Beasts of Beyond
Have your character diagnose mine with Alzheimers? - Printable Version

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Have your character diagnose mine with Alzheimers? - DELILAH. - 07-28-2020

"The Gods have forsaken us."
Currently, Delilah is going through second stage Alzheimer's. She's started to forget what she was doing, misplace things, and have a fuzzy memory. Not too many people have noticed it yet since she reassures everyone in Tanglewood that she's fine, but being the only medic there, she is bound to make a few mistakes that will hurt someone if she doesn't see someone who has experience.

So, eventually I will have Delilah sneak out and see someone who has enough medical knowledge to diagnose her properly. She will then write a will to her friends in Tanglewood, and start to leave the territory in hopes to find a cure for the illness.

A friendship can develop from this, if you'd prefer that path. She's very accepting of the day that she dies (won't be anytime soon), just afraid of leaving Tanglewood behind with no medic so she is doing her best to train others.

So, anyone up for it?

tags - penned by [member=1260]ryuu-tan[/member]
template by orion