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SCARBOROUGH FAIR / gifts - Printable Version

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SCARBOROUGH FAIR / gifts - ROXANNE R. - 07-23-2020

[glow=white,1,400]I LOVE YOU, CANNIBAL QUEEN !。+゚.[/glow]
After her trip to Tanglewood, Roxanne decided that she would go and do the same for the Elysium. She has never been over there now that she thought about it and well, Roxie wanted to change that especially seeing as she was one of the assistant deputies of the Typhoon. She had to get to know her allies and well, this was one way of doing it. Without another thought, the femme had set up together a gift basket taking the handle within her jaws as she stood upon the warm beach that belonged to her home. Her wings would spread out before flapping a few times until due was within the air feeling the cool breezes that smelt of salt water brush against her long coat, she would probably fly a ways until the cold nipped at her wings would she finally settle down into the snow which was a large contrast to the warm sand that usually lay under foot. She shifted her paws a bit feeling rather uncomfortable for the first few moments, it had been so long since she had felt snow underneath her paws and well, her wings were covered by plumage so she tucked them close to her sides to keep them warm with her thick coat.

With gift basket still in her jaws, Roxanne Roux began to make her journey throughout the snow until she found the Elysium's border. She shook her body getting rid of the snow that had clung onto her coat, a shaky breath leaving her though she would set down the basket that had quite a variety of gifts, ranging from baked goods, weapons, to some herbs. The Officer would open her jaws to speak with a small smile on her maw "Roxanne Roux, Officer of the Typhoon! I bring gifts," Hopefully, someone would come along soon since once again, she wasn't used to the cold so she was shivering a bit in the place where she currently sat. She began to wonder how Diya could possibly live here with such a climate, she shrugged the thought away as she stayed where she was. [glow=COLOR,1,400]✧*:・゚[/glow]

Re: SCARBOROUGH FAIR / gifts - wormwood. - 07-23-2020

On some level, Aurum had known that there was a chance that Roxie would go to Elysium as well. After all, while the two groups technically weren't allies, they were still close after the events with The Pitt, and Elysium was hardly a hostile group to begin with. It was only natural that, if Roxie was going out and giving gifts to other groups, she wouldn't just go to Tanglewood. Still, it was a bit surreal. After all, the lion had been going back and forth from Tanglewood and Elysium for several weeks now, and he had seen Roxie not all that long ago, just hours before he had made the flight back to his second home. Where he decided to sleep was honestly up to his mood for the day, if one was to ask him. Some nights he would feel like resting in his small home with Siborno, enjoying the warmth of the little house compared to the general chill that settled over Elysium. Then, some nights he would prefer he rather large home in Tanglewood, where he would enjoy some family time with both Ignace and Asvini – although Asvini hadn't wanted to see him much after his return, and he had been seeing her around less and less often.

The lion had been out for a border patrol when a very, very familiar scent reached his muzzle, causing him to chuckle softly. Not only could he recognize the Typhoon's smell, but he was beginning to recognize Roxie's distinct scent as well, considering their recent meetings. Still, even if he had only seen her a day or two ago, he didn't want to leave her hanging, so he made his way over through the snow. Unlike the smaller feline, Aurum didn't have many problems with the colder climate of Elysium, considering he had a thick coat and a wild mane to keep him warm. He had to bite the inside of his cheek to keep from chuckling when he saw her shivering, half wanting to offer her a blanket despite the fact that he didn't have one. Waving his tail at her in greeting, the lion said with a pleased little snicker, "Hey, Rox. Long time no see... I suppose I should've figured you'd be coming here too." He was sure that others would arrive before too long and make the encounter a little less of a repeat, especially since Aurum wasn't going to take things from Roxie's gift basket again.

Re: SCARBOROUGH FAIR / gifts - J. ADALGAR - 07-23-2020

[align=center][glow=grey,2,300] and what's wrong with being confident?[/glow]
from a shadow overhead, the newest of the group spotted the pair along the border, it was only after a moment's decision did hebi invite himself to join. landing far enough away that neither would get kicked up by the landing before padding over. the large brute watching the stranger- roxanne and her 'Gift basket' was this custom? "hello, stranger." the jaguar answered roxanne with a soft sort of hesitancy, ending in a lit of bemusement at aurum's own.

it was, easier now that he had gotten his bearings, that his children where home, beside fenris still tucked along the back between his shoulders. enjoying the small amount of warmth the worn leather could provide. what once were an actual sack for his things now became a psydo-carrier for his snakes. feeling the shift between his shoulders as a curious brown snout pocked from under the leather flap.

the scent on aurum was... odd wrong in the sense of it smelled of somewhere else, and the jaguar kept silent, even faded it lingered, and the fact that the lion made no move to hide kept him from truly speaking out. "are gifts... custom?" he finally broached, a tilt to his cranium as he looked towards the basket and roxanne both. his gruff voice still soft, curious. he's never been given anything before. well, nothing good.

Re: SCARBOROUGH FAIR / gifts - fulzanin - 07-23-2020

[ age mover of the oblivions ]

Gifts were a new idea to Clony. Not long ago, the people from 'Tanglegrowth' or something like that had shown up with gifts. Clony had wanted the basket that they'd brought - and they were fairly certain that they had it tucked away in their new home somewhere. This was another group, or perhaps another person? They hadn't been certain until the other spoke. They came crashing down from the sky, eyes widened at the aspect of even more gifts. Officer? Typhoon? Those words sounding odd to Clony mattered little to them, for their excitement was centered on what could be hidden within the confines of this new basket.

"Custom? I dunno what that means in this context, but some people came here a while back with gifts too! So it must be normal. I think. Probably," Clony chattered, their tail slowly swinging behind himself. Their eyes squinted a little, so many new words! Rocks, gifts, weather, and policing! They'd need to get their claws on a dictionary at this rate. "What kind of gifts? Do we get to keep the basket? What's the basket made out of? Is the basket edible?" Clony continued, head tipping one way and then the other in rapid succession.

TAGS 7/6/20:

Re: SCARBOROUGH FAIR / gifts - Luciferr - 07-23-2020

⬻ M A R R ⤖
That which does not kill you has learned to fear your name
Gifts were highly prized amongst he and his fellows - everything they could get their hands on was precious after all, resources being a prize above all as much as fully built weapons, sentimental gifts were often treasured for entirely different reasons of course - and knowledge was hoarded as much as the resources were among them like the dragons so many resembled.

When you lived with nothing, a gift was an banquets to a starving man.

Marr drifted closer to the grouping, still warily eying the angel though he could at least stand to be in the same vicinity for longer now - but some primal part of him never stopped watching and waiting to be proven right yet again as was the way of the ‘divine’, only one angel had ever passed such a test and it had been hard won on her.

Still, red on red on red eyes drifted to the basket as he passed by Hebi - giving the dark feline and his snake children a nod in passing - as he moved to inspect the gifts.

He might not find something for himself but, perhaps - perhaps collecting some small tokens for his children wouldn’t go amiss,

If he ever saw them again anyway, it would be something to hope for.

He selected a modest dagger, carved with elegance yet grace on the hilt - it might serve well for Kryll.

He took it in a tail tendril before nodding to the - typhonner? - with a short but well meant ”names Marr - thanks for this” sharply gesturing to the dagger.