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GRANDE FINALE ☆ greenhouse clearing - Printable Version

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GRANDE FINALE ☆ greenhouse clearing - wormwood. - 07-22-2020

If there was one part of Elysium that Aurum really hadn't known about, it was the greenhouse. Although he had known that not all of Elysium's territory was just snow covered mountains, it had still seemed somewhat stunning to him to learn that they had an entirely operational greenhouse on the beach. It was especially easy to forget, considering he didn't see too many people coming or going from the decent sized building most of the time. Perhaps it was just because there weren't too many medics within Elysium, or maybe it was simply that most, like him, hadn't even known about it. Either way, one of the lion's evening walks had brought him near to the greenhouse, and he had immediately found himself enchanted. The strong scent of herbs within reminded him of Moth and Selby, and it was actually sort of comforting just to be inside. However, the scent of herbs had been abruptly cut with... something else. The smell of something unpleasant. It didn't take long to identify the wasting away and unpleasant smelling weeds that had popped up in some of the large pots and beds, and immediately he found himself recoiling. Nothing within the place would be able to grow properly with such an... infestation, so he had made a mental note to return to it, when he wasn't tired from a long day.

When the next morning had come, the lion had felt refreshed, leaving the small home that he shared with Siborno to make his way down to the beach once again. The unpleasant smell of the weeds made his nose wrinkle again, but he pushed through it, making his way to the back of the building. There, he found it – the closet full of gardening supplies. He pulled out everything he could carry, although really all he had needed was the trowel to start scooping things out of the dirt. With this in mind, it wasn't long before the large feline went over to one of the beds, beginning to scoop and dig out various rotting weeds and tossing them down in a large pile. The work wasn't easy, and he could feel himself beginning to grow more and more tired as the time passed, but he grit his teeth, trying to get through it. However, after one of the long beds was finished, the angel found himself exhausted, falling back onto his hindquarters as he inspected the large greenhouse around him. A heavy sigh left him, muttering to himself as he flicked his now incredibly dirty paws, "This is going to take forever on my own..." Part of him considered even just using his earth elementals to rip all the weeds out of the pots and beds, but he didn't want to risk tearing out the herbs and flowers as well.

Re: GRANDE FINALE ☆ greenhouse clearing - J. ADALGAR - 07-23-2020

[align=center][glow=grey,2,300] and what's wrong with being confident?[/glow]
"hm, would an extra set of paws be any better?" came the sleepy mumble from the appraching jaguar. it was only the first time hebi had seen of the green house, most of the place was new with a few exceptions that tasted oddly... familiar on his tongue. a lot of the place seemed to ring a bell that the would normally have the jaguar on guard if it weren't for the fact that hebi's own paranoia could only last so long. it was either this place would reveal it's true colors or it wouldn't. but the greenhouse, the scent of herbs and flora; hell the weeds even meant at least something. as far as his discoveries, there were no hidden dungeons or caves that led to cells kept full of... well.

beside he was so drowsy, the night previous was the only reason he stood there now: such a deep sleep since his first home: hell even then he was known for his "cat naps" rather than any full on slumbers. Still, the beach was pleasant, and the artificial humidity of the greenhouse was refreshing, and if nothing else, a good place to keep in mind when shedding season came around for his hatchlings.

Re: GRANDE FINALE ☆ greenhouse clearing - fulzanin - 07-23-2020

[ age mover of the oblivions ]

Despite hailing from a world of many technological advancements, Clony had never entered a greenhouse before. There'd never been any form of nature preservation. If anything, most of the technology was being used to rip and tear grass and dirt and trees and all that was living from the earth and turn it into fuel. They'd been to the beach a few times now, and had been quite surprised that there'd been a building there, full of plants. They hadn't gone in, but had been mighty intrigued. They'd meant to come back, but Clony was awful at remembering such things. Remembering where they meant to go was rough. Clony was used to never being able to go back to a place they'd been. Getting used to being able to backtrack, not flutter everywhere in a hurry, it was so odd.

Seeing two people in the greenhouse meant that they decided it'd be a good time to head inside. Pearly eyes were wide, taking in all the plants as well as the weeds being uprooted. "Hey!" Clony chirped, their small form latching onto a nearby surface, keeping them hoisted above the ground. "What's the pile for? Are we gonna have a massive bonfire? With all those plants? Is this the kindling room? It should be drying out, and be all brown, if its gonna be kindling," Clony chattered. Hopping down from their perch, they moved over to the pile of weeds. Ears twitched while Clony gently nudged a few of the uprooted plants. Weeds and actual plants were not able to be differentiated between within the eyes of Clony, and their expression mimicked their confusion for why some of the plants were being uprooted, and others allowed to stay.

TAGS 7/6/20:

Re: GRANDE FINALE ☆ greenhouse clearing - Warringkingdoms - 07-23-2020

  [font=trebuchet ms]Ever since the incident with Caesar... she hadn't been able to tend to the greenhouse while she was recovering, the way she had been before. Before the festival she'd made plans to set up signs, designate clearer plots for each species of plant, and generally reorganize the greenhouse in a more effective manner. None of that had been feasible to do while lying in bed, naturally, and even after that, getting everything back in order with Elysium had put the greenhouse in the back of her mind.

  Sometime in the first few days, within the blur of blood loss and betrayal, she'd asked someone from the sea town to take care of the greenhouse until she was able to recover. She forgot who, exactly, she'd made the request of, but given that she hadn't heard anything since... they had probably left. The greenhouse was almost definitely taken up by weeds, after this long.

  The weeds weren't going to pull themselves, though, so Rin figured she might as well take care of things now. Approaching the greenhouse, however, she could see Aurum sitting on the ground, next to a large pile of weeds- along with Hebi and Clony. Convenient.

  Looking over at Clony, Rin clarified, "The torn-up plants are weeds. They stop the herbs and other useful plants from growing properly, so they need to be removed." With a shrug, she walked over to the bed of what had once been mostly tansy, now coiled up with weeds. "We can probably set up a bonfire to burn the weeds later, but we'd need to construct a proper fire pit first."

  Reaching down with one paw, she carefully untangled the green shoots from the actual tansy stems, and plucked their roots from the ground. It was slow work, to be sure, but in time the greenhouse would be looking much better. Glancing back at Hebi and Clony, she added, "I think it might be easiest if we all worked on the same plant bed, completely clearing out one bed at a time before moving onto the next one. But it's up to you two."

Re: GRANDE FINALE ☆ greenhouse clearing - wormwood. - 07-23-2020

The sound of Hebi's groggy voice caused Aurum to lift his head, one blue eye moving from his dirt covered paws to the darkly colored feline. Hebi's offer of help was appreciated, even if a small part of Aurum was worried about the drowsiness he could identify in the jaguar's tone. After all, he didn't want anyone tearing up anything that wasn't a weed, effectively rendering their work useless. Despite this, he found himself gesturing a golden wing towards the beds around him, his voice a worn out mumble, "Help... help would be appreciated, yes. I thought this would be easy to do on my own, but without elementals... it's a great deal of work." He sighed and shook his head a bit at his own naivete when it came to gardening, and matters related to it. The angel had once asked Crowley for assistance in how to grow a proper garden, but eventually he had given up on such a thing, thoroughly convinced that he had no green paw to speak of. After that, he'd just grown the garden in front of his house with elementals, even if that was ultimately fairly taxing.

The lion was beginning to get up when Clony came jumping in, yelling in everyone's minds around them as they were prone to do. Aurum winced a little, opening his muzzle to explain what he had been doing, only for Rin to act as a savior with her arrival. She probably had infinitely more patience for Clony at this point, seeing as she had already been around them for so long. Shaking out his dirty pelt, the male nodded before speaking, "Rin's right... they'd make for fine fuel with a proper fire pit. Might be a nice celebration to have, after all this work is done... would you like to join in, Clony?" After dealing with them, he looked towards Rin, watching as the magna slowly untangled some of the weeds from the tansy, a tired smile coming to his face. Tail flicking behind him, he nodded at her words before speaking, resisting the urge to sigh, "You're probably right. Nothing will really make this go particularly fast, but if we all work on the beds together, we can get them done much more quickly. And maybe with a little less mess... although I doubt it." After all, he hardly took Clony to be the type to care if things got a little messy.