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HEDGE / fleas - COSMIIX - 06-30-2020

Siborno had decided to wander quite a ways from the Elysium ending up somewhere with a warmer climate and had encountered other creatures that were not familiar to him in the slightest, it was a bit infuriating that one of the creatures there had to escort him back home. They were puny compared to him but now, he was outside of the cabin he resided within with a burning feeling washing over him and it irritated the large hybrid, he was confused by this irritation and chose to ignore it. But to his dismay, the burning feeling only seemed to get worse and worse. Once more the large male did his best in ignoring all of it, he instead decided to take some time to himself and rest. Maybe he needed some sleep, his muscles probably burned from the journey. So with that in mind, Siborno had decided to fall asleep only to shift a few times uncomfortably while trying to sleep.

The next day, when he had rose from his slumber did he feel himself jolt from his sleep with the itchy feeling coming back but at full strength, it felt like something was biting him. With a roar of frustration, the hybrid would sit up and lifted his leg to start scratching at himself. Unfortunately for him, it would only provide a bit of relief before it grew worse and he rose quickly spotting a tree did he run to it (or limp over quickly anyways) and only to stand on his hind legs with back pressed against the bark did he brush his body back and forth on the tree lowering himself slightly to get his backside. It almost looked like he was doing some ridiculous dance but if anyone had ever seen a bear scratch themselves, well, they'd know. Siborno had gotten fleas from the allies.

Great. [glow=COLOR,1,400]✧*:・゚[/glow]

Re: HEDGE / fleas - fulzanin - 06-30-2020

[ age mover of the oblivions ]

An unknown side effect from where Clony hailed was that most bug species were gone. Butterflies, dragonflies, flies, gnats, mosquitoes, all were dead. Extermination of the small was easy with the roar of machines at your back and call. Clony, of course, had never seen any insects before their arrival into Elysium. Fleas were unknown to them, not even a mystery. They had no idea they even existed. Their pearly eyes had filled with wonder when they'd seen a butterfly for the first time. Graceful, amazing, stunning. The bat had sat there watching the insect flutter along until it had landed in the grass and disappeared from sight. Clony wondered if there were more, but it had only seen the one butterfly. One insect, a singular butterfly, to set the precedent for what Clony thought all insects were like

Of course, Clony had no way to know that the other's bizzare behavior was being caused by an insect. They weren't planning on a morning fly around being interrupted by noting the other furiously rubbing against a tree. They circled from above, head tilting in curiosity. Finally, the feeling grew too much for them. Wings pressed to their sides as they dived down. They hopped after they landed, and continued doing so to get a bit closer. "Uh. Hey! You alright there? Is there something wrong with the tree?" They ask, with one ear lowered and another raised to help express their concern and curiosity, linked together with their telepathic voice. Clony had never experienced such horrendous itching sensations before - quite lucky it was. "I bet its the tree. Its got no lasers. Shameful. Want me to help?" Clony then offered, flapping their wings to aid their latest hopping motion.

TAGS 3/17/20:

Re: HEDGE / fleas - wormwood. - 07-01-2020

As a result of Siborno's rather unique predicament of getting injured and ending up in Elysium because of he and Roy, Aurum had been trying to keep a fairly close eye on the other. After all, it would be a bit shitty to just bring the injured hybrid to an entirely new and strange place and then just completely abandon him there. However, the lion no longer had the all seeing eyes of an angel, so he couldn't be around for Siborno constantly. Sometimes he had to sleep, sometimes he was eating, sometimes he was hanging out with Roy, and sometimes he just simply wanted some time alone. It was during one of these instances that Sib had decided to go wandering off, and unfortunately, it seemed as though that had ended up having some rather unfortunate consequences. All in all, though, they were consequences that Aurum never could've possibly foreseen, as the angel had never expected anyone within the Typhoon to have to deal with fleas, let alone pass them on to Sib.

One moment Aurum had just been trotting back towards camp, the lion shaking slightly mushy snow from his paws and back onto the ground, and the next moment, he was startled by the sound of something frantically rubbing up against bark. A frown pulling at his golden muzzle, he made his way further into the area, freezing when he saw the strange "dance" that Siborno was doing. He was aware of how bears had a tendency to scratch themselves, mainly from old human books studying animal behaviors. However, he was fairly sure that no still picture of a bear could compare to what was currently going on in front of his eye. He stared for a long moment before he came closer, coming to a stop beside Clony. He was vaguely aware of the bat rambling out something about lasers, but he was more focused on Siborno's behavior, sort of just... stunned. Tilting his head heavily to one side, Aurum questioned in disbelief, "S... Siborno? Are you okay? Is there something wrong with your fur, or are you just doing this for fun...?" The thought of the rather frightening hybrid Russian dancing up against a tree for fun was laughable at best, but the angel had to consider the very, very unlikely possibility.

Re: HEDGE / fleas - COSMIIX - 07-10-2020

It was driving him nuts, he wanted it to stop as he brushed his back against the bark harder only to have someone speak to him causing a soft snarl to leave his lips. The fluffy thing began to get closer, the hybrid still pressed against the tree with teeth gritted in frustration, he could feel his entire body growing hot and he didn't know if it was because of all the anger he was feeling at the moment. A part of him just wanted to swat away Clony but he couldn't really do that since he was being taken care of here by these strangers, both of his ears would press flat against his cranium deciding to let his long claws dig into the bark and let them drag down leaving clawmarks within the tree. His snout wrinkled in his bout of anger, it was almost as if Siborno was throwing a tantrum over the frustrating itch that had overcame his body. "Itchy." He growled through gritted teeth letting his claws sink into the bark, he would sit down slowly lifting his hind leg and scratched behind his ear letting out a rumble. "Can't. Stop. Itch..." Once Siborno realized that he had gotten fleas from the Typhoon, he would probably never visit. Again. He must've been scratching a bit too hard since his wounds began to reopen as well as a few, new clawmarks that dripped a bit of blood.

His pupils narrowed into dangerous slits as he began to gnaw at his shoulder with his teeth unable to stop growling though he did abruptly stop when Aurum decided to walk over. "Itchy... Aurum..." Siborno would lower himself into the snow with what sounded like a rough whine, he would draw closer to Aurum with his whiskers twitching. His only eye concentrated on the lion that stood in front of him, his fur brushing against the smaller males fur, he was only a few inches away not really caring about personal space at the given moment. He would lower himself with his nose shoving itself into the snow "Please... Scratch... Itchy..." [glow=COLOR,1,400]✧*:・゚[/glow]

Re: HEDGE / fleas - wormwood. - 07-12-2020

Siborno's reaction to Clony caused worry to spread through Aurum, mainly because he didn't want the hybrid male to freak out and do something that would get him kicked out. Thankfully, despite the Russian's slightly impulsive nature – further bolstered by the itching and the anger – he seemed to have some self control. Or at least, enough self control not to attack another Elysite. Not enough self control to stop scratching himself up against the bark of a tree, though. Thankfully, eventually the other just took his frustrations out on the very tree he had been scratching against, Aurum wincing a bit at the sound of tough and powerful claws cutting cleanly through thick bark. His mutterings, although brief, did seem to make sense. It was only natural that the male would decide to turn to the method of the bears when he felt itching all over his large form, and the angel supposed he could understand it, even if he felt growing worry when he noticed the blood now marring Siborno's previously closed wounds. He'd have to take a look at them later and re-bandage them. Either that, or get someone else within the group to do it who was able to. He just hoped he wouldn't have to bug Rin again, since he was sure she was busy.

The lion opened his muzzle, about to tell Siborno to take it easy to not cause more damage, only to be cut off when the other moved in closer, effectively rendering Aurum temporarily mute. He blinked in confusion at the other's request, ignoring the heat that rose on his face as a result of the other's closeness. That wasn't something that needed to be investigated more closely, considering how long it had been since he had a true companion. Sighing softly, the lion lifted up a paw to begin scratching at Siborno's shoulders and the rest of his fur, being exceedingly careful not to make things anything worse on the injuries front. As he did so, he watched Sib's rusty fur closely, muttering as he tilted his head to one side, "Itchy...? Siborno, do you know of anything that could be making you feel this way? Anything out of the usual?" Very unfortunately for Aurum, sticking his paw in the other's unruly fur probably wouldn't help prevent him from getting fleas as well. At least he had a bit of forewarning – once the culprits were discovered – and could properly wash himself off.

Re: HEDGE / fleas - Warringkingdoms - 07-12-2020

  [font=trebuchet ms]The sight of Siborno rubbing up against a tree in an almost-comically exaggerated motion was certainly one to behold, though Rin found herself wondering if she should order him away from the tree, just to prevent him from aggravating his injuries. As she approached, she sensed Clony's telepathic buzzing, asking if it was a problem with the tree- while Aurum hypothesized that it was for fun. Neither of those seemed like something Siborno would be concerned about, but she could be wrong about that.

  When he finally clarified that he was itching, Rin halted a few feet away. If he was itching, and it wasn't primarily confined to the wounded areas... fleas were the most logical explanation. This could get out of paw really quickly, especially since Aurum was already touching Siborno. Maybe it wasn't fleas, but that was the simplest explanation.

  "Don't touch him right now," Rin said, shaking her head. "He might have fleas, and if he does, he could be contagious. I'll be right back with comfrey and peppermint." Pivoting and heading back towards her house, she racked her brain- had there been any more specific instructions for how to apply peppermint to kill fleas? She could do it by paw, of course, but then she risked catching them herself.

  Though she had refrained from teleporting just to prevent potential injuries, she would try to be quick.

  /she'll be back with herbs in the next post

Re: HEDGE / fleas - COSMIIX - 07-14-2020

Siborno stiffened slightly at the feeling of Aurum's touch but eventually eased down when the other began to scratch at his shoulders causing a bit of a growl to leave his maw, he moved slightly closer with his chin still pressed close to the snow. Suddenly, when Aurum spoke or rather asked him why he was feeling itchy, the hybrid would find a frown tugging at his maw with both ears pressed flat against his head only to answer with a loud huff "Wander off... Sand... Small black cat... Itch..." Well, they were actually a bobcat but how would Siborno know that but regardless, the hybrid felt like his body was melting in that moment and his face growing a bit hot from embarrassment of how ridiculous he must've looked by now though that seemed to be the least of his concerns, until he heard the footsteps of someone else approaching did he tense up again and opened his eyes, his pupils having become dangerous slits.

Rin had decided to come over and said something about not touching him because of the possibility of fleas. It made the larger male flinch slightly as he would sit up slowly with his muzzle still wrinkled with a bout of anger almost like he was pouting in a way. Fleas? So, the tiny cat had given him fleas? The thought angered him, he would get that tiny cat if it was the last thing he'd do. Although, it had been his fault partially for wandering away from the safety of the Elysium. Well, he was sure Rin was off to get the remedy to relieve him of these fleas and he couldn't help but lift his back leg to start scratching again. He hated this with a passion. [glow=COLOR,1,400]✧*:・゚[/glow]

Re: HEDGE / fleas - fulzanin - 07-14-2020

[ age mover of the oblivions ]

Clony had mostly fallen silent during the whole ordeal, simply watching as things went down. The other turning to sink their claws into the tree left them befuddled. They couldn't take such as anger or frustration, simply because they'd never seen such behavior before. The bat settled for continuing to hop on their feet, head tilting whenever they came to a pause. "Is he sick? If he's sick you probably shouldn't touch him," they helpfully tossed in with a waggle of their wing. They knew not of fleas or other pests that could plague those of this world. They knew of how awful bombs stuck to them or chained around their body could feel, sure? Fleas, itchiness? Clony was blessed with being blissfully unaware.

White eyes watch as Rin appears, giving her diagnosis, and then leaving for the remedy. That was fast, they thought, but Clony supposed that there was little surprise present within their mind. "So he is sick! I knew it! We're gonna need so much- so much of the- the... The uh. Sanitation stuff! Yea! That shit! Do we have that here? Probably not. I think I'd know if we did," they began to ramble, ears twitching one way and then another. The blood confused them, but they held their metaphorical tongue on that front. They knew not of blood just as they did not know of fleas. It would be better for them to hold that last bit of curiosity for a later time, especially since the other was contagious with something that Clony knew absolutely nothing about. "Would water help? I bet water would help. Maybe after Rin gets done with what she's bringing we can take him to a really good river! It won't work as good as oil but we're not looking for fireproofness here."

TAGS 7/6/20:

Re: HEDGE / fleas - wormwood. - 07-17-2020

Don't touch him right now. The order from Rin, although soft and far from particularly startling, still caught Aurum off guard, the angel immediately pulling his golden paw back and away from Siborno's thick pelt. It was almost a bit disappointing, since it seemed as though his soft scratching had been helping out, at least in some way. Unfortunately, Aurum was sure that he blanched beneath the golden fur on his face when he heard Rin's diagnosis, his ears flattening down right against his skull. He wasn't particularly angry at Siborno, but just generally found himself displeased by the situation. It wouldn't exactly be good if he accidentally brought fleas back to Tanglewood, now would it? Grumbling a little, the lion dragged his paw against the dirt, claws digging in a bit before he spoke, "Ah... that unfortunately makes a lot of sense. Thank you, Rin." As Rin wandered off to get supplies, Aurum refocused his one blue eye on Siborno, a sigh leaving him before he muttered, "Sand, huh? That could be The Pitt, or The Typhoon... was there any water? Cause if there was, we might have to have someone go tell them they've got a problem..." Preferably not him, since he didn't want to get even more exposed.

After his statement, Clony began to ramble on about various things, causing Aurum to wince and sigh a little bit. He could appreciate the sentiment behind their words, but he also knew that panicking and jumping around would do nothing to help the situation. Flicking his paw about, the angel provided helpfully, "By sanitation stuff... do you mean soap? Because soap and water can do a wondrous job with dealing with fleas. Well... after we apply the stuff Rin is bringing. So yeah, water would help." He offered Sib a small smile, trying to comfort the other male in spite of his current situation. He knew it must've been awful to be itching all over, but at least if Rin was correct about the issue, they could deal with it properly and hopefully make it disappear before it got any worse.