Beasts of Beyond
IT'S TIME FOR A SWITCHAROO ☆ tavern touch up - Printable Version

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IT'S TIME FOR A SWITCHAROO ☆ tavern touch up - wormwood. - 06-27-2020

Although the Deathless Hound Tavern had essentially been Aurum's baby from the start, the lion knew full well that the place wasn't only his responsibility. He had been the one to decorate the place and make it look like a proper tavern from the empty shell of a mess hall he had been given, but he had trusted Tanglewood. Trusted his fellow tanglers to take care of the place in his absence. After all, it wasn't unusual to see swaths of them all over the tavern for their daily drinks, so the least they could do was clean up a bit, right? Well, unfortunately for Aurum, it seemed as though most of the tanglers considerate enough to actually think about cleaning up also weren't old enough to be at the tavern drinking yet. He supposed he shouldn't have been surprised when he pushed open the doors of the tavern only to see the rather messy space that swelled within, but still... it could've been worse, and he knew it. So, after a quick inspection of what all needed to be done, the angel had just sighed and turned to head out and gather some supplies for a thorough cleaning, and touch up.

About an hour later – while it was still fairly early in the morning – the lion flew back with a bucket of cleaning supplies, as well as some paint to touch up the walls. Thankfully he only needed to clear one drunk away from the bar before he could get to work, stuffing trash in a trash bag and scrubbing at the floors. The scent of alcohol that the tavern usually possessed was quickly overpowered by the scent of bleach and other cleaning supplies, and he tried his best not to cough. However, all on his own, the work was rather slow going. Another hour passed before he truly knew what was going on, and his ears perked up slightly when he heard mumblings outside. Curiosity and tiredness piloting him, the angel headed for the front doors, peeking his head out. He was surprised to see that a small group had formed, seemingly confused about what was going on with the tavern. After a moment, Aurum sighed, turning to deposit the paint brush he had been holding in his jaws back into the nearby paint bucket. Once that was taken care of, he headed back out to the small crowd of interested watchers, spreading his wings out to grab their attention before he spoke, "Hello, everyone! You might have noticed that the tavern isn't open yet... it's because I'm cleaning. The place has become a bit of a mess, and it needs a touch up. Anybody can feel free to volunteer to help me, considering this'll go a lot slower without some extra paws." He then turned to head back inside, desperately hoping some others would decide to help as well. He was fairly sure that if he tried to clean all of the rest of the tavern by himself, he wouldn't be going home until sundown.

Re: IT'S TIME FOR A SWITCHAROO ☆ tavern touch up - VIGENERE CIPHER. - 07-01-2020

A lot of Tanglers were, unfortunately, far too young to really do anything in the tavern - but at the same time, that didn't mean that they couldn't help out with fixing the place up. To be quite honest though, it seemed like everyone was still recovering from the tremors, which was only natural; things were just now starting to go back to normal. It was nice to see, especially as the General of Tanglewood. Things were improving and Vigenere couldn't help but feel a sense of pride in his clanmates.

Vigenere was apart of the group that had gathered to see what the hell was going on at the tavern, and his ears perked up as Aurum poked his head out from between the doors. He opened his mouth to call out to his friend, before the lion sighed and turned around. Confused, Vigenere took a step forward, only to see Aurum coming back out to greet the crowd that was gathering. A smile formed on the savannah's maw upon hearing Aurum's words, and he gave a small chirp, "I'll help out." Better than doing nothing, no? Besides, maybe getting a few drinks after all that happened wouldn't be so bad, after the tavern opened back up.[glow=COLOR,1,400]✧*:・゚[/glow]