Beasts of Beyond
the same or not [❤] joining - Printable Version

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the same or not [❤] joining - pixel - 05-10-2018

  The cat hummed, tilting her head. This place was... very interesting to say the least. She grew up and lived in the city. When she decided to go live somewhere else in search of adventure, she never expected a swamp. This was... She turned back to the trail ahead of her, a new fire in her eyes. This was perfect! She'd learn to get dirty and make mistakes! She'd learn to be silly and play in the mud! Pixel giggled under her breath, silently cheering at what she had found. It would be hard without friends, but being an only child, she was used to working alone. The pink cat tilted her head, peering up at the treetops above. She could... make a treehouse or something. Sleeping on the ground would not be best in mind. Like. Camping or not. Who knew what was living in this dirt? 

  Pixel hummed under her breath, prancing around the small clearing she had found herself in. There was only so much she could do here. She could... collect sticks! Like. Make a bonfire or something. The dark was cold, anyways. With her new mindset, the pink cat turned tail to the bushes lining the clearing. She reached her paws into the bushes, searching for any dry and weak branches. ... They were all wet. Swamp... Camping was hard...

Warm coffee on a rainy day

Re: the same or not [❤] joining - VIGENERE CIPHER. - 05-10-2018

Admittedly, the swamp wasn’t the best place to be per say, but Vigenere didn’t mind it too much. It kinda reminded him of the places he used to hide in whenever the Guard went for training. The demon was out in the territory, trying to find spots to put warning signs on (which honestly wasn’t very hard). His ears twitched as he heard the sound of somebody giggling and he frowned. A trespasser? Maybe that’s why Fenrisulfr made a comment about how he actually stayed behind the borders. Where people insane? Didn’t they know of the dangers this swamp posed?

Vigenere followed the noise, crouching low. He stalked his way towards a clearing, where a pink feline was looking around for something. He jumped out of the bush he was hiding behind (although admittedly his fur wasn’t made for the forest, so perhaps he was easy to spot), trying to knock himself into PIXEL. Regardless of whether he was successful or not, the demon growled, ”Who are you, and what is your business here?”


Re: the same or not [❤] joining - Luciferr - 05-10-2018

▼ — when the weak court death, they find it.
shifting and quiet steps brought a much much larger beast into view as War towered over the two and loomed behind Vigenere like a dark forbidding omen as the dream demon interrogated yet another trespasser.

small miracle this one hadn't been caught in a trap or eaten by gators - as was what awaited all the unwary and the tresspassing.

the lava like glow from the cracks and small indents in his paws and plates cast stark shadows back on the beasts face as he watched on, blinking pale white-blue eyes that narrowed in a glare briefly "best to answer swiftly, you've trespassed after all" he rumbled


Re: the same or not [❤] joining - pixel - 05-10-2018

Pixel perked up at the shifting sounds around her. She quickly dodged the attack, raising a brow at the two males that assaulted her happy go lucky attitude. She huffed and glared at them. What the hell is your guys' problem?! She screeched. The city cat huffed and dusted the dirt off her pelt. So this is why her mom said to learn martial arts before she left. She didn't have claws to defend herself like most cats, but she made do.

  The girl glared at the two. Talk about men chacing after a women. You two should be ashamed of yourselves! A simple 'hello' would suffice! They were asking why she was here. Why was she here? For fuck sake, she just wanted a place to rest her feet for a day or two. The young girl huffed, turning up her nose. I don't talk to strangers. Who are you two?


Warm coffee on a rainy day

Re: the same or not [❤] joining - Morgan - 05-10-2018

Morgan followed close behind the fiery beast, humming to itself. As usual, it had left town with Fenrisulfr, this time bringing a bag of goodies for the stakeout. However, it appeared that someone beat them both to the punch.

The samoyed dropped its pouch of snacks as Vigenere tried to tackle the stranger. It growled at the sneak attack, but stopped short when its larger friend spoke. It figured it would make the most sense if the trespasser at least had time to explain themselves.

Morgan took a few steps forward, approaching the newcomer with curiosity. "Hi," it said, the dog's mask muffling its odd voice. Having understood almost none of what the stranger said, it continued, "Why here? Who are you?"

Re: the same or not [❤] joining - Luciferr - 05-10-2018

▼ — when the weak court death, they find it.
Fenrisulfr was aware of his fellow comrade in border patroils joining them, inclining his head minutely to the icey samoyed before a snort escaped sharp teeth and he raised a brow "We should be ashamed? we aren't the ones who ignored clear border signals indicating a claimed territory - you should count yourself lucky really, a trap or a gator could have ended you instead of one of us confronting you" his teeth clicked lightly - a reckless one not to even scent for signs then.

he tipped his head idly, eying her down before answering "Fenrisulfr Grimm and you are in Tanglewood territory" he motioned to his cohorts "Vigenere Cipher and Morgan" his eyes narrowed as he waited for her own answers.

/welcome to Tangles btw! hope ya like it here c:

Re: the same or not [❤] joining - pixel - 05-11-2018

  Border warnings? The cat huffed, What border warnings? I simply mozed on in here! She honestly did. A very lucky route, but a possible one. Pixel was not exactly known for her smell. Living in the city made her practically immune to natural made borders. She had no idea what they were or how they worked.

  She stared at Fernisulfer for a few moments, her crossed eyes scanning him over. She blinked, her ears pinned back. Pixel Luane. I'm looking for a place to rest my feet for a while. She finally spoke. Unrulely people. Attack first and ask questions later, right? How rude.


Warm coffee on a rainy day

Re: the same or not [❤] joining - Morgan - 05-11-2018

Though it was seemingly being ignored by the stranger, Morgan still asked, "Join, Pixel? Tanglewood nearby." As it did not understand most of what the self-righteous cat said, it continued to prod, assuming the newcomer wanted to come with them. "Dangerous here. Gators and more." It looked back at Fenrisulfr for a moment, looking for a sign that it asked the right question.

The samoyed walked over to Vigenere next. Still quite confused, it inquired, "Vigenere, why attack? Maybe join..." Morgan had never had a bad run-in with a newcomer before, so it could not help but wonder why the feline would attack instead of inviting the outlander in.

Re: the same or not [❤] joining - VIGENERE CIPHER. - 05-11-2018

Re: the same or not [❤] joining - Luciferr - 05-12-2018

▼ — when the weak court death, they find it.
He did nod at Vigenere's statement with a tilt of his head to Morgan "They did Trespass and we are technically at war" maybe an overzealous response but honestly the beast was just rather annoyed at the continued abundance of trespassers just waltzing through the territory that he found Vigenere's response fine if anything.

they were supposedly at war with Typhoon after all, even if the opposing clan had yet to even make the barest response back and the goings on had quieted a slight - though now they were enemies to all clans by now he was sure given their leaders actions.

he rolled his shoulders with a sigh and shook his head "Whats done is done anyway and lingering on it won't do any good - as Morgan here said, if you are looking for a place to 'rest your feet' would that mean a consideration of joining our group you wandered into?" the last was directed towards Pixel
