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HEIST — hide and seek - Printable Version

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HEIST — hide and seek - SÉAMUS - 08-11-2020

Séamus Ó Faoláin
While peaceful days were nice, the pirate enjoyed shaking things up.  Settling back into his hut as he fully recovered from the meteor took time, but he remained relieved to escape from his older brother's fretful eyes and more than eager to move around.  After catching his young reptilian companion taking a nap in the sun, the faerie decided to trot across the bay.

His paws itched towards the tavern, less in search for alcohol and more for Keona.  She's probably out and about.  While he may not be known as the most present father, Séamus had never entirely grown out of the habit of being his children's shadow.

His ear twitched, knowing Roan too, was likely out and about.  The young sage.  Yet he knew both Keona and Roan were practically adults.  Odds were neither really enjoyed a shadow.  He probably wouldn't.  Despite it all, he hoped one or both of them would show as he grinned, a thought in mind.

It seemed as though the Typhoon were overrun with youth -- a more than entertaining predicament that presented plenty of room for merry mischief.  And Séamus felt perfectly happy with an idea of spending some time with simple games from childhood.  The small feline rose his chin and voice up, eyes gleaming with childish light.  "Hey! Anyone up for a game of hide and seek?"

"Consider it a lesson in stealth if ya 'ave to," the faerie added with a wink -- as if the shadow would make a game about hiding easy on anyone.
Word of mouth there's a snake in the garden

Re: HEIST — hide and seek - ROXANNE R. - 08-11-2020

[glow=white,1,400]I LOVE YOU, CANNIBAL QUEEN !。+゚.[/glow]
Roxanne hadn't played such games since Roan and her cubs had been small children, she missed them in a sense. So hearing the call for a game of hide and seek made the injured femme lift up her ears only to twitch her whiskers. She rose to her paws slowly with a light shake of her head and a smile appearing on her face, the Officer would make her way over with a lash of her tail. A game for the youth it seemed though that wouldn't stop her from joining, her head dipping in a form of greeting to the small man in front of her "Séamus," Roxanne knew that the male preferred to be a shadow behind both of his children though, she couldn't really speak for either but a part of her felt that Roan probably didn't appreciate his own father being a shadow. But Roxanne wouldn't ask Séamus to come into the picture unless he wanted to and even then the most they'd become were friends rather than acquaintances, she pushed those thoughts away only to mew with a big grin still plastered on her maw "I can help with seeking if need be," She had sharp eyes and honestly, it would be better to do so rather than cramming herself into small spaces while injured. [glow=COLOR,1,400]✧*:・゚[/glow]

Re: HEIST — hide and seek - Grimm - 08-12-2020

Someday I’ll make something out of me, years of imitating mastery only made me a better thief
Good and evil. Delicate the act of balancing one against the other, concept bearing soft, pliable edges coarse where it touched against the notion of definition, nebulous until a lacking box any attempt at such. Of it they bore only a quiet, minimal idea, a sense surrounding what may be deemed good, and thus proper, and that wrong, the divide present between peace and war an unknown.

At the very least known the faux battlefield conducted during the actions of play, if distasteful many that which they had been roped into at the behest of another.

Own choice this, however, approach staged in slow, even steps, hesitation breaking each apart. Unknown that who spoke, though the similarities between himself and another may not escape recognition for more than a few moments, appeased their nerves. "Can… I join, please, sir." Stilted the manner Harlow spoke, shakey the little smile they offered forth, unnecessary but still sought approval for only so much may be swept aside without further information presented.
code by Reggan

Re: HEIST — hide and seek - devland - 08-12-2020

[align=center][div style=" background-color: transparent; border: 0px solid black; width: 60%; min-height: 8px; font-family: arial; line-height: 110%; text-align: justify; padding: 25px"]Devland's ear twitched as the call for a game reached him. Despite being so young himself, he had never really played hide and seek as a game. The mischief he willingly entered into took the game aspect out of it; more often than not, he hid for his life and prayed he would never be found. A chill worked its way through his body as he recalled the last time he had been hiding. The slow-healing injury on his shoulder was an ever-present remember that he'd been found.

Shaking his head to scatter those abysmal thoughts, he trotted forward, weaving an airy grin on his lips. "Consider my interests piqued," the boy announced upon his arrival. He settled in beside Harlow, casting a half-lidded gaze to Roxanne and Séamus. He wondered when the game would begin.

Re: HEIST — hide and seek - Keona. - 08-12-2020

[div style="width: 75px; height: 75px; background-image: url(; background-size: 150%; background-position: 25% 25%; border-radius: 100%; padding: 3px; float: left; margin: 0px; margin-right: 6px;"]
If I fall, get knocked down, pick myself up off the ground
✯ — keona sibéal ní faoláin. female. dealer of the typhoon. blind. rusty spotted cat.  ref. bio.
Truth be told, the tiny Dealer didn't always like her father lingering in the background.  Even as a kitten, she'd be so independent, determined to do things on her own, she found it irritating.  Yet.  She felt antsy when he was gone.  When he had gone away, to work reconnaissance for them in secret, she had been uneasy.  He was still family.  He still cared.  Even if he always did it from afar.

Still.  Her ears perked at the sound of his voice.  Hide and seek?  Really?  Keona twitched her whiskers, musing over it.  She wasn't 'too old' for hide and seek, but-- "hi Keona!  Are you comin?"

The fae held back a sigh.  Natyli's overabundant energy swiftly washed over her as the beta practically barreled over to her.  Though she wasn't so sure she could keep up with the young jaguar, she could feel the bemused smile growing on her face.  "... I guess."

Besides, her father was right.  It could be considered stealth training.  Technically.  So she tailed Natyli in silence, the tip of her tail flicking.  Her pale hues flickered, attempting to trace the sound of the voices around her.  They made six now.  A good number for a game.

"Hi mom!  Hi Séamus -- we're gonna play.  Who's seeking first?"
✯ — natyli roux. female. beta of the typhoon. draconic jaguar.  bio.
COME AND FLY AW[color=#6897be]AY WI[color=#628ab9]TH ME

Re: HEIST — hide and seek - roan ; - 08-12-2020

Honestly, Roan found himself thinking very little about his father's presence in the group as a whole. It wasn't intentional, not really, but Séamus had been absent for his life for so long that it was difficult to think of the spy as a father, and not just another crewmate. Perhaps if he were the type to linger on his own mental health – something he very much did not enjoy doing – he might've wondered how having an absent father had affected his life. Would he not feel so stressed out if his mother and father had been truly together when they had him? He had no idea, but he didn't care to find out. He didn't like pondering alternate realities, or what could've been. He preferred to live in the moment, and focus on the task at hand, especially since he had quite a few tasks to worry about nowadays. With that in mind, no, he definitely wouldn't have appreciated his shadow of a father following him around.

Despite this, Roan had no reason to avoid interacting with Séamus, and he supposed that taking some time off to play a game wouldn't be too disastrous. He didn't have any patients that desperately needed attention right now, and there was always the possibility of injuries during the game. So really, it was the responsible thing to do overall. Padding up beside Devland, the sage gave the other a small nod in greeting, looking the entire gathered group over. It was a decent number, as well as a decent range of sizes, too... perfect for a fair game of hide and seek. Tail curling around his paws, Roan spoke softly, "I suppose I'll play too. I can either hide or seek, depending on what's needed." He knew that his mother had already offered herself up to seek, but he silently hoped Devland would as well – he didn't need the other irritating his shoulder injury once again by hiding away in some ill-fitting corner.

[glow=#BB3434,1,000]" stay by my side, high or low tide " [/glow]