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dance party at the dmv / meet and greet - Printable Version

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dance party at the dmv / meet and greet - devland - 08-06-2020

[align=center][div style=" background-color: transparent; border: 0px solid black; width: 60%; min-height: 8px; font-family: arial; line-height: 110%; text-align: justify; padding: 25px"]He tried to remember all the new faces, but there were way too many. In recent weeks, a nice influx of individuals had joined. He had heard the trend had started since before his own arrival, and he wondered if the constant flow would cease. Devland supposed that was good news for the Typhoon, but he was lousy with names. On top of that, there were several long-time members whose names he couldn't recall. In fact, he had taken to not calling others by their names when speaking - an easy way to escape the awkward I-forgot-your-name conversation.

It would be easy for things to remain that way. He could get by with a breezy smile and kind words, but knowing himself, he would slip up. As nice as it would be to continue acting aloof, he knew he needed to at least try. Besides, he figured getting to know others could be advantageous for several reasons. He tried to tell himself it would be a good thing.

Feeling somewhat conflicted, he worked for the better part of a few hours setting things up. After much charming, smooth-talking, and a few well-placed jokes, he had convinced a few tavernkeepers to help prepare snacks and drinks for a little meet and greet. He'd stolen a few beach towels from somewhere and spread them out on the sand in an almost-circle around the food and drink.

He stood back for a moment, humming slightly as he surveyed the area. Once he was satisfied with his work, he called out, "Hey, meet and greet." While Devland wasn't overly enthusiastic, he did wear an easy, inviting grin. "The catch is that you can't introduce yourself. You've got to introduce the person next to you. Try to be as accurate as possible - or be as wildly incorrect as you want, I guess," he instructed, words forming around an amused chuckle as he finished.

Re: dance party at the dmv / meet and greet - GEORGIA. - 08-07-2020

*・゚✧ / BETA / 08 MONTHS
Georgia wasn't terribly bothered by the influx of new people - she might consider herself the original newbie, but really, the most inconvenient thing was happening to be in the area when people joined. She was never one for going overboard or trying to seem like a gracious host, but she wasn't rude. Most of the time. Besides, she was perfectly comfortable with realizing she knew almost none of the newcomers; it wasn't a terribly foreign feeling. Memory was never her strong suit, anyways. Some of them had very memorable arrivals, like Alaire in the rain or Paola bowling into Devland. Of course...those were memorable events; that didn't really guarantee the storage of a name or a face.

Devland, however, Georgia knew. She'd observed his shoulder wound at his joining, and he'd called her "little" when she was found playing the handpan. The Havana feline was pretty easy to get along with, even if he had big nerdy brother vibes. When Gia found him, he was calling for a meet and greet, and thank god she got there before anybody else - or she'd be steering clear of the area. It was one thing to be comfortable with not knowing people's names, but publicly announcing it was a hard pass.

"This is Devland," The Somali announced to no one as she walked up. "He's embarrassed about his shoulder injury, likes to scribble in journals a lot and probably knows your social security number, and he has an obsession with snakes." Georgia plopped her fuzzy self down on a blanket, smooshing it into the sand before blinking at Devland with an impish grin. "How'd I do?"

Re: dance party at the dmv / meet and greet - Grimm - 08-09-2020

Within the allotted parameters of the epithet they may be deemed excluded, if only upon the oversight their inclusion among the growing crew was one not applicable to those expected. Yet, of those fresh faces that had arrived within prior weeks, they may be grouped, the matter of introduction one they lacked experience with. It was age alongside the factor of fleeting memory that impeded such progress, the possibility of unfavourable disposition offering further complications.

The true motive of the event set up by one such newcomer was lost within the war staged for their attention, what once had been lacklustre attempts to find suitable entertainment abandoned in pursuit of offered treats. Discouraged the gorging of anything was one rather drilled into their mind, yet no heed was those prior lessons paid, as another spoke it was with paws grown clumsy in their haste they plucked from the assortment a tidbit.

What Harlow did not know, merely shoving the item into their mouth without thought. Briey satiated the words finally came to register, the odd manner of introduction drawing umber depths to the feline in question. Yet it was to Georgia that their attention skipped, settled as question was spoken around barely swallowed mouthful. "What's a…" Brief moment of interruption , muzzle scrunching up as they tried to repeat her words. "Sosal secoratie number."

Of introduction for Gia there would be none forthcoming, ruined already this event by the whims of a child, already reaching for another snack as though they feared once noticed they would be forced to depart or another may speak to Gold about this.

Re: dance party at the dmv / meet and greet - ROXANNE R. - 08-09-2020

[glow=white,1,400]I LOVE YOU, CANNIBAL QUEEN !。+゚.[/glow]
Unfortunately, Roxanne knew neither Devland or Georgia well enough to speak for either though she was familiar with her small relative and thus, the Officer had come over to see what was going on. She was certain that her children would've done a lot better at this though neither of them seemed to be present so the tired mother would approach with a lash of her tail and watched the two betas exchange words to one another, amusement flickering in her mismatched gaze. She noticed that Harlow was reaching for some of the snacks and Roxanne decided that she would treat herself to one, she eventually turned her gaze over to Georgia with a warm grin though her eyes twinkled with mischief, the Officer would open her maw to voice a playful inquiry "Any signs of horns or wings?" Of course, this was simply playful banter from Roxie seeing as she loved to tease others and certainly got her fair of teasing too though mainly from her family. Her gaze eventually turned in the direction hearing their question and couldn't help but let a small giggle leave her "Social security number," She would say in response to them. It was probably some human thing, she had found a few when she had been living on the streets but they had been useless slips of paper in her opinion. She greeted Harlow with a soft purr "Hello Harlow," It was good to see the small cub was out and about, it warmed her heart really seeing her family grow though... They should probably cut down on the children. Probably. [glow=COLOR,1,400]✧*:・゚[/glow]

Re: dance party at the dmv / meet and greet - roan ; - 08-10-2020

In most cases, Roan would've avoided an event such as this like the plague. As a child, he had been curious and determined enough to want to throw himself into any situation, and find out everything he could about everyone. Nowadays, however, he found that learning more about and growing closer to others just put him in a far more vulnerable position. Despite this, Devland had managed to pull off the rather impressive feat of actually getting Roan to like him upon their first meeting. He was a little too much of a chatterbox for the sage's liking, and he certainly seemed a bit too carefree, but honestly maybe that would be good for Roan. Make him a little less of a hermit. Besides, as much as he wanted to swear off friends entirely, the draconic feline found that the days were growing harder and harder when he didn't have anyone to turn to. So, despite his initial anxieties over approaching the beach, the siamese had just taken a deep breath inwards, making his way across the sand and over to the elaborate layout of blankets and food. He silently wondered how Devland had put such an event together, doubting that he could've made such delicious looking food and drink all on his own.

It seemed as though Harlow and his mother had managed to somewhat throw off the rhythm of the entire event, so the medic decided that he would try and step in and fix it. Roan admittedly didn't know too much about Georgia, but he could at least try to make a decent introduction. Settling into a sitting position beside his mama, the male gestured a paw towards Georgia, muttering with a faint hint of a smile, "This is Georgia. She seems to be musically inclined, has an odd connection with the sea – at least from what I've seen – and is fairly friendly, as long as you're not unbearably flirtatious." He could still remember Michael telling him about that particular warning with a wince, just imagining how many threats must've been tossed Calem's way. The male then opted to continue, his smile growing as he gently brushed his tail against Roxie's side in a little greeting, "And this is Roxanne. She's my mama, and she's wonderful at baking. Not to mention the way she's got with big reptiles. Most people call her Rox, or Roxie. And that little one right there is Harlow. They're my little cousin." Had he accidentally introduced three others instead of one? Oops. He supposed whoever went next would just have to do exceedingly well with his introduction.

[glow=#BB3434,1,000]" stay by my side, high or low tide " [/glow]

Re: dance party at the dmv / meet and greet - Grimm - 08-12-2020

Someday I’ll make something out of me, years of imitating mastery only made me a better thief
"Social…" Overly drawn out the singular word crowning lips pressed into a thin line upon conclusion, furrow adorning brow as soft sound slipped by, a mere hum that bore a dwindling intrigue. Into the soft, pliable surface of pilfered sandwich - finger food, though ill fitting such when named appendages were lacking - disgust contouring darkly hued countenance as the texture of egg registered on their tongue. As best they may removed the remnants that lingered, the offending item held at a distance.

Finally umber depths arose, alighted on speaker who had offered proper pronunciation of the odd assortment of words. "Hello, Great Aunt Roxanne." Innocent the quiet utterance they spoke with the slight curl of a smile drawn across their lips, that moment taken to once more replace the sandwich segment, though rather apparent the mark left by their bite.

Another, familiar if only for necessity had dictated the recall of select individuals. Lopsided had become their smile, alike the ear that came to fall upon itself with the tilt of cranium, his words settling heavily across slowed thoughts. It seemed there was a purpose behind this little event and they had ruined it with their inquiry, though notion of departure was far from thought, rather Harlow would merely watch on, a bystander more than anything as they tied names to new faces.
code by Reggan

Re: dance party at the dmv / meet and greet - devland - 08-12-2020

[align=center][div style=" background-color: transparent; border: 0px solid black; width: 60%; min-height: 8px; font-family: arial; line-height: 110%; text-align: justify; padding: 25px"]Ah, so Georgia was the first arrival. Considering the pair knew each other vaguely well, he surmised her introduction would be accurate. Well, as accurate as one could be given their few interactions. Still, he found his lips curving into a rather amused smile as the girl rattled off information about him. A rumbling laugh escaped him once she finished, and as she requested to know how she did in introducing him, he had half a mind to ramble off numbers. The social security line was probably the funniest thing he'd heard in a few days, and he was quite pleased she thought so highly of snooping abilities. "Pretty spot on," Devland announced, tone rising upward in delight.

Devland might have said more had Harlow not joined them. He just laughed at the child's pronunciation of 'social security number.' It sort of was difficult to say, wasn't it? He opened his mouth to offer an explanation, but Roxanne had stepped forward. He offered Georgia a quizzical look after Roxanne tossed her the question. Suddenly feeling like he was left out of funny inside joke, he pouted. His pout was twofold: one, he wanted to know what the hell was so funny about horns and wings, and two, both Harlow and Roxanne weren't playing his little game. Pretending he wasn't as childish as he was, he cast his full attention on Roan as he arrived.

The boy let out an amused sigh as Roan finally got their game back on track. The Beta listened carefully as Roan introduced Georgia, Roxanne, and Harlow. He hummed for a beat, taking in the information with ease. He would've offered a few more words about Georgia - how she was the sea incarnate, mood and looks included -, but he remained quiet. The only thing he knew about Roxanne was her relationship to Roan and the nickname she had given her son, so he was sure to tuck baking aficionado and fellow reptile enthusiast away for later. As for Harlow, all Devland really knew was that the kid had been absolutely terrified of a violent storm.

Keeping his manners, he finally dipped his head in greeting to Roxanne and Harlow before locking his eyes on Roan again. "You're Roan," he began easily, "and you're a Sage. Well, more accurately, you're the Sage. You're way overworked and seriously underpaid, but you're a pretty decent healer if I do say so myself." He allowed for a faint smirk to play across his lips, unconsciously tilting his head to hide his shoulder wound. "You're very sensible, but you let me ruffle your feathers a little too much. Oh, and you put up with me constantly bothering you, so that adds to your cool points."

Re: dance party at the dmv / meet and greet - Lawlocked - 08-12-2020

[color=transparent] [w]isker
there was devland, who liked to study, or- scribble as goegia spoke of, he was injured, and he was sneaky. there were gorgia herself, who liked the sea, and likes music- but then again: who didn't? there was auntie roxanne, roan, and his sibling: harlow, and of course- himself. it had only been sparse minutes since the summon to meet and be introduced was called, and law felt his mind buzz with the information, forgoing the weird jumble of words that caught his brother- law focused on the facts freely given about his home, the people here. a slight cock to the creatre's face.

law was a study in silence, even in the flow of conversation the creature was simply less obtrusive than others; he enjoyed basking in the presence of the other's. his crew his home held no ghosts and there was an honestly, a longevity in him that told him allowed him to impossibly trust in others, there had been no reason not to trust, no reason but simply a dislike, and lawkit- ever tied to his family would always submit to the better half of a person. so here, when law arrived, he were a shadow, an afterthought in the senses of others, until he found a small spot to stake his claim- to voice his thoughts.

"[glow=grey,2,300]this is harlow, they're my sibling.[/glow]" law replied simply into the air, not look towards anyone- but instead the group as he spoke, his gaze drifted easily twoards the ground once again before a slow smile curled along his maw, one with hint of teeth. "[glow=grey,2,300]they're a dork[/glow]"

[color=transparent] [w]isker
[glow=#5E5E5E,2,300]The dark doesn't frighten me[/glow]

[glow=#5E5E5E,2,300]I chose to close my eyes; it is mine[/glow]