Beasts of Beyond
YOU QUIVER AND A SHAKE, QUAKE / typhoon - Printable Version

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YOU QUIVER AND A SHAKE, QUAKE / typhoon - bubblegum - 08-15-2020

Re: YOU QUIVER AND A SHAKE, QUAKE / typhoon - DELILAH. - 08-15-2020

"The Gods have forsaken us."
With Vigenere captured and Delilah being the only high ranking member around after Bloodhound disappeared, she had to move as carefully as she could. She wasn't leader material, and with the scarce sight of her friends in Tanglewood, it was hard for her to stay positive. However, the elder dragoness still made her way over when the scent of Goldie and the Typhoon floated her way.

Fresh bandages laced over the wyverns eyes, properly taped wing draped against her side- there had been a battle here recently. Delilah hated battles, but she tried her best.

"Goldie? How are you, it's been a while.. I have some bad news.. Ah, that's right.. My name is Delilah, just in case you don't remember me. I'm Tanglewood's sawbone."

Delilah looked tired. She could understand Goldie- the loss of a lover, struggling to cope with reality. Delilah still longs for the sound of her soulmates voice. Still wakes up to the ghost of her lovers past, the smell of him left behind never lingering anymore.

It was lonely, Delilah noticed.

But she could feel the sadness and exhaustion dripping from the femme before her, and that made her head lower so a soft, tired smile could be given.

She needed to find a way to rescue Vigenere..

tags - penned by [member=1260]ryuu-tan[/member]
template by orion


//stalking Wink

Re: YOU QUIVER AND A SHAKE, QUAKE / typhoon - trojan g. - 08-17-2020

Nicabar didn't know who Goldenluxery was. He knew the smell of the Typhoon only by what he'd been told it had smelled like, and it seemed as though it was right in the description, at least for the most part. He heard Delilah speaking to the other - Goldie - and he watched the other for a moment. Her stance, her eyes, she was sad. Nicabar wouldn't push as to why though, as it was none of his business.

Coming to a stop beside the pink dragon, the serval would look over to the other nodding his head slightly in the words that Deliliah has spoken. They had bad news. His eyes would flicker to his paws for a moment, head following as he tried to think of his own words to speak to follow that blow. Goldie didn't quite know the bad news yet, but he was sure whoever she was she wouldn't like it. Looking back up towards the other, he would finally speak. "My name's Nicabar, I hope next time we meet it won't be during circumstances like these..." He swallowed his own spit, throat becoming dry for a moment as he thought back to the raid that had happened only days before. "The Pitt raided us a few days ago." He'd begin the words, but couldn't quite finish them, and could only hope Delilah was able to.  "speech"

Re: YOU QUIVER AND A SHAKE, QUAKE / typhoon - bubblegum - 08-17-2020

Re: YOU QUIVER AND A SHAKE, QUAKE / typhoon - DELILAH. - 08-17-2020

"The Gods have forsaken us."
Delilah leaned her head down when the presence of Nicabar came, snout nudging the smaller body in greeting before she turned back to Goldie with a frown. Yes.. The Pitt was becoming hard to keep in check again.

"Vigenere was taken by their leader that day. We don't have.. the numbers or power to get Vigenere back. Not yet."

Delilah's croon was soft, voice holding a calm melody- the news of Goldenluxury's wife passing caused the wyvern to lower her head once more, an apologetic tilt.

"Oh, Goldie.. I'm so sorry for your loss. Is there anything we can do to help? I have some chamomile tea, if you'd like to stay and have a cup of tea with me?"

The Draconic female offered gently, forked tail curling around to pluck the little pink flowers that grew along her spine, offering them out to the woman. Maybe she could get the other to stay in the camp for a bit to talk about the Pitt and how they could solve the issue. They were kidnapping again, so there had to be something they could do together to get Vigenere back.

"I know how it feels to lose someone you love. My beloved and I have been separated for many moons now. I haven't seen his face in a while. My first love.. My soulmate, really. He died in front of me when I was young. It hurts, I'm so sorry that you had to go through that pain, Goldie."

tags - penned by [member=1260]ryuu-tan[/member]
template by orion