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MY OWN WORST ENEMY ☆ prompt, rainy day - Printable Version

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MY OWN WORST ENEMY ☆ prompt, rainy day - wormwood. - 07-09-2020

( ooc prompt: a light rainstorm, a time for thoughts, indoor fun, and rainy day activities )

Aurum had never really been a fan of rainy days, mainly because of the frequency of them within Tanglewood. Living within a swamp, it was only natural that you'd get quite a few rainy days, but usually they were muggy, and humid, and very unpleasant in general. So, when he woke up to see some rather dark clouds hanging over Elysium that day, he had been more than a little disappointed. Still, he wasn't about to let a bit of rain spoil his entire day, nor was he going to let it ruin anyone else's. Options for what to do while mostly stuck inside were a little bit limited, but he had some things that he was fairly sure they could do, even if some of them were a bit childish. The lion, after a little bit of breakfast and a quick cat nap to enjoy the cool, dewy breeze, had gotten to work collecting supplies from around his small house, including various arts and crafts tools, and plenty of movies to play on one of the old projectors he had found in the library. Most of it was rather low effort activities, but considering what Elysium was used to dealing with on a near monthly basis? He didn't really think anyone would mind some relaxation.

Once he was done preparing, he set most of the supplies aside, making himself a little sign to put outside out of what he had collected. As the rain began to pick up outside, he put a tea kettle on the very old gas oven within his home, smiling faintly as he thought of all the times Delilah had been nice enough to make tea for him. The entire situation, although not ideal, seemed very simple, and childish, and... comforting, in a way. He found himself chuckling a little as he grabbed the sign he had made, pushing open his front door with his head. Keeping the door propped open, he placed the small sign under the lip of the door where it wouldn't get wet, but would still be seen. It read, simply, "Tea, sandwiches, and rainy day activities inside. Come in if you'd like to enjoy a casual rainy day off – Aurum." As soon as the sign was set up, Aurum turned and disappeared back inside, moving into the kitchen to put the last touches on the small sandwiches he had made for everyone. He could only hope people would actually show up, so that the tea and sandwiches wouldn't go to waste.

Re: MY OWN WORST ENEMY ☆ prompt, rainy day - Luciferr - 07-09-2020

⬻ M A R R ⤖
That which does not kill you has learned to fear your name
Even years out from that hellish time he’d had to wander the wastes, years after when he’d seen all different terrains and biome’s - the days the rain came never seemed to cease to inspire, he could sit out in a heavy downpour, heedless of being drenched for hours on end just enjoying the feel of it, the blessing

Rain was renewal, life, quenching, soothing in its own way and it washed clean what it fell upon,

He liked the symbolism of it as much as he appreciated it, for all that so many saw his size and strength and assumed him a brute (unless you were of Sanctum, they were all well aware his demeanour was as much a clever ruse as simply being abrasive and blunt was a currency he valued) Marr did have something of a poetic soul for a once gladiator.

But When one once went so thirsty as to view even a droplet a banquet, one never did forget to be grateful,

Which is why the Reaper could be found simply enjoying the rain, letting the first few faint drops fall and slide down his fur, he’d seen the note but he’d felt disinclined to move yet anyway.

He just wanted to enjoy the peace of the rainfall for now, even if he did move partially under an overhang for now, content to watch it fall and listen to the pitter pattering.


Re: MY OWN WORST ENEMY ☆ prompt, rainy day - fulzanin - 07-09-2020

[ age mover of the oblivions ]

This would be Clony's second time experiencing rain. Don't get them wrong, they knew what it was. They'd found some old files long ago, reading up on how their enemies had fucked up the environment so bad that it didn't rain. It was always a blistering temperature, no escape from the dastardly deeds - in more ways than one. The only water was in the swamps. Elsewhere, pools of oil flowed where rainwater once collected. Pure green slime in other locations, and lava and thistles grew abundant. They'd only experienced rain once, and that was already after having arrived in Elysium. Absolutely amazed, they had been. A loss for words had graced them. This was the second time that they'd seen nature in all of her beauty. The rain had felt cool and nice and refreshing. They were aware of what had been robbed from them due to where they'd been made. All the more reason to fight against it, even if currently their duties fully resided in Elysium. Hopefully the other clones were still hard at work. They would expect nothing less from themself, their other selves that remained locked within the Badlands.

Clony could read. They had lots of random talents, summed up from having to adapt and survive in a crazy environment that changed on the daily. Reading signs about where they were heading, what was likely to be up ahead? Such was likely how they were still alive. Small talons hopped over to investigate the sign, giving Marr a passing glance. Suppressed a surge of detestment for the other's colors, assuring themself that the other was not one and the same with the very same beings that had made Clony never experience rain before. "You're soaked," they chatter with the twitch of an ear. Pearly eyes fall back to the sign, slowly turning the words over. Tea? That word felt familiar. Their mind searched to try and remember why. When they couldn't, it was as simple as chalking it up to another self knowing and, therefore, it being somewhat tucked in their own memories. The bat gives themself a rough shake, sending the droplets of water that had collected on their form flying. Once they deemed themself marginally dry, a wing was used to nudge the door open, ears raised with interest. "What kinda tea you got made in here?" Clony asks, hopping inside the other's home.

TAGS 7/6/20:

Re: MY OWN WORST ENEMY ☆ prompt, rainy day - wormwood. - 07-11-2020

The scent of others reached Aurum even through the refreshing wash of the rain, causing Aurum to look up and open his jaws, trying to further narrow down who was around. The first, he recognized quickly, mainly because of its nnewand unique nature – Marr. He hadn't been around long yet, but the newcomer was certainly interesting, considering the strange form that he possessed. It reminded the lion of some of the mangled and accursed forms that his fellow angels – and quite a few demons – took up, but he didn't want to make assumptions. As much as his heart occasionally swelled with the desire to meet another of his kind who wasn't out to kill him for "betraying" heaven, previous encounters with archangels had left him... wary, to say the least. Just the thought of it cause Aurum to lift a paw to his chest, the pads of his foot gently resting against the stabbing scar that had mostly been covered by mane over time. He quickly shook his head afterwards, taking in a shuddering breath. Anxieties aside, he would feel bad excluding Marr from anything just because of his paranoid thoughts. So, the angel made his way to the front door, sticking his head out far enough to see Marr simply sitting out in the rain. He bit down on his cheek briefly, an ear flicking at Clony's brief statement to the other, "...They're right, you know. You'll catch a cold if you stay out too long. Don't... don't hesitate to come inside and enjoy some tea and food, when you want to."

He then turned to head back inside, tail flicking idly as he heard the soft pitter patter of Clony following him into his home. He was actually sort of surprised that Clony knew what tea was, considering some of the things that they seemed utterly baffled by. However, he was fairly glad that he didn't need to give a full length explanation on what tea was, and why Clony should try it. A low hum leaving him, the lion muttered softly to them, a smile upon his muzzle, "It's Earl Gray tea, actually. Bit bitter, but it's also warm and tasty, so it's perfect for a rainy day like this." Gesturing Clony over, he pushed one of the mugs of tea over to them, hoping that they wouldn't have any difficulty drinking it thanks to their... unique body structure. Hooking a paw around the mug he had for himself, he dragged it in close, taking a sip before he spoke, "I also have small sandwiches that I made. There's all different types, with ham, salami, and turkey... they're for everyone, so if you'd like one, just grab it." He flicked his tail towards the tray of various sandwiches that was sitting on the counter, open for anyone to pick from. He silently thanked Delilah in his head as he eyed them, thinking back to all of the times the dragoness had made tea and sandwiches – or cookies – for the both of them.

Re: MY OWN WORST ENEMY ☆ prompt, rainy day - Luciferr - 07-12-2020

⬻ M A R R ⤖
That which does not kill you has learned to fear your name
The bats concern was nice, though unnecessary - a little thing like a cold would never stop him if teh grievous sounds his scars implied hadn’t.

He’d fought through so much worse than what mere rain could do to him - but the gesture was appreciated nonetheless, so Marr gave a soft acknowledging grunt to the bat as Clony leftto hewd inside.

Though he couldn’t help the slight tensing in his posture when Aurum approached - Funny how if they could compare thoughts, they’d find they were almost exact Opposites - anything remotely angelic had done so much harm to him than good, even with Argentum excluded and a few others he could name on open hand, those that cloaked themselves in the divine had only ever caused him pain and loss.

Still he inclined his head, indicating he had heard the winged lion and watched him retreat back inside with a wary gaze - he’d have to work on that, he’d have to remember that this far out, anything like them wasn’t necessarily of them.

He turned back, watching the rain drop from the overhang he’d moved to take refuge under and sighed quietly settling down to sit in the dry shade.

He missed his fellows.


Re: MY OWN WORST ENEMY ☆ prompt, rainy day - fulzanin - 07-14-2020

[ age mover of the oblivions ]

Clony's ears had twitched upon being gifted a grunt to let them know that they'd been heard. They had duties now, with their promotion, didn't they? Assuring people's wellbeing was easy. It was far easier than counting up thousands upon thousands of themself to see just how many had died in the course of one day. The affairs between angels and demons went over their head. The struggles between those that lived within heaven or hell or had left the places altogether left the bat blissfully unaware of why such a tension could even exist. The only tension they had was for the color red. Marr had yet to do them harm, and so they figured giving the color a second chance had, thus far, gone nicely. Even if the other looked gruff, no harm had been administered to the bat or to anyone else. That they knew of. The benefit of the doubt allowed for such possibilities.

Earl Grey tea. Their general knowledge of tea did not extend to the actual branches within it. They only knew that tea was water and leaves, and what the combination of the two were? That alluded the brief snippet of knowledge they'd obtained from one of their other selves. They knew there were other kinds, but the specifics were beyond them. When the mug was pushed over, the bat had to awkwardly position and stretch their legs so they could shove their face into the mug to drink. The happy wriggle of a tail suggested that they liked such, even if when they pulled their head back their ears were the one thing that remained dry. Their eyes shifted over to the sandwiches, only for their ears to flop down a little. "Oh. Uh. Are there any... without? Meat? I can't eat meat, makes me sick. I can just eat the bread! I love bread. I'll put the bread in the tea!" They chatter, wings beating in a flurry to send them off to where the sandwiches had been placed, eyeing them with greedy intent.

TAGS 7/6/20:

Re: MY OWN WORST ENEMY ☆ prompt, rainy day - COSMIIX - 07-15-2020

Siborno had been slowly recovering so he spent more and more time outside of the shared home, he was trying to better his abilities, it was a lot to work on seeing as he only had a single eye to lead him. He liked to wander about and possibly find something new that he had never seen before, the hybrid letting a soft breath brush past his lips until the feeling of rain would begin to lightly tap on his tense form. The Russian supposed that he could probably take advantage of the rain washing away his scent to go hunt something for the group that had taken him in without much of a complaint. Although, he wouldn't be able to drag anything large as of right now... The hybrid knew that he could at least try and make himself useful. So with that thought in mind, the smilodon hybrid strode through the territory trying to see if he could spot any prey almost forgetting that the rain wouldn't wash away his own smell, his single eye fixated onto a moving rabbit and he immediately crouched taking a few steady steps forward. What Siborno hadn't realized that he was in for a messy surprise, he lunged forward getting a grip of the small mammal but the mud underneath him made the large beast scrabble about before clumsily landing on his stomach with a loud grunt.

With a frustrated snort, the mud covered brute would shakily rise to his paws still having the rabbit in his jaws though it was now limp. He supposed that he could've caught that a lot more elegantly but he had managed to catch something and that alone had been enough to satisfy Siborno. He would amble back in the direction of the Elysium's camp not minding that his coat was not only splattered with mud but slowly getting soaked by the rain, Siborno dropped the rabbit off at the pile only to make his way over to the shared home before realizing the sign that hung from the door. Ah, so there was others in there... Siborno hesitated for a moment only to shake himself out causing a brief rainstorm of his own, he took a few steps forward looking in the direction of that puffball and someone new that he hadn't remembered seeing before, a frown etched on his maw. Eventually his gaze was fixated onto Aurum as he took a few hesitant steps and sat a ways from everyone else letting out a gruff "Hello..." [glow=COLOR,1,400]✧*:・゚[/glow]

Re: MY OWN WORST ENEMY ☆ prompt, rainy day - wormwood. - 07-17-2020

Aurum might've been more disappointed by Marr choosing not to come in and join he and Clony, if it weren't for the fact that it seemed as though that was just how the male was. The angel admittedly hadn't known Marr long enough to form a real, proper opinion on him, but he seemed to be a creature of few words, and the lion had no intention to tread upon that. After all, he had extended an open invitation, and if Marr grew tired of the rain falling down upon him, he was welcome to come inside. With this in mind, Aurum decided to focus on who was currently inside his little Elysium home – Clony. He watched with amusement as the bat dragged their tea closer to themself, making a rather elaborate move out of gripping it and dipping their head down to drink from it. Thankfully, at the very least it seemed as though they enjoyed it, which caused the lion's smile to grow. He found himself pausing at Clony's rather... odd request for nothing but bread, but it wasn't that big of a deal. There were plenty of sandwiches he made without any sort of condiments, so he just moved over to the pile of them, pulling out one of the sandwiches and emptying it of all its contents, so that it was nothing but bread. He then pushed it over to Clony, cocking his head to one side, "Here, is that better? Shouldn't have anything on it, so don't worry." He hadn't ever really heard of sandwich meats making someone sick, but who was he to question it?

He was about to grab a sandwich of his own, when the sound of heavy footsteps signalled the arrival of another person into his home. Lifting up his head, Aurum immediately found himself smiling when he realized it was Siborno, tail flicking back and forth behind him. Although there was a language barrier between the two of them, and the hadn't known the larger male very long, he did know that he liked him. He was polite, and strangely civilized, for someone who seemed so feral. He still had faint bits of mud sticking to his fur, but the angel found that he couldn't really care that much. It wasn't as if he couldn't just clean up later, after all. Moving from out behind the little counter of his kitchen and leaving Clony to enjoy their bread and tea, Aurum waved a paw to Sib, gesturing him inside, "Hey, Siborno. Welcome back... what happened to you? You're all muddy... did you get caught out in the rain for too long?" He noticed the faint scent of rabbit on Sib's pelt, but he probably would've burst out laughing at the notion of Siborno taking a mud dive while trying to hunt.