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mines - metronome collection - fulzanin - 07-15-2020

[ age mover of the oblivions ]

Two things had become apparent to Clony over the past little while. One of those was figuring out how to make noise with their mouth. They couldn't speak that way, it was far too difficult and they were far too impatient to wait around to see if they could make some noise other than a clicking one. Another thing that had been brought to their attention was that their laser experiments were, currently, on hold. A little bit disgruntled at that they were, but they could push past it. The third and biggest thing was that they had nowhere to put all these metronomes. Ever since they'd found the first metronome and loved the gentle clicking noise that it presented, they'd hunted them down like a predator with music tools being their prey. It was hard, dragging them back to camp and having to find a place to put them. They had no home, they had no place to keep all their metronomes and other trinkets and hastily made blueprints.

People had houses. Clony did not know all that much about houses. They'd never had one before, they never had a need to. They never stayed in one place for long, with danger right on their doorstep if they so much as flapped once out of line. They never had a reason to keep things, because the next time they went through a garbage chute they'd lose it all when they were flung forth back into the harsh environment. Elysium had no such thing. There was no giant metallic worms creeping out of the undergrowth to puncture them, no laser bird-spiders mowing them down, no clone saws, nothing. There were the gods, sure, but Clony was pretty certain that if they were anything like the crows, they'd go down rather quickly. With all their possessions, they figured that they finally had a good enough reason to get a house.

They'd found an empty one, eventually. It had taken them a frustrating amount of time to find one that they liked, much less one that fit the needs of the bat. After all, they were still a rather small mammal and needed things to be easily ready to be moved around. They'd found a home at last, a pretty one that had some odd looking bench nearby that was able to be swung on, which they quite liked. Currently they were absorbed in the task of moving all of their metronomes. The noise was loud, and Clony did not help in the slightest by clicking along with them. It was a struggle, moving the metronomes inside when they had to fly them around and the door kept closing on them. Eventually they wound up flopping amidst the remaining metronomes, tail lazily sprawled behind them. "This is why I need to make flying transport thingies," they complain as they slowly sit upright, nudging the closest metronome with a feathered wing.

TAGS 7/6/20:

Re: mines - metronome collection - Luciferr - 07-16-2020

⬻ M A R R ⤖
That which does not kill you has learned to fear your name
Marr had not been overtly busy - a strange thing indeed when he’d been so used to either running or fighting for his life - or busy getting things together so they could continue to run and fight another day,

This idleness itched - and the former gladiator couldn’t shake the feeling that surely something would happen, that this seemingly idyllic lull couldn’t possibly last,

So this was why he’d taken to constantly pacing the territory as some variation of guard duty - to at least keep himself occupied.

It was also how he spotted the bat - Clony - coming and going and seemingly struggling with various items as they did so, raising a black marked eyebrow the Nephael moved to tread closer,

He paused again unsure, before gruffly speaking up ”ah, hum- would you, ah, like some help with that?” he did after all have nine extra appendages that could grip and carry fairly well after all - and well, it was about time perhaps he at least tried to connect with those here - and Clony was a safe bet, they weren’t an angel after all.


Re: mines - metronome collection - Warringkingdoms - 07-16-2020

  [font=trebuchet ms]While describing the sensation of Clony's thoughts echoing in her mind as "hearing" wouldn't be quite accurate, Rin definitely could hear something arising from where they were- a mysterious ticking noise. While Clony was probably capable of building a ticking time bomb, they probably wouldn't find it useful to do so, so that was probably out. Some creatures she knew probably would have taken this ticking as a cue to start a spontaneous musical number; she was not among them.

  Approaching Clony, Marr, and the pile of ticking devices, Rin nodded to herself. They appeared to be metronomes, so they had originally been for a musical purpose, though what Clony wanted with them was anyone's guess. Twitching her ears back and forth as if carried by the beat- she couldn't help it, really- she remarked, "We could at least hold the door open, or help you carry some of them."

  Lifting one of the metronomes up with her telekinesis, she examined it more closely. The knob on the back was probably a wind-up mechanism, but unless she tried it out she couldn't be entirely sure. Maybe she would mess with it later, if Clony gave permission.

  /still ish

Re: mines - metronome collection - wormwood. - 07-17-2020

It was fairly odd, living within both Elysium and Tanglewood at the same time. Although his alliance with both groups had presented no real problems, it was certainly a bit weird to have two separate homes that he found himself returning to and curling up in, depending on where he ended up sleeping. He had initially intended for his home within Elysium to be fairly small and sparse, without much personality and more just a building that was born out of necessity. However, the presence of both he, his son Roy, and Siborno had made the place rather packed, and it had rapidly already begun to look like his cozy home within Tanglewood. He supposed he couldn't complain too much – after all, who got to say that they had two wonderful and warm homes to live in? Although, it did mean it was very difficult for him to remember a time in his life when he hadn't had a house to live in. He knew that there had been several times in the past, considering the pride had never really had buildings, just caverns, and there were plenty of times during his journey from the pride to Tanglewood where he had been forced to rest out in the wilds, rather than in a building. Still, it was hard to imagine a life like Clony's nowadays, back when he hadn't had a large building to bring all of his little mementos – and memories – back with him.

The lion had been drawn to the scene of Clony's moving by the sound of voices, both within his head and in his ears. Marr and Rin had already arrived to offer their help, and Aurum had to bite down on the inside of his cheek to keep from chuckling as he surveyed the scene. Not only was the large collection of metronome rather baffling and amusing, but the fact that Clony had thought they could fully move into a house on their own was rather laughable as well. Not so much in a mean way as a... they really didn't know much about this world, did they, way. Deciding to hop on the rapidly forming bandwagon, the golden large feline made his way over to the collection of various metronome, pawing absentmindedly at one of them before he spoke, voice warm, "I'd be willing to help out as well. One of us could hold the door open, while the two others help you get metronome inside... I think either you or Rin should hold the door, since you two are the smallest." He looked a bit apologetically at Rin, although he wasn't entirely sure why. After all, he was right about he and Marr being the largest of the four currently present. Maybe he just felt a bit awkward, essentially calling the magna small.

Re: mines - metronome collection - fulzanin - 07-17-2020

[ age mover of the oblivions ]

Clony was blessed with not one, but three people arriving to the scene of their current predicament. Their talons and body had slowly moved to rest on top of one of their metronomes, pearly eyes narrowing. The first was the red clad one, earning a small twitch of their tail. Marr was offering aid, something that they knew for sure that no other person clad in the colors of red had ever offered to them. It was nice, it filled the bat with a generous notion that the color being gifted a second chance was now paying out the dividends. Another twitch of their fluffy tail, trying to think of what exactly could be done for help. They could feel their insides curl up at the notion of someone else touching the metronomes. What if they broke them, even if by accident? They didn't want to have to search for the tools to rebuild the metronomes, a foreign technology that they likely would have to repair before even beginning the far more important walker mech work. Did Marr know of walker mechs? They'd have to ask, their assumption of the color red being technologically advanced seeded too deep within their mind to outright object against.

Thankfully, a solution came in the form of Rin. As smart as Clony deemed themselves to be, their one true solution to a problem was throwing themselves repeatedly at the issue until it went away normally, or crumpled beneath sheer numbers. There was only one Clony in Elysium, and so sadly the latter option (and likely the former) were both out of the question. Door holding, why hadn't they thought of that? A wing raised to rub their chin, eyes watching as the other used her powers to turn the metronome over. They were familiar with moving things around without touching them. If anything, that level of control was quite admirable. "Oh. Yea! Someone could hold the door open! That'd make taking them inside so much easier. I was kinda thinking about building a reverse slide in one of the windows but this'll be, like, forty times easier," they chatter, hopping off the metronome to continue hopping around it a few times. Their attention was snared with the task at hand, tunnel vision being a great adversary. Thankfully they weren't alone in this endeavor - great clanmates were here to help and for that they certainly were grateful.

Then was Aurum. The angelic lion strolled over, earning Clony's attention and a swift turn of their head. It was a different level of concern than the one that they held for Marr. That was simply on the basis of how many of themself had died by the bleeding red hues of death and mechanical destruction. This concern was simply over how large the feline was in comparison to the other three present. A sharp click rises from the bat, their feathers briefly bristling before settling. Getting worked up over someone touching the metronomes would not help the moving in process. They were certain that Aurum knew how to control the strength that bustled beneath the form most lions possessed. "Hm. Maybe me and Marr and Aurum can carry them, and Rin can hold the door? Or I could make something real quick to hold the door open. This place has a table, do you know how long it's been since I've had a table? I'd put the metronomes on the table but then they might fall off, so I put them in the big room place instead. Which also has a table. Tables are for blueprints, not metronomes, anyways," they chatter while snagging one of their metronomes from the sprawled out, makeshift pile, to flutter inside their already furiously ticking home.

TAGS 7/6/20:

Re: mines - metronome collection - Luciferr - 07-21-2020

⬻ M A R R ⤖
That which does not kill you has learned to fear your name
The bat obviously placed importance on these metronomes of theirs, so Marr in extending this tentative olive branch to what he’d now generously call his fellows - if only while he resided here, it wouldn’t be Sanctum, wouldn’t be home, but it had the community similar to it - would take the utmost care one of his kind could.

So he began moving towards where the metronomes were and would gesture with his tails ”permission to hold?” he asked gruffly - award the other seemed to take issues with his tails, though he couldn’t pinpoint why exactly.

The close proximity of Aurum still put him on edge but it was easier to ignore for now when the angel had yet to do anything - he didn’t stop being observant of teh other however but a tense posture wouldn’t help lifting the delicate items.


Re: mines - metronome collection - wormwood. - 07-22-2020

In all honesty, Aurum couldn't help but be a bit amused when he saw the brief concern that flashed over Clony's face. It was easy to tell why the other would be uneasy at the prospect of the lion touching their precious metronomes. It was obvious that the collection meant a great deal to the other, and Aurum was, by all accounts, rather large, and powerful. While he and Marr were on about the same level for that, it was also clear that Clony had some kind of issue with Marr that wasn't just considering his size and strength, which meant that Aurum became the main culprit for possibly destroying the devices. Trying to ease the other's fears, the angel offered them a little bit of a smile, gently curling along his muzzle before he spoke, "Don't worry, I'll be sure to be very careful with them. I've got a few collections of my own at home." He wasn't sure that any of them were really on the same scale as Clony's collection, and he knew that the scattered pictures and books that he had a habit of gathering weren't nearly as breakable as the metronomes, but it still showed he understood, at the very least. Clony didn't seem too caught up on that little snag, however, considering how they immediately began to launch into excited babbling about their new home had a table. A rough chuckle left Aurum at that, his head shaking from side to side. One day he really would have to ask Clony about where they came from, even if he wasn't sure he'd actually receive a straight answer.

Moving carefully past Marr over to the collection, the lion eyed the various devices in front of him, taking in their varying sizes. He eventually decided on one that was around the medium size range, since there was less of a chance of him accidentally breaking it, and also less of a chance of it breaking him. He carefully tugged it over with his paws, picking it up in his jaws carefully. He clenched his jaws just enough to hold the device, without digging his razor sharp fangs into the pliant wood. He then turned and slipped past Marr, being careful to give the other a wide berth. The strange male seemed to have some kind of aversion to him, although he had been making a valiant effort of being subtle about it. For now Aurum just opted to let it go, chalking it up to perhaps some former trauma with lions, or something of that nature. Slipping inside of Clony's actual home, he moved to the big room place the other had mentioned, carefully placing the metronome he had been holding near the corner. When he stepped back, he took the moment to survey the space around him, questioning in a rumble, "Are you sure there'll be enough space in here for all of these?" He wanted to say that he trusted Clony's judgement, but he honestly wasn't sure they had the best sense of spatial awareness.