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eclipses bring forth wonder - services offer - Printable Version

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eclipses bring forth wonder - services offer - fulzanin - 08-02-2020

ghostwhisper - mantis-awahondo hybrid - they/them
[div style="width: 100%; height: auto; text-align: justify; padding: 20px; font-size: 15px; color: #f2ffff;"]Smell was something that they didn't understand. What hid behind their sturdy shell was anyone's guest, but a nose was not one of those things. Scent was lost to them, an unknown, something they couldn't understand. They remembered plucking a charm entwined with the scent of dung once, and with the unphased behavior of a truly hollow being, they pinned it to their cloak and used the stench against their foes. They hadn't really understood what had caused for their foes to drop dead from scent alone, but such mattered not in the long scheme of things. Currently it did, even if such was unknown to them. Where they 'lived' (that was a loose term, for they never truly lived anywhere, bound to a nomadic life of mapmaking and exploration) was a vile and hostile land, waging war on every other group on the continent. Those wars were as unknown to them as the true power of smell.

The stench of that group had yet to settle onto their cloak. Due to staying within neutral grounds for the most part (not that they knew that those lands were dubbed such), their body had no one distinct smell. The dusty smell of fungus, the crisp smell of a rocky cavern, the clotting smell of cut grass, the musty scent of stagnant water all clung to them, defining them. Getting from one entire side of the continent to another was a struggle, one that they embraced. Hardships were a favorite. If it wasn't hard to do, then it was not really worth doing. Somewhat. Perhaps they should iron out what they did and did not do sometime. Currently, they were looking for a place that they could set up shop for a little while. To set up shop, they needed things. To get things, they knew that performing acts for others was unavoidable.

A glistening white flower, held in claw. They walked through crossroads long forgotten, bringing the flower towards a the grave of a mourner's love. Their leg scraped on a vine and they winced, and with the tightening of their grip the flower's petals spun wildly with a breeze tinged with the disease of dismissed dreams. Destroyed, the tenth of that flower's kind, their tenth attempt. Their shell dipped, and they whisked back to the mourner for another chance to give her closure.

Such was what brought Ghostwhisper to the other side of the continent. It had taken a couple days, and they'd gathered a lot of new land to chart on their maps. They'd wait to chart them later. Heading straight south had been what prompted them to come this way, wanting to see and get a measurement of just how long the continent was. Scale was, after all, quite important. Almost as important as what their claws were occupied with at the moment. Currently, they were having to scribble down their name and business. Skittering through this continent had made them quite aware that such was the standard for whenever interacting with others was needed, and a lack of speech left Ghost unable to answer in a smooth and quick manner - or at all in some instances where literacy was brought into question. Speech was so common here, and so many people spoke. They supposed there was no use to be jealous of other's abilities of speech. It would not help anyone, least of all themself.

When approached, Ghostwhisper would lower their neck and shell. Their gaze would remain focused forward, a claw against their chest and another claw behind them in a fluid and courteous bow. After a few seconds, their form would raise. One claw to their mouth, a shake of their head to entail their lack of speaking abilities, another claw bringing paper forth from their cloak. Having what they wanted to say pre-written seemed to help, and they saw no reason for it to not do so in their current scenario.

'My name is Ghostwhisper. Ghost also works. I am a wanderer with mapmaking being my main supply. I look to set up shop soon. I will do a multitude of services for whatever sort of payment is available. Shiny things and housing materials in particular.
- no, i cannot speak
- yes, i have a few maps on me
- no, multitude of services does not mean 'anything'
- yes, the vine on my horn is entirely intentional
- no, i do not want it removed

Satisfied with their wording, Ghost shifted their many legs to find a comfortable position to wait within the swampy, dense air.

TAGS 7/22/20:

Re: eclipses bring forth wonder - services offer - wormwood. - 08-02-2020

If it had been known that Ghostwhisper was from the Pitt, then the other probably would've been torn limb from limb on sight, by Aurum himself. The desert dwelling group had hardly ever been in Tanglewood's good graces, least of all the shaderunner's, but for a time, he had been willing to feign neutrality. Although he had never trusted Kydobi for the entirety of the other's reign – which he still didn't know had ended yet, at least not officially – the other had known well enough not to fuck with Tanglewood. Save for that whole incident with Moth, which was apparently just a case of Kydobi's incompetence in leading his members. The whole thing probably would've made Aurum laugh, if it weren't for the fact that his sister had been hurt because of it. Aside from that, The Pitt had actually mostly been keeping to the promises that they had made. It had seemed like there would finally be a time of peace for all of the groups, and the angel had been perfectly fine with that, since it meant no more blood dirtying his claws, and no more dead bodies found on their border.

However, nothing good was ever meant to last, and it wasn't long before there was another fucked up "gift" on their border, in the form of Keter's body. The thought of it still made Aurum's blood run cold, and made him want to dig his teeth into a Pittian throat until there was absolutely nothing left of it. He had thought that he had left such violent thoughts in the past, and for a while, he had. He had never felt guilty about killing Kydobi – the bastard deserved it, and never should've come back as far as Aurum was concerned – but he had felt bad about the violent urges that had gripped him during those times, desperate for blood whenever he got even a whiff of the scent of the Pitt. However, it had become open season once again, since the lion had little intention of letting the enemy group get off scott free for what they had done. Tanglewood and The Typhoon had let The Pitt have one too many second chances, and now the group was going to be wiped off the map whether they liked it or not, as they should've been ages ago. Just the thought of it was enough to make Aurum grin with satisfaction, ready to bring waste and destruction down on a group that really and truly deserved it. In fact, the thoughts had been brought on because he thought he had caught a whiff of the Pitt coming from the border, and had begun to make his way over, anger bubbling in his chest.

Instead of a Pittian, however, he came upon Ghost. The strange creature caused Aurum to recoil at first, especially since he had thought they were a Pittian, but when he opened his jaws and scented again, he was greeted by a cacophony of strange scents. None of them seemed strong enough to be a proper home, which put the lion at ease, although not as much as he would've liked. After all, they were still a strange mantis beast standing right in front of him, and he didn't know what their intentions were. He opened his mouth to question them, intrigued by the bowing motion, but suddenly they were moving again. He took a step back, his pelt raised, but found himself relaxing when they completed their motion, gesturing to their mouth in an effort to communicate that they couldn't speak. His one eye darted down to the paper that was handed over, very slowly looking over the writing there. He usually had no issues with reading, but the presence of the bug creature was still unnerving, and it reminded him of the last rather large bug creature that had come and taken Roy away from him. Thankfully, they seemed friendly, and if their paper was anything to go by, they were just interested in commerce.

Tail flicking slowly behind him, Aurum lifted his gaze to meet Ghost's cold and empty one, resisting the shiver that tried to worm its way down his spine. He spoke calmly once he finally opened his mouth, his voice a deep rumble, "You do... map making? That's certainly an interesting skill, considering how much things seem to change out there." He gestured vaguely with a paw towards the uncharted lands, which seemed to constantly be shifting whenever he left the territory – even though he knew that it was impossible for that to be the case. He then said, a soft hum leaving him as he glanced back towards the main town, "I don't believe I'll be having a need for your services, but that doesn't mean other tanglers won't... I'm Aurum. It's a pleasure to meet you, regardless of if I need a map or not." Seeing as he flew most everywhere and knew where the four main groups were, he didn't really see a purpose in grabbing himself a map. However, his clanmates that were more locked down to the ground probably wouldn't refuse such a thing.

Re: eclipses bring forth wonder - services offer - VIGENERE CIPHER. - 08-03-2020

[glow=white,1,400]LOOK INTO MY EYES, WE ARE NOT THE SAME !。+゚.[/glow]
Of course Vigenere knew about what had happened to Keter - and the Luminary was not pleased to say the least. Tanglewood hadn't really ever gone to war ever since he had gotten here; even during the time that The Typhoon had been enemies, but he did know The Pitt had been a pain in the ass during the two years he was gone. That being said, perhaps he was a little on the down-low and didn't expect to be attacked (especially considering he was not aware of the leadership changes that were happening to The Pitt). So in a way, Vigenere felt at fault for Keter's death; he should have been out here, making sure things were alright. But with being leader came a lot of unforseen responsibility, and Vigenere wasn't out and about as much as he wanted to be.

Thankfully he was less busy today and this eased the savannah's worries for a little while, until he picked up on an unfamiliar scent in the territory. Vigenere gritted his teeth as he came searching for the source, the fur on the back of his neck prickling until he came upon Ghostwhisper and Aurum - the latter of whom didn't seem to be on the defense. Which meant this stranger was not a threat (at least, they didn't seem to be just yet).

"Agreed on the map thing." Vigenere spoke, dipping his head to both Tanglewood's visitor and Aurum as he came to stand next to the lion. "But I could see some shiny and housing materials being needed by our clanmates. How much do you charge?" Doesn't hurt to ask, no?[glow=COLOR,1,400]✧*:・゚[/glow]

Re: eclipses bring forth wonder - services offer - fulzanin - 08-05-2020

ghostwhisper - mantis-awahondo hybrid - they/them
[div style="width: 100%; height: auto; text-align: justify; padding: 20px; font-size: 15px; color: #f2ffff;"]It was easy to hide surprise when one's face was carefully hidden. Ghostwhisper's face, locked behind heavy shell, was hidden and whatever emotions they had for display were equally hidden beneath rigid posture and ever so formal behavior. A lion was new to them, especially since they had yet to stumble across any prides in their journeys. Such was probably bound to happen in the future, but for the time being, they could marvel in such an abstract creature unlike any that they had yet to see. Their talons settled once Aurum had taken their paper, waiting patiently for a response - patience they could perform with little thought, if nearly none at all. A name had been given, which would hopefully make future visits of service here a bit easier, even if their ability to speak still happened to not exist. Their shell tipped to the side when the other mentioned a lack of needing their services. Hm. They'd keep such a notion in mind for later visits. If doing something was not an option, bringing something most likely was. Relics they had traded in the past for shiny things. They would have to expand their utilities in this new land.

When the next person arrived, Ghostwhisper once again performed their bowing motion to the near perfect replication of the first. Ghost wasn't certain if it had been because of a sense of formality, or if it was to replicate the lowering of the other's head. Either way, they demonstrated respect as best they could without the use of a single word. The territory of this land was ever changing? That piqued their interest, and perhaps would have blossomed a groan if they actually possessed a voice to decree any disgust for their maps potentially being rendered useless. A question was given to them, and seeing as their first paper still had use, they produced another sheet from their cloak and a quill as well. Hasty scribbles began coating the parchment. They looked at it for a long and hard moment upon finishing, before lifting the paper up to show.

'Depends on what is required off of me. I do not charge much - would be bad business practice.' They remembered the absurd cost they had once encountered for a measly lantern. It would make them wince, but they withheld. 'A small portion of would could be spared as payment. Do not wish to take what little have. Entirely open to discussion.' Ghost supposed discussion wasn't exactly the correct word to use, as they had to take so much time writing down their thoughts, but they had no better word to use. They turned the paper around to again show, shell lowering a little as they waited to hear what the returned words would be. Hopeful on the inside, but their stiff and formal demeanor certainly did not reveal any of their internal desires other than what had been sketched onto their paper.

TAGS 7/22/20: