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LOOKED LIKE YOU ☆ pregnancy - Printable Version

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LOOKED LIKE YOU ☆ pregnancy - michael t. - 08-13-2020

Two days ago, Michael had decided to go on a little trip, for himself. He hadn't intended for it to be long, just long enough to go and see his husband, and to enjoy the other's company for a while. It wasn't unusual for him to feel lonely as of late, wanting to see Trevor ever since the other had gone to take care of things back at their original home. Things had only become urgent for him after the recent death of Sam, something that had made him realize just how little time any of them could have. Sudden circumstances could pop up at any point, and the thief didn't want to miss out on time with his husband just because he wasn't willing to make a little trip. So, after telling Roxie where he was going and getting some traveling herbs from Roan, the other had headed out, intent on being home as soon as possible. The trip there thankfully hadn't been too rough, and the time he had spent with Trevor had obviously been great, listening to the other's stories of their old home and chuckling at the other's carefree attitude. It was a true relief, especially after the rather awful events that had happened as of late. Maybe it was a little bit selfish, but it wasn't as if he had left for a week or longer, as much as he may have been tempted to.

Aside from all the other happiness that came with visiting his love, yet another positive thing had come from the visit – Michael had been able to shapeshift. Specifically, the reaver had been able to shift into a female coyote body, which was exactly what he had been looking for. He and Trevor had been speaking about having kids for quite a while, but his lack of control over his shapeshifting had made it difficult, and opportunities to adopt were harder to find than one might think. Either way, the thief had finally been able to do it, and he couldn't have been happier. It was a bit of a shock, shifting into a coyote form that was just as deep, dark black as his bobcat body, but it hardly mattered what he looked like, as long as he was healthy. After that, the rest of the trip had been spent cuddling, talking, and doing everything else that came with a visit, until eventually Michael had been forced to pull himself away, knowing that it was time to go home. One thing that he had noticed as he had prepared to go, however, was that he couldn't shift out of the coyote form. He hadn't been able to control the wave of excitement that had come over him at that, practically tackling Trevor to tell him the news. It could've been possible that it was just a quirk of using a new body, but he had been able to shift out of his snake and hamster bodies upon first discovering them, so he doubted it.

When he had eventually ended up back on Typhoon territory, Michael had immediately known he needed to make some changes. He didn't want to risk hurting any of the pups possibly developing inside of him, and that meant breaking some habits, as bad as he was at doing that. The first, and most prominent habit that would spell disaster for any potential children, was his alcoholism. He knew he couldn't drink while pregnant, and as much as it pained him to do so, he was determined. So, he the now coyote had gone searching throughout his house, grabbing every little bottle that he could find and stuffing them all into a box, before he began to drag it outside. Just the sight of it made his heart ache, knowing this would be more difficult than he thought, but it wasn't long before he was shouting, "Anyone want some booze? I'm gonna bring all of it to the tavern, but I figured I'd let people see if there was anything they wanted before I did. I can't... I can't exactly drink any of it right now." The melanistic coyote didn't explain any further, but considering the new body, slightly higher voice, and the fact that he was ditching a bunch of alcohol? It wouldn't be hard to put two and two together.
[sup]template made by tikki[/sup]

Re: LOOKED LIKE YOU ☆ pregnancy - Luciferr - 08-13-2020

"vengeance is just hope with a history"
Jaime already out two and two together despite the fact he was so young - it wasn’t like he was blind

So the still growing jaguar had slowly made his way over to his higher voiced uncle, a noticeable slowness in his limbs for the aching was getting far more savage though he tried his best to hide it ever more than usual.

That said he paused his slow progression to eye his uncle, the alcohol, his new body and back again on repeat for a second time before he voiced aloud

”does this mean I’m getting more cousins uncle mike?” with all the bluntness of a sledge hammer to a soft plywood wall.

tags - penned by LUCIFERR
template by orion

Re: LOOKED LIKE YOU ☆ pregnancy - APHRA CIPHER . - 08-13-2020

[glow=grey,1,400]FOR ONCE, WHY CAN'T YOU JUST COME AND CHASE ME ?。+゚.[/glow]
"Fuck it, drink, Michael." Truthfully, figuring out this coyote was Michael was harder than figuring out why he didn't want to drink. Of course, not that it took a genius to put two-and-two together; Michael was the only melanistic creature in The Typhoon (to Aphra's knowledge, anyway).

Aphra stood a few pawsteps away from Jaime, a playful frown on her face. Even if she was trying to be light-hearted and joke around, the oriental longhair meant her words. "Who cares if it'll hurt those kids?" It wasn't her right to spill the beans in any way, but she obviously didn't care; after all, didn't Jaime imply something first? "The less unwanted kids, the better." She was assuming that this was an accident, that Michael hadn't meant to get pregnant, but she also meant in the fact that she didn't want them around.

Fuck, was this place going to get overrun by kids?[glow=COLOR,1,400]✧*:・゚[/glow]

Re: LOOKED LIKE YOU ☆ pregnancy - PAOLA - 08-14-2020

[shadow=black,left]PAOLA VASQUEZ[/shadow]
I just wanna taste it; Watermelon sugar high!
The clinking of bottles rouses Paola from her nap, blinking groggily at the scene around her before settling on the three gathered Typhooners. In her drowsy state, she doesn't think she recognizes any of them, and she lays her head down again to go back to sleep until she hears the name they call the black coyote. Michael? Mr. Michael?

More cousins? Kids? Drinking?

The she-cat springs to her paws then, all semblance of sleep ebbing away as she pads over with something resembling a frown on her face—or as close to it as she can get. Paola isn't exactly a frowner. Because of her lively attitude, the expression seems out-of-place on the her features, although it looks just as disappointed nevertheless.

"I mean, he looks like he's getting rid of the bottles, so that means he does care about them. Please stop." The she-cat's nose crinkles at the white oriental longhair, clearly confused by her attitude towards Michael's potential brood, before the expression fades away as quickly as it came when Paola's eyes finally settle on Michael's new form.

Happily, she trots closer and takes a seat next to Jaime, wrapping her long tail around herself before peering at the bottles he's amassed. "If I'm hearing things right, congratulations, Mr. Michael! It's always fun to have new little ones running around and livening up the place!" Paola offers him a wide, cheeky grin. "I can take some of those off your paws and then help you bring the rest to the tavern, if you'd like."

Re: LOOKED LIKE YOU ☆ pregnancy - GEORGIA. - 08-14-2020

*・゚✧ / BETA / 08 MONTHS
Georgia liked to think that out of everyone in the Typhoon, she had known Michael the longest; he was cool and chill and dad-ly...and she was more or less using him as a stand in father figure. One warm smile her way and she could cry, more or less. Even though it was a double-edged sword — she did her best to ignore it and put herself through the motions. She didn’t have a bond with him the way she did with her father; she didn’t even know that much about him. In fact, he probably didn’t look at her like a daughter at all. Which was...fine, honestly, it would be strange to have an acquaintance of a week or two look at her like that.

Still, Georgia found herself trotting after Paola, seeking a wrestling match. Sparring with Pao was nice because Georgia never experienced the sinking feeling of loneliness afterwards; her curse never dug it’s claws in, unlike how it was after her match with Seapaw. Maybe it was because they shared a mentor, and because of that logistic, it was almost business-like. Or a distraction. She really couldn’t tell.

She ended up beside the black feline, watching Michael, Jaime, and Aphra. Michael was throwing out drinks, apparently, and Paola was congratulating him How interesting.

”I mean,” Georgia flicked her gaze towards the white feline. “The less unwanted Ciphers, the better.” She shrugged, idly sticking her tongue out at the lady. Yeah, she’d heard the rumors; the whispers. Gia had seen Aphra around, asked a few folks why she seemed so grumpy, and had the name Cipher tossed over her head a few times too many. Georgia was definitely one to go looking for a fight, and she really didn’t hold her punches. Aphra Cipher would be a fun bone to pick if she ever got the chance.

Still. ”You’re telling me we have to deal with mini Michaels’?” Georgia whined, though it was clearly in good nature. “I don’t know, that seems like too many.”

Re: LOOKED LIKE YOU ☆ pregnancy - Keona. - 08-14-2020

If I fall, get knocked down, pick myself up off the ground
"Great seas, more?" The tiny dealer smiled, whiskers twitching as she offered up her soft voice.  In all her years among the Typhoon, she failed to recall a time they'd be so overrun with children.  Well.  It wasn't as though she minded.  Though it did feel weird knowing that many of those children would outgrow her sooner than later.  The fae life, she supposed.

Her pale hues narrow briefly in the direction of Aphra's voice.  Cold.  Georgia's words brought a quiet snort in agreement.  Keona had hated Caesar with a passion deep as the ocean.  To see his daughter turn out just as sour was disappointing, but if that was the hole she wanted to dig herself, then fine.  Her choice.  She could live with the consequences.

The fae huffed softly, then gave Michael a thoughtful nod.  "I don' drink, but I can' tell the tavern keeps they've got incomin'."
✯ — keona sibéal ní faoláin. female. dealer of the typhoon. blind. rusty spotted cat.  ref. bio.

Re: LOOKED LIKE YOU ☆ pregnancy - devland - 08-14-2020

[align=center][div style=" background-color: transparent; border: 0px solid black; width: 60%; min-height: 8px; font-family: arial; line-height: 110%; text-align: justify; padding: 25px"]Michael's call was enough to summon Devland. Like Georgia, he viewed Michael as a sort of stand-in father figure. If not that, then Michael was absolutely a role model - though Devland was too stubborn to admit to either. Those thoughts were entirely too embarrassing to linger on anyhow, and the boy tried his best to forget them.

He gave an amused huff as Georgia returned Aphra's snark. "You wear bitterness like a shitty coat, Miss Aphra," Devland chirped, flippant voice as bright and warm as the rising sun. He offered the white feline a dazzling smile before turning to join the others.

Choosing to ignore whatever rebuttal Aphra might offer, he focused his attention on those who weren't as unkind. Jaime and Paola certainly seemed enthused, and even though Georgia and Keona feigned exasperation at the idea of more children, their fondness was very apparent. "I can certainly take some of your drinks for safe keeping," the boy offered as a wry smile marked his lips.

"Congratulations also," Devland said, allowing his smile to look a bit more genuine. It lasted for a whole five seconds before it morphed into something more mischievous. "On a scale of one to ten, how mad would you be if I corrupted your kids, Michael? I'm a terrible influence, you know."

Re: LOOKED LIKE YOU ☆ pregnancy - Grimm - 08-15-2020

Someday I’ll make something out of me, years of imitating mastery only made me a better thief
Where the vile temptress tread with the flare of falsified grace dark tides may be deemed like to rise.

Few the excursions Harlow had conducted beyond walls familiar, though within had grown decay in the wake of premature departure, lines that tethered fraying as time wore on, necessity often the cause. Yet this held no such notion, a more base desire, freedom within which legs may be stretched possibly. Forth were drawn tall ears, confusion a fine veil against the duel tone of countenance, brief the caught snippets of conversation. Known many faces present, hesitation brief as the realisation settled among loose thought, though sharp the jolt when a certain individual spoke.

Blood upon ivory shores, against visage twisted beneath cruel anger, a monster made in short moments.

Shuddering breath arose from the tight clench of teeth, her presence ignored within favour for the central figure. "Why not?" Brow furrowed, deepens their confusion as pieces fell together, albeit in a very wrong fashion, before a gasp arose. "Did you eat a baby, is it in you."
code by Reggan

Re: LOOKED LIKE YOU ☆ pregnancy - michael t. - 08-16-2020

Anger. It was an emotion that had come easily to Michael in the past, although not without cause. After all, he had been raised by a family that didn't truly love him, and thrown out into a world that would've killed him, had he not adapted. He had learned quickly that he needed to harness his anger, and use it productively. On occasion, however, the reaver couldn't stop that anger from coming forward. Bubbling up and spilling over without his consent, all because of one little word or action. Aphra had already been more than a little deep in his shit list, considering how she had treated Goldie and practically everyone else, but to pull this? To call his children unwanted? It was enough to make that anger spike again, mutating into an ugly rage that made the coyote snarl, all other voices fading around him as he pinpointed in on the snow white feline. His actions after that were almost robotic, his body moving before he could truly process his actions as he grabbed one of the half-full bottles of alcohol in his paws, throwing it as hard as he could at Aphra's face. If it connected, it would definitely cause some damage, if not shattering and hitting things besides just the feline's face. As he did so, he growled directly at Aphra, "Don't you ever call my kids unwanted again, you waste of a life." It had been some time since Michael had genuinely snapped, and while he wasn't exactly proud of it, he couldn't say he regretted it, either.

As quickly as the anger had come, it soon evaporated, his breath coming out in harsh but calming gasps. He closed his eyes briefly, digging his claws into the dirt in an effort to stabilize himself once again. After he had done so, he addressed Jaime first, a weak chuckle leaving him, "Yeah... yeah, it does mean you're getting more cousins, Jaime. Not for a while now, but eventually." He was vaguely aware of both Paola and Georgia scolding Aphra for her behavior, but the reaver forced himself not to dwell on that, knowing it would only cause him to do more to the already injured feline. Instead, he nodded his head to Paola, muttering slowly, "Thank you, Paola. And yeah, I'm excited... nervous, but excited. Hopefully they'll be good kids... although they probably won't be, considering their parents." He chuckled a bit after that, smirking at Georgia as he spoke, 'One of me is probably too many anyways, but I'm sure the little ones will be more than a handful. Hopefully they won't bug you too much." Considering how it seemed as though the group of teenagers who had joined had begun to see him as a father figure? He wondered if perhaps his children would see them as big siblings.

Turning his gaze towards Keona next, the thief found himself smiling a bit before he nodded in response to her question. There was no doubt that the Typhoon had been getting quite a few children as of late, but that wasn't necessarily a bad thing. It just meant more and more family to keep the place alive, and that was never an issue. Mismatched gaze turning towards Devland next, the coyote snickered before speaking, shaking his head at the teenager's mischievous grin, "Probably about a three. Just because I'm fairly sure that my husband and I will have already corrupted them by the time you've gotten to them. We're thieves, after all." He then said, shifting and pushing some of the bottles that hadn't been tossed unceremoniously at Aphra's face forward, "Anyone who said they wanted some, feel free to take what you'd like... drink responsibly, though. You're all the pretty young, and I don't want you stumbling around here rambling about drunken nonsense all the time." Honestly, some of them rambled about nonsense even without being drunk, but he was in a good enough mood – now, anyways – not to point that out.

The final one to approach, for now, was Harlow. Michael turned his gaze towards the child nervously, feeling a bit guilty for exposing them to such violence, only to be absolutely stunned by the question that was soon thrown his way. Had he eaten a baby? He knew that most kids didn't know how babies were made, but he wasn't sure he had ever heard anything like that before. Laughing a little, the reaver shook his head quickly, explaining as vaguely as he could manage, "Ah... n-no. No, I didn't eat a baby. But I am having babies, which is why I can't drink, since it could hurt them..." He didn't want to get more specific than that, figuring that was more of a job for Goldie.
[sup]template made by tikki[/sup]

Re: LOOKED LIKE YOU ☆ pregnancy - APHRA CIPHER . - 08-16-2020

[glow=grey,1,400]FOR ONCE, WHY CAN'T YOU JUST COME AND CHASE ME ?。+゚.[/glow]
Oh, great, here came the party to ruin her fun. Aphra huffed as Paola, Georgie, and Devland came over (and Keona and Harlow, but she didn't pay any attention to them), her kinked tail flicking back and forth to show her irritation.

Aphra had nothing to say to Paola, though Georgia's words made her snort. "I'm not pregnant, so don't worry. No more unwanted Ciphers are going to be running around." Aphra knew what Georgia meant, of course, but chose to ignore it, even if it hurt her in a way that Georgia didn't realize - after all, Aphra was clearly unwanted by her own father. Devland's comment, though, made her snort in amusement, briefly distracting her from those thoughts. "Thanks."

Michael moving out of the corner of her eye made her look towards the coyote, only to see him chucking a bottle at her. Aphra jumped back, trying to avoid it as much as possible, only for it to shatter as it hit the ground, cutting her with a few bits that flew off. Aphra grit her teeth as she felt them cut into her skin, glaring at Michael. "Holy shit, you guys." She hissed. "It was a god damn joke." A tasteless one, but a joke nonetheless.[glow=COLOR,1,400]✧*:・゚[/glow]