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ETERNAL ADVERSARY | RAID - Printable Version

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ETERNAL ADVERSARY | RAID - Luciferr - 08-04-2020

[tw: for some dead npcs]

when the raid struck it had been unexpected, violent and sudden - traps by the tangled ones were sprung against false creatures, snaring dummies and snapping twig legs - for Silent knew the tricks of the enemy and so he had taken to rooting out as many as he could first.

And thus when the attack had come, it had been brutal - and in the ridges of the heart of this watery graveland.

The beast himself roared in a voice of thousands, echoing up as the tendrils ensconced within his rib mouth lashed out and broke necks - his twin jaws wrapping tight and crunching down on the skulls of far smaller than he creatures.

The skeletal tail lashed out and broke the ribs of the dog pouncing for him, leaving it to suffocate on its own blood and collapsed lungs - while an unfortunate cats squealing cut off as the jaws of silent’s Chest crunched down upon it and tore it apart

All around him his pittians surged and the forest echoed into the night with screams and war cries.


[glow=white,1,400]LOOK INTO MY EYES, WE ARE NOT THE SAME !。+゚.[/glow]
The raid in of itself was unexpected - especially considering that Vigenere had planned on seeing if he could gather up a raid to attack The Pitt first, possibly with the help of The Typhoon - but unfortunately for him, it seems like The Pitt had beaten him to the punch. With them taking Keter's life, they weren't something that the Luminary was planning on taking lightly.

But alas, Vigenere was not quick enough for his plans and obviously, The Pitt was raiding them now. The roar that vibrated through the heart of Tanglewood's territory is what alerted the savannah and as he came running close, conjuring up his mask to wear as he headed to the scene. The largest creature - [member=14429]SILΞNT.[/member] - was the first thing to catch Vigenere's eye. Funny, considering Tanglewood had just recently had combat training with Delilah used as an example against a much larger opponent.

That being said, Delilah was passive and Vigenere knew this. In battle, you always had to expect something, not your enemy just sitting there and taking the attack. Vigenere knew it was likely that Silent could see him regardless if he was trying to sneak around or not - the Pittian had the height advantage; not to mention, Vigenere's bright pelt would likely give him away. So the Luminary made no attempt to hide himself.

What he did do, however, was attempt to run at SILENT with the intention of trying to jump onto the massive creature's tail, trying to sink his claws into Silent's skin.[glow=COLOR,1,400]✧*:・゚[/glow]


Something was terribly wrong. Something had gone sour.

The last few days fell back into a blur, his spawn arriving to the depths from which he called. Wading into that deep dark water and letting the current of blood and war pull them under. Something strange and bloomed within him, a foaming at the corners of his mouth, a horrible convulsing at the back of his throat if he tried to drink. He had been aimlessly wandering, even into the desert did he carry himself, and back, towards his charred, rotten wood. No sense or meaning to his direction, his jaws snapping at everything close to him. Mindless. Endless.

Eternally parched, but he damned the well from which water sprung.

When Silent called for raid, for war, he was there. Curious, towards the back. Unspeaking. Perhaps he had nothing to say. Perhaps he'd been too far gone to bother voicing his own drivel.

But he was here now, managed to stick with the pack, even in oppressive heat, even as they traversed towards the heart of Tanglewood. He'd been here days prior, perhaps that was the root of this evil seed within. Or had it only been the start, with his tearing into the wolfdog with blind fervour. A tremble rolling through his stinking hide.

And so he stood at this precipice, edging ever slowly away from something resembling sanity. As Silent tore into those unnamed, as a yellow serval pounced at his tail with the heart and guts of a lion, Worm slunk away.

Weaving between buildings like water come the tide, he finds his prey. Pale fur, dark mask, something out of a strange dream. He lunges without thought, without aim beyond the simple natural instinct to maul. His teeth meet cloth and tear it from the smaller wolf's face, and their eyes meet, if only for a moment.

He can feel his movements growing stuff. Sluggish, or was it the next stage of something he was left unawares? His jaws find their shoulder, closing on flesh, as saliva froths and his eyes are wild. Blood soaks his tongue and his jaw locks, something wrong, ssome...thing...

It's like time is frozen. They know more than he does, staring at his maw, at the bleeding slobbery mess he'd made. Trying to peel away, to save themself from something they could not defend against. His jaws finally loosen, after an eternity, and they shove him off, away. His muscles lock, in his legs and his throat constricting

He couldn't move. Couldn't breathe. His tongue was jammed deep into his throat and his face was twisted into something vile and painful. Death came slow, enveloping him as he could only scream and fight something beyond his control. Beyond any of them. And his mouth foamed, even as he stiffened. Mixing with the blood and dew.

The pale wolf was long gone.

And the beast died alone.


"The Gods have forsaken us."
War was inevitable.

Like a cycle of death, Delilah had watched many of the Pitts leaders cause chaos to her home. She had been no stranger to Tanglewood since Morgan's reign, an elder amongst the world around her. Raised upon medicine and helping others, sheltered until she wasn't.

Something was wrong. She couldn't remember it.. What was wrong, again? She could..

That roar..

The smell of Pittian..

Of something unnatural, filthy. Impure.

Escape. Run. Evacuate.
No. You have to move.
You can't fight.
You need to!

Swift were creaking joints as the woman stood from her place amongst a pile of ashes, Sakura blossoms blooming from pale pink scales- giving away her scent far too soon.

Dead bodies were everywhere.

She was passive. She wouldn't.. She couldn't.

A flicker of yellow, pastel eyes moving to catch the movement of her leader. Long limbs carried the wyvern to her destination, enhanced senses tuning in to the harsh breathing of her leader as he attacked.

She couldn't get hurt. She was Tanglewood's medic, she had to stay safe.

Something's wrong.

"Don't get close to him, Vig! You don't know what powers he has!"

It was a loud roar, the medic moving to race over to the Eldritch creature. A monster. Draconic lips parting as sharp fangs were bared at the leader, her body closed inward and pressed to the ground.

"You do not belong here, leave!"

Everything couldn't be settled with peace, naive child.

;; physical injuries permitted, severity can be as bad as a scarred eye or injured wing. please tag if you attack. physically hard and mentally weak.

tags - penned by [member=1260]ryuu-tan[/member]
template by orion

Re: ETERNAL ADVERSARY | RAID - Luciferr - 08-06-2020

the thing about the walking abomination was, that while he felt pain - it was in an abstract kind of way, he could stance himself from it.

Though needless to say for the bravery of the small leader was a tad in vain if for one it now meant the bright yellow cat was now in full range of a face full of tendrils. Silent’s neck made an obscene snapping noises as it swung around behind him to where he’d felt the impact and the feel of claws digging into the carapace of his skeletal tail.

Foolish, but brave, Leader to leader it was then,

Silent’s tendrils that wreathed his haunches lashed out attempting to crawl across and entangled themselves across the smaller leader [member=601]VIGENERE CIPHER.[/member] , trying to choke or restrict any movements - it would be quite a bonus if he could simply knock the other out and carry him away.

But a struggle beforehand was always welcome, it kept things from being boring,

Of course then another ran up to him and had the gall to scream at him to go away

He almost, almost, laughed - what naive child was this?

Silent leered at the dragon, both sets of teeth a morbid skull grin ”child you should have stayed away” the comment was almost said Blasé as though he were brushing dirt from his shoulder,

The shambling monstrosity struck quicker than he looked (and needless to say if VIGENERE was still caught up in his tendrils, the leader would no doubt be tugged along for the sudden movement), one gruesome arm striking out in an attempt to catch [member=1277]DELILAH.[/member] ‘S wing and break it viciously enough to bar flight for the pink draconic tangler- there would be no escaping to the skies for advantage, not if he had any say abt it.

[primarily fighting Vigenere, secondary attack on Delilah]

Re: ETERNAL ADVERSARY | RAID - trojan g. - 08-06-2020

[align=center][div style="bgcolor= black; max-width: 500px; font-family: Verdana;font-size:10px;text-align:justify;"]Raids.

They were something that Nicabar had never wanted to be a part of. He knew of them, the word was vaguely familiar, but he hadn't known that there would be one so soon. If he had known, he would have been somewhere else. Traveling to see the different groups, making his way through the crater trying to see if he could survive it, considering the stories of the harsh radiation there. Anywhere but here.

For some reason, his brain fought with him when he'd been plunged into the fray. One side wanted to run away from the ongoing battle, the other wanted to run into it, protect his home.

Eyes became slits as the battle raged on, looking upon the other creatures around him. His home was under attack, and what for? He didn't know, he hadn't been here long enough. There was a tabby in front of him, and he lunged, something taking over him. Spikes dug up from the ground and embedded themselves in the back of the other, digging their way into shoulders and through flesh, before realization struck. The smell of herbs crossed his nose. This was a healer...

Slightly hunched over, Nicabar looked up at those from the Pitt, watching as they came closer and closer to the camp of Tanglewood. Watching as they fought his leader and the only medic they had here. The giant beast that Nicabar would soon come to realize was the Pitt's new leader, here to bring glory back to the wretched desert dwelling group.

A glowing crimson spit dripped from the young male's maw as he watched the attack on Silent and the retaliation towards Vigenere in horror and interest, before he ran forward, ready to attack whichever Pittian was there next.

[[ memory unlocked ]]


[glow=white,1,400]LOOK INTO MY EYES, WE ARE NOT THE SAME !。+゚.[/glow]
Needless to say, that was a foolish move on Vigenere's part; he hadn't expected Silent to move in such a way, with the tendrils seeming to have a mind of their own (at least, to him). Vigenere grit his teeth as he was grabbed in the tendrils, them slithering to restrict his movement and slowly move to grip his neck. The mask around his head certainly didn't help with the fact that he was now being choked, and at this point, there was no way of fighting back physically.

With that in mind, Vigenere tried to move as much as he could within [member=14429]SILΞNT.[/member] 's grasp, trying to send an electrical shock through the much larger creature. At this point, it was the only thing he could do in an attempt to be released.[glow=COLOR,1,400]✧*:・゚[/glow]

Re: ETERNAL ADVERSARY | RAID - j a c k . - 08-06-2020

chaos, the battle unfolded before him. the more weaving between the dark shadows as a blip in most's radar, a light, speckle of sun, bursts from the murky waters that felt too cool to the touch to any passerby. throughout the entire battlefield, there was an echo in everyone's mind, a chill setting into the atmosphere that was hard to place, easy to dismiss considering the moons, but one less natural than meted the eye.

silentgrave, stormed into the fray, his large figure an easy target, and he clashed like the titan he were against the small frame of the tanglewood's own flash of golden-gold. the leader; a bright visage that jack wished to smear across the ground, but ah; he was too small to smear someone, too small to do much than watch; hell he looked more like a kit- if it weren't for the armor rippling across his form. ice and bone alike creating a spine of shards along his back and braced his shoulders. fangs clacked against each shoulder, signifying his power; his right to be here.

beside, there were others of the marshlands to destroy. the lust and want to prove himself brought with it the need to single out, to make an appearance, and to make it worth it. there were two people, standing- watching the spectacle, and jack felt something in him churn in disgust. peace, the wyvern called, there was no peace, there were no such thing as peace here.

and his target was choosen. in the shades, hidden in the treches of murky water jack would exhale slowly, ice blue eyes seeming to glow from under the shade as he let a torren of chilly air- the [glow=#add8e6,2,300]ice[/glow] unfold from his bones into the water around him.

within the next breath, three ice daggers were crafted, and a blow towards the elder dragon [member=1277]DELILAH.[/member] they were in quick incoming sharp bladed points aiming to shred through scale and cut against bone; even with their focus on silent, jack wouldn't be deterred from his prey. the point of a raid was hardly to fight fair, after all.

each blade was aimed to hit center mass. along the tail, chest, and along the turned shoulder joint if silent's attack were successful

[primary attacking delilah!]
[Image: dciuesh-4df47b16-7f5c-409e-b368-3ab12739...Zt1O0xOz_k]


"The Gods have forsaken us."

Child. Child. Child. Child.

Naive child.

The ruined voice, horror-inducing and threatening. Delilah felt the heavy weight of snapping bones when her wing lifted up to guard her, flashes of pain causing a flash of red behind those pastel eyes. Large body moved, fire crackling behind sharp fangs before she struggled and shifted back and away- in time to watch electricity spark. Her leader was choking, her beloved friend..

You know better than to let him die. You know better than to watch it happen again.

"Don't call me child."

Came the abrupt growl as the woman glanced away for a moment, mud rising and hardening to form a wall between herself and the whistle of ice daggers, antennae atop her head twitching as she turned her head towards the form whom had attacked her.

Resist them. Don't fall prey to the flames of anger.

When the mud wall fell, Delilah quickly glanced over to Silent once more. Think, think! Vigenere could hold his own, couldn't he? But the enemy was far larger.. and someone was targeting her as well.

With a desperate look towards Vigenere, Delilah moved to escape- to leap up into a tree, claws grappling to find purchase until they did, and Delilah tried to hide herself amongst the thick branches long enough to watch. To wait.

If Vigenere couldn't escape that grip, she would risk her life to help him. But she couldn't make it worse- if Silent wanted to, he could have easily snapped the man's neck right then and there. Felidae necks were much weaker than a dragon or.. Whatever he was.

As for the bird that had shot ice daggers at her, intensified senses seemingly darted out in an attempt to make sure he didn't chase her.

Shrugging off her saddlebag to lift weight off of her body, the woman kept her form still- injured wing hanging shakily at her side. She had to play this.. Skillfully. If someone was hurt, she needed to rush to their aid. She couldn't be in the middle of the fight unless Vigenere gave signal for her to help him.



Before she knew it, the woman had taken her chance and leaped down from the tree, fire unleashed from tempered jaws towards [member=14429]SILΞNT.[/member] in an attempt to scald the man's upper body, careful of Vigenere's own smaller one.

She would be vulnerable to those damn ice daggers if she didn't back away.. She needed to choose..

tags - penned by [member=1260]ryuu-tan[/member]
template by orion

Re: ETERNAL ADVERSARY | RAID - Luciferr - 08-09-2020

[permission given from maple to knock out and kidnap Vig here]

the electric shock rather had the opposite effect that the Tanglewood leader no doubt hoped for.

For everything about Silent was never designed to give up the ghost as it were - and so rather than writhe in pain - though it was painful - and release the yellow coated menace, they only tightened around him, one winding around the leader’s crown emcirclEd throat slowly slowly cutting off the air until Vigenere fell unconscious from the lack of oxygen,

Silent, sensing his prey go limp, smiled to himself - even as his chest, which formerly seeemd to be odldly plated now split and opened wide as two tendrils as long as either of his forelimbs unwound and slithered back over him to grasp the other.

And in the seconds they had grasped purchase upon the unconscious tangler, they whipped back and pulled him inside the maw of the Ardent - which to an outsider no doubt looked like he’d eaten the unfortunate Vigenere.

But no, this Tim the mouth would not chew him up, no this time it merely made transport far easier - a living cage almost.

Just as Vigenere was imprisoned, did the Ardent feel heat start to lick at his ears and tendril tips, singing the tips of them - enough to jump away and back, all eight limbs gripping the earth as he roared at the pink dragon.

”attack me and you hurt your precious leader” the abomination hissed, already edging away - the fight was going strong and while he’d like to indulge, they had the ultimate prize already.


”RUIN THEM AND TAKE YOUR PRIZES, THEN RETREAT!” he’d retreat but already he had auxiliary forces in mind to send on his stead.

Oh he’d love to stay but really, he couldn’t risk this prize, so as the fighters took their kills and trophies, he would back out, prize secure in his grasp.

[ill be sending in Susurrus to replace Silent since the Ardent would logically retreat with his capture being so high risk high reward.  ]