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DOWN WITH THE FALLEN // Keter's funeral - Printable Version

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DOWN WITH THE FALLEN // Keter's funeral - VIGENERE CIPHER. - 08-05-2020

[glow=white,1,400]LOOK INTO MY EYES, WE ARE NOT THE SAME !。+゚.[/glow]
Keter's murder was no secret among Tanglewood and while Vigenere hadn't personally been there to discover the wolfdog's body himself, he knew of what had happened and who had done it. The savannah was angry, understandably so, even if he didn't entirely look like it on the outside. The Pitt had been silent for months and now they were suddenly targeting Tanglewood again - Vigenere had no idea how the war had previously gone the last time it happened, but with him, he was going to make sure The Pitt knew Tanglewood would not be messed with.

So the Luminary took it upon himself to prepare Keter's burial, feeling bad that he hadn't been there at the scene. It was the least he could do, after Keter's body was cleaned and properly prepared. "Tanglewood, please come with me to the Farm to pay your respects to Keter." The leader's voice was solemn; he truly was upset over this, even if he and Keter weren't exactly close. This was a loss that would hit their group, that's for sure. Without waiting for a reply, Vigenere headed off towards the Farm, where he had prepared to bury Keter - it was a vast land, mostly undisturbed, so hopefully everything would go smoothly.

Vigenere took in a deep breath as he sat down in the fields, a frown on his maw as he looked down at the mangled body of Keter. Anger was surging beneath his facade, and he wanted to avenge their fallen soldier right here and now - but that was not something he could do alone. He and Tanglewood would need help, that's for sure. "Keter, my friend," The savannah started, letting out the breath he had taken in. "You did not deserve to have your life taken from you in such a way. I will make sure The Pitt pays for this." I promise. "But my friend, wherever you may be right now, I hope you rest easy now." He wasn't religious by any means, and wasn't sure about Tanglewood's religion as a group - but he did know that Bloodhound was religious. If the arctic wolf decided to come along, they would be welcome to offer some of their words - but that wasn't something Vigenere was going to bring up himself. After all, he had no rights to.[glow=COLOR,1,400]✧*:・゚[/glow]

Re: DOWN WITH THE FALLEN // Keter's funeral - DELILAH. - 08-06-2020

"The Gods have forsaken us."
Delilah never liked funerals.

Numb eyes followed the man as the body laid on the ground, soft honey suckles sprouting at the woman's feet.

Her tongue felt like mud.

"Biodh màthair na talmhainn còmhla riut..*"

Soft gaelic left the femmes lips, the prayer simple- she wasn't the most religious person, but she did believe the Earth reclaimed the souls of those whom passed, allowed for redemption.

** "may the earth mother be with you."

tags - penned by [member=1260]ryuu-tan[/member]
template by orion

Re: DOWN WITH THE FALLEN // Keter's funeral - Luciferr - 08-06-2020

Fenris hadn’t known Keter but e was here all the same, to pay his dues to the dead in the quiet way the Great War wolf sat and watched the proceedings with a gaze of even measure.

So the pitt was again rising up it seemed, to cause yet more strife.

Fenris was only sad he hadn’t been here the last time to help thoroughly put them down - though it seemed you couldn’t tear out the evil all the way, a pity - maybe once again all three clans would riot out the fiends and scorch the earth thoroughly enough that nothing was livable.

Either way, they would face retribution soon enough.

But for now, the war wolf bowed his head as Vigenere spoke.