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your money or your life -- fashion show (wt) - Printable Version

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your money or your life -- fashion show (wt) - Warringkingdoms - 07-09-2020

  [font=trebuchet ms]Rin knew she probably should have expected her assignment given the topic of conversation at Aurum, Roy and Siborno's joining, but given that she didn't know the first thing about fashion shows, all she could do was roll with it.

  Boxes, tables, and spare drapes made for an... alright makeshift stage. The setup at the center of town- dark purple "curtains" hanging over a gap between stacks of boxes, with rugs lining out a runway past the curtains- probably wouldn't pass scrutiny by actual fashion designers, but nobody here was one, and it was just a weekly task anyway. When it came to "icebreaker" activities, getting people to interact was more important than anything else.

  Additional boxes sat on the side of the runway, filled with scarves (some of decent quality and practical appearance, others with neither of those traits), cheap plastic sunglasses, spare ribbons, and other accessories that Rin had been able to scrounge up from some of the unused houses. Taking a pair of sunglasses with pink star-shaped frames and slipping them haphazardly onto her face- they weren't exactly designed for cats, but it would do for now- she sat down on the edge of the runway. "Fashion show time," she called, adjusting her scarf with one paw.

  Having accepted that dignity was little more than an illusion was freeing, in a way.

Re: your money or your life -- fashion show (wt) - wormwood. - 07-11-2020

While Aurum had admittedly thought that all the talk of fashion shows at his little group's joining had been a little odd, he couldn't deny the amusement that filled him when he heard the weekly task Rin had gotten. It wasn't that he wished any humiliation on Warringkingdoms – no, he considered the magna a friend, and wished her nothing but the best – but the thought of her trying to set up a fashion show? It was pretty comical, especially when the first word that came to mind when he thought of Rin was practical, rather than fashionable. Thankfully, the event would probably be fruitful, since at the very least it would bring some Elysites together, and would also probably – definitely – entertain the children of Elysium. He also didn't mind sacrificing some of his own dignity to participate, considering he could remember a few formal events that the pride he had grown up in had held. They had been all fluff, with little substance, and he had been forced to wear some pretty horrendous things to them by his mother, so this would be a piece of cake.

Moving over with long, confident strides, Aurum couldn't help the smile that cracked on his muzzle when he saw Rin, snorting when he saw the colorful glasses. Moving over to the boxes that lined the sides of the "stage," the lion sat back on his haunches, searching through until he found a matching pair, only in blue. Putting them on – and thankfully having them held in place by the thick fur of his mane – he turned to Rin, chuckling, "I guess we can match now, eh? I'm sure we just look great, Rin." His tone wasn't really snarky or sarcastic, more just... amused by the entire situation, and the straight face that Rin managed to keep in light of it all.

Re: your money or your life -- fashion show (wt) - fulzanin - 07-12-2020

[ age mover of the oblivions ]

Clony knew of fashion shows from one of their other selves. They’d been obsessed with clothing themselves with socks, stolen from those that they’d lived with. Normally those socks were red and yellow and blue and yellow. Clony hadn’t fully understood such a thought back when their life consisted of near death bearing down on them consistently throughout the day. Now in a place of calm, they had time to turn the thoughts over. Even if they still couldn’t speak to that self, they still had kept the definition in mind. ‘The nerve of this guy, to say I’m not fashionable,’ they’d claimed in fury, ‘and he says I’m not nice? Have they met Colotik?’ The other’s infuriated words rung through their head, but it was pushed aside with more important matters present.

Clony had already found themself something to wear to the fashion show, something they’d found much like their metronomes. A salmon colored series of ribbons were wrapped around their head, with bows tied under their chin and just behind their ears. They strutted up like a prideful chicken, tail swinging heartily behind them. “This looks awesome, Rin! I like the sunglasses, they look good on you,“ they chatter, nodding their head. Their head lifts up a little, attention then turning to Aurum. “Of course you’re look great! Everyone looks great at a fashion show! That’s the point, yes, everyone gotta look great.“ They insist, ears raising. They hop over to a box and promptly start shifting through the items, soft clicking noises sounding. Small talons snag another pink hued ribbon, and they begin the daring process of tying it around their head without arms. Determined to look their best, and they settle for the new ribbon to be tied around their puffy tail.

TAGS 7/6/20: