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spreading wings and taking flight -- assembly 07/04 - Printable Version

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spreading wings and taking flight -- assembly 07/04 - Warringkingdoms - 07-04-2020

  [font=trebuchet ms]Rin woke up that morning with a strange weight on her head.

  It wasn't heavy, but it was noticeable nonetheless, considering she had never been in the habit of wearing anything on her head. She could be sure it wasn't her scarf, which was coiled around her neck as usual. Lifting a paw to feel the foreign object, she furrowed her brows- it felt like cardboard, with a ribbon-like tassel hanging loosely.

  As the aftereffects of sleep wore off, she realized she could feel a loose cord clinging to the underside of her chin. With a sigh, she cautiously descended from her hastily-patched-together bed and walked over to the bathroom mirror. Perhaps she'd sleepwalked and put this object on herself, or perhaps someone else had pranked her.

  Climbing up onto the sink, she stared into the mirror. A party hat, with white-and-red stripes, sat on her head.

  Heaving an even longer sigh, she shook her head and jumped down from the sink, then headed outside. Maybe it would provide amusement to some of the Elysites, seeing their Magna wearing a party hat. Stopping at the edge of the docks, she looked out at the rest of the town. "Assembly time," she called out, flicking her tail.

  Once a sizeable crowd had gathered, Rin began, "I'd like to welcome Limbotrials, Atbash, Siborno, Aurum, and Roy to Elysium." She still had yet to figure out why Aurum was no longer in Tanglewood, but that could be done later. At least they had some new faces around here, if not as many as there might have been in months previous.

  Lowering her head slightly, she continued, "2D has disappeared, so he no longer holds the Decurion position. I also asked Cooper to step up as Magna while I was recovering; in any case, I'm back now. I want to thank him for his help." She got the heavy, sinking sense that Cooper had disappeared as well, seeing as how she hadn't seen him in weeks, but... maybe she'd turn out to be wrong. Maybe he'd just been resting.

  Shaking her head, she looked back up, regaining a neutral expression. "I do have some good news. Clony- you've been an active, helpful member of Elysium, and you've fought well against the gods. I wanted to offer you the position of Legate; you're free to turn it down, but I think you would do well." Clony may have been oddly fascinated by lasers and other destructive pursuits, but she couldn't deny the immense help they'd been in keeping things... interesting. Besides, they'd consistently been there to greet joiners well before she ever got there.

  "I've been interested in exploring the caves that were opened up a few months back- it's been some time since the meteor strike, so the odds of future aftershocks are slim at this point." Looking around, Rin narrowed her eye. "I'll be leading an organized expedition down there. I don't want anyone going alone." Truthfully, going into deep, uncharted caves was not her idea of a good time in the slightest, but the possibility that there was a large system of caverns underneath the territory, that could collapse at any time and take the surface with it... and that was ignoring anything else that could be lurking down there, waiting to start a small-scale apocalypse. They had to be sure that there weren't any hidden threats down there, or the entire territory could be in danger.

  She'd have to practice her teleportation first, so she could at least take the others and make a quick escape if anything went wrong.

  Pushing those thoughts to the back of her mind, Rin added, "I also want a combat training held. If someone else wants to hold it, great- if not, I'll host it myself." The next god could attack at any time, so they had to be ready for that too. Threat management, draining as it was, was vital to keeping everyone alive.

  "...That's pretty much it. If anyone wants to swear in, step forward."

  /tl;dr + ooc notes:
  /welcome to [member=14843]limbotrials[/member] [member=597]ATBASH CIPHER.[/member] [member=15374]SIBORNO[/member] [member=6881]aurum.[/member] [member=7526]ROY[/member] ^^
  /thank you to [member=874]kinglykingstone[/member] for stepping up with [member=911]Dale Cooper.[/member] during my hiatus ^^
  /2D has disappeared and no longer has the Decurion position
  /[member=12578]﹝ CLONY ﹞[/member] is being offered a promotion to Legate
  /combat training
  /weekly tasks + ooc prompts
  /we're gonna do a cave exploration event later, which will be linked here
  /anyone who wants to swear loyalty, just reply saying so ^^

Re: spreading wings and taking flight -- assembly 07/04 - Hope Arcanium - 07-04-2020

I’ll host the training, Rin. Don’t worry about it. Let me help you a little bit. It’s time I helped out more.” The hybrid would pipe up as she approached, giving a chuckle at the sight of the party hat on her friend’s head. She wondered if that was all Rin’s doing, or some kind of prank someone pulled. Either way, it did help Playerone’s mood a bit.

Congrats Clony, and welcome to Elysium everyone!

She tried to look for the laser-loving flying fox among the crowd to give them a proper congrats. As in, likely a high five and a bit of motivational words.

//training is here:

Re: spreading wings and taking flight -- assembly 07/04 - fulzanin - 07-04-2020

[ age mover of the oblivions ]

Clony’s last meeting that they’d attended had been a little while ago. They couldn’t quite remember if it’s been when they’d been sweared in, or when they’d watched and listened and kept to the back. Such a thing of course wasn’t able to happen this time. They’d settled within the crowd, settling from the constant bouncing that they normally did while standing on their feet. The hat the other was wearing brought them great interest. Something that they could probably ask about later, when there wasn’t a crowd and there wasn’t important announcements being given out. Being promoted, being acknowledged, it made the bat’s heart flutter with a solid burst of pride. “Oh. Oh! I’ll do my best! You can count on me!“ A sharp wag of their tail, then lifting up a little onto their toes. “And welcome to everyone new as well!“ They then chirp, swaying a little from side to side.

The idea of training gave them a glint of an idea, and so they tucked such away for later. It would take time nonetheless. Caved? Clony knee caves, they’d navigated plenty back where they had come from. If it wasn’t caves it was tunnels, if it wasn’t tunnels it was traps, if it as t traps it was dangerous nonetheless. “I’m down to train, and to explore some caves!“ They bounce once on their talons, ears raised. Still no swear song, a little bit disgruntled at such.


TAGS 3/17/20:

Re: spreading wings and taking flight -- assembly 07/04 - ATBASH CIPHER. - 07-05-2020

tired eyes, barely open,
crippled by a promise broken !
This would be Atbash's first assembly in Elysium.

It was different to hear others speaking of an 'assembly' as opposed to a meeting, but Atbash soon figured out that they both meant the same thing. It was refreshing for a change, in all honesty, and she briefly wondering if having some sort of uniqueness would have helped Snowbound. She missed her old friends in Snowbound, and missed the memories she made there - and had some regrets too. But now she was in Elysium, and she was going to start anew.

"I'm ready to swear in, Rin." Atbash stepped forward, her good eye looking up at the leader and giving her a smile. Her short tail stood up as straight as she was able to hold it, her ears angled forward. She was excited for a new life, honestly; maybe it could help her heal and realize that not everything was her fault.
bio | female | no group/no rank
© madi

Re: spreading wings and taking flight -- assembly 07/04 - wormwood. - 07-06-2020

A meeting. A meeting where he and the rest of his odd flock were being welcomed in, no less. It brought a smile to the lion's face as he made his way over, sitting not too far away from Atbash. He nodded his head along with the news, and appreciative noise leaving his throat when he heard his name called, along with Siborno's and Roy's. After a long moment, Aurum finally spoke up, his voice firm as he spoke directly to Rin, "I'll be happy to help out in expecting the caves... and I'd also like to swear in, please." He knew that perhaps he was a bit of an odd case, considering his dual membership with Tanglewood and all, but he still had blooming loyalty to Elysium, even this early on. This oath would just make that feeling official.

Re: spreading wings and taking flight -- assembly 07/04 - Warringkingdoms - 07-09-2020

  [font=trebuchet ms]As Play and Clony approached, Rin nodded to them in turn. Play's readiness to hold a combat training, and Clony's enthusiasm about the promotion, were nice to see. Much as she wished Cooper were here... if she ended up indisposed again, Elysium was still in good paws.

  The next two to approach were Atbash and Aurum, both of whom wanted to swear in. Glancing over at them, Rin twitched her ears. Two one-eyed creatures, being inducted into the group by a third, was admittedly a little funny in a dark way. Was now a good time to ask what had happened with Tanglewood? ...Probably not. If Aurum had done anything on Caesar's level, Vigenere would have said something.

  Straightening up, Rin addressed them both, "Atbash, Aurum. Do you promise to protect this community with all of your strength; to trust your fellow members enough to ask for help when necessary; and most importantly, to uphold the values of community and justice, and always serve the greater good without giving too much of yourself?"

  Once she was done reciting the oath, she waited for their response, internally pondering the possibility of shortening the oath in the future. She could rattle off long speeches with little issue, and everyone who'd taken the oath so far had been able to pay attention, but it was a bit of a mouthful.


Re: spreading wings and taking flight -- assembly 07/04 - COSMIIX - 07-10-2020

Walking over rather lazily, Siborno would arrive with both ears pressed flat against his head. So, the one with bandages over her eye spoke his name as well as other's, it confused him for a moment until he realized that she was welcoming them to the group. With a frown, Siborno made his way over standing near Aurum though not close since he didn't want to invade anyone's personal space. A soft breath leaving him and hearing that both Aurum and that tiny cat wanted to swear in... This was also something rather new to him and he knew not what to expect until Rin spoke. Something about strength and the community... The rest of it flew over the hybrids head but mostly due to the language barrier, that was frustrating but it wasn't directed to him so he would shrug it off for now as he would sit down slowly letting his tense muscles relax in that moment. [glow=COLOR,1,400]✧*:・゚[/glow]

Re: spreading wings and taking flight -- assembly 07/04 - wormwood. - 07-12-2020

Truth be told, Aurum probably would've had himself a good little chuckle if he had known what was going through Rin's head at the moment. Both the rather funny – although cruel – irony of the eye situation, and the thoughts swirling in her head about Tanglewood. He probably would've laughed because of the fact that, well, nothing had really happened between he and Tanglewood. He had left, yes, but it hadn't been because he had done anything terrible, or had been exiled. He had simply needed time away, to grieve for the sibling he had lost without constantly being forced to walk by her home. It was a grim truth, but at least it was better than her thinking he was some sort of murderer or criminal. Plus, Aurum had every intention to return to Tanglewood, sometime soon. Not to abandon Elysium, but to share his alliance with both groups, and to help both as much as he could before he eventually met his ultimate fate. He hoped that ending wouldn't end up coming too soon, but there was really no way to expect the unexpected in this world, so he had to just... do his best to be of use while he was still around.

With this in mind, Aurum kept his ears up tall in attention as he listened to the speech Rin gave both he and Atbash, vaguely aware of Sib near his side as she did so. With a small smile upon his muzzle, the lion found himself dipping his head down in a nod, his voice a firm rumble as he answered, "I promise, Rin." It was a hefty promise to be making, especially at his first meeting within the group, but Aurum had never really been one to be flakey. Even when he ended up leaving because of something, he always ended up making a loyal return.

Re: spreading wings and taking flight -- assembly 07/04 - ATBASH CIPHER. - 07-13-2020

tired eyes, barely open,
crippled by a promise broken !
There was no hesitation in Atbash's answer, "I promise." The short-tailed savannah was confident in her words, looking up at the leader with bright eyes.

sorry not sure what to say sdkjfnkdsafkds
bio | female | no group/no rank
© madi