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live like you told me how : joining - Printable Version

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live like you told me how : joining - J. ADALGAR - 07-20-2020

[align=center][glow=grey,2,300] and what's wrong with being confident?[/glow]
It had been a while, hasn’t it?

Hebi had roots in the mountains, his first life: his only true life was in such a high elevation, floating- soaring between peaks. Dipping down into the sea’s his birthland overloocked. Nomad was a forging concept to him, something that would never quite fit the jaguar. He was made to be tied down, his loyalties were currently loose, and listless, and it unsettled them. Moving around constantly without direction, without purpose made the exile feel all the more weary his children did not ease the snake tamer. He was a father, he had a duty to them. To provide them a home, a stable one if nothing else.

The simulacra before him stood imposing, and hebi, wings down, children all curled tight along his spine slumbered. Hebi never felt so alone, so vacant, so blissfully alone, standing and watching from the border as the sun rose above the mountains. It was beautiful.

To any person to stumble across him, he was anything but. Heavily scared, muscled, and serpents coiled along him. The largest draped along his neck and wrapped around his wing. three more tucked in the curvatures of his wings. A small satchel, and along it’s strap pieces of jasper knifes, glimmering gems streaked with blood. A book strapped down just under the bag. Near his end- where a tail should be was tied in a leather cord, four well maintained tails. Each from different animals. A tom-cat, a cougar, a monkey, and a husky. All well maintained.

But his expression was one of peace of a bone deep tired finally coming home.

Re: live like you told me how : joining - wormwood. - 07-20-2020

Hunter was the first word to come to mind when Aurum laid eyes upon Hebi, and how could it not be? The being before him looked not only scarred, strong, and ready for anything, but from the... accessories that were draped over his form, it was clear that he had seen a thing or two in the past. It made two emotions clash within the angel as he grew closer – anxiety, and comfort. Anxiety, because if Hebi was within the mountains to join Elysium, then he had to be here to hunt something, which meant that he wanted to hurt the Elysites that the lion called friends. Comfort, however, because if Hebi was indeed sitting there with the intent to join, that would mean that there would be yet another skilled fighter within Elysium, which was never something to scoff at. After all, for such a relatively peaceful group, they did deal with fairly violent threats on a semi-regular basis, and having strong warriors to face those threats was only natural.

Choosing to err on the side of caution, Aurum was slow to approach, his heavy pawsteps deliberate as the lion emerged from between the snow covered trees, wings held slightly aloft. Given the peaceful expression that played across Hebi's face, it seemed clear that the other had not come for conflict. Or if he had, he was at least very skilled at hiding it. Coming to a stop in front of Hebi once he was only a few long strides away, Aurum cleared his throat, his voice coming out in a clear and warm rumble as he spoke, "Hello there, stranger. You're on the territory of Elysium, in case you didn't know. Could I get your name and business?" The lion's eyes trailed downward momentarily, lingering on the jasper knives for a long moment before he continued, "I hope you're not here to cause any trouble."" He hadn't meant his words as a threat, but they could easily be interpreted as such, since Aurum's protective nature had already begun to extend over his secondary home.

Re: live like you told me how : joining - fulzanin - 07-20-2020

[ age mover of the oblivions ]

Sometimes Clony didn't feel like flying around the entire border to check for new people. There were other members of the group that could greet people, like Aurum already was. Sometimes Clony would really like to settle down for a couple days and work on things, things that were a bit too otherworldly to be possible, things that they were certain that due to their own otherworldly nature that it could be done. Alas, such was not to be. They needed more things anyways, and large ears meant hearing conversations was far easier to acknowledge rather than ignore.

They swoop down, flapping their wings a few times as their talons come to rest on the ground. "Hey there!" They chatter, ears raised and head held up. "How are you doing today? Good? I bet you're doing good. Hope you're doing good, that is," Clony continued on, waving one of their fluffy wings. "I'm Clony!" They had not the instincts of what their current form should normally possess. A hulking tank figure should send a small creature such as them fleeing, flying away. Clony upheld no such fears, their only fear came from the turning of gears that was aimed at themself, instead of their enemies. Their tail wags with building excitement, patiently waiting for an answer to be returned.

TAGS 7/6/20:

Re: live like you told me how : joining - Luciferr - 07-21-2020

⬻ M A R R ⤖
That which does not kill you has learned to fear your name
It was odd seeing someone that was something of a mirror image of opposites to him - both scarred heavily and built like tanks was the main point of similarity, but from there everything diverged - white to black, no tail to many, red to blue-grey, feline quality to canine qualities.

But that was from an adjective point of view anyway.

While the Angela and the bat spoke up, the chrome and rust blooded nephilim was content to simply idle in the background, red tails waving Idle in the air behind him - he did eye the strangers curious snakes and how they curled up around him - it brought to mind when he had his own burdens clinging to him, though he'd called them that in jest - he missed them.

The wolf beast’s ears stitched, half faced expression twitching briefly into a frown before back again - it didn’t do to dwell on things he couldn’t help now - instead he settled in for the anticipation of just who the stranger was - though it was hard to maintain conspicuousness when one was eight feet tall.


Re: live like you told me how : joining - Warringkingdoms - 07-21-2020

  [font=trebuchet ms]The creature at the border, covered in hunting trophies and cloaked with snakes, inspired a strange sense of deja vu in Rin's mind as she headed towards him. She wouldn't have been able to put a name to his face, but somewhere within her memory, she had sensed a flicker of recognition. Maybe they'd encountered each other at a party, or during the blurry days after she'd first retired from being the Ascendants' Cleric.

  Alternatively, maybe her brain had extrapolated incomplete information to the point of total fabrication, and she'd never seen this person before at all.

  Nonetheless, the peaceful look on his face, and the way he'd stopped at the border rather than marching right on past it, meant he probably wasn't hostile- so he'd explain himself soon, she figured, and the mystery would be cleared up. Coming to stand between Clony and Aurum, giving a nod to the two of them as well as Marr, Rin then turned her attention to the serpents covering the stranger's frame. The slight movement in their forms, subtle but still there, indicated live snakes- albeit sleeping. She had to wonder if they served as familiars, personas even, or if he really had just tamed regular snakes to the point that all parties involved were comfortable with this sort of arrangement.

  In either case, she was admittedly intrigued.

  Glancing over the stranger's shoulder to check for movement in the trees, and finding none, she then took a seat and curled her tail around her paws. Watching the newcomer with her good eye, she waited for him to answer- once he had identified himself and what he was doing there, they could proceed.

Re: live like you told me how : joining - J. ADALGAR - 07-21-2020

[glow=grey,2,300] and what's wrong with being confident?[/glow]
hunter,  killer, revenge-seeker, right hand, father. all titles the stranger once held a claim to were little, scant in comparison to the waste he showed himself as, now. Now he was simply a stranger, a rouge and an exile begging for a home. some semblance of normalcy in the war life had burdened him with. hebi was tired and it showed, in the respects to such relief on his features at the thought; the mere hope that this, could be a home. for him, for his children. The past- that past did not define him, and the scars that littered him were little more than memories hebi was grateful he wouldn't have to directly see. his past would not define him anymore than he would allow it, and he allowed none. to the point of breaking his oath, his first duty: his family - brother traitor - his name would be erased, only hebi: snake. A symbol of change and the charges he saw fit to attach himself with. a blunt but possessive clutch hebi hoarded akin to a dragon and it's hoard, a snake-mother and it's brood.

Blas was the first; to smell them before they arrived. the white shift in coil around his neck, blas was the largest of the four of his children fully draped across hebi in such a way that almost seemed like hebi would be struggling if not for his brute frame- let out a low hiss in warning. hebi's grey eyes watching the lion approach. weary, his expression closing slightly, but remaining calm, relaxed. A facade of calmness as the snake-charmer watched the other.

then, Hel. She showed her black abyssal' mouth, and such a simple little daughter she was revealed her heritage: black mamba's were deadly. the yawn of hel was silent but hebi understood it's meaning, too long had they survived uncharted lands for hebi to not know ( and did shame burn him then, that his children grew with him in ways a father was meant to shelter them ? Hebi was never kind , but by the gods he hoped at least they lived - lived longer and brighter lives than he ever could ) more than one, and as the winged creature spoke ament stayed silent, his expression closing down, a casual shift in his stance and all of his children - blas,hel,funris, and jotin would stand attention to, in turn.

under the brush of hebi's large feathered wings, three pairs of eyes peeked forth. Blas : simply raised his head.

"I would like to be known as Hebi." the jaguar started, his expression steel, not out of defense but sheer resolution. voice like gravel and eyes searching the group - for more than curiosity; for someone to see beyond the scars and the steel and see weary. He couldn't allow it in his voice, trained out of him by sheer want to live in such brutality as his last home: hebi only knew this, steel and revenge, wrath and anger.

all he ever wanted was home. "I am here for sanctuary," sanctuary ; a place to run to, to retreat- gain reprivance from the world, the war that still chased him, haunted him to this day. of loners and exiles- comrades turning tail, lovers falling to ruin-rot before him. Children, growing up- growing up to survive rather than thrive. rather than just to live and enjoy.

[sub]all he ever wanted was [b][i]home[/sub]

Re: live like you told me how : joining - Warringkingdoms - 07-22-2020

  [font=trebuchet ms]As the snakes rose to attention, one yawning wide enough to show the inside of its mouth very clearly, Rin felt a jolt run through her. That was a black mamba, or at least very closely related to one. Killua, she was pretty sure, had taken a black mamba as a companion- but at least that one had been albino, in contrast to its name, "Kuro." This one, on the other hand, looked just like-

  She shook her head, closing her eye. No, now wasn't the time to be thinking about that. It was one bad experience, that's all. This one didn't appear supernatural in origin; it was just a normal snake. Venomous, but not capable of ripping the memories out of any creature who crossed it.

  As the stranger spoke, she lifted her head to look at him more closely, her ears swiveling to listen. Hebi. That was, indeed, a name she'd carved into the cave walls surrounding the Starpool. It might have been a coincidence, particularly since she'd had to get his name from other written records that had survived all this time- but perhaps he remembered better than she would. In any case, he wished for sanctuary, and that much, they could provide.

  "Of course," Rin said finally, twitching her ears. "There's a camp inside the caves further up the mountain, and there's also a town over by the docks. Plenty of space, whichever one you decide to settle in." Given that snakes were cold-blooded, she suspected Hebi would opt for the sea town; any of the houses, she figured, would have enough space for them all.

  Clearing her throat, she added, "My name is Rin. What are your snakes' names?"

Re: live like you told me how : joining - wormwood. - 07-22-2020

Aurum knew of war, and exile. Perhaps better than most might've ever expected him to. He had lived through two wars now, one when he had been merely a doe eyed cub, struggling to see what was going on between his Pride and the hyena pack that harassed and threatened them. The second, when he had been within Tanglewood, full of resentment and fury for those that had threatened to – that had – harmed his family. The war between Tanglewood and The Pitt had been a long one, one that had been going on since before the lion had ever even stepped over the boundary line, but it felt just as important to him as any other Tangler that had seen the beginning of it. The angel had lived to see the ugly and vicious exchanges between not only Tanglewood and The Pitt, but The Typhoon and The Pitt as well. He had given himself fully to the hatred that had boiled in his veins for the desert dwelling group. He had known that when he plunged his teeth into Kydobi's throat, clinging on for dear life as the other choked on his own blood in a desperate move to survive. Aurum hadn't allowed it then, determined to enact his terrible and final act of revenge. He didn't regret it, not now or ever. After all, it had been war, and Kydobi had resigned himself to his fate the moment he had chosen the side of The Pitt.

Exile was something that had never technically been forced upon Aurum, at least not intentionally. He had always resigned himself to his own acts of exile, like when he had left Tanglewood. He had left not because they had forced him to, but because circumstances had. He couldn't have remained in the swamp, not back then, when every day was another grim reminder of what had happened not only to him, but to his family as a whole. The Pride had been a more... complicated situation. The lion had technically never been exiled from his birth home, but the threats that his mother had made had certainly felt like an exile. What was he supposed to think, when she had attempted to kill him before, and told him to leave and never return if not with Poetking? The thought had once made his heart ache, desperately yearning for a place best left forgotten, but now it only left him... numb. Numb because, truly, that exile had been one of the best events in his life, because it had led him to Tanglewood, and to every event that had happened afterwards.

Needless to say, it would've been easy for Aurum to feel a sense of kinship with Hebi. In fact, he probably would, one day, as he had a habit of doing with everyone he came to care for. However, for the moment, the angel remained cautious, especially with the various threats that lingered around the other's neck. He knew that none of them seemed to have the intent to harm for now, but he also knew that could change, in a manner of seconds, just with an order for Hebi. Despite his anxieties over the other's companions, Aurum still found himself able to give a welcoming smile, his voice a deep rumble of greeting, "Hello there, Hebi. As Rin said, you're more than welcome to make yourself a home here. My name is Aurum... I'd also be curious to learn about your... companions. I recognize the black mamba, but what are the others?" Even as anxiety bubbled in his chest, Aurum couldn't help but feel fascinated by Hebi's companions in equal measure. Save for the ones near the gate of The Typhoon, Aurum didn't have a lot of experience with snakes, and it certainly seemed as though Hebi had quite a lot.

Re: live like you told me how : joining - J. ADALGAR - 07-23-2020

[align=center][glow=grey,2,300] and what's wrong with being confident?[/glow]
There it was, the open kind of attitude that put the male on guard: open, welcoming. A part of hebi wanted to ask the price for such a place? For him to fight? For him to… what kill? slaughter other’s without thought, he didn’t think he could be put through that kind of hell again, through those kinds of hells. He didn’t have the stomach for it, didn’t have the kind of loyalty, naivete to accept such an open invitation and face value.

It made him hesitant, when rin asked about his snakes- his children. at this point hebi was at an unease; “their not going to hurt anyone, despite a lot of misconception, they’re all still… still only hatchlings” children he wanted to tell them, his children but hebi learned of attachment, what that kind of open attachment could mean. A bargaining chip, a way to steal: secure his loyalty. It had happened before.

Fenris still hadn’t recovered from the burns that raced his underbelly; too comforted ( and coddled by hebi ) to ever leave the brute’s form, much less slither around strangers, his brother and sister both were still to protective of him, their runt of a brother. It was the first months in returning to the loner lands after… well after. The loners learned quickly not to bother his snakes. If the black mouths of his youngest didn’t keep them away enough.

He shook his head, silver eyes watching aurum’s for not shift per sey, but open. it only made him tense further. “blas is the oldest” he raises a paw, and the white serpent coiled along him flicked a tongue out towards his outstretched limb before looking towards aurum and rin. Blas was curious, more adventurous of the four. “He’s a boa, only a runt in comparison to how big he can get” hebi knew that one day blas would stretch too big to coil around him, and with a pang he knew it was close coming to. Already more than 10 feet long.

the trio, Hel, Fenris, and jotin” it was easy to talk about them, easier than talking about himself, who he was- used to be. He shook his head soflty to shake such thoughts, raising his wing where the three of his youngest were hiding mostly under his wing. Hel’s form a lot more exposed now all three sat curled and tucked and coiled around the straps of leather that lead to his bag, book, knives… all three of them the same species. “I’ve had them since they’ve all hatched” he notes, with a hint of pride, looking on towards the group.

Re: live like you told me how : joining - Luciferr - 07-23-2020

⬻ M A R R ⤖
That which does not kill you has learned to fear your name
Something about hearing the other - Hebi - had apparently cared for these snakes since they were hatchlings did strike a chord with the tall tailed wolf, a pang of brief sorrow when he remembered the six children he himself had raised from that frantic flight for freedom to the very depths of a war of survival and beyond.

They weren’t with him now, not like Hebi, who at least still had his snake children with him and that, hurt to know,

He hope they were still alive and thriving, wherever they were - perhaps if ill fate hadn’t stranded him on this world, he’d be long back to them by now,

He hoped they were wise enough not to still wait for him, he didn’t know when - or even if - he’d be back after all.

He hoped he would (or the other possibility that his foolhardy children would wind up following him here somehow)

His tails twitched briefly, the nine tentacles like appendages responding to his maudlin thoughts as he watched the others speak and introduce himself - instead the white male offered a gruff ”Marr” as an introduction before he fell quiet again, more inclined to leave the gathering and the conversation but staying back only for now, if only for politeness sake

After all, there was no rush to find cover here,