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very good bad thing | stranger - Printable Version

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very good bad thing | stranger - pallid-i - 08-09-2020


Mud and soggy grass clung to him and got stuck in-between his paws as the swordbearer of the sect made his way to the territory of a group calling itself Tanglewood. Why anyone would choose to live in dreaded marshland was beyond him, but who was he to judge. He lived in a harsh rocky wasteland that offered hardly any food and water. Still, he preferred his home over this one, that was for sure.
He stopped when he caught scent of the border markers and stood there stiffly, waiting for someone to ask him for his name and business. The usual thing to ask, he had come to realize.

Re: very good bad thing | stranger - trojan g. - 08-09-2020

The one who would come to the scene at the border seemed first to be Nicabar. Curiosity had caused the young adult to come forward, head tilted and ears pricked as he looked upon the mutated feline, head tilted up in order to be able to see all of the other's face. He was going to be nice, was going to make sure if the other was a joiner for whatever reason he was welcomed into the group with open arms from the beginning. And if he wasn't here to join? Well then he had a happy memory to potentially come back to if he happened to change his mind or wanted to do something like ally with the group for whatever reason.

"Hello," He would begin, coming to a comfortable seat near the other, in a way he could see the whole body but close enough to be friendly. "My name's Nicabar, and I'm sure you already know where you're at so no need to let you know. You're stopped at the border after all... what can we help you with today?" He was here because he needed something, right?  "speech"

Re: very good bad thing | stranger - VIGENERE CIPHER. - 08-10-2020

[glow=white,1,400]LOOK INTO MY EYES, WE ARE NOT THE SAME !。+゚.[/glow]
//Retro capture

With the threat of The Pitt lurking around, it should be of no surprise that Vigenere wanted to make sure there was a patrol often - whether it be a one-man thing or not (though personally, the savannah would prefer it if his clanmates went with a partner or two; but that might be a tad hypocritical, considering Vigenere himself was out here alone). Hearing Nicabar's voice made the Luminary's ears prick and he followed the sound of the newcomer's voice, greeting a stranger.

A strange protectiveness surged through Vigenere as he came closer to the scene, with the mutated stranger making the savannah's skin crawl. "Hey, I'm Vigenere Cipher, the leader here." He decided to introduce himself, narrowing his dark gaze at Cheshā. Nicabar already asked what he was doing here, so Vig felt no need to add on to anything.[glow=COLOR,1,400]✧*:・゚[/glow]

Re: very good bad thing | stranger - DELILAH. - 08-10-2020

"The Gods have forsaken us."
And so behind the king was the gentle giant.

Delilah had been searching for herbs nearby, halfmindedly forgetting what she had been doing beforehand when the familiar tone of Vigenere's voice sounded. Antennae bobbed, forked tail twitching before lashing behind her. Herbs clasped between the forked ends, wyvernic limbs carried the woman close, until her body stretched outwards and extended to full size.

She remained silent, merely curling her body behind the two males of her home protectively. Her head lowered, a low croon escaping her lips as she nudged Nicabar with her snout gently.

The Pitt had attacked far too often for her to let her guard down.

Nobody could be trusted.

A gentle smile graced the woman's face, a stable attempt at giving off a welcoming aura.

"And my name's Delilah."

tags - penned by [member=1260]ryuu-tan[/member]
template by orion

Re: very good bad thing | stranger - Luciferr - 08-13-2020

padding along further behind the trio lurked the great wolf, watching the stranger with suspicion and mistrust - then again the recent attacks did have everyone on edge, it was only natural.

He didn’t bother giving his name, merely remained a silent lurking threat behind the other three and watching closely and waiting for any sign that this stranger was less than genuine.


Re: very good bad thing | stranger - pallid-i - 08-22-2020


He stared at them with intense eyes, his tail tip twitching and a smile gracing his face. "Hello there. I'm Cheshā and I'm here to tell you about me and my group. We are neighbors and we call ourselves the Cardinal Sect. I'm not here to ask for an alliance or declare enemies, I just want you guys to know that we are here, so you might be seeing more of us in the future." Cheshā placed a claw on his chin and tapped it thoughtfully, third eye closing in consideration. "I'm also throwing a formal and small welcome party for ourselves if you're interested in coming. Just say the word and you're invited." The amur leopard finally declared, now waiting for their answer. If they didn't accept, that was cool, it wasn't like it was it was going to be exciting anyways.

Re: very good bad thing | stranger - VIGENERE CIPHER. - 08-22-2020

[glow=white,1,400]LOOK INTO MY EYES, WE ARE NOT THE SAME !。+゚.[/glow]
On one hand, Vigenere wanted to snort in Cheshā's face - but on the other, making an enemy of yet another group was dangerous, especially given how small Tanglewood was right now. "I will talk with my clanmates if they wish to go," Vigenere replied, unsure of whether or not they should at the moment. Given how little there were of them, leaving the camp unguarded for any reason was dangerous. "If I wish to accept, is there a place and time I should meet you to let you know -" After all, why host a party if you know there won't be anyone attending other than your own clanmates? "- or in simpler terms, I suppose: how long do we have to accept this invitation?"[glow=COLOR,1,400]✧*:・゚[/glow]