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I'LL SHOW YOU WHAT YOUR MISSING . training . 1/? - Printable Version

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I'LL SHOW YOU WHAT YOUR MISSING . training . 1/? - J. ADALGAR - 07-23-2020

[align=center][glow=grey,2,300] and what's wrong with being confident?[/glow]
after a few days of settling into one of the floating homes; learning the lands and feeling ease when his own children went to investigate their new home that day: hebi was left with little else to do but investigate the politics of it. The clan were one that was a mix, it's history of absorbing other clans made it's culture diverse, it's ruling system interesting. even amidst the peace that seemed to seep in between soft snowy hills, the jaguar knew better than to trust it: trust anything at face value.

raising himself upon the forth night of his stay, hebi woke early in the morning, walking along the market while it were quiet, down the mountain slopes and towards the half submerged war-ship. the sound of pages rustling as the jaguar waked along, stopping short of the enterance and pulling the once pristine red- now a brown-stained with old blood- from his leg to flip through it. the encoded words were a mix of German and, well code. symbols that made no sense in the context of the common alphabet.

it was a rare day that hebi wear little. always holding his straps towards his bag along his shoulders, the holster for his usual jasper knifes, even the pendants, teeth and small cockatiel skull that hung draped along his throat. today he were bare save the the strap of leather along his back leg that usually held the book now on the ground.

"alright; those who wish to learn, or sharpen their strengths in battle gather." the jaguar called out, his voice raising from a near growl to a loud roar; hopefully loud enough to gain the attention of those just starting to wake within the houses and further into the territory. his wings remained pinned at his side: despite his voice; roar of attention, hebi didn't attempt a form of intimidation, this wasn't a mandatory lesson, as they would come to learn. just an option, to those who were aware enough to never trust the peace to last.

Re: I'LL SHOW YOU WHAT YOUR MISSING . training . 1/? - Luciferr - 07-23-2020

⬻ M A R R ⤖
That which does not kill you has learned to fear your name
The idleness was getting to him - and having creatures with divine auras so near kept putting him on edge, it had hardly been a wonder that he’d neglected finding a house for himself and instead wondered as far from the others in the territory as he could go and settled himself somewhere there in secret.

It afforded privacy - and it meant he could actually sleep without the nightmares at least,

It also often meant he tracked along the boardwalks earlier than most - which is how he found himself amidst Hebi’s little gathering, the nephilim - nephael really but translations varied - inclined his head to the other, nine tendril tails idly curling and wavering lazily in the air behind him.

A spar might take the restlessness off him at least


Re: I'LL SHOW YOU WHAT YOUR MISSING . training . 1/? - wormwood. - 07-23-2020

Perhaps it was just a coincidence, that just a day or two ago, Aurum had been holding a similar event within Tanglewood. Either that, or those within both groups were beginning to feel that itch beneath their pelts. That itch that told them that peace couldn't last forever, and that a threat was rapidly approaching. The angel desperately hoped that it wasn't that, since he wasn't overly keen on yet another war, especially so soon. Some might've thought it had been so long since the island-wide war with the Pitt had come to an end, but to Aurum, no amount of time was too long before battle broke out once again. However, he, like Hebi, knew that there was no way that peace and prosperity would last forever among the groups. After all, with four major powers trying to keep themselves afloat, it would only be so long before things went sour once again. He could only hope that it wouldn't be among allies, since he wasn't keen on cutting himself off from his Elysite or Typhooner friends.

Hebi's call made it clear that his training was not a mandatory event, and Aurum considered sitting it out by virtue of the event he had held in Tanglewood. However, he decided against it, mainly because he saw it as a valuable learning opportunity. After all, he could only learn so much more from himself. He already knew all of the techniques that he had shown his fellow Tanglers, and perhaps Hebi knew of strategies that the lion couldn't even dream of. With this in mind, it wasn't long before he came padding over, his heavy footsteps firm against the slightly cold and sandy earth as he came up beside Marr. He left a decent amount of distance between them, having noticed how Marr had a tendency to try and get away from him anyways. He still had little idea of what he had done to be shunned in the other male's book, but he wasn't about to bring it up here, and now. Instead he just shifted a wing in greeting to the other, before he rumbled towards Hebi, "I'll participate, I suppose. Never hurts to learn new things." Hopefully he would actually learn some new things, since the last thing he wanted was to disrespect Hebi by growing bored during the lesson.

Re: I'LL SHOW YOU WHAT YOUR MISSING . training . 1/? - J. ADALGAR - 07-25-2020

[align=center][glow=grey,2,300] and what's wrong with being confident?[/glow]
it had been a long time since hebi had recalled this feeling. excitement drummed in his aura, and as other's followed his command he felt pleased. even if there were only two for the moment. more would come, as it were the way of things. so early in the morning it was a wonder the two of them were up. the rest would come with the raise of the sun.

there were two of them, both familiar forms, large hulking and already poised in a manner that spoke of experience. the jaguar cocked his head at the both of them, and after a silence- waiting for others all the rigid aura fell from the jaguar as he stood up. the red book set to the floor was ignored as hebi raised a paw; "the best way to start would be a sparring session, but since there are only four of us..." at this, hebi took the time to lift his wings, and there, coiled under his wingspan was his eldest. as the eldest, and the one hebi could trust the most- not that any of his children were untrustworthy, but the trio were a lot less forgiving, their toxins deadly where as blas were a constrictor type.

"my first lesson, will be teamwork." the jaguar spoke "in battle, there is no honnor in dying, you live or you die." blas moved from most of his torso towards draping along his neck. "in a battle, your first priority is not to find an enemy, but find an ally. and work together from there." the jaguar spoke, his grey eyes watching the two as he used his already unleashed claws and dragged them against the dirt under his paw.

"for this example, i want you both to come after me and blas; let's see your teamwork" he didn't set any rules, in an actual raid, there would be none, and hebi would expect the same ruthlessness from his clan as he would the enemy; in life and death, there was either surviving a battle or simply falling, too weak: either by getting killed or too soft. With a grin along his maw he took flight, jumping into the air and spanning his wings. Blas' weight meaning little as the jaguar hovered out of marr's range quickly, watching aurum to see what the other would do. in a manner of teamwork, at least.

Re: I'LL SHOW YOU WHAT YOUR MISSING . training . 1/? - fulzanin - 07-26-2020

[ age mover of the oblivions ]

More training? There was a whole lot of this happening recently. First with Player's session, and now with Hebi. They couldn't help but wonder why. Was there something dangerous on its way? Something to prepare for? Clony couldn't think of anything particularly worrisome unless the crows came back. Clony was all for those crows showing their faces, they really wanted to have another crack at striking them down. They hadn't managed to do enough when they'd arrived, and Clony wanted a second chance.

Seeing as they were a bit too late to participate in this scuffle, Clony decided that they'd perch from afar and watch. Maybe they'd learn something while watching? They weren't certain. They plopped, wings folded by their sides, eyes wide to attentively watch. They doubted most of what those on four legs did could apply to them, seeing as they really only had two feet to work with. Nonetheless, experience would be nice, and so they watched and waited to see the combat ensue.

TAGS 7/6/20:

Re: I'LL SHOW YOU WHAT YOUR MISSING . training . 1/? - Warringkingdoms - 07-27-2020

  [font=trebuchet ms]Hebi had chosen to host another battle training... Play had just hosted one a little over a week ago, at Rin's own request, but there was no harm in having another. A lot of newcomers had found their way into Elysium, and honing their teamwork skills would be vital to survival in their current situation. Besides, seeing Hebi's snakes in combat to figure out what they were capable of would be beneficial in more ways than one.

  As she approached, Rin watched Hebi take off into the air. Teamwork, he said, would be their first focus. She had to admit she liked his thought process. Hopefully the following exercises would have room for herself and Clony as well. Sitting down next to Clony, she turned her head towards Aurum and Marr, her eye flickering occasionally back to Hebi- just to observe.

Re: I'LL SHOW YOU WHAT YOUR MISSING . training . 1/? - wormwood. - 07-28-2020

Teamwork. In most cases, that wouldn't have been an issue for Aurum, as he had been taught well to work with others. He knew that there were certain opponents one simply couldn't take down on their own, and fighting them required coordination, and strategies. In most cases, the lion would've been happy to coordinate and work with his partner, but when it was Marr? That presented an issue. For some reason, the other male seemed to have an irrational dislike for Aurum, and while the angel had little idea of why, it was extremely difficult not to notice. Still, the golden feline wasn't about to be the one who brought everything to a crashing halt, so it wasn't long before he rolled his shoulders, ready to charge. He turned his head towards Marr, one eye gleaming as he rumbled a gentle command, although it wasn't necessarily an order, "You stay here on the ground, obviously. Flank him from below, and be ready to pounce once he's down. Try to get at the snake, if you can." And with that, Aurum was already charging forward, leaving little room for argument.

Unlike Hebi himself, Aurum was a being of many powers, and seeing as the other had not ruled using those powers out, the angel decided to take full advantage of that fact. Taking a deep breath, the lion launched himself up and into the sky, claws outstretched as if were about to take on Hebi head on – before he aimed to use his teleportation, trying to pop in behind the jaguar and land heavily on his back. If he were successful, he'd try to dig his claws into Hebi, shoving the other downwards towards Marr with the entirety of his weight. The lion was making an active effort to make sure that Marr would be able to reach Hebi, but he also didn't actually want to seriously hurt Hebi. After all, the jaguar was nice enough to offer them training, and Aurun didn't want to end up thanking him by inflicting some rather serious wounds – hence why he wasn't using his elementals. He had little idea of whether or not Marr would actually make an effort to listen to him, but if he decided not to, then that was hardly Aurum's fault. He was trying to work with this whole team thing, yet Marr's strange predetermined dislike seemed to be in the way.