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day by day -- cave exploration event START - Printable Version

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day by day -- cave exploration event START - Warringkingdoms - 07-20-2020

  [font=trebuchet ms]The cavern loomed before her with open jaws, the depths within extending further than her eye could follow.

  As she stood at the entrance, Rin furrowed her brows. Traveling underground was never going to get any easier, she had recognized that much a while ago. Even the mountain's tunnels were painfully claustrophobic at times; here, the entire surface, all that grass and dirt and stone, could come down on your head in an instant.

  There hadn't been aftershocks in a few months, she had to remind herself. If the ground was unstable, there would have been evidence of sinkholes emerging, or some other sign of geological activity, long before this. The likelihood of a cave-in was slim, and moreover, clearing out any potential threats was worth the risk. Still, the thought remained in the back of her mind, ever persistent, never allowing peace.

  "Everyone who wants to come on the cave expedition, come over here," Rin called, twitching her ears. Looking over her shoulder, she continued, "We'll be down there for about two hours at the most. I'll be marking our paths with glow-in-the-dark paint; if any of you want to go back early, you can follow the trail back to the surface." Taking a worn pocket watch out of her satchel, she examined the time- about nine o'clock. With a nod, she put it back, next to the tube of yellow radium paint. The paint probably wasn't safe for humans to handle on a regular basis, but she wasn't a human, and she was only using it once.

  Curling her tail around her paws, she waited for others to arrive.

  /this is where we're going to start the cave exploration event ^^
  /feel free to RP as normal, but every 5 or so posts, there'll be twists- it'll be a sort of choose-your-own-adventure type deal

Re: day by day -- cave exploration event START - wormwood. - 07-20-2020

Cave exploration. It seemed like an interesting prospect to Aurum, albeit a slightly anxiety inducing one. Although, the lion had never truly had any issues with claustrophobia in the past, it was undeniable that he was one of the larger members of Elysium at the moment. With his staggering height – for an African lion, at least – and broad wings, he had a tendency to take up a lot of space, even when he didn't mean to. Despite this, the thought of allowing his new friends and groupmates head into the caverns all on their own didn't sound particularly appealing either. After all, what if there was something seriously dangerous within the echoing stone tunnels? He knew that his fellow Elysites were far from useless in combat, especially considering their semi-regular encounters with the gods, but he couldn't help but want to protect them all. With his claws, wings, fire elementals... anything he had was constantly at the disposal of his friends.

With this in mind, the angel soon came padding over to where Rin was sat, shifting one of his red and gold wings in greeting to the magna before he sat down. His long tail came to wrap around his paws, and his jaws parted slightly, trying to parse out some kind of particular scent from within the cave. Unfortunately, all he got in response was the dusty scent of rock and dirt, with no signs of what could be further inside. It made a frown come to his face, but he recovered quickly, shrugging his shoulders before he spoke, "I'll help with the exploration, Rin. Might be best for me to stay at the back of the group, though." Not only would it hopefully solve the issue of his bulk, but it would also mean he could be the first to deal with any potential threats approaching from behind. He wouldn't put it past one of the gods to try and attack them while they were so vulnerable.

Re: day by day -- cave exploration event START - fulzanin - 07-20-2020

[ age mover of the oblivions ]

Clony considered themself mighty smart in several categories. They could write, draw, theorize, perform math, look dashing in a ribbon, and attempt to piece together mechs from their loosely congregated memory. What Clony did not know was what species they currently were. They knew normally that their name was Clony, and they were a clony. They were the first of the species, and therefore the name was the same. What they were currently? They did not know. They had no way to know. They were basically the same, but so many small things were different and they added up to a solid confirmation of 'whatever'. Their eyesight was a bit worse, their hearing was a lot better, other slowly added up things.

"Caves! Yes! I'm good with caves!" Clony cheered as they came swooping over. Their landing was rushed, and they wound up tumbling over a few times before righting themself back to their feet. "Okay, first things first. We're going to need lava, mining equipment, lasers, hard hats, and enough explosives to destroy the continent. The basics of cave exploration, you know? Glow in the dark paint is a good start," they ramble as their excitement continued to grow within them, tail erratically swinging from side to side. Glow in the dark paint, they'd only seen such a few times before. Maybe once the exploration was done they could steal some to put on their metronomes to make them even more unique. "Trust me, I've been in hundreds of caves before. Its all fun and games until the explosives run out! Two hours is more than enough time for that to happen." Clony nods their head once, voice filled with certainty that could rival scholar's within their field of study.

TAGS 7/6/20:

Re: day by day -- cave exploration event START - Luciferr - 07-21-2020

⬻ M A R R ⤖
That which does not kill you has learned to fear your name
Cave exploring, hm.

Novel, but it beat the haggard watchful days behidn enemy lines.

The scarred nephilim dubiously eyed Clony as the bat went on about explosives - somehow that might not be the best thing should one trigger a Ave in but the bat said they had experience, idly he wondered how but brushed past it.

Ears flickered as Aurum spoke and loath as he was to admit it - it seemed he’d be joining the angel at the back

”I’ll go - to the back” he rumbled, he was after all the tallest there - 8 foot in height, it would be cramped at certain intervals no doubt but well, he supposed he made up fro it by having more limbs to catch a falling ceiling - or youngsters from getting underfoot.

He’d just ahve to put up with being nearer an angel than he’d like - he’d deal with it, as far as angels went and outside of Argentum, Aurum was rather low on the list of threatening ones.

Hm, this would be a long trip.

[ic opinions]


Re: day by day -- cave exploration event START - COSMIIX - 07-22-2020

Approaching slowly, Siborno would realize that the group was heading into a cave and well, he was certainly familiar with those since he had lived within one from the beginning of his life. A soft snort leaving his maw as he paused to scratch at the back of his ears and neck with a hind leg, a soft irritable growl leaving him. The large brute rose to his paws once more making his way over towards Aurum since he was the only one that was familiar to him, he still hadn't bothered getting to know everyone just yet... Giving himself some time to still get accustomed to his surroundings. He was rather large and well, he figured that he would linger within the back unless they wanted him up in the front, a soft chuff leaving the male as that itchy feeling returned though he ignored it for the time being. "Теплые угольки." He would say nodding in the direction of the lion only to set his single eye on Marr feeling the fur on his spine prickle up slightly, he didn't like the look of this guy but he chose not to voice his discomfort around the other as he would part his jaws to speak "Caves are familiar to me..." He began flicking his ears back only to finish with a shake of his head "But I stay in back... So... I don't interrupt," [glow=COLOR,1,400]✧*:・゚[/glow]

Re: day by day -- cave exploration event START - Warringkingdoms - 07-24-2020

  [font=trebuchet ms]As Aurum approached and offered to stay in the back, Rin nodded in response. Having a larger creature at the back to fend off potential attackers from behind was never a bad idea, especially in a situation like this- he'd be harder to snatch up silently for a prospective predator than someone like her or Clony.

  Speaking of Clony, there they were now. Rin could easily believe they were as good with caves as they claimed- they probably had some mechanism of echolocation with brainwaves that didn't require the production of regular sound, and even if they didn't, they were probably used to traversing the darkness. Their continued rambling about lava, lasers, and explosives, however, caused her to furrow her brows. "...We won't be using any explosives," she said after a moment, shaking her head. "They could backfire on us too easily, or damage the structural integrity of the cave itself- which, especially considering the recent aftershocks, is a risk I'm not willing to take." While the caves were almost certainly stable at the moment, she wasn't about to press her luck with anything that could change that. A cave-in could be disastrous.

  As Marr and Siborno approached, and agreed to stay in the back in turn, Rin twitched her ears. By process of elimination, that meant she and Clony were taking the front- that was fine, considering she was responsible for both painting the trail and providing ranged firepower in the case of an attack, and Clony had enough experience to know where they were going. "In that case, we'll go ahead and leave," she said, with another nod. "If anyone else intends to accompany us, they can follow the trail."

  Using her telekinesis, she took out the radium paint and a small paintbrush, then applied the paint to the brush. Closing the paint tube and putting it away, she then pointed the brush towards the ground and willed it to start painting a straight line, parallel to their intended path. "Let's go."

  With that, she descended into the caves, the paintbrush dragging along next to her in her mental grip.

Re: day by day -- cave exploration event START - J. ADALGAR - 07-25-2020

[align=center][glow=grey,2,300] and what's wrong with being confident?[/glow]
the gathered group of the elysium were quick to part, and it would be remiss if the jaguar didn't heed rin's call, being left in the dust, in such a way was... unpleasing, and after running to catch up with the group, hebi took a look at the closed walls, the empty dark, and felt at ease. something that would frighten someone seemed only to work as a comfort for the jaguar. His entire form melding into the shadow of the entire right wall as he walked alongside the group, far enough to watch the pain apply to the floor as rin led the group ahead with her steady marking of the way back.

Re: day by day -- cave exploration event START - fulzanin - 07-26-2020

[ age mover of the oblivions ]

Clony's eyes slowly turned, looking between the next people to arrive. A small squint at the first to arrive after themself, but they decided to leave it be. There was something far more exciting at hand! Besides, they were incredibly used to these sorts of cramped locations. If something truly were to go wrong, and technology burst forth to hurt their friends? Clony was right there to stop it. Their strength in numbers was not present, but they were sure that such a thing could be avoided with a bit of quick thinking and some work. Worrying about the caves never helped, they just had to go through fast and simple, keeping their mind open and eyes wide, wings prepared to yank themself from harms way on a moment's notice.

So many people wanted to be in the back. Clony couldn't begin to guess why - they really would like to be up front, looking around and watching for danger. They settled for flapping along just behind Rin, ears raised as they followed along. "Explosives would be great for opening secret passages, is all I'm saying," They insisted after doing a brief spin in the air. "Trust me! I know my explosives, I've used them in caves to cause more caves and cave ins than I really care to count! We'd be fine!" Clony continued. They turned their head, looking at the three that were doing their best to take up the rear. "Do y'all know basic cave safety? Do you have your exit buddy? There's six of us, we should all get an exit buddy, right Rin?" Clony landed briefly throughout their rambling to scratch their chin with a fluffy wing, rising back into the air shortly after. "We should sing a cave song! Who wants to sing the cave song? I know a couple cave songs!"

TAGS 7/6/20:

Re: day by day -- cave exploration event START - wormwood. - 07-28-2020

Clony's arrival to the group of cave explorers was... problematic. It wasn't that Aurum disliked Clony – no, he actually found their antics quite entertaining at times – but he knew that they were rambunctious. Far too rambunctious to take something like the sensitive assignment of cave exploration seriously. As if just to prove his point, they almost immediately began to babble about explosives as soon as they arrived, causing the lion's heart to sink in response. He knew that Rin would never allow such a thing, but just the mental image of the cave exploding and collapsing inward was enough to make the angel wince. Hell, even Marr's presence wasn't a huge deal, despite the fact that the other consistently seemed to dislike Aurum – with seemingly no reason why, even now. At least Marr didn't seem like he was the type to cause outright trouble, and Siborno's presence was comforting enough that Aurum didn't feel stranded or uncomfortable in the back of the group. Still, just as he had predicted, Rin shut Clony's idea to use explosives down, causing the golden male to let out a sigh of relief before he muttered, "Rin is right... explosives could easily cause a cave-in, and we really don't want a bunch of rock collapsing on us." The lion was fairly sure that, in the worst of scenarios, he could use his elementals to stop a cave-in from outright killing them, but he had no faith in his ability to get them all out afterwards.

Once the group finally began moving, Aurum smiled and lightly brushed his tail along Siborno's side, gesturing the other male along as they followed in the back of the party. The angel made an active effort to keep a bit of distance between he and Marr, more for the other's comfort, rather than his own. His pawsteps were heavy and faintly echoing as he followed Rin's lead into the caves, resisting the urge to snap his jaws firmly shut when the musty air of the caverns filled his lungs, feeling uncomfortably claustrophobic. Still, it wasn't enough to cause outright panic, and he was soon distracted by Clony rambling, once again. A heavy sigh left Aurum before he spoke again, keeping his voice low as he chided Clony gently, "You know, noises that are too loud can cause cave-ins as well. Such as voices." He wasn't genuinely afraid of Clony's voice causing any sort of collapse, but they really needed to pull it back a bit.