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ON THE EDGE of the island, hidden behind a towering fortress of thick trees, lies the extensive land of The Palm Glades. A traditionally elusive group, The Palm Glades has been around for ages, sticking mostly to themselves and vowing to protect each other against all odds. In the past, they have been extremely strict and devoted to their traditions, being outright hostile to outsiders or those out of the ordinary. However, after having their own spirits betray them, and the outside world making itself rather forcibly known, The Palm Glades have changed.

Now, the group lies in wait, constantly becoming stronger and more vicious to the outsider world. They're more open to accepting new members, but are still diehard believers in the policy of themselves first, no matter what. The Palm Glades as a whole are still spiritual, but they now listen to the spirituality of the land itself and forces high above, unwilling to let themselves be backstabbed ever again. If one joins, it is recommended that they be ready to devote themselves fully to the group, and be willing to lay down their life for the group as a whole, if needed.
LEGATE — The legate is, naturally, considered to be the position with the most power within The Palm Glades. Well respected and hardworking, the legate deals with most everything related to The Palm Glades, including demotions and promotions, alliances, emergencies, and battles. Their word is law, and they are expected to make kind and just decisions for the sake of the clan. Traditionally, when a member becomes leader, they take on the suffix -star, although this is not required.

[Color=#FC9477]PRIMUS — Next in line to take over after the legate's death, the primus is a strong hearted and trusted warrior that has been chosen not only for their seniority, but their exploits as well. Traditionally the primus is an older warrior who has apprenticed at least one other cat, and they hold several duties. These duties include organizing patrols, accepting invitations, leading battles, and acting as a temporary leader when the true legate is injured or absent. While not technically a part of the council to the legate, they are often a trusted friend and advisor.
☆ N/A [i]played by N/A.

[Color=#FC9477]CENTURIONS — The centurions are an elite crew of experienced warriors that have been elevated above the rest in some way. Generally extremely active, friendly, and helpful, the title and position of centurion is given to those that have proven themselves, and may be next in line for the primus position. They can organize patrols in the absence of the primus, lead smaller battles, and generally have authority over other warriors. They also act as a part of the council to the leader, along with the keepers and medicus legionis.
☆ N/A [i]played by N/A.

[Color=#FC9477]KEEPERS — Much like centurions, keepers are members of the group that have been elevated above the rest in some way. Considered an assistant primus position, keepers instead focus their attention on social events and espionage, rather than combat. They can organize small events, work with others to hold events involving other groups, and may take on stealth missions in order to gather intel on other groups. They act as part of the council to the legate, alongside the centurions and medicus legionis.

[Color=#FC9477]MEDICUS LEGIONIS — The medicus legionis is an extremely intelligent member that acts as the medic for the entire group. Traditionally well read and honorable, the medicus legionis has trained for many moons to have a mastery over herbs and various ailment treatments. It was previously thought that they needed to have a connection to the stars, but now they are judged solely on their medical expertise and wisdom. Along with all of this, they also act as a part of the council to the legate, along with the keepers and centurions.
☆ N/A. [i]played by N/A.

[Color=#FC9477]MEDICI — The medici is a young member that has shown an interest in helping others through the medical field. Tutored in the knowledge of herbs and treatments, the medici acts as both a helper and a student to the medicine cat. They are also taught over time how to advise the legate properly when they grow older.
☆ N/A [i]played by N/A

[Color=#FC9477]GLADIATORS — The gladiators are a group of active and helpful members that have been acknowledged for their dedication to The Palm Glades as a whole. They are generally considered a stepping stone rank, and may be any age from kithood to adulthood. They are next in line to step up as either centurions or keepers eventually, and their duties include occasionally setting up patrols and being around to welcome in new members.
[color=#FC9477]☆ WYVERNPAW [i]played by OTTO
[color=#FC9477]☆ ONYXPAW [i]played by MACHIRO

[Color=#FC9477]IMMUNES —
The common members of the group that make up the main workforce of The Palm Glades. They know how to hunt, fight, and care for one another, and have promised to dedicate their lives to The Palm Glades.
☆ UNLIMITED [i]gathered in the CENSUS.

[Color=#FC9477]DISCENS — The younger members of the group, ranging from 6 moons to 12 moons. Currently in training under a warrior in order to become immunes themselves.
☆ UNLIMITED [i]gathered in the CENSUS.

[Color=#FC9477]TIRONES — The youngest members of the group, ranging from 0 moons to 6 moons. Cared for by the signifers and kept in camp until they are old enough to become discens.
☆ UNLIMITED [i]gathered in the CENSUS.

[Color=#FC9477]SIGNIFERS — Members of the group who are either pregnant or simply non-combatant in some way. Usually living within the nursery, signifers take care of not only their own children, but also help to take care of other members' children as well.
☆ UNLIMITED [i]gathered in the CENSUS.

[Color=#FC9477]RETIRED IMMUNES — Older members of the group who have decided to retire from being immunes. Well respected and taken care of, retired immunes live within the elders' den, and have spent their entire lives working in service of The Palm Glades.
☆ UNLIMITED [i]gathered in the CENSUS.

[ * ] indicates a warning.
[Color=#FC9477]THE MAIN CAMP — The main camp that The Palm Glades call home is a shallow valley of sandy land that lays between the forest and the main beach. Surrounded by rocks, the main camp is well hidden and well protected from most on lookers, with the majority of the dens being deep tunnels dug into the sand and reinforced with wood, or tall rocks. The majority of the dens are decorated with various sea based objects, such as shells, seaweed, and different colored sand. Meetings are held by the leader from a large rock sticking out over the valley, with two slopes leading downwards into the camp on either side. The leader's den is dug out beneath this rock, and widely accessible for all that need them. The nursery, medicine cat's den, and elders' den are particularly well hidden from attackers, with doors of seaweed that also act as cover.

SPARKLING BEACH — The large beach that acts as the majority of The Palm Glades's territory, Sparkling Beach is a large, wide strip of land covered in sand, meeting the ocean on one side, and the forest on another. Named for the glittering of the waves, Sparkling Beach has had many a tunnel dug out of it by rambunctious apprentices, and also serves as the main aquatic hunting ground for The Palm Glades. It is not uncommon to find Palm Glades warriors hunting at the edge of the ocean waves for fish or crustaceans, nor is it strange to find both warriors and apprentices going out to practice their swimming skills. In addition to all of this, the long flat land of the beach is ideal for competitive events or parties, and is also where most clan members get the supplies for decorating their dens.

Sparkling Beach also includes several notable landmarks, including the clan bar. Made up from a trio of intertwined palm trees, the bar has a "roof" under the leaves, created out of pieces of wood. The actual bar is made up of several large rocks surrounding the trees, and is perfect for coconut water drinks, or events and discussions. It is one of the main gathering points for the group, and is often used as a location to bring allies in order to talk shop or trade.

HIGHWIND CLIFF — A large stone cliff dividing the land between the beach and the forest on the east side of the territory, Highwind Cliff is notable for many reasons. For one thing, because of its staggering height, the large grey cliff is where mentors take their apprentices to hunt for birds and other unusual prey. As well as this, the many thin platforms of the cliff are used for helping apprentices with a fear of height face these fears, and hopefully overcome them. Most importantly, however, Highwind Cliff is home to two very important caves. The first is at the very base of the cliff facing the ocean, deep beneath the waves. Only available to the strongest of swimmers, Legacy Cavern is a hidden away cave with its own pocket of air, well known not only for being a fantastic secret meeting spot, but also where Palm Glades hides their most important and sacred objects from outside harm. The other cave, while more accessible, is just as important. Carved into the side of one of Highwind Cliff's highest plateaus, there is a cave simply known as the Connection Cave. Within Connection Cave is the Starshell, a glittering, larger than life shell carved from the very rock of the cliffs. The Starshell was once considered the main connection between Palm Glades and Starclan, but has since been abandoned, with deep claw marks left in the surface of it.

THE TWISTED FOREST — The twisted forest is one of the main borders cutting off The Palm Glades from the rest of the uncharted territories. Laying at the southern edge of Palm Glades territory, the Twisted Forest is a towering and confusion forest of massive oak trees. It is strongly discouraged for any Palm Glades warrior to venture out beyond the Twisted Forest, and most don't want to, due to the confusing nature of it and what mysteries might lie beyond it. Despite this, the front strip of the forest is still used commonly by Palm Glades members in order to catch forest prey, such as shrews and squirrels. However, no apprentice or warrior is allowed to venture into even this strip of the forest alone.

One notable landmark of The Twisted Forest is a crumbling old stone house, hidden within the trees with only a stone pathway leading up to it. The house is abandoned and falling apart, although it remains intact, with the remains of furniture and a basic house setup within it. There are several overgrown flower boxes all over, holding flowers and herbs of many different kinds. The bottom level of the house is wide and open, with several fire pits and a towering statue of a large lion holding an orb of crystal under its paw.

THE TIGER'S BOARDWALK — Large and imposing, the Tiger's Boardwalk makes up a significant chunk of The Palm Glades's territory. Previously thought to have been occupied by twolegs, the boardwalk was eventually added onto the territory as a result of a merger between Palm Glades and the group previously living there. The wooden structure is massive, holding the remains of an abandoned twoleg town, complete with many of the old homes and structures. It is used as a sort of second home for many members of the clan, and has several notable landmarks. These landmarks include a massive ferris wheel that previously lit up in many different colors, a dark wooden pier sticking out into the sea that is perfect for fishing, and an old and decaying concrete warehouse with the inside spray painted in bright neon glow in the dark paint.
WARRIOR'S PLIGHT — The Warrior's Plight is the entrance ritual of The Palm Glades, welcoming members both new and old into a more dedicated level within the group. Anyone may complete the Warrior's Plight, as long as they are above the age of six months, or accompanied by an adult. The Plight is a three step journey, with the first step being a full exploration of Palm Glades territory. The participant will then ask others to accompany them to their favorite part of the territory, explaining why they love it or holding an activity there. The second step of the ritual is for the participant to hunt the biggest piece of prey they can find within their chosen field, whether it be aquatic, forest, or airborne. They will then return to camp and share the meal with others, telling a story from their life, or the story of how they caught the piece of prey. The final step of the ritual is for the participant to receive their seashell necklace from the current legate of the group, complete with a specially colored pale blue shell and the unique title of Plighted Soul. If the participant already has a seashell necklace, they are just presented with the new shell and title at the ceremony.

TRAINING PHASES — Each discens within The Palm Glades goes through different phases of their training, depending on how old they are, and what their mentors believe they're ready for. From 6-8 moons, discens are trained on the basics of sparring, as well as how to catch aquatic prey at the beach. From 8-10 moons, discens are taught true fighting techniques for raids, as well as how to catch forest prey, such as squirrels, and shrews. From 10-12 moons, discens are taught advanced battle strategies used for defending camp and leading raids, as well as how to hunt airborne prey up in the cliffs. At the end of these phases, discens are required to undergo a prey hunting trial. They will be required to choose a specialty prey they wish to hunt – aquatic, forest, or airborne – and then must bring back the largest piece of it they can find to their mentor. If their mentor deems the prey satisfactory, then the discens shall become an immunes. In a situation where multiple discens are undergoing the trial at once, whichever discens catches the largest piece of prey earns a respected title.

SEASHELL NECKLACES — Each member of The Palm Glades has a necklace that they begin collecting charms for when they become an apprentice. These charms come in the form of various brightly colored seashells, collected for various important occasions within their life. While a discens, these occasions can include completing a section of their training, winning a competition, or catching the biggest piece of prey on a patrol, as well as when they ultimately become a warrior. Seashells continue to be collected into becoming an immunes, with special events being things such as marrying, having children, taking on a student, or getting a promotion. Seashell colors are largely up to the member, but there are specific seashell colors associated with certain promotions. Pale blue for Plighted Souls, pale yellow for gladiators, seafoam green for medici, herb green for medicus legionis, dark blue for keepers, orange for centurions, purple for primus, and sea blue for legate.

CLAN COMPETITIONS — Various competitions are held often within The Palm Glades, some very meticulously planned, and some without any planning at all. While competitions may be held by anyone, the most famous Palm Glades competition is the clan sandcastle building contest, which is judged by the legate and medicus legionis and takes place every 4 moons.

SAND BATTLE PAINT — Although The Palm Glades are a largely solitary group without many enemies, they are occasionally required to go out and battle. On these occasions, members of the group may choose to decorate their fur in various colored battle paint made out of a mixture of sand and water. This is meant to be an intimidation tactic, and may be done in any color or pattern that an immunes wishes, although wave patterns are most common.

MEMBER TITLES — Due to the competitive and respected nature of Palm Glades warriors, there are a wide variety of individual titles that may be given out to a member in order to signify personal growth, or victories in their life. In some cases, these titles may be a simple shout out, meant to show someone they are doing well before an official promotion is made. The titles as of right now are;

Jack Of All Trades — A member who has mastered hunting all types of prey, including aquatic, forest, and airborne.

Battle Medic — A warrior or medicine cat who has proven themselves to be adept at both fighting and treating injuries.
Current Title Holders – Vaas

Architect — A member who has won the tri-annual sandcastle building contest.

Gifted — An immunes who excelled in their discens prey trial, catching the largest piece of prey compared to anyone else.

Admirable Discens — A young member of the group who is not yet a immjnes, but has proven themselves over and over to be active, helpful, and impressive. They are normally already a gladiator, and are first in line to become centurions or keepers if they remain active.
Current Title Holders – Quasar

Plighted Soul —[i] A respected member of the group that has completed the Warrior's Plight entrance ritual.
[i]Current Title Holders
– Sugarspice, Rhinestonestar
❝ did you ever feel the pain? did you ever feel it? did you ever rearrange? did you ever have to change? did you ever feel the same? did you ever feel it? i don't know where we're going to, with these eyes on me and these eyes on you. make-believe there's a point of view, that you'd never lose, when they come for you.  ❞


ALTHOUGH WROUGHT WITH disaster and strife, the warriors of The Palm Glades are largely proud of their history, even if most of it has been lost to time. It is unknown when exactly the group were originally founded, although legends say that they were formed from former housecats, abandoned out in the mountains only to return and find their owners long gone. Over time, the group molded themselves after the warriors of old, believing that their faith and determination would carry them forward. The farthest back remembered history involves the hurricane, and the beginning of Rhinestonestar's leadership.

Rhinestone's Reign:
RECENT EVENTS HAVE caused The Palm Glades to reevaluate their religion as a whole, as well as their level of spirituality. The group has turned their backs on their former worship of Starclan, and is still in a transitional period of figuring out where to go from here. As events develop, more information will be added here delving into Palm Glades's religion, and how they view the world spiritually.
AS A WHOLE, The Palm Glades has a strict set of IC rules that must be followed, referred to as their Forsaken Code. OOCly, all regular BoB rules apply. The Forsaken Code is as follows:
While domestic felines still make up the majority of the group, any kind of animal or creature is welcome within The Palm Glades. Discrimination on the basis of species is strictly prohibited and will result in punishment.
Powers, although previously outlawed, have been welcomed into Palm Glades's culture. While no longer outlawed, powers should not be used to excess. The group does not want lazy warriors, nor do they want potentially catastrophic accidents.
Two part names are not technically required, but are still seen as a sign of respect within the group.
Palm Glades warriors are expected to respect each other, and work well together. So, although friendly competition is allowed, if a fight breaks out between members or a member is shown to be harming others, they shall be punished severely, perhaps even with exile.
While enemies are largely free game, torture is not encouraged and any form of sexual violence is expressly forbidden. Aside from this, enemy warriors may be captured as bargaining chips, and enemy groups may be attacked.

The Palm Glades Discord

Official Palm Glades Plotting & Chatting Thread

The Palm Glades Census

Palm Glades Plot Directory & Overview
THE PALM GLADES are a largely warbound group, meaning that, while the group as a whole is largely reclusive and tries to avoid conflict, they are also largely out for themselves. For the most part, warriors of Palm Glades are encouraged to focus on the good of the group, and not be afraid to cause trouble with others if they have wronged The Palm Glades in some way. In addition to this, it is difficult to ally with Palm Glades because of their reclusive and hostile nature, although not impossible.

ALLIES — The Typhoon
NEUTRAL — All not listed
ENEMIES — Coalition of the Condemned

Currently, The Palm Glades are a Platinum Status group. This means we have over 1000 posts, we have the ability to be mentioned in the site news, we have a stickied group guide, we have rank specific badges, and we may attend monthly meetings. We have all of the same rights and privileges as any other official group at this status.

Earned Badges:
[Image: 32NFWQC.png][Image: FAXf8gq.png][Image: 6NfnoTp.png][Image: 1WCDsnr.png]
❝ you are a grain of sand upon the beach. you are the dream that lasts forever, are you the best that you can be? are we the furthest from the mind of a creator? if all the world's not by design, this is our future. we need a reason we should matter, and if we use our heads — we'll leave the lights on after bed.  ❞

Re: PALMCLAN OFFICIAL GUIDE — UPDATED 07/19 - Luciferr - 07-20-2020

track on main

Re: PALMCLAN OFFICIAL GUIDE — UPDATED 07/19 - Luciferr - 07-20-2020

track on side

Re: PALMCLAN OFFICIAL GUIDE — UPDATED 07/19 - deimos - 07-20-2020

track on sub

Re: PALMCLAN OFFICIAL GUIDE — UPDATED 07/19 - Luciferr - 08-02-2020

/smacks a track in here/


Re: PALMCLAN OFFICIAL GUIDE — UPDATED 07/19 - trojan g. - 08-10-2020

tracking ~!

Re: PALMCLAN OFFICIAL GUIDE — UPDATED 10/06 - SirDio - 10-08-2020

Tracking on main!


Guide has been updated to reflect recent promotions, as well as to include a section on group status!

Re: PALMCLAN OFFICIAL GUIDE — UPDATED 10/25 - stilly. - 11-01-2020

The third post has now been updated with added important threads!