Beasts of Beyond
CAN I LIE HERE FOREVER ☆ the crater, wt - Printable Version

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CAN I LIE HERE FOREVER ☆ the crater, wt - wormwood. - 06-30-2020

Posting up signs near the crater. It was a task that Aurum had originally meant to bring up to Leroy way before the tremors had happened, but then quite a few different things had gotten in the way. Thankfully, Vigenere had been around to remind him of the idea by assigning him it as his weekly task. Technically the new general had only told him to put up one sign, but Aurum felt as though it was better to be thorough. After all, anyone could approach the crater from multiple different angles, and it was best to make sure than everybody had more than enough warning before they found themselves in the middle of the massive dip in the earth. Just the thought of the encounter with Keter and his collar made him wince, remembering how panicked all of them were, and how betrayed Keter had seemed by the device around his neck. He really wasn't looking forward to any sort of repeat of that, especially with someone who didn't have a device that would alert everyone to their presence before it was too late. So, that morning, Aurum had stepped outside of his house with several boards of wood in tow, calling out quietly, "Hey, if anybody wants to come and help me put up some warnings around the crater, then follow me!" After he had amassed a suitable enough small group of companions, he had turned to head out, leading everyone along.

It was a bit of a trek before they all eventually reached the area near the edge of the massive crater, especially for Aurum, since he couldn't just fly ahead and lose everyone else. Still, it wasn't so bad, and soon enough the angel was staring downward towards the middle of the concave, a little frown on his face. It was madness, how the seemingly inconspicuous formation held untold power. Enough power to infect Leroy and kill him brutally. A shiver went down the former proxy's spine, and he hastily turned around, addressing those who had come with him, "Where does everyone think we should put these up? Just right around the perimeter?" He gestured down to the boards, he had with him, before pausing and muttering, "Oh. And I suppose they'll need a warning symbol. I actually had something in mind for that..." He had seen a human marking meant to indicate radiation, and after out stretching a sharp claw, he carved the wedged symbol into the wood, surrounding the symbol with what looked like the outline of a flame. Showing it to the others present, he rumbled, "That should tell people to stay away. If they know the human symbol in the middle, then they'll know it's radiation. And if they don't, they'll see the flame and know that nothing good can come from continuing." It was a bit sloppy, but making a symbol for anyone to warn of something that you couldn't sense at all was pretty difficult.

Re: CAN I LIE HERE FOREVER ☆ the crater, wt - VIGENERE CIPHER. - 07-05-2020

It was rather concerning that the crater didn't appear to have any sort of signs signalling it was a dangerous place to be, and the fact that it took one of their clanmates being in danger for them to do anything about it made Vigenere's stomach curl. They should've realized how bad the radiation was and could be, but by the time it was brought up to the higher ups at the time - Aurum and Leroy - the meteor had fallen in The Typhoon's territory, causing tremors to go through Tanglewood. There just hadn't been enough time to bring it up.

Luckily Vigenere remembered it when he was giving out tasks, and he was glad that he did. Aurum seemed to know what he was doing, and the General made his way over at the winged lion's call. "Thanks for this." He chirped to his friend, before following the group towards the crater. Aurum stopped, addressing the group and telling them about the symbol he was creating for the signs. Good, that should suffice enough; flames typically mean something bad, and he hoped it would warn everyone to stay away from here. "I think the perimeter should be fine." Vigenere spoke up, scanning the area. It would make sense to do it around the perimeter - not to mention, being so close to the damn site was making his fur prickle. This whole area had him on edge, if he were honest. "I don't want us here longer than we need to be," He added, frowning.[glow=COLOR,1,400]✧*:・゚[/glow]

Re: CAN I LIE HERE FOREVER ☆ the crater, wt - wormwood. - 07-05-2020

Aurum could very easily understand why Vigenere was on edge even at the very perimeter of the massive crater. After all, radiation cared little for physical barriers, and it was more than possible for their already vulnerable bodies to be soaking up every bit of very, very bad that was traveling through the air around them. The lion let out a pleased chuff when Vig approved of his signs, nodding his head firmly before he looked down, in thought. The perimeter made sense to both he and the general, but he was trying to think of how to do it the most efficiently. Eventually he said, pushing one of the signs towards Vig, and a few more towards the others present, "I think the safest and fastest way for us to do this is to split up and all set the signs up individually. That way we'll get this done quickly, and we'll make sure that the whole place is covered. Then we won't have any more incidents where anybody could get seriously hurt..." There was always the chance of damage from the radiation, no matter where one chose to reside in Tanglewood territory, but they could still make it easier for people to avoid the really toxic areas. The areas that would leave them with horrible mutations at best, and much, much worse if it came down to it. It was honestly a miracle that Keter was doing so well after what had happened, and wasn't even feeling vaguely sick.

Once he knew that everyone else had an idea of what they were doing, the angel moved forward, grabbing one of the signs in his jaws. Straightening back up afterwards, Aurum then turned to head along the perimeter of the crater, heading for one of the most faraway locations. At least he could get there fairly quickly with his wings, and it would prevent anyone else from having to make the trek out on foot.