Beasts of Beyond
and he screams to the sun // open, shapeshifting - Printable Version

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and he screams to the sun // open, shapeshifting - ▷killian◁ - 05-10-2018

Maybe it was pretty lame that Killian didn't know what kind of powers he had. Scratch that, it was really lame. 200-something years and all he knew was that he'd died and then something had told him to get the hell up and he had. He wasn't a zombie, didn't smell of death or decay, but he wasn't really living either. The only thing that was weird was that Killian could've sworn he'd been human at one point. But when he'd gotten up after the voice told him to, it was on four paws connected to a dog's body.

Who knows, maybe he didn't have any powers at all and he'd been reincarnated or something crazy like that. Although, he didn't think he had been reincarnated, considering he didn't really have to do what a living creature would have to. He loved eating, but he didn't really have to. He loved sleeping, but he didn't get dreams so it was more like just blinking.

There was no reason to ponder over all this right now. Killian wanted food, and he wanted it now, so he stood from where he'd been sitting and was making his way off into the rest of the territory. He wanted to check out the forest; he hadn't explored it thoroughly and he wanted to try to catch something big. His eyes narrowed a bit as a muscle began spasming on his back. He slowed down a bit as more muscles began spasming, something wiggled underneath his skin. What was happening?

The doberman came to a full stop as pain began shooting through his entire being. Something was moving in him, it was wiggling and shifting around. His eyes grew wide at the feeling and his breathing quickened, he let out a whimper as something began cracking inside of him.

A hoarse howl escaped Killian as crack after crack sounded; his skin seemed to move as his bones shifted. Tufts of fur fell off in huge chunks and the dog writhed in pain on the ground. Whimpers and more howls escaped him as his body changed.

Soon, he stopped moving. Patches of short, red and white fur slowly began growing back in. His body seemed thinner, longer, his tail had grew into an actual tail instead of a stump.

Killian lay in the dirt, dust caking over the short fur. His chest heaved as he panted through a differently shaped snout. What the fuck just happened?

this sucks ass but i made all of it up as i went so oh well


Re: and he screams to the sun // open, shapeshifting - Luciferr - 05-10-2018

▼ — when the weak court death, they find it.
perhaps another might not have recognised who was housed in this form, but then Fenrisulfr was no mere other.

heavy treads indicated his approach, this far into the territory the giant creature feeling no need to be stealthy like when sneaking upon trespassers and the border folk - coal black claws ran through with lava like fissures ate into the marshy ground as he approached the sounds of agony and stopped just as he passed into the area.

he blinked down at the panting canine,

ah, unfortunate when one's abilities required pain to produce them.

Fenris hummed "If you need it Killian I can fetch Nayru for you" he shifted the weight of his legs minutely as he said so "It's never an easy thing shifting forms" his entire family did it on the fly true, mostly that came with millennia of living with their abilities however and not just having them sprung upon them suddenly.


Re: and he screams to the sun // open, shapeshifting - ▷killian◁ - 05-17-2018

7 days late i am So sorry

His eyes had focused on Fenris the moment he showed up, foggy for a moment as he tried to remember who it was. He pushed himself up slightly, quiet as he thought, before he let out an 'ohh yeah!' and looked back at Fenris. "No-" He paused to let out a cough; his throat fucking hurt- "I think I'm good. Maybe help me up? My legs feel like they're on fire."

With his response being given, Killian turned his attention back to himself and tried to take in what he looked like now. White fur? How was he supposed to keep that clean?!


Re: and he screams to the sun // open, shapeshifting - Luciferr - 05-19-2018

▼ — when the weak court death, they find it.
Fenris quirked a brow but nodded shifting to help Killian up and standing beside him in case the now shifted canine needed to lean against him for support - or just to get his legs under him - the fire tinted beast hummed lowly "shapeshifting can be useful to have" if one could turn into many a form it provided advantage - more so in terms of just what each creature could do and the like.

its fine yo, sorry for museless post.


Re: and he screams to the sun // open, shapeshifting - ▷killian◁ - 05-19-2018

Killian's legs trembled under him and he leaned a bit on Fenris as he lifted up a forepaw to inspect it. As he spoke, he moved to walk a bit, staring at his paws as he took little baby steps. "Oh yeah, so useful. It would be great if I could, y'know.. Fucking control it!" He nearly shouted the last bit as he stumbled and fell back down. The dog let out an angry growl and shoved himself back up, stumbling to the side and almost falling again before regaining his balance.

"This shit sucks! Why are these legs so much longer than my last ones?!"


Re: and he screams to the sun // open, shapeshifting - IVAN Z. BRAGINSKY - 05-21-2018

The was a reapeated huffing sound from the bear as he approached. Chuckling? ”Funny....”

He sat down with a thump and a huff, watching Killian struggle with his new ability. ”Become bear... then know what height is....”

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Re: and he screams to the sun // open, shapeshifting - Luciferr - 05-21-2018

▼ — when the weak court death, they find it.
Fenris simply stayed standing where he was while Killian got used to it, the larger beast inclining his head with a low hum "You'll gain control in time - no one's born walking and talking after all" all powers required learning control and just how much could be used and manipulated.

pale eyes looked up as the polar bear joined them, simply nodding to the other in greeting though a slight snort at his own comment - or like Fenris really, but then he was abnormally tall given his own background, the strange beast was the tallest in tanglewood so far - idly he wondered when someone might come along to change that, hm, who knew.


Re: and he screams to the sun // open, shapeshifting - ▷killian◁ - 05-23-2018

Killian took a brief moment to glare at the bear, pouting as much as a dog could. His gaze was quick to drop back down to his paws as he continued to take little steps that slowly became longer. "You know what, maybe I will. I'll gain control like you're saying, Fenris, and then I'll become even bigger than you two. I'll become a giant bear and fuckin' stomp you two."

He seemed to be getting the hang of it, though, and after a few more moments, he spoke again, "Actually, no, I won't, those spikes probably hurt.. I'll step on your stinky ass though, Zim!"
