Beasts of Beyond
GOOD MORNING MR BLUE SKY | flower crown - Printable Version

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GOOD MORNING MR BLUE SKY | flower crown - Luciferr - 08-06-2020

With everything recently it wasn’t surprising how the mood in Tanglewood seemed to be quite low - Aurum was injured, Keter was dead and Bloodhound was gone, Delilah was in grief and Vigenere was no doubt struggling holding it all together this long.

And now his darling wife was also under the weather so to speak and Fenris was dithering - he wasn’t sure what he could do to help except something to try to make her smile perhaps.

Which is why today found the great lava scarred wolf out in the fields of flowers somehow delicately trying his level best to thread many of the beautiful flowers together in a crown fit for his beloved, if for nothing else than to see even a hint of a smile on her face,

Even a tiny one in these struggling times would be worth a thousand glorious victories - and perhaps a flower crown was only a small trite thing but if it worked, then it would all be worth it.

Though he was quite sure he looked a humorous site - massive amongst all these flowers, some half caught in his plates from where he’d been lying for a good long while painstakingly threading one stem through another and being incredibly mindful of his razor sharp claws.

They were good for war but delicate things were far trickier, but he was glad to report it seemed to be steadily doing - okay at least, he nodded in the affirmative to himself with a soft grunt of accomplishment as the final threading stems slid together.

Re: GOOD MORNING MR BLUE SKY | flower crown - DELILAH. - 08-06-2020

"The Gods have forsaken us."
"Oh, what a pretty flower crown you made, Fenris.."

A croon of greeting left the woman as she walked over, flowers sprouting between her claws as she settled down against a well-shaded tree not too far away. Old, aching bones creaked and groaned as she leaned back, telekinesis levitating blades of grass that she was plucking in order to make more flower crowns.

"Is it for lady Amunet? I apologize for intruding on your craftmaking, by the way."

tags - penned by [member=1260]ryuu-tan[/member]
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