sure that she would've been one of the first people to find out. Though frankly, Roxanne liked Diya a lot more than Doya. Doya sounded funny. She'd tease Diya about it later when they were alone together but for now, she was here present to Keigo's introduction. He was already made himself rather distasteful in her eyes.

So, Hawks only associated with him due to his speed? Huh, she was expecting another reason but would simply shrug it off. She didn't have other questions for the man and frankly, after her little bit of tearing down... Well, she felt it wasn't her place to say anything else.


Re: I MISS MY LOVER MAN • intro - GEORGIA. - 08-19-2020

Georgia had been one of the few to sprawl herself across the small clearing, trying to achieve a nap or any form of rest. Today was a high fatigue day; which meant spending more of the day asleep than awake. It wasn't restful sleep, though; her dreams were plagued with snippets of her father's death mingled with Sam's: clouds and fog and thunder...large crowds and sobbing people. From each dream she woke, only to forget the entire thing in an instant, and fall asleep again.

When Keigo sat down and began to introduce himself, Geo was already half awake, and lazily rolled over so she could see who was talking. He looked unfamiliar, but seemed to have a mouth and some charm. It left a bit of a bad taste in her mouth, as it reminded her of Calem - whom she hadn't seen around, but assumed he was here somewhere. The difference between the two was that Calem's flirting was...almost disgusting, where Keigo's flirting just seemed like he was being overly polite. She could tolerate that, she supposed. Who knew; maybe he could make her blush.

Hauling herself to her feet, the girl joined the small group, taking a moment to stretch and shake out her pale fur with a yawn. Her leather cuffs rustled about on her legs and one of her necklaces nearly poked her in the eye. It was only a few steps to join the circle, which meant she got up just to lay down again, though this time she neatly tucked her paws beneath her, eyes blinking in an effort to clear the sleepy fog from her brain. "Keigo, hm?" She echoed, stifling another yawn. "I'm Georgia."

The somali listened, partially absorbing the information that he was spitting out; her attention only truly focused when Roxanne corrected him. "No, no; call her Lady Roxanne. Secretly, she likes it." Georgia tacked on, a grin dancing on her lips. When Roxie chastised him for overstepping his boundaries, she snorted. "Oh, c'mon; he's not as bad as the last one," If Georgia wasn't trying to drown him, then he couldn't possibly be that bad.